Win2k Installation Help


Limp Gawd
Apr 2, 2002
I'm reinstalling win2k and having some trouble. I boot off the disk, delete the current partion and install to the new partion. It will format and install the files. After its done is where the trouble starts. The computer will restart, do the normal bios load thing showing me system specs, and then it will just go to a black screen with a underslash mark, _, blinking. Now before all this happened i had another computer that was having major problems and i thought the problems had to do with the HD. So i took the HD out of the machine im currently having problems installing windows 2000 on and put it in the machine having major problems. When i put it in i tried to install windows 2000 on it and it would stall at the "start win2k installationing" blue screen proving it wasnt a HD problem so i put it back in the system i had taken it out of. Now im having this problem installing windows. I did not change anything. I have tried different IDE cables. That might have been really confusing. Anyway i need ideas on what to do to fix this. Its a computer that i need. Thanks
just did that and it still goes to black screen with blinking under slash thing.

what things could have putting the HD in another comp and having an os install fail cause to the HD?