GTX280 buyers remorse thread

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Why wouldn't you step up from a 9800gx2? It'd be cheaper to pay ~$150 for a GTX 280 than ~$300 for a 4870, right?

Actually reading all the reviews, I would rather keep this 9800gx2. It seems to perform better than the 280gtx on the majority of the tests while saving me $150. I may end up getting a waterblock to cool it and overclock it to milk more performance out of it.
Besides if I purchase the 4870, i can sell this card for $400 and make $100.
So step up: costs $150. Sell 9800gx2 and buy 4870: make $100. That is a $250 swing.
You realisticly probably dont know more than 2 or 3 people who bought a console after owning a highend PC, and even if it was 50 people you know, your experiences are only a tiny iota of the greater population, and in no way representative of the population.

fact is more people game on consoles. ALOT more. period
The price difference really isn't all that great.

I just got a PS3 and paying $60 for a game sure is a kick right to the nuts.

This is especially true since titles are not lowering their price even after being out for a while, AND the fact that you can get most new PC games for $40 new on launch when CC and BB have their price wars. (Bioshock, Mass Effect, Orange Box, etc...)

factor in patches and fixes to get alot games running right.....dont get me started on BF2142 and the hell i went thru to get it to play half way decent

consoles dont have that issue
factor in patches and fixes to get alot games running right.....dont get me started on BF2142 and the hell i went thru to get it to play half way decent

consoles dont have that issue

Remember now, we were talking about cost.

PC gaming has MANY other issues that affect its marketshare vs consoles.
all hail Popegold, the purveyor of justice to the remorseful minions of pc gaming...ROFL

he magically is having a positive impact on PC gaming by rubbing people's misfortune in their faces, making them feel even worse....yes, this will make more people want to spend even more money on PC gaming.....LOL

you are a joke, what a weak cover for flamebait trolling......!!!


funny how fast this went from "dont you feel bad you f-ed up by not buying the uber 4870!?" to being about being the second coming of christ for pc gamers abroad....LOL
here is what happened.

1.we all thought new HD series woud have 480 shaders, most likly this is the same inside info nvidia had.

2.AMD lied to all of us, by admitting and all the rumours saying oh amd is only competing with 9800 gtx. and we all believed that too.

3. third 32 tmu's = another surprise, it ended up being 40.

4. the architecture is more refined than we all thought it was. same amount of ROP's but twice as effiecient.

5. One of the AMD reps a few weeks ago interviewed by one of the websites who said, that we will provide 85% of performance Nvidia high end, and it ended up being close to 90% at high resolutions and AA on.

6. AMD downplayed everything and dropped a fart bomb on nvidia, Nvidia will have 55nm in about 6-8 months and ati will have 45nm and more scalable.

7. Nvidia is yet to support dx10.1 but I believe they will totaly skip it. we will see dx11 parts sometime in 2010 with the release of Windows 7

8. Nvidia really got greedy for after g80, they had 2+ years to actually make the gt200 and I would not be surprised if Nvidia goes back to 256bit memory bus in order to shrink the die and use GDDR5 because I don't think any game is going to demand 120+GB/s bandwidth anytime soon. and ofcourse there will be even faster GDDR5, you can already oc the hd 4870 to 1200mhz on the memory through control panel, that is 1200x4 = 4800mhz=tits

unless 30 inch monitors replace the current 24 's as prices plummet
4870 can't beat the 280GTX, [Hard] didn't even add it to the 4800 review. Yes you pay a premium for HQ settings, buts that's the buyers choice not the community. Everyone was jumping the 280GTX bandwagon for these cards a week ago, now there's a witch hunt for them :rolleyes:
all hail Popegold, the purveyor of justice to the remorseful minions of pc gaming...ROFL

he magically is having a positive impact on PC gaming by rubbing people's misfortune in their faces, making them feel even worse....yes, this will make more people want to spend even more money on PC gaming.....LOL

you are a joke, what a weak cover for flamebait trolling......!!!


funny how fast this went from "dont you feel bad you f-ed up by not buying the uber 4870!?" to being about being the second coming of christ for pc gamers abroad....LOL

Dont you have anything other to do than be a war mongerer ...
I just point my finger at these suckers that bought Gold Bricks and say, HA HA.
4870 here I come!!
4870 can't beat the 280GTX, [Hard] didn't even add it to the 4800 review. Yes you pay a premium for HQ settings, buts that's the buyers choice not the community. Everyone was jumping the 280GTX bandwagon for these cards a week ago, now there's a witch hunt for them :rolleyes:
I looked in my crystal ball about this thread and im seeing something along the lines of .....

"Thread closed, play nice children." - an admin.
If nvidia kept going unabated by Ati....the midrange vid card...aka the gt260 was going to set the table at 400 bucks

thats too high....

