
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Vince Zampella of Respawn Entertainment has announced that Apex Legends has surpassed the 25 million player mark in its first week. Also the peak number of concurrent players during that week was 2 million over the weekend. He also announced that Season One starts in March and there will be a Battle Pass as well as new Legends, weapons, loot, and more. Events planned in the near future include the Twitch Rivals Apex Legends Challenge which starts on February 12, 2019 and resumes on the following Tuesday, February 19th. 48 of Twitch's biggest personalities will compete on those days. Valentine's day will have limited-time, appropriately-themed loot drops.

What a week! Since we launched Apex Legends last week on Monday we've seen the creation of an Apex Legends community that is excited, thriving, and full of great feedback and ideas. Our goal is to build this game with you, our community, so keep giving us your feedback because we really are listening. From everyone here at Respawn, thank you. The community's excitement for Apex Legends is electric, and we feel it here at the studio. We couldn't have gotten where we are without you and look forward to having you on this journey with us.

I am sure it's a good game but EA rhymes with Nay
So some bad news ..... but of course there would be ... at around leve 35.... points start to roll in very very slowly and this is based off if you're an average player which most people will be.

You need points to get stuff ...

The pricing scheme favors almost demands you spend money to get anything new. I'm already very tired with what I've been able to unlock and at the rate points are coming in, I'm just not going to see any new skins anytime soon, like, weeks and weeks.

For me personally, It's making me not want to play the game. That along with a few other issues, one, movement is not as polished as it could be. That and the graphics are very simple.

Also, you stop getting apex packs every level at some point and you only get them every other level.

Also, there is a lot of boring addons ... stuff you're just never gonna wanna use.

Weapon models and skins are basic .... some skins really do feel cool but most of it is basic and boring.

And, there are cheats out, several in fact. Anyone with 500 - 600 - 1000+ kills is cheating.
got it on the ps4. It's fun....but GOD do I suck with controller for FPS. Trying it out tonight on the PC :)

I really like it. First BR I've ever played, and I really enjoy the aesthetics and sound design of it.
Played some yesterday and took home a sweet victory. It's actually pretty good for a proper squad based battle royal. Love the roles like healer, scout, soldier etc.
I had enough time to try out the tutorial today and that's about it. The looks reminds me of Borderlands.
So some bad news ..... but of course there would be ... at around leve 35.... points start to roll in very very slowly and this is based off if you're an average player which most people will be.

You need points to get stuff ...

The pricing scheme favors almost demands you spend money to get anything new. I'm already very tired with what I've been able to unlock and at the rate points are coming in, I'm just not going to see any new skins anytime soon, like, weeks and weeks.

For me personally, It's making me not want to play the game. That along with a few other issues, one, movement is not as polished as it could be. That and the graphics are very simple.
Well yeah welcome to F2P. Up to lvl35 is the free sample, then obviously the grind is going to get steeper.

Sounds like you want the rate of points accrual to be just like a $60 prepaid game, but if that was the case then how would they monetize it? Nobody would have any reason to start paying.

FWIW I prefer the prepaid model myself.
Well yeah welcome to F2P. Up to lvl35 is the free sample, then obviously the grind is going to get steeper.

Sounds like you want the rate of points accrual to be just like a $60 prepaid game, but if that was the case then how would they monetize it? Nobody would have any reason to start paying.

FWIW I prefer the prepaid model myself.
So some bad news ..... but of course there would be ... at around leve 35.... points start to roll in very very slowly and this is based off if you're an average player which most people will be.

You need points to get stuff ...

The pricing scheme favors almost demands you spend money to get anything new. I'm already very tired with what I've been able to unlock and at the rate points are coming in, I'm just not going to see any new skins anytime soon, like, weeks and weeks.

For me personally, It's making me not want to play the game. That along with a few other issues, one, movement is not as polished as it could be. That and the graphics are very simple.

Also, you stop getting apex packs every level at some point and you only get them every other level.

Also, there is a lot of boring addons ... stuff you're just never gonna wanna use.

Weapon models and skins are basic .... some skins really do feel cool but most of it is basic and boring.

