Zen release date announced!

Good thing I have a degree in math I guess. Don't really give a fuck about my punctuations and shit in a forum. I'll type up a damn good research paper for you if you are grading, hope you can you comprehend some high level math. Peace! Don't judge a book by its cover..

Some of the smartest people I know have the worst punctuation and spelling online or in personal casual communication.

I think when you have to write nicely written emails, documents, proposals, contracts etc, this stuff gets a little less serious...
Now that... is a bit of an improvement. But still failing for a person of your purported intelligence.

But bring on the research paper: I love a good research paper.

lol. Most of the time when I am writing here is usually I am doing ten things at a time, haha. Either watching tv, eating crap or reading something on my second screen. On top I actually have pretty bad A.D.D, I am either too focused or not focused at all. But when I am actually doing something I am going to be judged on its a lot different. I usually write a lot of professional emails for work, but this stuff is where I am free to not actually care. Hope that makes sense, cheers.
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Is Roy Taylor in here again? Under another name?

Remember that hype train?? Are we just daft now?

Considering the reference to GPUs, I'd say it's Vega hype. We don't know shit about that yet though, who knows. AMD cannot be brushed aside on the new GPU front, just like CPU. You never know with them. Polaris maybe not a high end success has moved a decent amount of cards in the mid-lower end.
Considering the reference to GPUs, I'd say it's Vega hype. We don't know shit about that yet though, who knows. AMD cannot be brushed aside on the new GPU front, just like CPU. You never know with them. Polaris maybe not a high end success has moved a decent amount of cards in the mid-lower end.

I wouldn't be surprised if the rumored rx 490 is indeed showing up in December. Who knows what it is, dual gpu or vega, but It seems like something will be launching in december. But is that even his real twitter, or someone adding to amd hype again? lol. Wasn't that his old twitter name? May be a tweet from a while back?
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I wouldn't be surprised if the rumored rx 490 is indeed showing up in December. Who knows what it is, dual gpu or vega, but It seems like something will be launching in december. But is that even his real twitter, or someone adding to amd hype again? lol. Wasn't that his old twitter name? May be a tweet from a while back?
No idea what they are launching but a dual Polaris is not out of the question after those dual polaris = 1080 slides... something they'd try do capitalise on cheap mid range power for xmas.

Not on twatter so no idea lol xD
Is Roy Taylor in here again? Under another name?

Remember that hype train?? Are we just daft now?
And after reading the front page leaked benchmarks all I can think is:

According to the image it was uploaded in 2014. That is a REALLY OLD tweet. Might be about the R9 290 8GB launch for all we know.
Fucking plane went over the whole Island!!! Yeah that was from back then. Same type of hype shit they do before every launch, that was the point! Churchill was a reference to Fiji-Fury launch and all the COMING SOON bullshit they pulled which mean't 9 months later. Tired of all this AMD press bullshit and leaks where Roy fondel the balls telling you how wonderful it is while shitting in the ice cream dessert. YEAR AFTER FUCKING YEAR!! I am done with this. Have fun with Zen and Vega.
Fucking plane went over the whole Island!!! Yeah that was from back then. Same type of hype shit they do before every launch, that was the point! Churchill was a reference to Fiji-Fury launch and all the COMING SOON bullshit they pulled which mean't 9 months later. Tired of all this AMD press bullshit and leaks where Roy fondel the balls telling you how wonderful it is while shitting in the ice cream dessert. YEAR AFTER FUCKING YEAR!! I am done with this. Have fun with Zen and Vega.

wtf? Damn hate much? don't ruin your day over it. I haven't seen much stupid shit from amd lately. Only hype that is being created is wccftech or more bullshit websites that want to get hit. Why so mad over 2 year old tweet lol...

Relax, its just AMD. hahaha
sim-simmer! yeah, why did you go dig up a two year old tweet?! with your system they probably wont have anything to appeal to you for a while...
Fucking plane went over the whole Island!!! Yeah that was from back then. Same type of hype shit they do before every launch, that was the point! Churchill was a reference to Fiji-Fury launch and all the COMING SOON bullshit they pulled which mean't 9 months later. Tired of all this AMD press bullshit and leaks where Roy fondel the balls telling you how wonderful it is while shitting in the ice cream dessert. YEAR AFTER FUCKING YEAR!! I am done with this. Have fun with Zen and Vega.

