Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

Sorry guys, I didn't interpret that as a joke. That's why you should use smilies; so things aren't taken out of context. I apologize that I wasn't able to decipher his emotions by reading plain text; my crystal ball isn't working well today. ;)

Enjoy your purchase man. :)
Well......... the deed is DONE! just finally pulled the trigger on this beast... with any luck I might even get it tomorrow.. we'll see.. :D

edit: I hope I can sleep tonight.. lol. ;)
TY! As time marched on, it became less of a desire and more of a priority to get one. my wife thinks I'm nuts.. but oh well.. I think she's a little nuts also.. we're good like that. ;) Anyways.. color me excited! wewt.
TY! As time marched on, it became less of a desire and more of a priority to get one. my wife thinks I'm nuts.. but oh well.. I think she's a little nuts also.. we're good like that. ;) Anyways.. color me excited! wewt.

Come back here around 6:00pm tonite ill have some full blown pictures of this beast. You really wont be able to sleep. Dont worry about your wife, after she see's this thing, shell love it too. My gf kinda got mad I dumped $1K on a monitor, but after she saw it she was just as amazed. :)
Nice.. looking forward to the pics. :)

also, this is note worthy, some random newegg review..

Pros: 1920x1080 with bfg 8800 GTS looks amazing on this monitor. Xbox 360 looks amazing.

Cons: It doesn't fornicate with me

Mine arrived just now from Mwave. Can't wait to set it up! I'm going to use it as a TV rather than a PC monitor. We'll see how it looks! :D
Im drunk off my ass right now, i apologize for not setting the flash off. Anyways great monitor, gaming is so much better. Im pretty sure this wil be future proof for a few years. Its also bad ass to watch movies on.

DAYUM! hands in games are to life scale.. well, almost. lol. much w00tfulness!
Well......... the deed is DONE! just finally pulled the trigger on this beast... with any luck I might even get it tomorrow.. we'll see.. :D

edit: I hope I can sleep tonight.. lol. ;)

Sweet man!! Hey, Didn't you (or do you still) have an Apple 30" Cinema Display? :cool:

Edit: ^^ Damn that is a sweet Jerker desk. Wish they had an Ikea out here in Ohio area (Closest is PA) Anyone care to buy me one and ship it to me? I would cover the costs.. since Ikea only offers freight delivery at $250 a pop!
Edit: ^^ Damn that is a sweet Jerker desk. Wish they had an Ikea out here in Ohio area (Closest is PA) Anyone care to buy me one and ship it to me? I would cover the costs.. since Ikea only offers freight delivery at $250 a pop!

I don't know how close you are to Michigan, but they just built an Ikea in Canton. Its about 1hr north of Toledo.
Sweet man!! Hey, Didn't you (or do you still) have an Apple 30" Cinema Display? :cool:


Nope.. I have an Acer AL2423W which will slide over to the util rig.. which I do most of my posting and emailing on anyways, so I can for sure use the extra real estate. I'm trying to figure out the logistics of the Westy on my desky now.. I have a LOT of desk space, so I'm ok in that department, but I'm going to have to shift my gaming area over to the left a bit.. which is fine. I just won't be able to see the TV now. oh well.
I just got my monitor back from RMA. It has the v1.81 firmware on it and so far my PS3 seems to play nice now with HDMI. Further testing will be need as I just got everything setup again. Also can someone check there Westy's service port and see if its a ethernet port? I don't remember if my old v1.0 had an ethernet port for a service port.
Hey guys...i read this thread for a few weeks now before i made my purchase of this monitor a few weeks ago. I do have a few questions that hopefully people who actually have this monitor can answer. First off I'm coming from a Dell 24" monitor where the pixels are obviously smaller as both the Dell and Westinghouse have the same resolution.

The only issue I have with this is the fact that I see "color bleeding." I guess what I mean by this is that for example when viewing threads in in anyone's sig I see some characters as green where all text in the sig's should be gray. For examle if there's the word "Vista" in the sig I see the i as green while everything else is gray. I can minimize the window and move around the screen and still see the "i" as a green tint. Also for examle on where the background is all white, I'll see very tiny bits of green and purple around the dark characters. I think this "color bleeding" issue is because of the fact that the sheer size of the monitor is big at 37" which is something I don't notice on the Dell 24". Can someone who owns this monitor tell me if they experience the same thing I as I think it is normal for a monitor of this size.

