GTX280 buyers remorse thread

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JUST come out with it VENGY u care not for the common man nor price/performance

Huh?:confused: What kind of logic is that? I am a common man and I care very much for myself!:p

However price/performance isn't the only or primary factor in buying sometimes. Sometimes people just want the best if they can afford it. What's so bad about that?
Anyone who's been a gamer for years, knows these flamebait threads pop up at new releases.
Putting another down for his/her purchase raises the poster's value in their eyes.
Both sides do it and will continue to do it. They get so heated, it easy to see how wars can get started with throwing insults back and forth.
QFT. This is THE point I was trying to make. Thanks for getting it!:)

I did. I didn't think the 4870 would come anywhere near the 280 in performance, even the 260, let alone nip at its heels and even beat the 280 in some cases. So, I bought the 280 and was panicked to see I had essentially wasted hundreds extra... thankfully I was able to bail out at a $100 profit, but otherwise I'd have been very upset. $300 doesn't come in the blink of an eye, and even if it does to someone, it's still cash that could be used elsewhere even on the system.
I won't install x2 of any card in my system unless they can solve the micros-stuttering issues. Think I'll buy one 4870 but I was really hoping to have 1GB of ram on my next card and it looks like the 4870 is only 512mb.
I did. I didn't think the 4870 would come anywhere near the 280 in performance, even the 260, let alone nip at its heels and even beat the 280 in some cases. So, I bought the 280 and was panicked to see I had essentially wasted hundreds extra... thankfully I was able to bail out at a $100 profit, but otherwise I'd have been very upset. $300 doesn't come in the blink of an eye, and even if it does to someone, it's still cash that could be used elsewhere even on the system.
hmm anand shows differently

Bested by 7-15 frames on pretty much each benchmark. Also account that its not oc'd and they already run hot :)
hmm anand shows differently

Bested by 7-15 frames on pretty much each benchmark. Also account that its not oc'd and they already run hot :)

Anand is very unreliable as of late, look at the assassin's creed bench in their article (note they don't say any settings or aa/af in any of their benches), where a 3870X2 bests a GX2, 280 GTX, and 4870 supposedly. Yeah, right :rolleyes: !

Don't believe everything you read :).
And if ATi take hold of the performance king title again they will start charging a nice price too.

Remember the 9800XT or X1900XTX? Allstarshop had a X1900XTX for 650usd @ release.

Anyway props to ATi for getting back "in the game".
Anyone who's been a gamer for years, knows these flamebait threads pop up at new releases.
Putting another down for his/her purchase raises the poster's value in their eyes.
Both sides do it and will continue to do it. They get so heated, it easy to see how wars can get started with throwing insults back and forth.

if u notice... i have not called anyone any names i am keeping it civil as possible and sticking to topic
JUST come out with it VENGY u care not for the common man nor price/performance

This has nothing to do with the "common man". People should (and do) buy what suits their specific situation, financially and in terms of desired performance. Anyone who's ever looked at price listings for computer components knows that price does not scale linearly with performance (and it never has). I bought a 280 for myself, but I knew exactly what *I* wanted for my own rig and how much I was willing to pay. I have no qualms recommending a 4850 or 4870 to someone else with a different situation.

Yes, for the "common" case, I would imagine that a 4850 or 4870 would be fine for most people. But people who have a 280 aren't ipso facto elitist or uncaring about price/performance. It's just that they're willing to pay the premium.
I dont care what people spend thier money on....we all have a twist...whether its overpriced video cards....performance cars.... hot women... dope...alcohols..cigarettes...bad foods... we all blow money on something...

I am the voice of Price/Performance... for PC GAMING to last...there has to price performance... or all you guys with 2000$ worth of GPUS's wont have anything to play on them. People are sick of high price PC hardware and switching to Consoles everyday
Huge point being made here. Take note guys.
You realisticly probably dont know more than 2 or 3 people who bought a console after owning a highend PC, and even if it was 50 people you know, your experiences are only a tiny iota of the greater population, and in no way representative of the population.
TONS of people who would say they gamed exclusively on PC have said that the higher prices were the deciding factor when they decided to switch to console gaming. Screw the piracy arguments. It is the price that is killing PC gaming. I am sorry to say, but charging over $500 for a premium graphics card is absolutely nuts. ABSOLUTELY NUTS!
all hail Popegold, the purveyor of justice to the remorseful minions of pc gaming...ROFL

he magically is having a positive impact on PC gaming by rubbing people's misfortune in their faces, making them feel even worse....yes, this will make more people want to spend even more money on PC gaming.....LOL

you are a joke, what a weak cover for flamebait trolling......!!!


funny how fast this went from "dont you feel bad you f-ed up by not buying the uber 4870!?" to being about being the second coming of christ for pc gamers abroad....LOL
Wow please shut up.
JUST come out with it VENGY u care not for the common man nor price/performance

Actually, you are 100% correct. I do not give a damn if the common man can afford the fastest single GPU on the planet. I also don't give a damn if the common man can afford a million dollar sports car, a 100" LCD TV, a 4,000 Sqft Mansion, or anything else that is in the top of it's class.