Oh I was replying to N4CR when they thought it was in reference to Vega. :)

I never get hyped over PR. I just ask them for specific information and learn to read between the lines. :)

PR is all the same. When I worked as a Diesel Mechanic, we used to have to watch infomercials from tire, brake, fuel additive vendors, etc that told us how their product was going to change the world by saving on fuel mileage. Guess what? It was all bullshit.
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WooHoo, 9 days to the event! The cool thing is, the Horizon event and Star Wars: Rogue One are showing in the same week! Honestly, I have been looking forward to Zen for a long time now and wish I had just stuck with my FX systems with out the switch to Intel and then back. Would have saved some money but, oh well, I am ready with 2 x 1TB SSD's installed. :D
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I'm looking forward to see what Zen can do. Katy Lake is looking to be a massive waste of silicon and while I don't think Zen will outmatch it if it gets within spitting distance I'd be happy.
Kaby (not Katy) lake shows huge improvements on CPU utilization during HD decodes. That could save a serious amount of battery.
Keep in mind the majority of buyers in this demographic will be using DIY desktop builds with a discrete GPU, so that improvement isn't an actual selling point.

Zen is potentially disruptive (dependent on final results and pricing) for certain segments, which many on this site will belong to, even if on a broader level it isn't actually impressive against Intel.
I am sure Intel has seen an engineering sample or has a paid for a report from someone who has an engineering sample or they have had their engineers make a educated guess on how well the chip might perform and they have a good handle on what AMD will be providing to the public.
I am sure Intel has seen an engineering sample or has a paid for a report from someone who has an engineering sample or they have had their engineers make a educated guess on how well the chip might perform and they have a good handle on what AMD will be providing to the public.

I've had access to fairly lofty levels in the tech industry- these people are not really that competent. At least this is true where "industrial espionage" is concerned. There's no need for it usually.

If they have information- it's because engineers talk to each other. NDA or not... no one blabs about leaks "within the family". Sometimes those leaks are faked.

At the moment, by experiential guess, my opinion is that AMD is unbelievably tight lipped right now because one of two things is true:

1. Zen is over performing and a big win.


2. Some guy named Bubba could make a better chip with a pile of dog poop and some 3 in 1 oil.

Now... here's information that might be completely useless....

I've been told the chip is seriously under performing. This information was given to me by a non AMD employee- but a person who is an engineer.

Could be BS. Could be the truth. But I got that info the same way everyone else in the industry does- friends and acquaintances.
I've had access to fairly lofty levels in the tech industry- these people are not really that competent. At least this is true where "industrial espionage" is concerned. There's no need for it usually.

If they have information- it's because engineers talk to each other. NDA or not... no one blabs about leaks "within the family". Sometimes those leaks are faked.

At the moment, by experiential guess, my opinion is that AMD is unbelievably tight lipped right now because one of two things is true:

1. Zen is over performing and a big win.


2. Some guy named Bubba could make a better chip with a pile of dog poop and some 3 in 1 oil.

Now... here's information that might be completely useless....

I've been told the chip is seriously under performing. This information was given to me by a non AMD employee- but a person who is an engineer.

Could be BS. Could be the truth. But I got that info the same way everyone else in the industry does- friends and acquaintances.

That what I was eluding to in my post. If Intel thought they had anything to worry about they would have released something better.

That what I was eluding to in my post. If Intel thought they had anything to worry about they would have released something better.

It is possible INtel has nothing to offer right now. They have gotten very lazy into thinking AMD is going to not bring anything. Apathy by laziness due to a long time of no competition. Many companies fail in this area. Happened to Apple v. Samsung battle of the Smartphones.

