Your favorite energy drink for gaming?

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Hulk said:
I always drink a high protein shake mixed with creatine. I also take a multivitamin during gaming, really gives me that edge that I need...

lolz. Im gunna to plump you up!!!!!!!!!

MTN DEW FTW! or Cherry coke with real grenadine in a styro-foam cup for extra coolness in the hot hot room.
I never have a problem staying up during lan parties.. probably due to my insomnia problem.. heh but I love Red Bull.. not for the energy.. but I actually like the way it tastes.. not as sweet and carbonated as other drinks.


Gaming really isn't that taxing on my body, believe it or not (sarcasm).

Seriously, though... why do you need an energy drink to game??
Rockstar actually put me to sleep once. Weird. Still good though. Bawls is my first choice.
I prefer a diet Coke. All that caffeine is bad enough already without all that sugar as well...............
If you want to stay up late, here's what you do. Load up on carbs, and cut out all the sugar and cafine from your diet at least 8 hours before. Then drink LOTS of water. If you don't have to piss every 1-2 hours, you aren't drinking enough. You don't get the sugar/caffine rush and crash, so you can think clearly. I've drunk as much as 5-6 liters of water per day before at a camp. It hurts, but it keeps you awake and it gives you energy.
Wow, so much energy drink hate. Water? For staying up for 4 days? gg

Monster Energy is the win. Khaos and Assault are absolutely delicious. Bawls is always good, but it just doesn't have that extra zang it used too.

And, if all else fails, Mini-Thin X-Treme pills. If those don't keep you awake, you must be dead.
Energy drinks are over-hyped. I actually fell asleep 15min after having a Rockstar once :confused: . What keeps me up late at night is hot tea or cold Diet Dr. Pepper.
CHAoS_NiNJA said:
Wow, so much energy drink hate. Water? For staying up for 4 days? gg

Monster Energy is the win. Khaos and Assault are absolutely delicious. Bawls is always good, but it just doesn't have that extra zang it used too.

And, if all else fails, Mini-Thin X-Treme pills. If those don't keep you awake, you must be dead.

cardiac arrest ftw
I mainly drink Mountain Dew as my main caffiene source but for lans and longer gaming sessions I drink Red Bull when I have it.
I drink energy drinks more for the taste when I'm on the road. I get a different one every time, a lot of weird flavors. :)
General Crespin said:
I drink energy drinks more for the taste when I'm on the road. I get a different one every time, a lot of weird flavors. :)
I've noticed that they have a lot of cool can designs, too.
Rockstar and Redbull, mostly because my cousin is sponsored by both of those companies, and he gets both those drinks shipped in large bunches. So it's good for me.

I usually LAN over 10-14 hour periods of time and need something that will deliver a consistent boost with no time afterwards when I feel shitty. Therefore, a weak energy drink works fine. I usually buy a 12 pack and drink as I go, drinking more when our team is losing to get the reflexes up a bit...
Rarely do I need an "energy drink" when I game so I just stick with glasses of ice water or if I do need a boost, a big mug of coffee htis the spot. Besides, the energy drinks I've tasted were nasty and I don't drink alot of soda sooo....water and coffee ftw.
Bawls...very refreshing, tastes good, and having 2 or more can make me shake :). AMP is also good, and easier to find.
Redbull, Monster and Sobes......and mix any off those with diet dr. pepper and i'm in liquid amphetamine heaven.
A special cocktail of water, much caffiene, and a whole lotta ass kicking. And I'm all outta gum too. :)
We will go threw a few cases of Mtn Dew during our lan parties. It's cheep and everyone just chips in... I drink a lot of water too.
For me, it's like this:

- Water
- Bawls
- Mtn. Dew
- Code Red (Mtn. Dew)
- MDX (Mtn. Dew)
- AMP'ed (Mtn. Dew)

If I have to, I'd say Pepsi/Coke are next on my list, though I hardly ever buy either... I really like Bawls, but it's hard to find in my area. I had three while on vacation up North, good stuff... I usually buy one of the Mtn. Dew variants when I'm out and happen to come across one...

I've also tried most other drinks and they either do nothing for me, or they taste like crap... Examples including Monster and RockStar.
I dont know , Never tried one for gaming. I recently started drinking red bull and monster at work when i need to kick ass, coffee lost its effect on me, now it's just a requirement for me to function normally. I suppose a red bull wouldn't hurt those times i'm falling asleep playing Guild wars.
Lou Cypher said:
I stick with AMP, it has always been my favorite.
Sobe is pretty good too
A little bit of Adderall doesn't hurt either :)

Adderall...Cocktail? haha.

Usually I'm drinking water. But if I'm playing WoW for a long period of time, some Coca-Cola, Coffee or Monster. :p

Although, coffee doesn't nearly have the same effect on me like it used to. Working at Dunkin Donuts for 2 1/2 years and drinking 7 cups of coffee a day kills the caffiene high from it. :D
Good ol' H2O keeps meh going. Give me some goldfish and/or honey roasted peanuts and I'll be your friend forever.
Diet Mountain Dew, Diet Coke, or Livewire (the mountain dew orange drink).
i drink warp plasma.. nah i like amp now and then or sobe, drinking any of that crap all the time is obviously bad, but once in a while when you want a adrenalin-like rush while gaming it's fun.. only problem is the caffine makes my hands shaky which can really screw with my fps aim..

All depends what mood I'm in.
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