Laptop For Mom


Limp Gawd
Apr 2, 2002
My mom needs a laptop to do her buisness work on. She really only needs to be able to surf the net wirelessly, email, write letters, fax, all the simple thing all laptops can do. I would like it to have a decent video card but i wont be playing any really graphic intense games. I told her to just check out the HP's, Sony's and what not at Best Buy. Later after looking i think i want her to go with Dell or IBM. She just wants to be able to do the listed above on a good reliable laptop without raping her wallet. I showed her this but i dont know if thats over the top. Does that look like a good deal? If anyone can point me to inexpensive, reliable, popular laptops i would appreciate it. Is it possible to get a good one under $1000? Thanks
The 8600 is actually quite powerful. Have you looked at the 600m? It's smaller and lighter which makes it better for portability. Also has decent performance. Comes at a lower price compared to the 8600 as well.

Maybe also check out a IBM model too. Those things are extremely reliable.
What IBM model would you recommend? Would non graphic intense games be possible to play on the 600M? Like single player games and FPS games.
The M6805 is a pretty good bang for the buck, you would be closer to $1,000 after rebate. Have had mine now for a month and only problem is cant seem to get off the thing ;)
You mean the M5309 is closer to $1000? The M6805 is $1500. Im going to best buy later to check out the emachines though. Thanks
I got the $250 in rebates, and also used my BB rewards card. The rewards card pretty much paid for the wireless access point I got a few weeks after the purchase of the laptop.
well those emachines look awsome. i always thought emachines was much lower quality. I think i might go with the M6805 from best buy. It has $250 in rebates and i have a rewards card also so that should take some off. Is there anything you dont like about it? What do you use it for? Thanks

i just looked at the circuit city website and they have the M6807 for $1449 after $200 rebate is that better?
Actually been very happy with it and what I paid for it. You'll find yourself wanting to probably borrow moms laptop as much as possible ;) As far as the emachine thing, yeah they used to make some real junk, and I'm sure they still do ( what does one expect for a $399 dollar system. ). But this thing isnt the case, and alot of others here will tell ya the samething. Might actually wanna call around to your local BB's, I had to hit 3 to get mine the day of purchase.
The main difference between the 6805 and 6807 is that the 6807 has a DVD burner, the 6805 has CDR/RW DVD rom. And might wanna look I think I remember reading somewhere that it has a different video card in it then the 6805, but I'm not 100% sure about that, did alot of reading before my purchase, could be wrong.
If it's just for work, get her an eMachines M5305/5310/5312/5309.

They're all good.
well its for her but i will use it a lot when away from main computer so im trying to level it out between buisness work and the things that i do (play games, watch movies, photoshop, digital pics, all that stuff). She gave me a budget of $1500 but i feel so uncomfortable when spending money that i always look for less, thinking that if we do buy the $1500 laptop we'll go broke the next day even though we wont. I get a sort of buyers remorse type thing. Thanks
Hey I know the feeling, its a nice chuck of change to drop, but I learned many years ago when I purchased my first laptop not to skimp, I owned that laptop for a whooping 24 hours and it was returned. You should feel your money is well spent with this one.
well my mom wants to go with the emachines m6805 and i think she made a good choice. thanks for the help all