To put in perspective, the I7-7700K - are you joking me? The thing is a 6700K with 7700 stamped on it basically. There is zero incentive to upgrade to that chip. If this is what Intel has right now I think Intel has nothing and are probably going to panic a little when Zen crushes Intel's expectations. Or it will be a total flop and were back to Intel again for years to come.
I've had access to fairly lofty levels in the tech industry- these people are not really that competent. At least this is true where "industrial espionage" is concerned. There's no need for it usually.

If they have information- it's because engineers talk to each other. NDA or not... no one blabs about leaks "within the family". Sometimes those leaks are faked.

At the moment, by experiential guess, my opinion is that AMD is unbelievably tight lipped right now because one of two things is true:

1. Zen is over performing and a big win.


2. Some guy named Bubba could make a better chip with a pile of dog poop and some 3 in 1 oil.

Now... here's information that might be completely useless....

I've been told the chip is seriously under performing. This information was given to me by a non AMD employee- but a person who is an engineer.

Could be BS. Could be the truth. But I got that info the same way everyone else in the industry does- friends and acquaintances.
If Zen is their CPU version of the Polaris launch I can say I will be disjointed. It is pretty clear now that Polaris was under performing I don't think AMD can handle another poor performing chip. That all being said if Zen gives them a solid footing architecture wise they may be able to work out raw performance issues in later revisions. I mean anything has to be better than Bulldozer.

That what I was eluding to in my post. If Intel thought they had anything to worry about they would have released something better.

So intel is just sitting on a pile of massively performing 5GHz tetradecacore monsters, but keeping them in case they need them for competitions sake?

cmon man... cmon..
So intel is just sitting on a pile of massively performing 5GHz tetradecacore monsters, but keeping them in case they need them for competitions sake?

cmon man... cmon..

You are being silly.

Maybe they found a new optimization that cuts a watt or two off the cpu...they can look at the competition or lack of it and say... "hey can we push this back to the next model and cut back on r/d for more profits this next quarter"
Have a feeling zen isn't even going to match an over clocked 6700k. hope I'm wrong!

Likely not in IPC considering the 6700K currently is the fastest in that department (I could be mistaken). Intel's lead in IPC is just too big to surpass at this point. They can definitely close the gap. The initial offer will have a relatively conservative clock speed from what I've read. In multi-threaded it tasks it will likely do pretty well (I hope).

I hope Zen lives up the hype. Then maybe I'll update my AMD rig.
That sounds rather optimistic. They can't succeed in that if the Zen is no good.

By the way, I always keep reading your name as 死にたい...

They did exactly the same with Buldozer and Pilediver while ending up the complete opposite. They never ever get close to their PR statements.

And odd...
They did exactly the same with Buldozer while ending up the complete opposite.

And odd...
Kinda but somehow I think they have been hyping Zen less. Almost feels like they know that they don't have to.

Also Sampsa Kurri (I'd say that he's the Finnish version of Hilbert, a bit more HC though) posted today that "Judging by what I've seen, it looks good."

死にたい = shinitai = I want to die.
Kinda but somehow I think they have been hyping Zen less. Almost feels like they know that they don't have to.

Also Sampsa Kurri (I'd say that he's the Finnish version of Hilbert, a bit more HC though) posted today that "Judging by what I've seen, it looks good."

死にたい = shinitai = I want to die.

They are hyping Zen exactly the same way they did Bulldozer. Claims its fantastic for servers, yet in financial calls they do the tapdance and say something vague about multiple years. When we see some benchmark it tends to be rigged in one way or the other to the borderline of a lie. Graphics included.

Remember this?



I'm not so sure... In my opinion they have been rather careful so far. Nothing as bold as with Bulldozer.
They are hyping Zen exactly the same way they did Bulldozer. Claims its fantastic for servers, yet in financial calls they do the tapdance and say something vague about multiple years. When we see some benchmark it tends to be rigged in one way or the other to the borderline of a lie. Graphics included.

Remember this?




