You graphics card progression

In the last 8 months

8800 Ultra (still own it)
GTX 280
HD 4890
now after sales/trades
HD 4870x2
Some ridiculous old card (think it was a Voodoo) that was paired with a 266mhz Pentium II and 32mb SDRAM
Geforce2 Go 16mb
Intel GMA 950
Geforce Go 7600 256mb
Radeon HD4870 512mb

never got a new PC that wasn't faster than the old one...
Riva TNT 1
ATI Rage
Geforce 4 (PCI)
Geforce 3 agp
9600 pro
x800 xt
x1900xt 512
x1800 mobile
8800 gts 640
gtx 260
This includes both PC and HTPC:

nVidia Riva 128
nVidia TNT2
ATI Radeon 7500
nVidia GeForce Ti 4400 (or something like that)
ATI Radeon 9000 Pro
ATI Radeon AIW 9600XT
ATI Radeon 9800Pro
ATI Radeon X1900XT
nVidia 9600GT
Trident 4MB
Voodoo Banshee
Voodoo 2 SLI
Geforce 256
Geforce 2
Radeon 8500
Geforce 3 Ti500
Radeon 9800
Geforce 6800 GT AGP
Geforce 6800 Ultra PCIe SLi
Geforce 7800 GTX SLi
Geforce 7900 GTX SLi (got them for free)
Geforce 7950GX2 Quad SLi (also got these for free)
Geforce 8800 GTX
Geforce 9800 GX2
Geforce GTX 280
Geforce GTX 285 SLi
1st Graphics Card
a 2MB ISA Hercules card that was HUUUGE

1st 3D card
Diamond Monster 3D 4MB for $150 at CompUSA in 1997.

My list of graphics cards (both 2D and 3D) that i've owned is as follows:

2MB ISA Hercules
1MB S3 64 PCI (it couldn't run at as high resolution as the hercules due to less memory but it was probably at least twice as fast in 2d)
4MB Diamond Monster 3D (3dfx voodoo chip)
16MB Asus Riva TNT
Dual Orchid (who remembers those?) Righteous Voodoo 2 12MB in SLI
32MB Creative GeForce DDR
64MB GeForce 2 Ultra
128MB PNY GeForce TI4600
128MB Radeon 9800 Pro 256bit
512MB Radeon x1950xtx
512MB GeForce 8800GTS G92
1024MB GTX 280
Voodoo5 5500
GeForce 2 GTS
GeForce 2 Ultra
Radeon 64
Radeon 8500
GeForce 4 ti4200
GeForce 6 6800 Ultra
GeForce 7 7800 GS
GeForce 9 9600 GT OCX
GeForce GT200 260 (192)

This is for my personal/gaming PC. I've left out the various backup/unused cards, probably another 4-5 of those.
tnt2 m64 pci
geforce 1 ddr
voodoo5 5500
geforce 4 ti4200
geforce 6800 LE(ultra under clocked)
geforce 8800gt
was suppose to get a 4850, but someone jacked it from my front door :(
Not going to list everything, but needless to say, whatever was on board the Atari 400 (custom chip likely) and now I have a GTX 285.

My TNT2 Ultra engineering sample was stupid fast for the time, and only got old when the GeForce2 series came out.
It blows my mind how so many people are able to spend money on consecutive releases of cards with the same/similar architecture and barely any extra performance.
Don't remember the old model #'s, but went from:
4mb ATI card (in my spankin' new AMD K6-2 350 machine! lol)
Matrox G440
32MB ATI card, (which I paid darn near 200 bucks for!)
64mb MX440,
512mb X1600PRO,
to current onboard HD3300 Graphics.

Want to get a 4770 though, if the XFX one ever goes back in stock at the egg.
ones that i bought
S3 virge 2mb
ati rage fury 32 meg card
geforce TNT2 - used
geforce 3
geforce Ti4200 - used
Radion x800gto
geforce 8800gt
In the last 2 years


And I still don't really need an upgrade

I'm waiting for my next upgrade. It must be a minimum of 2.5x as fast as the 8800 GTX (150% more performance at the same settings, and no more than 175W load power consumption), or else it's not worth buying. FWIW, 8800 GTX is 4x as fast as the X800 XL. In my eyes, all current generation cards are only incremental upgrades, and very disappointing, 2.5 years later, and they can only do 60-100% better on a single card (4890 / GTX 285), while consuming so much power to warrant building a power plant (nVidia is worse at this with their GTX 285).

Pretty much the same. Even when the new cards are "faster" than mine, they seem to be faster in games I don't play. Just need some damn good games to push me into a new card!
Voodoo Rush > Voodoo Banshee > Voodoo something TV (3500 I think?) > GeForce 3 Ti 500 > Radeon 9700 Pro > Radeon 9800 Pro > 7800GTX > 8800GTS 640 > 8800GTS 512 > GTX 280 > to infinity and beyond.
Creative Labs 3D Blaster PCI (Rendition Vérité V1000) - vQuake > GLQuake!!!! <3
Diamond Monster 3D
Voodoo 5 5500
ATi Radeon 8500
ATi Radeon 9800 Pro
Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT
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i'll omit the non 3d ones from my youth.

tnt2 (diamond viper)
geforce 2 mx
radeon 9800 pro (died, RIP)
evga geforce 6600gt
xfx geforce 7600gt
evga geforce 8800gs
asus 3870x2
evga gtx 260
galaxy 9800gtx+
evga 9600gso
xfx 9800gt (in about a week)

yeah i have no clue why i went from 260 -> 9800gtx -> 9600gso
i think im more obsessed with getting new hardware than i am with upgrading.
hmm ..I think I had