And, there are cheats out, several in fact. Anyone with 500 - 600 - 1000+ kills is cheating.
But.....get what stuff? What stuff are you unlocking, yearning to unlock? What are they attempting to drive you to purchase with real money as opposed to earn via playtime?

If it’s purely skins poses and voice clips....well. That stuff is really all ancillary to the actual game isn’t it? To complain that the free game isn’t constantly giving you free stuff is a little entitled. Yeah it’s part of the model to try and get you to spend money on skins but if not unlocking them quickly is enough to be a complaint sounds like you’re the target audience. If you aren’t the target audience....well surely you can continue to enjoy the game without getting that rare shotgun skin right?
But.....get what stuff? What stuff are you unlocking, yearning to unlock? What are they attempting to drive you to purchase with real money as opposed to earn via playtime?

If it’s purely skins poses and voice clips....well. That stuff is really all ancillary to the actual game isn’t it? To complain that the free game isn’t constantly giving you free stuff is a little entitled. Yeah it’s part of the model to try and get you to spend money on skins but if not unlocking them quickly is enough to be a complaint sounds like you’re the target audience. If you aren’t the target audience....well surely you can continue to enjoy the game without getting that rare shotgun skin right?
Not so much entitlement as just a generational shift and divide. A lot of us grew up with cartridge-based, prepaid or otherwise pay once and that's it type games, and so its this group that struggles more to realize we're in the eye of a storm that is an industry-wide shift to F2P with MTX. That first domino probably fell with mobile games, slowly it's subsuming everything.
But.....get what stuff? What stuff are you unlocking, yearning to unlock? What are they attempting to drive you to purchase with real money as opposed to earn via playtime?

If it’s purely skins poses and voice clips....well. That stuff is really all ancillary to the actual game isn’t it? To complain that the free game isn’t constantly giving you free stuff is a little entitled. Yeah it’s part of the model to try and get you to spend money on skins but if not unlocking them quickly is enough to be a complaint sounds like you’re the target audience. If you aren’t the target audience....well surely you can continue to enjoy the game without getting that rare shotgun skin right?

what in the hell are you even blathering about? Jesus

What is this with the ... telling me what I should surely enjoy ... what is with this guy?

Rare shotgun skin?


Dude, go quote and bother someone else.

Take your weirdness elsewhere else.
what in the hell are you even blathering about? Jesus

What is this with the ... telling me what I should surely enjoy ... what is with this guy?

Rare shotgun skin?


Dude, go quote and bother someone else.

Take your weirdness elsewhere else.
He’s asking why you care that you don’t get a cosmetic item as it doesn’t affect game play guy.
Is Corporate disappointed with what, ONLY 25 million players? Did their investors complain they need more players? Seems to be the trend these days
what in the hell are you even blathering about? Jesus

What is this with the ... telling me what I should surely enjoy ... what is with this guy?

Rare shotgun skin?


Dude, go quote and bother someone else.

Take your weirdness elsewhere else.
You're the only one that is acting weird. His post addressed yours perfectly.
I hate BR games. That being said, this is the best BR game I have played. Its pretty fun!
He’s asking why you care that you don’t get a cosmetic item as it doesn’t affect game play guy.

Heros or legends are not free some of them can be bought with real money or earned in game over a long grind. To me that is pay to win. Its not all cosmetic items right now 2 of the heros are behind a grind/paywall.

So far I thin the biggest challenge in the game is performance. I have a computer that is older 2600k/gtx 780 but has served be well in many modern titles but in this game I get horrible FPS and the only way to make it bearable is to set every setting down to minimum. Now I am ok with that but for this game also requires resolution to go down and then everything is a blurry mess. Its a very very resolution dependent game.
Heros or legends are not free some of them can be bought with real money or earned in game over a long grind. To me that is pay to win. Its not all cosmetic items right now 2 of the heros are behind a grind/paywall.

Which, if this wasn't a F2P, would be abysmal - but it is, so it isn't.

