Your favorite energy drink for gaming?

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I like Bawls for their sponsorship at LANs, but I really think Monster tastes better. What I do is drink like a gallon of my home brewed sweet tea, like 5x more caffeine and tastier.
Rofl-Mic-Lofl said:
I like Bawls for their sponsorship at LANs, but I really think Monster tastes better. What I do is drink like a gallon of my home brewed sweet tea, like 5x more caffeine and tastier.

Care to share your recipe?
I drink alot of Mountain Dew mostly because at this point I get headaches and bitchy when I don't have it. Addiction anyone? But I don't care, I love the stuff.

Besides that I'll drink AMP if I want something that just tastes good, or Sobe No-Fear if I want a good shot of energy. I've been known to drink two or three an hour. Total waste of money and unnecessary? Yes.

Also Lost energy is pretty good.

I make up for all this by drinking roughly a gallon of water a day under normal circumstances, and if I'm really in a mood to stay up I'll just start popping no-doze. I just use energy drinks for the taste and sometimes a little edge.
ehh.. I don't drink energy drinks while gaming at home but if i'm at a gaming center for somewhere like that Bawls and mountain dew.. But drink Mountain Dew at home.
my favorite drink for gaming (or any other situation for that matter) is good ol coca cola. its kinda weird though, because if i drink it in the morning or late at night when im trying to stay awake, it will pep me right up. but, if i drink a whole can and then try to go to bed, it kind of settles my stomache and the caffeine doesnt seem to ahve a effect. but actually, if i am tired, i usually wont even game at all, let alone drink soemthing to wake me up so i can still play.
My favorie energy drink would be sprite (though its not actually an energy drink). Gets me those wins in Trackmania!
Psychotext said:
Overpriced and covered in cream?!? ;)

Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of "easily found/available on most street corners."
Burn2 MMMMmmmmm Not sure how widespread it is, it is produced here locally in North Carolina I think, but I hear is is more popular in the mid west. It is a bit hard to find locally, only the mom and pop convenience stores have it, non of the chain stores carry it. I guess they have to sell to the buy at the corporate office first or something.

I have tried about every energy drink out there, this one tastes the best and seems to pack a hell of a punch.
Well I mostly had sodas and capri suns and crap.... but reading this thread made me pick up a couple cans of Full Throttle.. and the taste is great..... not really affected yet because I just drank a few gulps a second ago... time to go frag some noobs on CS:S now..

BTW Monster tastes like crap. :eek:
The only problem I have with Monster is that when I drink a few I cannot sleep for a few days depending on how many I had. Its great for when your gaming but sitting in bed with your mind racing isnt any fun when you know you need sleep...
ohgod said:
The only problem I have with Monster is that when I drink a few I cannot sleep for a few days depending on how many I had. Its great for when your gaming but sitting in bed with your mind racing isnt any fun when you know you need sleep...

thats why you don't even try to sleep, you just keep gaming ;)
I drink water, oj, or 7up Plus

Helps me avoid "teh fat"

I lost 30lbs by just not drinking Mt Dew and beer. I used to drink at least a case of Dew and a case of beer on a slow week. That stuff is nothing but legal crack, and almost as bad for you. Some of you guys can get away with drinking gallons of that stuff, but after high school that shit just went straight to my gut. For alcohol I drink gin & tonic (gotta have the lime, though). If I absolutely must have caffeine, I get a diet pop (or soda for you non-midwesterners :p ).
prtzlboy said:
That stuff is nothing but legal crack, and almost as bad for you.
...but after high school that shit just went straight to my gut.

prtzlboy said:
I drink water, oj, or 7up Plus

Helps me avoid "teh fat"

I lost 30lbs by just not drinking Mt Dew and beer. I used to drink at least a case of Dew and a case of beer on a slow week. That stuff is nothing but legal crack, and almost as bad for you. Some of you guys can get away with drinking gallons of that stuff, but after high school that shit just went straight to my gut. For alcohol I drink gin & tonic (gotta have the lime, though). If I absolutely must have caffeine, I get a diet pop (or soda for you non-midwesterners :p ).
Damn, drinking a case of Dew AND Beer each week is just asking for a gut! I know what you mean though, when I hit 25 it happened to me. I only drink water, hot tea, and unsweetened tea now. I drink beer maybe one night a week, and only a few, and a odd energy drink once or twice a week in the morning.
People who say they drink beer as an energy drink are stupid. You arent cool because you drink beer and its not clever anymore.
Cousin Patty said:
People who say they drink beer as an energy drink are stupid. You arent cool because you drink beer and its not clever anymore.

People who assume other people are trying to be clever, when in reality they may actually just drink beer, are stupid. You aren't cool because you threadcrap, and it's never once been clever.
Too far off-topic now. This thread has been on my to-close list; and now it's closed.
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