BFG Offers FREE Upgrade To PCI Express

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
BFG Technologies is offering a free upgrade to PCI Express for anyone that currently owns a working BFG AGP video card. Toss in another $50 and you can upgrade to an even better card. For full details, hit the link. See the chart below for a quick and dirty look at how it works.
Do you think they will accept cards that have had a 3rd party cooler on it? I don't think I could put the original cooler back on it.
Aww man, no option to upgrade from any of the GeForce FX series cards? I've got an old FX5600 I would have turned in :D
Why in the hell would they do that?
Just give away GPU's? Ones that are actually still selling in the market?
I'm really blown away by this company.
I wish my kids were BFG descended!
Seems to be a nice deal. I guess only works for 7-8 series cards.
I have a 6800GT AND a 7800GS that are still being used by family members... this would be a great excuse to upgrade those boxes for them. Too bad I'm currently living in Canada now...
Man, I wish my 6800GS was BFG and AGP. I could use an extra 9600GT. :(
Seems to be a nice deal. I guess only works for 7-8 series cards.

They had the 6800 listed on there.

Overall I think this is a neat idea. This might help a few more people decide to do an upgrade as they now can get away with one less piece of hardware to buy. it probably won't matter for many of us, but I could see this being usefull for some. At best a few of us might have one of these cards laying around after having done an upgrade and can use this to get a newer card instead of letting ours just sit around.
Great freaking idea

Too bad I did away with AGP long ago

My guess is, BFG is trying to find cards they can recertify, to be used for replacing RMAs
This is sweet.

I've been in such a budget crunch lately that I've been stuck with my 7600GT. Now I can pull my old 6800OC out of my file server for a nice upgrade to a 9600GT.

You can guarantee any nvidia card I get in the future will be BFG.
So when you upgrade from agp to pci-e you get a free new motherboard to with ram and cpu cause AGP dun fit into pci-e.....just muh 2 cents..:rolleyes:
I wonder why they are offering this? I'm guessing there is some kind of market out there for AGP video cards in another market.
So when you upgrade from agp to pci-e you get a free new motherboard to with ram and cpu cause AGP dun fit into pci-e.....just muh 2 cents..:rolleyes:

Yes, because after all, getting something current for free is such a rip-off. :rolleyes:

I have a BFG 6800GT that I'll use to take advantage of this. Great PR from BFG - will definitely stick with them (and EVGA) for future card purchases.
I will try to contact BFG and see if they will take the card without a heatsink, as I put a waterblock on my 6800gt.

Unless someone has a heatsink I can pay shipping for?
SWEET!! Thanks BFG!

I have a BFG 6800 OC AGP in my backup box. I have a EVGA 8600GT PCI-e in my main rig. That means for the price of shipping I get a free upgrade to 9600GT!!! (although, probably not a big upgrade, but hey, it's free!)

Thanks again!!! WOO HOOO!!!
Nice! I'd been hangin on to my 6800GT OC since the DOOM3 days. Time to get that thing foldin for the horde...

For anyone with a 7800 gs, that 9800gt would be a amazing upgrade for $50
Looks like $50 gets anyone the same upgrade, just the freebies differ.
just had an BFG 6800 gs oc RMA'd & they sent me an agp 7800 gs oc as a replacement, still gonna splurge the $50 on the upgrade...ah, the beauty of having a 939 Dual-SATA2 in my 2nd pc...straight from agp to pcie.

Now, in reality, how does the 9800 gt oc stack up to my old 8800 gs 640mb anyway? The new NV cards,and their naming conventions have confused the crap out of me lately. I've heard the new cards aren't that much of an improvement, but would it be enough that I'd want to swap the 9800 into my primary pc & put the 8800 into my secondary?

I have a BFG 6800GT OC AGP in my SFF box.

Looks like a great time to upgrade... :cool:
hmmmm i have a 7800gs oc from bfg too.....wondering if i should bite.

i have no use for that card now, but who knows......
dedicated phys-x on this card and my gpu on my 9800gtx+ would probably beat phys-x on my ageia card...but at what price of power/heat :)
I think it is a great thing they are doing considering they have massive inventory they need to clear. This can all be written off as promo instead of writing down aging inventory. Good thinking on their part. Sheer genius.
Very nice. I have a 6800 Ultra sitting around collecting dust.
SWEET!! Thanks BFG!

I have a BFG 6800 OC AGP in my backup box. I have a EVGA 8600GT PCI-e in my main rig. That means for the price of shipping I get a free upgrade to 9600GT!!! (although, probably not a big upgrade, but hey, it's free!)

Thanks again!!! WOO HOOO!!!

9600GT is actually pretty powerful. Is closer to the high end than the previous X600 cards.
9600GT is actually pretty powerful. Is closer to the high end than the previous X600 cards.

Wow, you are right. I just read some reviews on the 9600GT OC and they say it's not even in the same league as the 8600GT. The 8600GT kicked my 6800 OC's ass! So this is a HUGE upgrade for little $$$. Sweet!

Although, I have a BFG 5900XT-OC and BFG 5700 LE sitting in my spare parts box collecting dust. Wish we could upgrade those!
Anyone having trouble registering their card? I have a bfg 6800 and it won't recognize my serial number that starts with "G2005..." There are only 2 stickers on the back of my card, one which is the UPC code, so the other one has to be the serial number.... I wonder why it's not working. Anyone with the same issue?
Anyone having trouble registering their card? I have a bfg 6800 and it won't recognize my serial number that starts with "G2005..." There are only 2 stickers on the back of my card, one which is the UPC code, so the other one has to be the serial number.... I wonder why it's not working. Anyone with the same issue?

Let me look into that for you and I'll see what I can do. Might not be able to fix the issue until tomorrow morning though. I'm guessing it is a database problem, which shouldn't be hard to fix. I'll keep you posted.
Let me look into that for you and I'll see what I can do. Might not be able to fix the issue until tomorrow morning though. I'm guessing it is a database problem, which shouldn't be hard to fix. I'll keep you posted.

:eek: Wow, thanks for the insanely fast response.
Is it worth paying the $50 for the 9800 or no? I don't follow this stuff as much as I used to.