[Linus Tech Tips'] Response to YouTube's Shenanigans - Floatplane is Finally Here!


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 7, 2017

Subscriber-only tech video Youtube, basically. LTT's videos have been posted on Floatplane, usually a week earlier than on Youtube, for a year or so; now they're opening the site to other creators.

For something like $5/mo/creator, you can get ad-free high-res videos.

It won't be to everyone's taste, of course. But it's nice to see even limited competition to Youtube.
this is good. i like ltt, it might be one of the few things i would subscribe for. for a few years now ive read vague rumors(probably made up nothing close to public confirmation) that prawn hub has been holding back more research on launching a family-friendly sister company/site on their massive infrastructure and app. strange times, they could be our savior in the end.
Its time for a youtube clone based on P2P tech with a flagging system to identify content. Maybe an ai system combined with trusted reviewers. Browsers/Extensions could filter content based on these flags, even add passworded parental controls. Creators could splice their own ads in and get paid.

I dunno why Linus is so popular, remember when he was too lazy to empty an aio and dumped coolant all over his mobo/cpu while his assistant facepalmed?
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How would floatplane be different than Youtube premium?

Is it about the amount of money the content creators get per video-view?

Subscriber (pay-wall) supported vs ad supported?

Might do ok. But it has to compete with free youtube. If I had to guess, maybe 5% of LTT's viewers will pony up for a paid service, with 95% happy with free youtube+ads.
Its time for a youtube clone based on P2P tech with a flagging system to identify content. Maybe an ai system combined with trusted reviewers. Browsers/Extensions could filter content based on these flags, even add passworded parental controls. Creators could splice their own ads in and get paid.

I dunno why Linus is so popular, remember when he was too lazy to empty an aio and dumped coolant all over his mobo/cpu while his assistant facepalmed?
Because he's funny I guess
How would floatplane be different than Youtube premium?

Is it about the amount of money the content creators get per video-view?

Subscriber (pay-wall) supported vs ad supported?

Might do ok. But it has to compete with free youtube. If I had to guess, maybe 5% of LTT's viewers will pony up for a paid service, with 95% happy with free youtube+ads.

it sounded like Patreon to me.
How would floatplane be different than Youtube premium?

Is it about the amount of money the content creators get per video-view?

Subscriber (pay-wall) supported vs ad supported?

Might do ok. But it has to compete with free youtube. If I had to guess, maybe 5% of LTT's viewers will pony up for a paid service, with 95% happy with free youtube+ads.

No algorithm stuff, no terrible Youtube support, no AI booting people off for no reason, etc.

Something to remember, this isn't competing with Youtube. Linus and co have been clear about this from the get go. It's not a platform designed for people to go and discover new people to watch, its there as a supplement. It's more akin to Patreon but, again, without a lot of BS creators have to deal with on that platform. At least that's how I look at it.
How would floatplane be different than Youtube premium?

He's pretty up-front about it: it's about not being victimized by The Algorithm or Youtube's latest "we're going to demonitize you even though you didn't violate any of our policies" shenanigans. Youtube demonetized hundreds of people, even ones on entirely non-political channels, to appease Carlos Maza because he didn't like Steven Crowder quoting Maza's own words.
Something to remember, this isn't competing with Youtube. Linus and co have been clear about this from the get go. It's not a platform designed for people to go and discover new people to watch, its there as a supplement. It's more akin to Patreon but, again, without a lot of BS creators have to deal with on that platform. At least that's how I look at it.

And that's pretty much exactly how he described it.
For the 55 channels I sub, it would be $275/mo. lol f that!

Of those 55 channels, how many do you support financially? Just keep watching them on YT. But if you wanted to do so, and they were in both places, you could be giving them (and Linus) your $, rather than the Google borg.