Btw high definition movies on this monitor look amazing! The upgrade from the Dell 24" is just amazing and I have so much more real estate to work with. I am now used to this monitor and even at only 1-2 feet away I feel very comfortable but it maybe not be for everyone. But someone please let me know if that issue stated above is normal as I really just think its the fact that the pixels are much larger. But check sig's and as I gave those examples. Thanks again...this thread is great.
Im drunk off my ass right now, i apologize for not setting the flash off. Anyways great monitor, gaming is so much better. Im pretty sure this wil be future proof for a few years. Its also bad ass to watch movies on.

As others have said, nice desk.

Are those Beyer DT-770's that I spy? :)
I just got my monitor back from RMA. It has the v1.81 firmware on it and so far my PS3 seems to play nice now with HDMI. Further testing will be need as I just got everything setup again. Also can someone check there Westy's service port and see if its a ethernet port? I don't remember if my old v1.0 had an ethernet port for a service port.

I just checked mine which is version 1.0, and the service ports is an ethernet port.

Sucks that in spite of mine being brand new (received yesterday from Mwave) I would still receive one with firmware 1.0.
Wait, so if 1.0 is the latest firmware, then what was the oldest? This doesnt make sense what so ever because whats the next firmware after 1.0? -1.0?
I'm thinking they use TFTP or something similar to update the firmware over ethernet. If someone is good with flashing ROM and knows how to use TFTP in depth, we could do this ourselves. Have people download their various firmware, then send it to someone else who needs an updated firmware or wants to try it.
I just got my monitor back from RMA. It has the v1.81 firmware on it and so far my PS3 seems to play nice now with HDMI. Further testing will be need as I just got everything setup again. Also can someone check there Westy's service port and see if its a ethernet port? I don't remember if my old v1.0 had an ethernet port for a service port.

Sooo...How has the testing gone? I still haven't heard of a Westy 37'' not having flickering problems. Yours would be the first for me. And I hope its true!
I'm thinking they use TFTP or something similar to update the firmware over ethernet. If someone is good with flashing ROM and knows how to use TFTP in depth, we could do this ourselves. Have people download their various firmware, then send it to someone else who needs an updated firmware or wants to try it.

I have flashed many a cisco router with TFTP.. it's very easy really you just need to set up the TFTP server and put the image into the "tftpboot" directory (which should be the root of the TFTP server's starting dir) and then jump on the device and do a TFTP get with the IP of the server and the exact filename of the update. but that would mean the westy would need some sort of network connection to the TFTP server..

in other news..


Oh yeah.. so I like need to come down with some horrible and contageous sickness prrrrrrronto.. ;) the words "I think I might need a kidnet transplant" come to mind.. but that's not contageous.. lol
in other news..


Oh yeah.. so I like need to come down with some horrible and contageous sickness prrrrrrronto.. ;) the words "I think I might need a kidnet transplant" come to mind.. but that's not contageous.. lol

Soo...your at work and its being delivered to your house? Psh...I took 2 days off work for this sob...Just so I can make sure I didn't miss it. :p

Btw, strep throat always works for me...
Yeah, but I am leaving in an hour or so.. I'm on-call this weekend anways, so that's justification enough. :)
So far with v1.81 no flickering at all on the HDMI port with the PS3. I don't know if the fix was on the PS3 side or Westy, but my old Westy 1.0 definately had the flicker bug with PS3 even sometimes on DVI1. I'll post back if I run into any flickering.

this thing is pretty unreal.. lol.. once I got it off 1080i and onto 1080p, which took a little bit.. I was a little scared for a sec, then realized the image was interlaced.. whew. anyways.. I'm having to much fun to type more.. I'll take pics later!
I just got home and im sober

Heres a Close up shot of Adobe (3 inches away from screen)

The real Remy Bottle

On the Westinghouse

Close up of the Remy image on Westinghouse Screen

Have a good weekend guys, be safe. Time for me to get a little tipsy to start off the weekend!
Those pics are amazing, and so sharp. I have exactly 1 week before mine... one... more... week. :(

I need to re-org the desk a little.. but so far so good.. love this beast. lol. lookit my lil 24" Acer next to it.. so.. cute. ;)

edit: I tell ya.. it's a trip getting used to this thing at such close range.. like getting used to my 53" Sony for the first time from 5 feet away.. seems BIG and almost akward at first, but quickly becomes simply delicious.
Yeah, I'd be super interested to hear why people keep saying the firmware works backwards.

Especially given that the guy a few posts up sent his in for RMA and the one that came back has the 1.81 firmware on it and it no longer flickers on the PS3.
Yeah, I'd be super interested to hear why people keep saying the firmware works backwards.

Especially given that the guy a few posts up sent his in for RMA and the one that came back has the 1.81 firmware on it and it no longer flickers on the PS3.

1.0 was the latest until 1.81 became available.
Before 1.0 was 1.6, I believe.