This is why some people have mentioned the 'entitled' attitude of some people towards games - if it's F2P they have to monetise it somehow, and if MOST of the content seems to be skins etc. - things which do not actually impact the gameplay, then that's better than most F2Ps out there, and complaining that there ARE elements you can buy for real money, which affect gameplay, but which you can also get over time without paying, IS acting entitled.

We could have an argument about F2P vs. pay upfront, but that's another thread really.
I've managed to put a few hours into the game so far. Mechanically, everything is solid, and while the movement system isn't Titanfall (as many have pointed out), it never claimed to be Titanfall or Titanfall-lite, so I never expected it to be like that. Gunplay feels good, weapons feel generally balanced (except the Mozambique, which is just trash tier). I have personal preferences for guns (wooh RC-301 and Devotion), but find myself able to use most of them (except the Wingman because I suck).

As far as monetization, it's a F2P game, so expect a grind if you don't want to fork over cash. The 2 characters you can currently buy cost about the equivilant of $7.50 each. I'm at level 18 and need about 3500 more in game credits to unlock my first character. That's about 5 hours of gameplay, including 2 squad wins (bonus exp for wins), but very few champion kills.

As many have said, I'm not a huge Battle Royale fan. PUBG always felt too broken for me, Fortnite always felt too... I heard someone describe Fortnite the other day as a game where you shoot someone and they suddenly turn into an 8-story building. Fortnite always felt too that. Blackout was just kinda meh all around. It wasn't bad, but wasn't great. Apex Legends strikes a great balance in teamwork, good gunplay, great servers, and minimal bugs.
Borderlands, Titanfall and Overwatch crammed into Blackout.

It works and it's fun.
Watched a buddy play it for a little bit yesterday. That's a fair comparison. I dont much comp anything anymore but respawn seems to have done a good job... br isnt my thing though.
I've managed to put a few hours into the game so far. Mechanically, everything is solid, and while the movement system isn't Titanfall (as many have pointed out), it never claimed to be Titanfall or Titanfall-lite, so I never expected it to be like that.
It was advertised as the Titanfall universe so alot of people expected that. Apex is a faction in Titanfall so alot of people expected it. But you are right this is not Titanfall. The CEO even said they are working on TF3 for release later this year. I get where the confusion is coming from because I was confused at the start too.
To be honest EA just used the Respawn team to create a game that they can make pure profit from they just used the assets from Titanfall to create this BR.
It's a F2P game. There's two characters to unlock. The rest of it is all customization that don't really have any in-game benefits other than to look cool.
It was advertised as the Titanfall universe so alot of people expected that. Apex is a faction in Titanfall so alot of people expected it. But you are right this is not Titanfall. The CEO even said they are working on TF3 for release later this year. I get where the confusion is coming from because I was confused at the start too.
To be honest EA just used the Respawn team to create a game that they can make pure profit from they just used the assets from Titanfall to create this BR.

Unfortunately, they've confirmed that the new Titanfall game coming in Fall won't be TF3. I couldn't find the original article I read this from (i think it was from wccftech, but I can't spend a bunch of time searching, since I'm at work and all), but this Variety article has all of the appropriate quotes.

On the second point you made, Respawn has said that Apex was their choice, not forced or pushed on them by EA. They re-used some assets for sure, but a good chunk of this game is new stuff. The only thing I've noticed that was directly ripped from Titanfall are a few of the guns.
Unfortunately, they've confirmed that the new Titanfall game coming in Fall won't be TF3. I couldn't find the original article I read this from (i think it was from wccftech, but I can't spend a bunch of time searching, since I'm at work and all), but this Variety article has all of the appropriate quotes.

On the second point you made, Respawn has said that Apex was their choice, not forced or pushed on them by EA. They re-used some assets for sure, but a good chunk of this game is new stuff. The only thing I've noticed that was directly ripped from Titanfall are a few of the guns.

A lot of the buildings and assets are also Titanfall, some of them Titanfall 1 but with updated textures (specifically titanfall lagoon seems to be used a lot).
Heros or legends are not free some of them can be bought with real money or earned in game over a long grind. To me that is pay to win. Its not all cosmetic items right now 2 of the heros are behind a grind/paywall.

