Xubuntu 8.04 + VMWARE Server 2 RC1 Issues


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 13, 2002
On my folding only system (SFF, specs in sig) I have a Server 2008 X64 host running 2x Xubuntu Hardy 8.04 VMs on VMWare Server 2 RC1. The VMs were initially created using Server Beta 2 and ran ok. VM1 was rock solid apart from the occasional 100% hang. VM2 was always sketchy, with occasional freezes. For the last week or so both had been running fine.

This weekend I installed a Corsair HX620 to replace the overworked Earthwatts380. Since the reboot VM2 will freeze almost immediately. Thinking the new 6.20 GPU client may be the issue I killed the client, but no change. This is a list of what I've tried so far:

VM settings: 2 cpu, 1200mb RAM, bridged networking, SCSI, CD Drive is the ISO, USB controller.

- Stopped all VMs and Clients, VM2 still freezes.
- Removed VM2 including disk file and reinstalled, freezes during install
- Downloaded Hardy 8.04.1, reinstalled. Freezes during install or shortly after install
- Downloaded Hardy 8.04, reinstalled. Freezes during install or shortly after install.
- Noticed VM1 was running at hardware level 6, VM2 at hardware level 7 so I reinstalled using 8.04 and hardware 6. Freezes during install.
- Set disk file to pre-allocate space, freezes during install

Currently I have just downloaded Xubuntu 6.06 and it installed fine, I'll see how long it runs the client for. I was just wondering if anyone has run into this issue or can shed any light on what I might try to get 8.04 running again.

One thing I noticed is that the the working set memory usage in the Server 2008 resource monitor seems abnormally high. It usually is at around 1300mb+ at the time of the freeze. VM1 on the other hand maxes out at 800mb. Even with 6.06 it's running at 1350mb which seems high.

Truthfully, I have no clue what exactly is causing your problem. However, I wouldn't be surprised if it has something to do with VMWare Server 2. I've tried a couple of the betas on Linux as a host and had nothing but trouble with them. After the second try, I totally gave up and went back to the 1.0x series. Besides, I hate having to use a webbrowser to control the VMs, it's annoying as hell in my opinion.

I'm currently running VMWare Server 1.06 on my Vista box and either 1.04 or 1.05 on my other two VM boxen. I have little trouble with them at all.

You might want to try 1.06 instead to see how that works out. I haven't looked into it, but I think your current VMs should transfer over just fine.

I agree with you on Server 2.0 being junk, especially the web interface. 6.06 seemed reasonably stable but lacked the samba config tool that I'm used to. I'm installing 7.10, if that doesn't work I'll try installing Server 1.06 although I haven't read many people running it on a Server 2008 host.

Too bad GPU folding is all the rage, otherwise I could just install ESXi now that's it's free.

Stupid question but I'm going to ask it anyway. You did upgrade the expired clients to 6.02 yes? I didn't see you mention what client is why I ask. I'm running notfreds VM SMP clients so I'm assuming the base client you're running is the same. If not just throw this in the round file...

Stupid question but I'm going to ask it anyway. You did upgrade the expired clients to 6.02 yes? I didn't see you mention what client is why I ask. I'm running notfreds VM SMP clients so I'm assuming the base client you're running is the same. If not just throw this in the round file...

Ya, the clients have been upgraded. It's not even freezing during FAH though, half the time it freezes during the install of Linux or package installs right after, so it's mainly during disk I/O stuff and not anything CPU/Memory intensive. I upgraded the chipset drivers just in case but it didn't help. Maybe I should give notfreds a try or just run SMP natively and pump out 2665 all day.

I think it's just Vmware Server 2.0 taking a dump on me, but I have no idea why the one VM runs fine and the second has all the issues.

I agree with smikeRngs and try the Server 1.06 instead. That's what I use on all of my boxens and it's flawless.