I can really care less if the UBER high end is 10grand a pop

the midrange should stay sub 300$ for the sake of Pc Gaming

That's what I think. With current generation consoles going for $300 and lasting ~5 years, my 360 and $200 40GB ps3 are the best gaming decisions I've made in a long time.

I'm sick and tired of paying ~$200-$300 every 2-3 years for a video card!
For those of us who have a nice 1080p TV, there's no reason to spend more than $200 on a video card.

While PC games are nice and fun, I'm liking my consoles more and more.
A lot of what POPEGOLD says makes total sense. I think a lot of folks take offense to the truth. Like my pa says : "A hit dog hollers!".
That's what I think. With current generation consoles going for $300 and lasting ~5 years, my 360 and $200 40GB ps3 are the best gaming decisions I've made in a long time.

I'm sick and tired of paying ~$200-$300 every 2-3 years for a video card!
For those of us who have a nice 1080p TV, there's no reason to spend more than $200 on a video card.
99% of console games don't output at true 1080p. I have a 1080p TV, and use it both for my Xbox 360 and as my main computer monitor (I have a table set up ~5 feet in front of it). Don't get me wrong; I use both my PC and my 360 regularly, and it's fine if you like PCs or consoles, or both. But don't get the idea that the consoles are outputting full 1080p.
Sorry, late to the thread
*Plops down on sofa next to yang88she with soda*
Wtf do you need 3 for? Is crysis your favorite game in the world or something?
How else is he supposed to make his e-peen bigger? ;)

so it's like saying.. "oh shit.. I just bought this Ferrari.. I should have just got the Toyota because gas prices are too high"

Its more like saying, oh shit, I just bought this Ferrari, I should've bought the Porche that looks almost as good, has almost the same horsepower, and costs half as much.
Some people will stick with the Ferrari cause they piss money, others will go with the Porche because they know they can do other things with the cash they saved.

all hail Popegold, the purveyor of justice to the remorseful minions of pc gaming...ROFL

he magically is having a positive impact on PC gaming by rubbing people's misfortune in their faces, making them feel even worse....yes, this will make more people want to spend even more money on PC gaming.....LOL

you are a joke, what a weak cover for flamebait trolling......!!!

While it says not to flamebait in the rules, it also says specifically not to flame. You can't point to one rule while completely disregarding others, that's hypocracy at its finest.
That's what I think. With current generation consoles going for $300 and lasting ~5 years, my 360 and $200 40GB ps3 are the best gaming decisions I've made in a long time.

I'm sick and tired of paying ~$200-$300 every 2-3 years for a video card!
For those of us who have a nice 1080p TV, there's no reason to spend more than $200 on a video card.

While PC games are nice and fun, I'm liking my consoles more and more.

Your 360 surely won't last 5 years now will it? :D

I don't think the pricing is effectively all that different in the end as I said earlier.
Paying 50% more for games on consoles is pretty terrible, and you really don't need to upgrade your video card all that often, and if you get a $100 video card once every year and a half or so you'll still come out better than consoles in terms of visual quality. (Possible exception near console launches, but that's when they are $400-500 anyway)

Anyway either argument will be moot in some years anyway. (Heavy dose of IMO) Consoles and PCs are getting closer and closer as time goes on, and at some point I can't see their functionalities being anything but identical.
Anyway either argument will be moot in some years anyway. (Heavy dose of IMO) Consoles and PCs are getting closer and closer as time goes on, and at some point I can't see their functionalities being anything but identical.

Consoles are crippled computers with old tech that cant run windows and are stuck with the same hardware for years at a time. That being said, i enjoy my PS3 qutie often and will likely buy a 360.
Ugh.. Consoles are better than PCs? Why? Try buying a game on steam. Buy it, one click to download, install, patch, and keep updated. I don't even have to put a disk into my drive. I can log onto my account from a friends computer and open the game without having to bring anything with me because I can download it onto thier computer.

Oh, graphics? What graphics. They dont play at 60fps, hell GTAIV didn't even sustain 30 fps in a fire fight. It wasn't even outputing at a true 1080p either. I'm sorry, but after playing something like CoD4 maxed at 1920x1200, or Grid consoles look like crap.

Wait you don't have to upgrade every 2 years? What do you call a red ring of death? Hope your under warranty. Failure rate of Xboxs is insane compared to failure rate of graphic's cards.
if being the champion of price/performance to save PC GAMING makes me a be it
... i can live with that

THE Champion? Well I guess its good you're on our side.:p However do you really think you telling most in this forum what they did not already know?:confused:
And as far as the rest of this flamebait thread goes, you made a thread that was title "GTX280 buyers remorse thread". Except you don't own a 280. So you can't have remorse, so how is this anything other than a flame bait thread?