FP's not about *replacing* youtube. It's an alternative solution to paying channels you like. All the existing channels on FP are also on YT. You just get the videos earlier with no ads.
Of those 55 channels, how many do you support financially? Just keep watching them on YT. But if you wanted to do so, and they were in both places, you could be giving them (and Linus) your $, rather than the Google borg.

FP's not about *replacing* youtube. It's an alternative solution to paying channels you like. All the existing channels on FP are also on YT. You just get the videos earlier with no ads.

Yeah, that's a lot to pay for each subscription, but if you're a Megafan, it's probably about what you're already paying on Patron to support (but this gives you no ads).

Not a bad setup.
Its time for a youtube clone based on P2P tech with a flagging system to identify content. Maybe an ai system combined with trusted reviewers. Browsers/Extensions could filter content based on these flags, even add passworded parental controls. Creators could splice their own ads in and get paid.

This would be awful. Who would want to store the undesirable content, like every cat meme video? Videos would frequently be unreliable and or virus-ridden.
This would be awful. Who would want to store the undesirable content, like every cat meme video? Videos would frequently be unreliable and or virus-ridden.

Webtor seems to work fine. I suppose at some point its possible but i haven't heard of virus' embedded in video streams, have you? I like cat memes. That leaves snuff and xxx content that could have its priority dumped with a flagging system. You could have a 24 hour view buffer, AI could be used in combination with trusted reviewers to assign a metric to undesirable content. The most popular streams would surface with the fastest speeds. Content providers can provision their own ads, like Crowder does since being demonetized by yt. Even Linus sells tons of stupid shit on his channel. I don't have all the answers and nothing is a 100% out of the gate but youtube is on its way to becoming a cable network, its time for alternatives. LBRY seemed like a move in the right direction.
I'm waiting patiently for a YouTube replacement that would slowly but surely grow marketing shares of YouTube because YT is lost at this point, too much of a SJW control platform these days. It's very cubersome to use for Youtubers and gets worse and worse design and features and the politics change for the worse that YouTube is the first site on earth that will comply with all the bullshit regulation going on these days.
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I'm waiting patiently for a YouTube replacement that would slowly but surely grow marketing shares of YouTube because YT is lost at this point, too much of a SJW control platform these days. It's very cubersome to use for Youtubers and gets worse and worse design and features and the politics change for the worse that YouTube is the first site on earth that will comply with all the bullshit regulation going on these days.
It would be quite an undertaking.
It would be quite an undertaking.

Yes ofc it's not going to happen in my lifetime probably but I'd outweigh switching to a trending platform at this point even if I have 300.000 subscribers on YT for the right platform (not Floatplane because it needs to be able to use for free at the very least) if it meant a drop to a couple of thousands followers but I haven't seen the right replacement yet. Vimeo has always been "decent" in some ways but it's definitely no replacement either.

But the way YouTube is going the more likely someone will be able to provide a new platform that more and more people are willing to switch to if YT just continues to be more and more regulated, maybe in 15-20 years, give or take a new promissing alternative surfaces.

Subscriber-only tech video Youtube, basically. LTT's videos have been posted on Floatplane, usually a week earlier than on Youtube, for a year or so; now they're opening the site to other creators.

For something like $5/mo/creator, you can get ad-free high-res videos.

It won't be to everyone's taste, of course. But it's nice to see even limited competition to Youtube.

How do they intend to get people to watch new channels? I get how they can go that route, or the Bitwits and JayzTwoCentses of the world, who already have a million followers, but how does someone build an audience if you have to start out charging every single viewer $5 a month?
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How do they intend to get people to watch new channels? I get how they can go that route, or the Bitwits and JayzTwoCentses of the world, who already have a million followers, but how does someone build an audience if you have to start out charging every single viewer $5 a month?
I think the point of flow plane is that established artists use the platform.

At least for now
How do they intend to get people to watch new channels? I get how they can go that route, or the Bitwits and JayzTwoCentses of the world, who already have a million followers, but how does someone build an audience if you have to start out charging every single viewer $5 a month?

