Steam account hack attempt


Fully [H]
Feb 1, 2005
I got an e-mail today saying that somebody had my username and password for Steam and was trying to login from Russia. It sent me the email with the code to log in from a new device. I promptly went into steam and changed my password. Anyone else have issues like this recently?
This happens to a few of my friends. Every so often they either get a Chinese or Russian hacker. For them, it's not a one off experience. Hasn't happened to me yet though. *knock on wood*
It happened to me with Origin. Fortunately I got it back in no time.
How does it work? Enter a code from your phone every time you log in to steam?

no.. only anytime you (or someone nefarious) tries to reinstall or login and use your account that it doesn't recognize... it forces you to use the authenticator to register a new pc.
Ya I got three such emails in the last two weeks changed pass word on the 1st one and ignored the rest. 2FA is a good solution.
This is what 2 factor authentication is all about.

You CLAIM you are who you are - now PROVE it.
all I have is Steam Guard enabled and never had any issues...they ask me to authenticate by sending a code to my e-mail every time I reformat my computer and re-install Steam
It happens...exactly what 2FA is for, as others have stated. I have Steam Guard and the Steam app on my phone, easy and works great.
So after reading this thread because I was having the same problem and I had Steam set to just email me. I changed it and set it up with Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator. It even says that if I go to the Steam account page on the computer, I did that Friday night. So I get up this morning and I have another email that someone in CN, I assume that means China has tried getting in my account and it looks just like that ones before with the code that they need to login. Did I miss something or it takes a few days to take effect?
So after reading this thread because I was having the same problem and I had Steam set to just email me. I changed it and set it up with Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator. It even says that if I go to the Steam account page on the computer, I did that Friday night. So I get up this morning and I have another email that someone in CN, I assume that means China has tried getting in my account and it looks just like that ones before with the code that they need to login. Did I miss something or it takes a few days to take effect?

You will still get email notifications for suspicious login activities, especially from high-risk geo-IP addresses.

Did you change your password?
Just make sure to make password strong as possible and do not use the same password for other accounts. I learn this the hard way last year. It sucks when it happens. A friend of mine went through it and took her a year to clear it all up.!
all I have is Steam Guard enabled and never had any issues...they ask me to authenticate by sending a code to my e-mail every time I reformat my computer and re-install Steam

Same here. Is that not sufficient to prevent someone from logging into your account even if they have hacked your password?
Same here. Is that not sufficient to prevent someone from logging into your account even if they have hacked your password?

Usually I get an email if I log in from a new device. This is what happened to me.
So after reading this thread because I was having the same problem and I had Steam set to just email me. I changed it and set it up with Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator. It even says that if I go to the Steam account page on the computer, I did that Friday night. So I get up this morning and I have another email that someone in CN, I assume that means China has tried getting in my account and it looks just like that ones before with the code that they need to login. Did I miss something or it takes a few days to take effect?
I would change both my Steam password and my e-mail password should this happen to me. But just because they tried to login doesn't mean they can.
Same here. Is that not sufficient to prevent someone from logging into your account even if they have hacked your password?

2FA is just an extra layer of protection...I personally think Steam Guard is good enough...even if someone gets my user name and password they won't be able to log in because Steam Guard will send me an e-mail code that needs to be input
I am happy with steam guard! It is good as I only log on from my one gaming PC and tell it not to ask again!
So about two weeks ago the exact same thing happened to me - except the IP was in China. 2FA resulted in me getting a notification from steam that something fishy was going on. However, that username/password combination, while strong, was reused like - everywhere. It quickly became clear that combination was being tried everywhere with iterations on the password (add an ! or a number). All in all, I had to consider that good password and all it's variants "burned." I had to change hundreds of passwords - what a major PITA...

I moved to lastpass and did the "let it generate a crazy non-rememberable password" thingy. I'm secure now, but I've got to be honest - the password thing is now a pretty big pain. There's got to be a better way.

TLDR - similar thing happened to me - but they targeted all kinds of things with that combo. No idea how they got it, but someone was trying to break into every institution in the world with the username/pass combo. Had to change everything...
I get these emails all the time. I've gotten complacent with steam guard in place and haven't bothered changing the password at all. Woo for steam guard.
Turns out I had two accounts same email different user names. After changing the password on the old account I had forgotten about the emails stopped. I was then able to add it to my family list to combine games. To be clear I was getting the assumed hacking attempt email daily sometimes twice per day. All has stopped after the password reset on the old username/account. Hope this helps.