What did you hope to accomplish?
What possible outcome could this thread have taken that would not start a fanboy war?
How do you plan to defend this thread and the creation of it, and your intentions to an Admin?
4870 can't beat the 280GTX, [Hard] didn't even add it to the 4800 review. Yes you pay a premium for HQ settings, buts that's the buyers choice not the community. Everyone was jumping the 280GTX bandwagon for these cards a week ago, now there's a witch hunt for them :rolleyes:

To be fair,the 4870 wasn't intended to compete with the 280GTX,it's more of a second tier card,and it succeeds at that by matching and sometimes beating the 260GTX,at a far better price.The 4870x2 will be the 280's real competition,and I'm betting it will at least beat the 280's $600+ price tag by quite a bit.
And as far as the rest of this flamebait thread goes, you made a thread that was title "GTX280 buyers remorse thread". Except you don't own a 280. So you can't have remorse, so how is this anything other than a flame bait thread?

What did you hope to accomplish?
What possible outcome could this thread have taken that would not start a fanboy war?
How do you plan to defend this thread and the creation of it, and your intentions to an Admin?

The main purpose of these threads is to make people feel bad or stupid while pumping up "The Champions" of whatever thing they are ranting on about. They don't impart any useful information as there's nothing that guys say that doesn't come from a web site that most of us read any way.

I LOVE these threads because the guys who start them seem to know it all and some how think those who don't totally agree with them are some how misinformed. As though they some who will use their magic pixie to reveal the truth. It's just funny as hell!:p

Don't they realize that all the people who are long time PC enthusisats understand what's going on. I bought my GTX 280's before the NDA was lifted, and guess what, no suprises!

The GTX 280 offers horrible bang for the buck. But nothing is faster than two of them right now. So that my change in two months with the 4870x2. This is PC hardware we're talking about, two months in the future doesn't mean shit. Heck, any of us could die today for that matter.

I research all the hardware I buy, track rumors, look at cost versus performance, and sometimes when I can I same dammit, I just going to build the best system I can with my budget and not worry about all that.

With that attitude in mind, I am pleased as punch with my sig rig. Overpriced, sure. The best gaming experience out there right now, absolutely.

I've got the parts left over from my more economical build and I'll probably buy a 4870 or 4870x2 for it with the sale of of my 8800 Ultra and 9800GX2 (I didn't care much for the 9800 GX2) because yes, the 4800 is kick ass. And I got that from reading the same stuff as our "chamipions.":)
To be fair,the 4870 wasn't intended to compete with the 280GTX,it's more of a second tier card,and it succeeds at that by matching and sometimes beating the 260GTX,at a far better price.The 4870x2 will be the 280's real competition,and I'm betting it will at least beat the 280's $600+ price tag by quite a bit.

I have to agree with this. While the card doesn't destroy the Geforce GTX 280 is is less than half the price. Lets' not forget that the dual GPU Radeon 4870X2 is due out in short order as well. That card shows real promise based on what we've seen with the 4870 today.
Sorry, late to the thread
*Plops down on sofa next to yang88she with soda*

dude you drank ALL my soda!

"hey sex, I like where this is going...they're now talking about consoles, wait until the console trolls show up then this sh!t is really gonna hit the fan...

*runs to order pizza & hot wings*
Ugh.. Consoles are better than PCs? Why?

Nobody said consoles are better than PCs. That topic has been a dead horse for a long time. I simply said I'm liking my consoles more and more.

Once you have a nice receiver, floorstanding speakers and a freaking huge sub with your 56" hdtv, you'll realize that sitting in front of the computer kinda sucks. Especially when you work in a cubicle.

I spend 9 hours/day at work on the computer. That's partially the reason I'm liking my consoles more. I don't doubt that CoD4 would look phenomenal on a high end PC, but it plays the same and looks pretty good on the 360.

As for the 1080p argument, I do recall reading that all signals are sent via 1080i and the good 1080p sets upscale. I've been a PC gamer for all my life, but I can't justify spending $200-$300 to the wife on a video card when we could be using it for home repairs.

I did get her to buy the ps3 for $300 with a free $100 Wal-Mart Gift Card though.
It's a blu-ray player too. That was the driving factor.

If the 360 or ps3 only lasts 2-3 years, then that's the same as upgrading the video card. Not to mention spending $400-$500 on a new motherboard / cpu and RAM.
To be fair,the 4870 wasn't intended to compete with the 280GTX,it's more of a second tier card,and it succeeds at that by matching and sometimes beating the 260GTX,at a far better price.The 4870x2 will be the 280's real competition,and I'm betting it will at least beat the 280's $600+ price tag by quite a bit.