Did you watch the video? They clearly state that they aren’t trying to do that.
Yes ofc it's not going to happen in my lifetime probably but I'd outweigh switching to a trending platform at this point even if I have 300.000 subscribers on YT for the right platform (not Floatplane because it needs to be able to use for free at the very least) if it meant a drop to a couple of thousands followers but I haven't seen the right replacement yet. Vimeo has always been "decent" in some ways but it's definitely no replacement either.

But the way YouTube is going the more likely someone will be able to provide a new platform that more and more people are willing to switch to if YT just continues to be more and more regulated, maybe in 15-20 years, give or take a new promissing alternative surfaces.
They could’ve picked a way less stupid name than Floatplane. That name alone makes me not want to use it.
He's pretty up-front about it: it's about not being victimized by The Algorithm or Youtube's latest "we're going to demonitize you even though you didn't violate any of our policies" shenanigans. Youtube demonetized hundreds of people, even ones on entirely non-political channels, to appease Carlos Maza because he didn't like Steven Crowder quoting Maza's own words.

Well, I don't know who either of those people are... guessing political channels? What does that have to do with channels like LTT though?

I'm not going to pay $5 a month to watch LTT. And even if it wasn't just LTT (maybe it's not anymore), still not sure I would feel it was worth it. You can only pay for so many streaming services before it's more than you can watch and approaches cable TV's level of overpriced.
What does that have to do with channels like LTT though

I literally said the connection. Hundreds of changes good demonetized or deleted as fallout from YouTube trying to punish someone for saying something they didn't like but didn't break YouTube rules. You don't have to go look up what happened, but then don't complain you don't know what's going on.

And if you don't want to pay to watch Linus, don't. I bet he doesn't care.
Its time for a youtube clone based on P2P tech with a flagging system to identify content.
there are some I found, like this: https://joinpeertube.org/

http://myp2p.tv/ - seems like garbage, can barely watch videos, but maybe works for some?

oh hey it's called "bittorrent" that sounds promising: https://www.bittorrent.com/live/

and "torrent" that sounds legit: https://webtorrent.io/

so, seems folks are trying to do some kinda P2P thing. I'd love to hear from someone more in-the-know about it
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Liveleak has cucked out to be about on par as JT was 5 years ago. Still better, no sjw content shadow banning etc
Linus Shill Tips, where would I be without Linus telling me what to buy

You can say the same for any reviewer of anything, anywhere, so I don't know why you'd hate on him specifically in that regard. He seems pretty genuine in his reviews and coverage to me though; I've seen him criticize tech where it's due just as much as I've seen him endorse something, if not more so.

Hate on his personality or presentation all you want, but attacking his credibility for it is childish, IMO.
So many people completely missing the point. Stop thinking YouTube replacement. Start thinking patreon with benefits.

Whether you like Linus or not is also pretty irrelevant. He IS a significant player in the YouTube realm and he's at least doing SOMETHING. If his project completely bombs in the end it is still shining light on the fact that the YouTube we have today is not at all what we started with and not in a good way.
Of those 55 channels, how many do you support financially? Just keep watching them on YT. But if you wanted to do so, and they were in both places, you could be giving them (and Linus) your $, rather than the Google borg.

FP's not about *replacing* youtube. It's an alternative solution to paying channels you like. All the existing channels on FP are also on YT. You just get the videos earlier with no ads.

I don’t mind giving Google Borg some $ given the enormous infrastructure they’ve deployed that in turn gives me access to so much content.

With the direction YouTube is headed, I think we will see much more of this.
This is easy to say, but then you look at platforms that have no or very limited restrictions, it's an absolutely shit show. e.g. Gab, 8chan, etc.
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They could’ve picked a way less stupid name than Floatplane. That name alone makes me not want to use it.

Yeah honestly the name makes no sense and I don't see this surviving more than a couple of years as much as I want competition.