That’s what I was curious about if there was gameplay changing mechanics behind the grind/paywall.

I don’t care for free to play generally, but if someone puts enough time and gameplay into a game to find the diminishing returns (at level 35), sounds to me like they enjoy it and perhaps the dev deserves a little of their hard earned money. Yeah it’d be nice to just pay for a game and play it without that bullshit, but the model has changed, and it seems a bit shitty to invest time and then complain that there isn’t enough free content.

I’m not saying anyone should feel guilty for playing and never paying anything on a free to play game, I just think you lose some of your bitching about it rights. That is as long as it isn’t pay to win. I.E. as long as those other two legends aren’t horribly balanced and hard to counter with the free legends.

Go ahead and throw in there, I played the tutorial now and I’ve watched some gameplay. It does seem like it could be enjoyable. Jim Sterling said they did a good job with the ping system to be able to make nonverbal communication robust and easy to use as well. That certainly can help with not having to use a mic
My friends and I have had fun playing it. As long as it doesn't take too long to get the points to unlock the classes, I will be happy. I couldn't care less about cosmetics. I do think when future classes roll out people will be so high level that to unlock a new class will take too far long with the lvl+ points. You either will have to play a ridiculous amount of time or pay money for the new classes.
Which, if this wasn't a F2P, would be abysmal - but it is, so it isn't.

This is why some people have mentioned the 'entitled' attitude of some people towards games - if it's F2P they have to monetise it somehow, and if MOST of the content seems to be skins etc. - things which do not actually impact the gameplay, then that's better than most F2Ps out there, and complaining that there ARE elements you can buy for real money, which affect gameplay, but which you can also get over time without paying, IS acting entitled.

We could have an argument about F2P vs. pay upfront, but that's another thread really.

My definition of free 2 play is that all the game play itself is equally accessible to all and money cannot buy you any advantage. If you lock heros, guns or anything else behind a paywall or grind that makes it pay 2 win. You are free to judge me and say I am entitled however that's not the attitude I have, I am perfectly fine with paying for a game, however in modern times we have seen that it is perfectly doable for a company to make lots of games where the only items that cost money are cosmetic. BTW my statements have nothing to do with F2P vs upfront costs its about F2P vs P2W big difference in concepts there. The problem with P2W and this is especially true in modern times where companies patch games constantly, is they are a never ending mess that typically crashes. One guy in a thread likened this game to tribes ascend and I think that's very fitting because ascend did a similar pay 2 win model, and they kept screwing with it and changing it till the game died. Not making enough money? Just make a patch with a new OP hero. Sucker people in by making them feel like oh you know its just barely P2W right now its fine.

Another major problem with P2W is that it encourages a lot of bad behavior in players. For instance yesterday I ran into a guy who dropped and then just ran strait into a wall, I killed him then realized he was almost certainly someone who just had a macro running to try and farm legendary tokens. On top of that you have cheating, since your XP gain is based on performance if you can kill more, win more games and do that by cheating you can unlock more with a free account. Basically pay 2 win mostly a net negative on a game.
My definition of free 2 play is that all the game play itself is equally accessible to all and money cannot buy you any advantage. If you lock heros, guns or anything else behind a paywall or grind that makes it pay 2 win.
It's not P2W if you can grind instead of pay anything. Sounds like you just don't want to do either.
That’s what I was curious about if there was gameplay changing mechanics behind the grind/paywall.

I don’t care for free to play generally, but if someone puts enough time and gameplay into a game to find the diminishing returns (at level 35), sounds to me like they enjoy it and perhaps the dev deserves a little of their hard earned money. Yeah it’d be nice to just pay for a game and play it without that bullshit, but the model has changed, and it seems a bit shitty to invest time and then complain that there isn’t enough free content.

I’m not saying anyone should feel guilty for playing and never paying anything on a free to play game, I just think you lose some of your bitching about it rights. That is as long as it isn’t pay to win. I.E. as long as those other two legends aren’t horribly balanced and hard to counter with the free legends.