Having the best costs money. Get over it. If you can't afford it, or don't want to spend your money on it fine, don't buy it. But what you are arguing is that Nvidia shouldn't make a chip you can't afford. I'm sorry, but you are not the center of the universe. Get over it.
I dont care what people spend thier money on....we all have a twist...whether its overpriced video cards....performance cars.... hot women... dope...alcohols..cigarettes...bad foods... we all blow money on something...

I am the voice of Price/Performance... for PC GAMING to last...there has to price performance... or all you guys with 2000$ worth of GPUS's wont have anything to play on them. People are sick of high price PC hardware and switching to Consoles everyday

You're missing a key point here. Console hardware is derived from PC technology. PC tech R&D helps to cover the cost of consoles as they are a loss leader on the hardware side. If consoles had to be sold for what they cost to make, they would be REALLY close to what an average gaming PC costs.

Every video card can't cost $200. Of course its good to have great performing low cost PC hardware. That will get it into more people's hands. But you have to have stretch goals as well. The GTX 280 was a stretch goal. Maybe not a good one but nonetheless as nVidia works on it it'll get cheaper faster and drive the performance/price ratios even higher.

That's how this industry works. You need a certain amount of people to be willing and able to by higher end products. Those higher end margins help in the R&D of ever cheaper and faster products.
And as far as the rest of this flamebait thread goes, you made a thread that was title "GTX280 buyers remorse thread". Except you don't own a 280. So you can't have remorse, so how is this anything other than a flame bait thread?

What did you hope to accomplish?
What possible outcome could this thread have taken that would not start a fanboy war?
How do you plan to defend this thread and the creation of it, and your intentions to an Admin?
There is no problem with him bringing this up. If GTX280 owners are happy with their purchase thats great. They don't need to post in this thread. If they are unhappy with their purchase for any reason this would be the place to talk about it. I would suspect that there will be a thread for buyers remorse for the HD4800 series cards too.
I really don't get it ... Just not one bit. Anyone who has been around PC's for a while knows high prices come with them. You want the best? You pay the price. AMD/ATi has some good new tech on their hands, but, the performance in terms of raw power/speed isn't quite there yet. So what do you do? Go for the wallet, nVidia did this when ATi was stomping the yard in the 97/9800Pro days, they had really low prices. It's called competition, it's a good thing and we need it, but really though, the whole price thing, c'mon nothing new here. Oh yeah did I mention the office I work at sells and owns firewalls that cost more than my car?
here he goes again folks!! he is speaking for the common man!!!

hold on...wait....this is BARAK OBAMA ISN'T IT!!!!!!.....i knew it!!! here comes the rainbow powered autos and strawberry scented welfare checks right behind the rose colored video cards!!!:cool:

thats it!! jesus christ himself has come to us as POPEGOLD!!! i knew he was a man of god with a name like that!!
Oh please....
WRONG!!!...:rolleyes:..Over 15 million on STEAM alone...

But trudude said....

Oh wait, hes just as smart as POPEGOLD.

TONS of people who would say they gamed exclusively on PC have said that the higher prices were the deciding factor when they decided to switch to console gaming. Screw the piracy arguments. It is the price that is killing PC gaming. I am sorry to say, but charging over $500 for a premium graphics card is absolutely nuts. ABSOLUTELY NUTS!

The only people who think its absolutely nuts and voice their opinions over it are the ones who are jealous and cant afford it. Not a single game out right now requires the GTX280 at most resolutions. Its the 1000 dollar displays that require this card. There are plenty of cards right now between 100-200 that can handle every game out there at respectable settings, ie the 9800 GTX and the 4850. Stop crying.

For you and everyone else thats bitching, to get so upset at the price just shows how jealous you really are, because there are plenty of other cards that can handle any game out now for under 200, that make console graphics pale in comparison.
I really don't get it ... Just not one bit. Anyone who has been around PC's for a while knows high prices come with them. You want the best? You pay the price. AMD/ATi has some good new tech on their hands, but, the performance in terms of raw power/speed isn't quite there yet. So what do you do? Go for the wallet, nVidia did this when ATi was stomping the yard in the 97/9800Pro days, they had really low prices. It's called competition, it's a good thing and we need it, but really though, the whole price thing, c'mon nothing new here. Oh yeah did I mention the office I work at sells and owns firewalls that cost more than my car?
Okay fair enough. You want to make a bet that nVidia will not react to ATi and lower their price?
But trudude said....

Oh wait, hes just as smart as POPEGOLD.

The only people who think its absolutely nuts and voice their opinions over it are the ones who are jealous and cant afford it. Not a single game out right now requires the GTX280 at most resolutions. Its the 1000 dollar displays that require this card. There are plenty of cards right now between 100-200 that can handle every game out there at respectable settings, ie the 9800 GTX and the 4850. Stop crying.

