Your Fallout 3 Impressions


Oct 21, 2004
Game is going to be launching in just a few hours in some areas. Bring your experienced comments here on the game as you've played it so far. Please be sure to warn of SPOILERS.
T-Mins 20 hours till I get my copy.
Gotta pick mine up in the morning. Small town area so not much hope of a midnight release.

What I want to know if anyone picks it up around midnight tonight is if you can target specific body parts with melee or hand to hand.
I have no source to show you, but I have heard that you cannot target limbs with hand to hand, but I think you can target the head specifically.
What's the appeal of Fallout 3? I never played any of them, and from the vids i've seen, it doesn't seem like anything special. Another first person zombie shooter?
Someone care to elaborate? What makes it stand out? I see a guy with typical FPS guns, running around a city shootin up things. (Just trying to understand the hype around the game)
Someone care to elaborate? What makes it stand out? I see a guy with typical FPS guns, running around a city shootin up things. (Just trying to understand the hype around the game)

I could be more of a dick ( I used that line "not to be a dick," but people mistook the meaning), but I really don't see this is a relevant or worthy of nice response question. There are plenty of developer walkthrough videos on ("HD" no less) and articles/previews you could read to get the info.
Its patterned after the best game of 2006 (Oblivion) and is based in one of PC RPGs most cherished worlds (Fallout).. Now to understand more about it i'll leave you to research just how popular/good Oblivion is (i personally wasted 120hours of my life playing it) and how far back Fallout goes.

if you dont' like FPS-RPGs like oblivion there is probably little chance you'd like Fallout 3 but you may like it simply for its post-apocolyptic setting. I loved both and can't wait to get this game.

not to mention i see this as really kicking off the Gaming mahem that will be the 2008 Holiday Season, Guitar Hero WT is next on the list for me. So many games so little $$ lol.. going to be a poor christmas
I did play Oblivion for a while, but it got a bit boring for me and I lost interest. It was a cool game in that you were in an open world and had so much to do though.
Oblivion was a great game, the sound & dialogue was top notch, roaming around the towns, weapons, items etc. It had amazing graphics, it almost felt like you were in the world. This game made me see how the future of gaming is going to be.
Fallout3 must be even better, they had years to develop it after oblivion, and I think it was the same team. I trust betheesda will give us another hit, they really know what they are doing.

I honestly can't wait until tomorrow to hit Best Buy and buy this baby.
I just got my copy of the pc version about 2 hours ago. I'm running the game on a Q9650 @ 3.0, 4870 x2, ultra high settings (everything maxed), and 8 gb ram on x64 vista. The game runs decently well, out door scenes are extremely taxing. Checking my card, it seems as if X-fire isn't using the cards properly, hopefully they can patch this up. Otherwise, the game is incredible so far and have been playing for a while. Writing this article because i'm tired and it's time to call it a night.
Someone care to elaborate? What makes it stand out? I see a guy with typical FPS guns, running around a city shootin up things. (Just trying to understand the hype around the game)

The point of fallout is the world of fallout and the freedom to explore it. It's supposed to be more RPG than FPS but that is Oblivion syndrome...

A tongue-in-cheek post apocalyptic nuclear fallout future. It's just a fun place to be because the point is that it plays serious but underneath, it's all based on a very humerous version of the future.

IE: the entire point of the vaults, IE: one vault was designed so that the clothing dispensers all malfunctioned and hundreds of thousands of people had to live without clothes. It's both very funny and yet frightening when you think about what sort of events happened in there.
People see guns and first person perspective and they tend think it is a shooter. A friend of mine did the same thing when I showed him KOTOR even though the action in that game is purely stats based and is pausable RT.
Which, frankly, is more of what the world needs, but that's a topic for another day.


Anyways, I've sunk about 6 hrs into the game so far, and I absolutly love it. One of the best games of 2008. This makes up for the farcry2 HUGE letdown.
So where the F can we get it for the PC right now?
24hr Wal-Marts carrying it yet?
The user reviews are good this seems like a no brainer
So where the F can we get it for the PC right now?
24hr Wal-Marts carrying it yet?