Matrox G200 8meg AGP
GeForce 256
GeForce Ti200
GeForce Ti4400
Radeon 9700 Pro w/free Half Life 2-TF2-CS:S
Radeon 9800 Pro
FX 5900XT (short lived, couldn't even run stock speeds so sent back to Newegg)
6800 Ultra AGP (?)
7800GTX x2 in SLi
8800GTS 640mb ..and is the card I am still running today
Riva64 TNT2 something card
ATI Radeon x1600 Pro (AGP)
ATI Radeon x1650 Pro (PCIe)
nVidia Geforce 8800GTS 512
nVidia Geforce 9800GTX (stepped up, only new card that I was able to get, and was free too)

Haven't upgraded within over a year. I really need to but don't quite have the money and I'm also kind of lazy :p
geforce 2 mx>geforce 5700 ultra"loved it>geforce 7800 gt > xfx 512 mb ddr 3 9600gso, just bought from newegg STILL ON ITS WAY WOOT!
Riva TNT1 -> GeForce 1 SDR -> GeForce 3 Ti200 -> 9800 Pro -> 6600GT -> X800GTO2 -> 7900GTO -> 8800GT -> 4870 1GB.
Can't remember cards before 4 series. Ti 4400 > 6600 GT > 7900GT > 8800 GTS 320MB > 8800 GT.... Yep, never had an Ati

GTX 260 or greater coming when a game forces me to upgrade again. No rush gaming at 1680 x 1050. PSU just upgraded to power it
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voodoo 3
geforce 2 ti
geforce 4 ti 4400
radeon 9800XT
radeon X850XT Platinum
geforce 8800GTX
geforce GTX 285

my next card will be whatever the best single card is of the next generation. G300 or R800
intergrated thing with 486
intel 810e 8MB intergrated
geforce4 mx 440 256
Cool thread, lots of cards listed I had completely forgotton about!
My Progression:
Nvidia TNT 16MB w/ a Diamond Monster II
Nvidia TNT2 32MB
Nvidia Geforce 256 32MB
Nvidia Geforce 3 64MB
Nvidia Geforce 4ti 4600 128MB
ATI Radeon 9800 256MB
Nvidia Geforce 6800GT 256MB
Nvidia Grforce 7800 GTX 256MB / SLI
Nvidia Geforce 8800GTX 768MB / SLI
various really old cards
nvidia geforce 6800
nvidia geforce 8800GT
nvidia gtx260 core 216
s3 virge ( i still have this pci card and it works)
voodoo 1
voodoo 2
riva tnt
S3 trio on-board 2mb?
Geforce 2mx 400 32mb
Radeon 9200 128mb
Geforce 5600 256mb
8500GT 256mb

On hold for the next step.:(
sis (I think) 32mb AGP card <--- bought because 8mb of onboard ram wasn't enough to play GTA3. lol

ATi Radeon 9000 Vanilla 64mb AGP <---- overclocked like a beast. Handled Farcry, blew minds. lol

Sapphire Radeon 9600XT 128mb AGP <---- Gift from my freshman year roommate when he upgraded to a 6600GT. Was awesome till I tried OC'ing it. Something went wrong and it'd artifact like crazy from then on. Also, my 200watt PSU proved to not be enough for the job. Card is dead-ish now. =p

ATi Radeon 9800pro 128mb AGP <---- Lender card from a friend to use with my new system till I could afford to buy his x850pro. Currently in sister's P4 rig.

ATi Radeon x850pro 256mb AGP <---- The old beast. Never had an issue until I wanted to play things that needed shader model 3. Grr.

Intel® GMA X3000 <---- Kill it with fire. New build and was too broke for a good PCI-e card. My Radeon 9000 ran UT2004 paired with a 1001mhz Athalon than this chipset did with a Q6600.

XFX Geforce 7600 256mb PCI-e <---- One of my old co-workers lent me this after I bitched about how shitty the intel GFX were. I thanked him forever. lol

Asus Radeon HD4850 512mb <---- Current card. Absolutely beautiful and has served me well. Too bad I needa sell my rig. =/
Paradise>Matrox??>VLB based card??>Matrox Mystique>TNT>Voodoo3>TNT2>Voodoo5>TI4200>9600XT>6800GT>7800GTX-SLI>7950GX2>8800GT>8800GTS512-SLI>HD4870-512-Xfire>GTX 260+9800GT for Physx>Currently running single 4890 and loving it. Waiting for 58??/GTX???................who will be next :eek: :D
Trident 4meg pci thing (1997??)
Rage Pro 3d (first 3d card and Jedi Knight was glorious!!)
Voodoo 1
TNT1 + SLI voodoo 2
Geforce SDR
Geforce DDR
Geforce 2
Geforce 3
SLI 7800gt

I always try to say as near the top as I can. I think the longest life card I used was the 9700pro.
Guillemot M64
ATi Rage128
Voodoo3 2000
Radeon SDR
Radeon 8500
Radeon 9800
Geforce 6800GT
Geforce 7800GTX (x2)
Radeon 1800XT
Radeon 1800XT xFire Edition
Radeon 2900XT (x2)
Radeon 2400XT
Radeon 1550XT
8800GTS 512 (x2)
Radeon 2600XT
GeForce 9600GT
Radeon 4850 (x4)
Radeon 4890 (x2)