Go ahead and throw in there, I played the tutorial now and I’ve watched some gameplay. It does seem like it could be enjoyable. Jim Sterling said they did a good job with the ping system to be able to make nonverbal communication robust and easy to use as well. That certainly can help with not having to use a mic

I agree with everything you said except the part about the other legends not being over powered. Being or not being over powered and pay 2 win is a very subtle thing. You have a negotiation between the players and developers and at any point a single patch can change that negotiation. That's the problem with pay 2 win, its most often a bait and switch system where the developers makes people feel like heros and classes are balanced and gives people opportunity to defend it but they always have a subtle motivations and ability to push a little more power into the hands of heros or weapons that are locked. And also remember that a persons definition of over powered depends on what skill level the person plays at, if you look at a game like overwatch or counter strike that is highly competitive the smallest change in the power or cost of a weapon or ability can completely upset the meta. If you go and say I am going to play lifeline cause she seems to be powerful now and then they make a small buff to caustic then good players may all realize suddenly the fighting favors indoor fights and its not worth waiting for lifelines ultimate drops and suddenly a hero drops right out of meta. A bunch of people on forums will jerk around and say that doesn't matter but it does. Little tiny bits of power advantage make all the difference at high level play and people notice this and want it even at low levels and suddenly its pay 2 win. The complication is people all over have so many different definitions of pay 2 win the only constant is no company is ever going to admit that what they have is pay 2 win. The best thing to do is simply never have any form of pay 2 win at all and avoid the issue all together, create a good relationship with your customers and developers.
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It's not P2W if you can grind instead of pay anything. Sounds like you just don't want to do either.

Your definition simply cannot work. If I simply take your definition then I go make a game where it would take a human 16000 hours to grind to unlock one overpowered hero, by your definition that game is not pay 2 win, however I bet if a game did that you would claim its pay 2 win. It would take a person 2 full year of 24/7 play to unlock that hero without paying. By that time the game could be dead. The whole trick about pay 2 win is balancing the numbers so that it will trick people like you into rationalizing that it is not pay 2 win while still pushing enough people that realize it is to just go buy the items / heros.

Thanks for judging me even though you don't know anything about me, the game I play the most right now is overwatch which can only be purchased. I don't have a problem spending money on games all the games in my life I have spent the most time on I paid for my problem is pay 2 win mechanics have largely negative effects on games and the relationship the gaming company has with their customers. And that bothers me when its a good game like Apex legends as it often creates a ton of negative consequences that reduce the quality of the game.
I didn't get further than the training.
The graphics are bland, the characters sound like shit. The movement feels nothing special, guns are basically normal...
I play F2P games and spend tons of money on skins (just ask Zenimax lol), but this game has zero appeal to me.
I'm not almost retired like most people here nor I'm the generation which follows what are they called now, influencers? Twitch gamers? But I still dislike this game.
The game is great to me. Best battle royal game I've played.

I really don't give two shits about cosmetics which don't even affect the game....the only thing I"m iffy about is the currency requirements for the 2 locked heroes, but I've only played 3 hours and I'm close to unlocking one. You don't need the extra heroes really and they don't have any advantage than the other heroes that I can tell.

Things this game does better than...say PUBG

1) Gear is super hit E on everything, it assigns attachments to the right spots, it'll tell you what you have is better if attempting to pick up lower level gear.
2) Not much down time...pubg had the problem of being exciting for only 5 minutes of a 30 minute match...Apex lasts only 10-15 minutes a match which is much more manageable.
3) Hero abilities are pretty awesome.
4) The "Ping" system is probably the best communication tool I've ever seen in a multiplayer game. Just click the middle mouse button on anything and it marks/callsout whatever you're looking at, such as gear, enemies, points of interest, etc.

Solid game. I see a bunch of bitching about how hard cosmetics are to get...I guess I'm just too old to really give a shit. I get this is EA and they could ruin the game with microtransactions and such, but personally, if it's strictly cosmetics, who cares. If they imbalance the game in the future with impacting micro-transactions, I'll just stop playing the free game....whooptyfuckingdoo.