I just glanced at the Walmart website and none of the Fallout 3 Versions are available in store. :(
Maybe they haven't updated the site to reflect todays in-store release date.
Someone let me know if the game requires online activation. I'm in Afghanistan and my wife's picking up my copy and sending it to me but if it requires online activation, then I'll tell her not to bother.
Wow, its so great to wake up to find douchebags thread-crapping all over your legit discussion. Fucking fantastic.
For all you tools who posted and haven't played the game yet, learn to read the first post in a thread.
Someone let me know if the game requires online activation. I'm in Afghanistan and my wife's picking up my copy and sending it to me but if it requires online activation, then I'll tell her not to bother.

No online activation and no CD-Key entry necessary. You just install and keep the disc in the drive if you want to play. I picked up the game at Gamestop's midnight release last night and stayed up till about 2:15 central time playing.

So far the game is awesome but since I've barely dedicated 2 hours, I obviously can't give it my final approval yet. It's really looking great so far though. It may be different later in the game, but it seems Bethesda did a pretty good job of removing or covering up the console's control interface. I only encountered one spot that asked me to push 'A' in order to advance (but you can just click on the button instead).
No online activation and no CD-Key entry necessary. You just install and keep the disc in the drive if you want to play. I picked up the game at Gamestop's midnight release last night and stayed up till about 2:15 central time playing.

So far the game is awesome but since I've barely dedicated 2 hours, I obviously can't give it my final approval yet. It's really looking great so far though. It may be different later in the game, but it seems Bethesda did a pretty good job of removing or covering up the console's control interface. I only encountered one spot that asked me to push 'A' in order to advance (but you can just click on the button instead).

Thanks, that's good to know

Has anyone else tried the game yet? It's not out here in the UK till Friday.
Just picked it up at my local Gamestop in Madison, Wisconsin.

PC version for me.
360 version for the fiancee.

I can't wait till the work day is over.
Driving home from work in an hour and a half to give Steam the ol' install mouse click. :)

By the time I bust out work early this afternoon, I'll be playing it. :) Although I'm supposed to be helping a friend move. Ugh. Hmmm. Carry couches, beds and tables up and down stairs... or play FO3?
Just picked up my copy around 15 minutes ago and its currently installing. Can't wait to get my Ninja character started!
I just got my copy of the pc version about 2 hours ago. I'm running the game on a Q9650 @ 3.0, 4870 x2, ultra high settings (everything maxed), and 8 gb ram on x64 vista. The game runs decently well, out door scenes are extremely taxing. Checking my card, it seems as if X-fire isn't using the cards properly, hopefully they can patch this up. Otherwise, the game is incredible so far and have been playing for a while. Writing this article because i'm tired and it's time to call it a night.

Can't freaking wait to get my copy. At what resolution are you running? My rig is close to yours and I'd like to run at 2560x1600 all ultra high. Think that's doable?

It's disheartening to hear X-fire is not working yet, but how did you come to this conclusion (temps...?) I was really hoping ATI would have patched the game for use of X-fire (and X-fire X in my case).
It's disheartening to hear X-fire is not working yet, but how did you come to this conclusion (temps...?) I was really hoping ATI would have patched the game for use of X-fire (and X-fire X in my case).

I'm surprised ATi had such a hard-on for getting hotfixes out for Far Cry 2, but no love for Fallout (I guess because its the Obliv engine and they thought it would work the same?)

Oh well, we'll probably get our month driver early next month.
I will be getting this game after work today no question about it. The question I do have is which version? I have both a PS3 and working well as a pc that is slightly outdated (X2 5000+, 2GB, 8800GT 512) so I can't decide. I've already eliminated the PS3 because of reports that it has the least appealing graphics which leaves 360 vs pc. Mods really aren't a factor since I've never taken advantage of many in the past (moved on to other games by the time they drop) so it comes down to this:

360 + 42" 1080p plasma with 7.1 surround

pc + 20" WS lcd and headphones (no speakers)

I probably won't decide until I get to the store.:(
personally i'd go with the 360 just because its on the 42".. but if you want best graphics and best gameplay the PC is pretty much a no-brainer.

you need to just drag your 42" over to the PC and then the problem is solved :)
im just installing my copy right now, i got the last copy for the PC because i pre-ordered it.

there's no love for PC's where i live :(