This Could Be Called Left4Dead 3? WB Games Has The Successor, Back 4 Blood!


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 13, 2009
As Valve has not ever tried to develop Left 4 Dead 3, the the franchise’s original creators have teamed up with Warner Bros. Games and Turtle Rock Studios to officially unveil Back 4 Blood, a spiritual successor to the Left 4 Dead franchise.

Just like the L4D franchise, this is a 4 person coop first person shooter with new creatures and loads of running and gunning!

Personally, I have been wondering if there would ever be a Left 4 Dead 3. Well, this looks to be the one!!!
Looks good!

I like the story also, strait out of the X-Files episode "Ice"....with a dash of The Strain (y)

I would have liked to see the possibility of party members becoming infected though, that would have been a good dynamic for team play. But I could see it being exploited.

I used to play a mod to Half Life 2 called "Zombie Panic", where party members could become infected. It was pretty fun.
Yup L4D3 it looks like... got the zombies by any other name, check. got the different types of zombies, the tank/explody-chemical/super special zombies check.

But seriously, they were just walking down the middle of the street letting zombies run along the sides of them while only shooting straight ahead, yeah they deserve to die.
If this game is successful, I wonder if we might actually see a game with the Left 4 Dead 3 title. I'll bet Valve will be watching.
After these guys released Evolve I'm 100% open to disappointment from this studio.
I had high hopes for MP Giants: Citizen Kabuto :(

But yes, it'll be something to consider. I definitely won't be pre ordering it or buying any lootboxes or cosmetics, which will be in it.
After these guys released Evolve I'm 100% open to disappointment from this studio.
I honestly thought Evolve was a lot of fun to play but it needed much faster patching and addressing issues post-live which didn't happen and the game died. A lot of potential, good launch, bad post-launch execution.
Valve mystifies me...
They own numerous IPs, like HL & L4D, but once they sucked on to that sweet Steam teat, their ambition to actually create new things vanished :(
I guess the name Made3Times would have been a little too on the nose.
well FUCK

I usually have pretty good luck with getting into alphas/betas.

No dice.
I honestly thought Evolve was a lot of fun to play but it needed much faster patching and addressing issues post-live which didn't happen and the game died. A lot of potential, good launch, bad post-launch execution.

My team standing on top of the objective, looking down over a huge forest and just listening to the monster rumble around and level up; that game had incredible atmosphere. I liked the original concept with the original beast, but the flying monsters and their "pay for the game, then pay for more hunters and monsters" monetization scheme combined to kill the game for me.
My team standing on top of the objective, looking down over a huge forest and just listening to the monster rumble around and level up; that game had incredible atmosphere. I liked the original concept with the original beast, but the flying monsters and their "pay for the game, then pay for more hunters and monsters" monetization scheme combined to kill the game for me.
That, and the game itself was full fare. I think the era of charging a full 5 tickets for an online-only game may be over, for good and ill.

The balancing required to make "1 person vs 4" work out well is ... impossible, on the internet writ large. I think competitive games could be amazingly fun to watch / play, but we normies didn't experience it.
Other games get away with matching with extensive analytics, and just the reality that with more people on each side noise variation makes it work out. Evolve was just too much an ask for the genpub, IMO.
well FUCK

I usually have pretty good luck with getting into alphas/betas.

No dice.
I'll try to get one to you tonight, they have an option to give 2 codes to friends. PM me your steam name & tonight when I get home around 11pm I'll see if it will allow me to give you a code.
Valve mystifies me...
They own numerous IPs, like HL & L4D, but once they sucked on to that sweet Steam teat, their ambition to actually create new things vanished :(
Kind of like being married to a succubus :D
I'm in.

Dunno how many hours my buddies and I spent perfecting 4v4 PvP Left 4 Dead 2. It got to a point in competitive play where it was more like a choreographed ballet, and winning was a function of hitting your marks and making the least mistakes. Nerve wracking, come to think. And yet, nothing beat the feeling of successfully charging someone off a roof!
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After these guys released Evolve I'm 100% open to disappointment from this studio.
plus epic studios is involved. not a fan of epic. especially since the time lightning took out my internet for a week and i couldn't play any of the games i had from epic game store. at least steam has a TRUE offline mode. so after that i vowed to NEVER BUY ANOTHER GAME FROM EPIC.

plus i'm sure epic will have some kind of loot box crap or some other form of monetization built in.

may be fun though. sad that valve let their talent walk. and let greed cause the spawn of all these other dumb game stores. I love steam but man they need to tighten up. drop the fee a little and keep yourself alive. i have too big a steam library to have yall go out of business. I actually miss boxed copies of games if nothing else for this reason right here.
plus epic studios is involved. not a fan of epic. especially since the time lightning took out my internet for a week and i couldn't play any of the games i had from epic game store. at least steam has a TRUE offline mode. so after that i vowed to NEVER BUY ANOTHER GAME FROM EPIC.
Huh? It'll be on Steam. WB is too smart to make any devil's deal with Epic - EGS is a death sentence for ROI since nobody buys games there.
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Left 4 dead 1... 2... 5.

3, sir.


Seriously though, a friend of mine told me a left 4 dead 3 was coming and was real excited. I explained it wasn’t literally L4D3, but pretty close gameplay. This looks fun but I don’t understand why Valve isn’t really doing game development anymore.

what do they do all day?
I didn't see any melee weapons in the video.

So there's room for a fourth.

33 seconds into the Game Awards trailer there's a baseball bat with nails in it that one of the squad is using and again at 47-54 and the hatchet at 2:13.

Didn't run across any katana's. But there is a spiked bat, fire axe, machete, knife.

My favorite weapon was the 1911 handgun. Only has 8 rounds though, but you could extend the clip. Lots of weapon modifications in the game, extended clips, sights, stocks ect...

That's awesome that you got into the alpha testing!!!!