I have to disagree. They haven't said shit about zen other than the blender demo. They have been rather quiet, to be honest.
AMD is learning, get the community or reviews to hype their products and run with that. When they take the lead they suck and then get ridiculed to no end for everything that does not match up. Maybe they should take some notice of Microsoft marketing of getting users, firms etc. talking about how useful and powerful their product are vice some old AMD business person yacking away. Get that user enthusiasm that connects to potential buyers out there and get rid of the endless pretty Excel graphs and slides which has no user, personality, smiling, thrilled expression, VR action or anything remotely connecting for someone to want to buy.

IPC needs to be decent but overall computing performance to me is the selling point at a good price. Do I buy an 8 core Broadwell cpu and dead end platform or will Zen give me comparable total computing ability and save me big bucks with a new platform with many years of cpu upgrades to come about? Now Skylake E to me will be the competition for Zen (if decent) - The four core Kaby Lake is great for SFF systems (hopefully Zen will be too) but for serious type work loads - not!

Will have to see how this pans out.
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I am pretty excited about zen, but my simple needs are already well met by their existing products -- more then anything I love buying a $75 quad core chip that clocks 4.3ghz+ pretty easy. Buying a $300+ chip is a lot less appealing to me.
They are hyping Zen exactly the same way they did Bulldozer. Claims its fantastic for servers, yet in financial calls they do the tapdance and say something vague about multiple years. When we see some benchmark it tends to be rigged in one way or the other to the borderline of a lie. Graphics included.

Remember this?




what does this have anything to do with zen? Show me slides of zen where amd is lying. Seriously I am sure it is very hard for you since you can't really find any hype amd is creating about zen. So you are digging up 5 year old stuff. Yea Zen might suck, big deal. Been there before but I am not going to say amd is creating false hype when they haven't.
what does this have anything to do with zen? Show me slides of zen where amd is lying. Seriously I am sure it is very hard for you since you can't really find any hype amd is creating about zen. So you are digging up 5 year old stuff. Yea Zen might suck, big deal. Been there before but I am not going to say amd is creating false hype when they haven't.
I guarantee the 13 will be all full of hype
I guarantee the 13 will be all full of hype

In your opinion, yes, which means you have no proof of any kind. That's ok though, it is just the way you are. I am certain they will build excitement though, which will be easy to do since this is their first new architecture in 5 years.
actually AMD was quiet about Bulldozer, to the fact they didn't even have MSRP for the damn thing, not only were they quiet the only person that hyped Zen Managing Director of AMD's server division, I can't remember his name, but he was the one that went on forums, or gave information about bulldozer benchmarks to a forum and site, which created a buttload of hype.

Shortly after bulldozer launch that guy resigned lol.
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In your opinion, yes, which means you have no proof of any kind. That's ok though, it is just the way you are. I am certain they will build excitement though, which will be easy to do since this is their first new architecture in 5 years.

Well its not like they have a choice when a new architecture comes out, its always been a 5 year schedule for AMD ;)
Well its not like they have a choice when a new architecture comes out, its always been a 5 year schedule for AMD ;)

so damn true. lol. I am sure they know zen is decent. They might not hit 4ghz from the go, but I think its just a thing with new architecture. Intel was the same way. Clock speeds eventually came with new iterations. I am sure AMD wants to leave room for future products. We will probably see these get to 4ghz in a year or so most likely.

I don't expect them to overtake intel, but I am sure they can build on this.
Well Intel's chips since Core 2 Duo, they were all able to overclock fairly well, if I remember correctly all of their chips were overclockable by 20% on air. Damn they are getting close to 5ghz on air with their latest chips, that is a 30% increase in clock speed. This is only because Intel hasn't been pushing clock speeds up because they didn't have to, with Kaby Lake that might change though.

Skylake did have some issues with overclocking initially but that was straightened out soon after though.

I don't expect AMD to take on Intel either, but 10% over multiple years in servers, that will only be happening if they are competitive, which is hard to do if they don't have core for core comparative CPU's. Price for CPU's server companies and datacenters,etc is minimal over other costs.

It took the what, multiple years to get to 25% in servers with a chip that was 2 times more in performance and better in power consumption lol. So that 10% thing seems like a pipe dream.