XFX Rebate Denied

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They don't accept copies of register receipts? They used to accept photocopies, damn now they want the original? Who the fuck do they think they are.

Screw that.
thats sucks i used the invoice from newegg does that mean i'm going to get denied

rebatestatus.com shows that they have received my submission and it is being processed. The estimated mail date for my check is 01-Apr-2008
Sucks to hear that you had problems with your rebate, no one likes feeling screwed out of what they rightfully deserve. I had an issue with my XFX rebate where I forgot to submit my UPC like an idiot or something, but I coordinated Newegg to get a letter that said I had not returned the product and XFX accepted that and I got my money. That was quite nice considering I was the one who F'ed up.

At any rate, I am surprised by the number of negative responses in this thread, its natural to be upset about these things, especially with money.

Alls well that ends well.
Hi all ,well the xfx rebate house is trying to screw me out of my $80.00 i recently bought two XFX 5850s that have a $40.00 rebate,and i just checked my status today and it says rebates DENIED due to it was outside the time frame,well it does fall outside the time frame BECAUSE i didnt even get my cards for over two weeks after i placed the order with tigerdirect ! And according to the XFX rebate house ,one of their OWN !! FAQ is if my rebates are not in the given time frame DUE to shipping can i still collect my rebates? and their answer is YES ,as long as you provide the packing slip showing when they were shipped. Which i DID !!! so this is BS bigtime ! if i was ten dollors i wouldnt really care ! but $80.00?? you darn right,, im MAD !! i was going to buy the ASUS 5850s or the MSI ones because i liked the cooling design better,BUT i seen XFX had this SO CALLED rebates,that it looks like im about to get ripped off on !! i'll keep this thread posted as to what happens ,as im SURE this will happen AGAIN to some one else !:mad:mad:
Bumping a 3 year old thread won't help you. Did you call XFX or get a hold of the rep here?
3 year old thread bud.

On a related note, I received my latest XFX rebate last week with no trouble.
Hi all ,well the xfx rebate house is trying to screw me out of my $80.00 i recently bought two XFX 5850s that have a $40.00 rebate,and i just checked my status today and it says rebates DENIED due to it was outside the time frame,well it does fall outside the time frame BECAUSE i didnt even get my cards for over two weeks after i placed the order with tigerdirect ! And according to the XFX rebate house ,one of their OWN !! FAQ is if my rebates are not in the given time frame DUE to shipping can i still collect my rebates? and their answer is YES ,as long as you provide the packing slip showing when they were shipped. Which i DID !!! so this is BS bigtime ! if i was ten dollors i wouldnt really care ! but $80.00?? you darn right,, im MAD !! i was going to buy the ASUS 5850s or the MSI ones because i liked the cooling design better,BUT i seen XFX had this SO CALLED rebates,that it looks like im about to get ripped off on !! i'll keep this thread posted as to what happens ,as im SURE this will happen AGAIN to some one else !:mad:mad:

Call their customer service and tell them the situation. You might want to go ahead and get ALL of the invoices, tracking numbers, delivery confirmation info, copies of your rebate, and the date it was sent togther just to prep yourself. They may want to see all or none of it to support your claim. Hopefully if you are forced to have to email support you'll tidy up your impressively mispunctuated and inextricably long run on sentence abilities.

Also, I hope you get banned for necro'ing a 3year thread.
3 years ago, the OP called XFX customer service and was helped resubmitting his rebate again within minutes. You should do the same.
necro bumping ain't cool. on a side note. it's not entirely xfx fault your cards weren't delivered within the time frame of the rebates. according to all my xfx rebate fine prints, you had 30 days from date of purchase to send in the rebate. even with 2 weeks delivery time, you had ample time to get it done.
Bumping a 3 year old thread won't help you. Did you call XFX or get a hold of the rep here?

well DUH i kinda a figured that,and i dont care if its a 13 year old thread !! im only posting it because if someone googles it they might find this thread,thats how i ended up here,and be warned about those liars and their so called rebates,but i obviously grabbed someones attention,just the wrong someone,anyhow,YES i called those idiots about 5 times now,im sick and tried of this BS,they wont return my calls wont answer my emails,wont do F%#CK ALL! and as for tigerdirect goes screw those bastards too! you'd figure seeing the rep steered me towards these XFX ones,that atleast he'd do is say ok,we'll give you a $80.00 instore credit or something,NOPE ,he says i have to handle it with the xfx rebate house,and XFX themselfves say the same thing!! but screw this no more 12 day delivery,im going with N C I X next time,the rep told me they price match newegg and tiger,and stuff thats in stock they ship the SAME DAY ! Like theres NO reason for that long delivery thats BULL S H I T im only 2 hours north of toronto<< im sure everyone has heard of toronto??? anyhow its not like i live in the backwood hills of west VA for christ sake!:mad::mad::mad:
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