NightReaver's latest activity

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    HWlabs makes the best scaling internal rads I've seen. What do you mean by dirty? I have multiple GTR rads and haven't noticed anything.
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    NightReaver replied to the thread Used Watercooling.
    Alphacool relies on bulk. HWlabs uses better design to get better cooling, especially if you ramp up the rpm. The old gtx line, and nowadays gtr scale like no other the more airflow you toss at them.
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    NightReaver replied to the thread Used Watercooling.
    Those rads sound sexy. Upload a pic of em :D I'll shamelessly admit I'm a hwlabs fanboy. The GTRs can't be matched.
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    NightReaver replied to the thread Blizzard Cancels Blizzcon.
    This. It just simply limps along. Blizz releases get a month tops of talking and then the talk/ threads become barren.
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    NightReaver reacted to DukenukemX's post in the thread Blizzard Cancels Blizzcon with Like Like.
    Blizzard went the Ubisoft route and was releasing games for the sake of releasing games. OverWatch 2 never needed to be a thing and World of Warcraft expansions are not bringing the boys to the yard. Blizzcon are for people who only play...
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    I don't blame VW for what they did. Australia is more lenient towards NOx which allowed engines to run leaner. As a Corvette owner I basically copied their feature to get lean cruise mode in my American Vette. It does create more NOx, but it...
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    NightReaver replied to the thread Used Watercooling.
    Nothing to show atm :D I stripped it all down into a new case with no liquid cooling, just ain't got the time to do it or even game on it. Strapped an air cooler on the cpu and put the original fans back on the gpu. One of these days.....
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    Looked interesting, but yeah....I get translations aren't going to be perfect, but including nonsense like "chud" is just dumb and disrespectful.
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    NightReaver replied to the thread Used Watercooling.
    Idk, at some point it's easy to stop caring how it looks. Just park it under a desk and let it cool :D
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    If that's the case, bigger the better. More room for airflow, more fans. I have a Lian Li V3000+ and it's a monster.
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    NightReaver replied to the thread Used Watercooling.
    Only rotaries that leaked on me were a handful out of a bunch I bought on ebay for cheap. Nowadays I just use barbs and clamps. Mostly for cheapness.
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    NightReaver reacted to bluestang's post in the thread There’s your problem! with Like Like.
    At least now your don't have to fight to clean the paste off that heatsink. Should just peel right off :)
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    NightReaver reacted to Teenyman45's post in the thread EK in hot water again? with Like Like.
    I still have Swiftch Lok-Seal fittings in active use that I bought around a dozen years ago and their custom variant of the DDC pump lasted me till 2022. Turning to the main point... When I bought my first, and for a long time only, piece of EK...
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    NightReaver replied to the thread EK in hot water again?.
    Yeah that was covered in my original post :D I still do custom loops, but strictly because I enjoy the hobby. I don't pay EK-esque prices though, all Bykski/ other Ali stuff.
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    NightReaver replied to the thread EK in hot water again?.
    Meh, the extra $20 is worth it if someone just wants liquid. The extra hundreds upon hundreds for custom loops? Nah.
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    NightReaver reacted to vegeta535's post in the thread EK in hot water again? with Like Like.
    I am done with custom WC with my current build. I don't see the value. 2 of 3 pumps were ran with just distilled water and biocide. I didn't even run the pump at 100%. Pump never ran dry either. I had a corsair D5 that ran for a couple years with...
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    NightReaver replied to the thread EK in hot water again?.
    Yup. D5s die just like any pump. Maybe some brands are more reputable..idk. They all look the same. On top of being what...$80+ for basic D5s on Amazon and that's without heads/mounting..... $100+ for a rad. $15+ a pop for fans. God knows what...
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    NightReaver reacted to vegeta535's post in the thread EK in hot water again? with Like Like.
    Nah. I had 3 D5 pumps die on me over 10 years of cooling. They were EK pumps too.
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    NightReaver reacted to hititnquitit's post in the thread EK in hot water again? with Like Like.
    To add to and expand upon the above. They release far to many overpriced, one off products for a company tied into minimum quantity contracts. Looking at their most recent consumer releases as quick examples. Both being direct die blocks for...