Rest assured that the GTX 280 will NOT cost that much with the 4870x2 arrives. Say it goes to $400 (not likely but nVidia isn't going to just do nothing, its not their nature) and the 4870x2 is $500. It then becomes a VERY attractive proposition again.

nVidia has some pricing issues to work out for sure. Long term I'm sure they can. If they have to eat some costs right now they can for the short term to be more competitive. A $400 280 definately looks attractive compared to a $500 4870x2, assuming about the same performance as 4870 CF.
I say a 9800GTX remorse thread is more appropriate. Think of how many people got ripped on that card. NV probably spent the extra $100 lubing those people's butt.
You think consumers would learn...but apparently not.
dude you drank ALL my soda!

"hey sex, I like where this is going...they're now talking about consoles, wait until the console trolls show up then this sh!t is really gonna hit the fan...

*runs to order pizza & hot wings*
I know, it keeps getting better!
Oooh, and while you're up, grab the chips and dip... I don't wanna miss anything good :D
To be fair,the 4870 wasn't intended to compete with the 280GTX,it's more of a second tier card,and it succeeds at that by matching and sometimes beating the 260GTX,at a far better price.The 4870x2 will be the 280's real competition,and I'm betting it will at least beat the 280's $600+ price tag by quite a bit.

why is it for several generations now people keep saying AMD's top GPU is "not trying to compete" with NV's top GPU....???

seems like it has been this way ever since the 7 series....every time AMD comes out with their high end and it fails to compete, they seem to cop out by saying...we weren't trying to beat that...:rolleyes: sounds like an excuse to me.....this has been bothering me for a long time now, it keeps happening

i havent yet heard a NV rep say....we weren't trying to beat the 4870 or we weren't trying to beat AMD on the price performance just let the cards lie where they fall
The main purpose of these threads is to make people feel bad or stupid while pumping up "The Champions" of whatever thing they are ranting on about. They don't impart any useful information as there's nothing that guys say that doesn't come from a web site that most of us read any way.

I LOVE these threads because the guys who start them seem to know it all and some how think those who don't totally agree with them are some how misinformed. As though they some who will use their magic pixie to reveal the truth. It's just funny as hell!:p

Don't they realize that all the people who are long time PC enthusisats understand what's going on. I bought my GTX 280's before the NDA was lifted, and guess what, no suprises!

The GTX 280 offers horrible bang for the buck. But nothing is faster than two of them right now. So that my change in two months with the 4870x2. This is PC hardware we're talking about, two months in the future doesn't mean shit. Heck, any of us could die today for that matter.

I research all the hardware I buy, track rumors, look at cost versus performance, and sometimes when I can I same dammit, I just going to build the best system I can with my budget and not worry about all that.

With that attitude in mind, I am pleased as punch with my sig rig. Overpriced, sure. The best gaming experience out there right now, absolutely.

I've got the parts left over from my more economical build and I'll probably buy a 4870 or 4870x2 for it with the sale of of my 8800 Ultra and 9800GX2 (I didn't care much for the 9800 GX2) because yes, the 4800 is kick ass. And I got that from reading the same stuff as our "chamipions.":)

Yeah, I don't see how people who can afford the 650$ for a video card would be disapointed that there card is still the fastest. Like it's a suprise to them that they are going to be paying a price preimum.

2 Months out still for the 4870x2. So nearly 3 months since the 280 was released. That's at least 1/2 way to the 280 refresh, might as well wait for it, but then we'll be just 4 months away from the 380 being released, but then we'll have to wait for the 5870 in another 4 months. Hold on, the 380 is getting die shrunk. Hey I can pick up a 280 now for only 300$! Oh, wait. Yeah, it's not fast anymore. And I've spent the last year or more waiting for it to come down in price to play these games.

Did ANYONE buy the 280 thinking they weren't going to pay a price/preformance premium over the 4870? Anyone? Seriously I wanna know if anyone at all did that.
Did ANYONE buy the 280 thinking they weren't going to pay a price/preformance premium over the 4870? Anyone? Seriously I wanna know if anyone at all did that.

QFT. This is THE point I was trying to make. Thanks for getting it!:)
Did ANYONE buy the 280 thinking they weren't going to pay a price/preformance premium over the 4870? Anyone? Seriously I wanna know if anyone at all did that.

JUST come out with it VENGY u care not for the common man nor price/performance
i waited until the 8800GTS 320 hit $100 and did SLI and it does everything i ask it to at 1440x900 with everything maxed even the $300 4870 seems ludicrous, i can wait to play todays games in a couple years when the hardware required is relatively cheap, but video gaming is not a lifestyle for me like's just a very small and limited time passer
JUST come out with it VENGY u care not for the common man nor price/performance

here he goes again folks!! he is speaking for the common man!!!

hold on...wait....this is BARAK OBAMA ISN'T IT!!!!!!.....i knew it!!! here comes the rainbow powered autos and strawberry scented welfare checks right behind the rose colored video cards!!!:cool:

thats it!! jesus christ himself has come to us as POPEGOLD!!! i knew he was a man of god with a name like that!!
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