For you and everyone else thats bitching, to get so upset at the price just shows how jealous you really are, because there are plenty of other cards that can handle any game out now for under 200, that make console graphics pale in comparison.
Wow I hope we are not going to have this discussion again. I make PLENTY of money and I have NOTHING to be jealous about. I almost bought 2 GTX280's in SLi. Man I am so damn glad I didn't. Now I get to enjoy stability and performance rather than just high performance at the measily price of horrible stability.
here he goes again folks!! he is speaking for the common man!!!

hold on...wait....this is BARAK OBAMA ISN'T IT!!!!!!.....i knew it!!! here comes the rainbow powered autos and strawberry scented welfare checks right behind the rose colored video cards!!!:cool:

thats it!! jesus christ himself has come to us as POPEGOLD!!! i knew he was a man of god with a name like that!!

u know if i thought u wasnt my friend... i just dont that i could bear it
But trudude said....

Oh wait, hes just as smart as POPEGOLD.

The only people who think its absolutely nuts and voice their opinions over it are the ones who are jealous and cant afford it. Not a single game out right now requires the GTX280 at most resolutions. Its the 1000 dollar displays that require this card. There are plenty of cards right now between 100-200 that can handle every game out there at respectable settings, ie the 9800 GTX and the 4850. Stop crying.

For you and everyone else thats bitching, to get so upset at the price just shows how jealous you really are, because there are plenty of other cards that can handle any game out now for under 200, that make console graphics pale in comparison.

do you take time to think before you post?
Wow I hope we are not going to have this discussion again. I make PLENTY of money and I have NOTHING to be jealous about. I almost bought 2 GTX280's in SLi. Man I am so damn glad I didn't. Now I get to enjoy stability and performance rather than just high performance at the measily price of horrible stability.

If you made plenty of money you wouldnt be crying about having to pay top dollar for the latest, greatest, and fastest, so shut it.
Okay fair enough. You want to make a bet that nVidia will not react to ATi and lower their price?

As it stands right now, your probably right. I am waiting until a little bit later to see what both companies do. In the mean time, my post was meant to pose the question, "Why is everyone so surprised by high prices?" High prices in PC parts have always been around, I remember when an FX 5900Ultra was $400.00 to $450.00. Nothing new, and it will pass like it always does. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to bash anyone here, I am in favor of competition as it means we the consumers get better stuff.
do you take time to think before you post?

I take more time to post, than you take to start a new thread, to say the least. Do you take any time to think before you post? Or do you just constantly spit out subtle, petty insults with no substance, and no relation to the original post, which is so ironic in this case...
I take more time to post, than you take to start a new thread, to say the least. Do you take any time to think before you post? Or do you just constantly spit out subtle, petty insults...

Well that means u believe in what you're shoveling?
Okay fair enough. You want to make a bet that nVidia will not react to ATi and lower their price?

MY cousin is building a new rig and is determined to get a gtx280.... he just refuses to use ATi....

a fool and his money shall soon part
I am seeing people starting to EBAY their new the 4870 is so close to it in performance.... and the 4870x2 will clearly beat it....was the 350.00 extra you spent bothering you?

is ebay looking like the move for you?

I'm just wondering why this thread has not been locked and why POPEGOLD has not been banned for his continuous thread and post trolling?

And for the record, I upgraded from a 8800GTX to a GTX280 play at 1080p and I love the performance gain, stability and smoothness in the games that I play and do not regret it one bit.
MY cousin is building a new rig and is determined to get a gtx280.... he just refuses to use ATi....

a fool and his money shall soon part

As much as I think I may go back to ATi for my next build, that is a fairly ignorant statement to make. Going back to the comparison we have already been through, if I had the money to get a Farrari I most likely would, even though for far less, there is a supercharged Z06 Corvette that could smack a Farrari around.

Even though I could get two 280's for SLi and not think twice about it, with ATi putting something out that performs in between the 260 and 280 for far less, I think I might get the 4870, or two for that matter. I do see your point, but the way it was stated seemed a little ignorant to me.
MY cousin is building a new rig and is determined to get a gtx280.... he just refuses to use ATi....

a fool and his money shall soon part

He's buying the fastest single GPU on the planet. Where is the foolish part?
He's buying the fastest single GPU on the planet. Where is the foolish part?

It isn't a bang for your buck type part which some people just can't get over. The high end computer hardware never has a good price/performance ratio. That's the way the game is played.
While I am in the process of stepping up to a gtx 280 for 60 bucks, I dont regret it. I see it as insurance. The only thing that matters to me is which card/company will allow me to play any game I want at 2560 x 1600 w/ 4aa and 16af while getting excellent frames.
It isn't a bang for your buck type part which some people just can't get over. The high end computer hardware never has a good price/performance ratio. That's the way the game is played.

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