Your Laptop Picture [H]ere (read first post for rules please)




Dell D630. T7250, 2gb ram, 120gb 7200rpm harddrive, 8400gs equivalent nvidia quadro card, 9 cell battery, 14 inch screen 1400x900 res, bluetooth, intel 4965agn wireless :). the bad: thats not a wrist rest, its part of the battery :p. although it doubles like one ;). whole thing weighs like 5.89 pounds. sucks i know but i get about 6.5 hours with wifi off, and lowest brightness. almost 6 hours with wifi on and lowest brightness. usable at full settings for about 4 hours. thats pretty decent i guess :).

best thing is i can put a T9600 later on in it if i so desire! :D. i even have an option to add a mini pci-e sprint wireless card. i may do that :).

yes its running the windows 7 beta no problems, x64 edition :). i'm gonna add 4gb ram to it!


HP DV8000T 2Ghz, 2GB of ram (4 years old this year.)

Sager: Q9650 3Ghz 4GB of ram

Lenovo Y710 1.66Ghz 4GB of ram. (cpu upgrade planned)

All 3 are 17" screens :D

I only need 2 but when I found the Y710 for $600 brand new in store I had to get it. :eek:
Q9650's should not be in laptops :p :D ;)

makes me wonder if that asus laptop with the 4870x2 will get a similar quad treatment :)
My new laptop:


Asus G50Vt-X5
Intel Core 2 Duo P7450
Nvidia 9800M GS
4GB of RAM
320 GB 7200 RPM HD

I got it to take some online classes and be able to play a few games from time to time. The look is growing on me, but it was the only one that had a keyboard I liked, and good video in my budget.
I love it! But its prob because i own the G50vt-x1 :D, You know u can upgrade it to 8gb of ram right? Im gonna do it whenever ram prices go down lol
kuyaglen nice set-up, and no shorts! looks like you did a good little jimmy rig there.
Mine? Well so far it has done fine, the Empire Total War demo has been all I have played though. I don't own much in the way of Computer Games at this point, but I want to pick up Dawn of War 2. So far it seems to handle everything as well as my desktop which had a 8800GTS in it.
So how good is that Asus for gaming??

Mine can play just about every single game on high with full aa and af with fps at 60+

I play:

Fallout 3
Team fortress 2
Counter strike source
Doom 3
Both Stalkers (these games have optimization problems and wont run at 60fps maxed)

Just dont be expectin to run Crysis maxed out with 60fps+

Got a 9-cell 7200mah battery for my AAO (previously used a 2200mah battery). 8 hour battery life ftw, though it looks kind of ugly. Makes the keyboard slightly more comfortable to type on, too.
How much was that battery? My 3 cell while slightly better with Win7 is still pretty puny. I get about 1.5 hours at best.
Was going to get the 6-cell but since I found this 9-cell for $75 used I got it instead. With the 3-cell I also got between 1.5h and 2h:20m, depending on how I used the computer. That's with XP tuned for performance and low power.
wow that 9 cell battery sure does make your AAO stand up tall haha but looking good
Taking this little guy for a spin to sree if I'm going to keep it...


So far it's nice, beats a netbook on performance but keeps the ultraportability.
here we go:






Ancient thinkpad (size of 2 textbooks stacked)



Old school HP tablet:



Dude if your going to post high resolution pics, please use a tripod and better lighting. Your pics are so blurry it gave me a headache.
Why in the world are you installing XP on a Tablet? That's hideous. Vista was a quantum leap for tablet usability (and Win7's pretty huge in that retard too)
Why in the world are you installing XP on a Tablet? That's hideous. Vista was a quantum leap for tablet usability (and Win7's pretty huge in that retard too)

Look at that laptop, it ain't even close to being able to handle vista.
Dude if your going to post high resolution pics, please use a tripod and better lighting. Your pics are so blurry it gave me a headache.

Haha...Dynafrom, were those pics taken with a Dare? If it is, the Dare can capture better pics than that. You just have to turn up the ISO. It creates more digital noise but that's better than an out of focus pic. For example:


Thanks man, it's not as extreme as some of the other laptop set-ups here but it gets the job done. :)
Asus g50vtX6

Just got this baby a little over a month ago, and couldn't be happier. Now I just need a netbook to go along with it xD



