Xbox Live Labels Autistic Boy "Cheater"?

You guys weren't playing Doom or Wolfenstein at 11? Duke? Half-life before 15?

It might be too soon, it's not necessary, but it's not that unusual. My high school teacher showed us Gladiator and I was 16 or 17.
You cheat, you deserve the consequences, regardless of whether you're disabled or not. Microsoft has to enforce the same rules on everyone. You don't get this done because you're "really good at games." They only do this when there's obvious hard evidence in the system.

If the kid's disability prevents him from adhering to the rules Microsoft has in place, he should not be using the service.
It doesn't matter that the kid is autistic, since his mom won't be able to cover his ass all the time when he grows up. He deserves to be banned if he gets caught cheating, and it's better if he faces reality sooner rather than later.
I bet you ANYTHING his mom bought him one of those "special" controllers...

No I'm not linking so this thing sells or endorsing it they are possibly the worste type of cheating possible and I HATE THEM. They get you banned and banned fast. These things are only usable off-line since my friend thought the rapid-fire ability was super sick and got banned 3 hours after using it.
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Whatever, this story reeks of BS to me. Kid was cheating, autistic or not.
The rating of the games he's playing doesn't really factor into anything. They are just a "guide" for parents to follow and judge if that game is suitable for the child in question.

There are kinds of levels of autistic children , so is he more advanced or is it just a bit ? This would probably be my number one question before labeling him a complete cheater.

It takes a shit ton of effort to hardware hack a 360 on live and keep it from being detected so , who knows.

Maybe this kid is just that good.
i have seen one autistic kid play video games like a savant, and omfg, it is amazing. he is constantly swaying his head while barely making eye contact with the screen. he constantly uses all of his fingers to push all the buttons and analog sticks while he juggles/rotates/flips the controller in the most unnatural ways. and hes perfect at playing.
My high school teacher showed us Gladiator and I was 16 or 17.

Well, you are able to buy an R ticket for a movie when you are 17.

Regardless, schools can show those movies with a parent permission.
So being autistic means the kid is entitled to special treatment I guess?

I say yes actually. But then again, I believe being labelled a cheater should ONLY apply when someone hacks in a multiplayer game. EVERYTHING ELSE is fine.
Actually, if MS was smart, they would release all the details surrounding this issue. This is very very bad PR for them.
I got a fix for all of this....

Fly the kid up to redmond with his family, let the press know about it, and let him sit there and game on a fresh out of the box Xbox360 with a pure account for 12 hours and see how good he is...

It's actually a pretty short drive from their home to Redmond, and... ...the "press" knows about it already.
Actually, if MS was smart, they would release all the details surrounding this issue. This is very very bad PR for them.

Which is pretty sad. They try and enforce a set of rules to make their gamerscore system fair, and they get flak for it.

Microsoft has never been overly zealous with gamerscore resets. Basically if you get it reset, it's because you've got something going on your account that is physically impossible to achieve without cheating. It's most likely that he's got crazy stuff like 20 achievements at a time unlocked at the same minute.
You guys weren't playing Doom or Wolfenstein at 11? Duke? Half-life before 15?

It might be too soon, it's not necessary, but it's not that unusual. My high school teacher showed us Gladiator and I was 16 or 17.

So far I agree with you most in this regard...Hell, I was eating up shit like Aliens and Event Horizon before I was 10. I'm all for monitoring what you purchase for your kids and taking responsibility, but I can't understand the logic that just because something is a little violent a kid's mind won't be able to handle it.

Somewhat sarcastically-don't let your kids watch Bambi, the Lion King, or Hunchback of Notre Dame. Seriously....Frollo has issues. :eek:
Turns out the kid was cheating.

It was cleared up on Twitter. It was, and I quote, "this wasn't a he "played too good" situation at all". here

The mom pretty much backhandedly admits that Microsoft was in the right because she is coming up with another excuse about how her account has been hacked/accessed out of state or something. This is also on twitter. [too lazy to go look for it].

Seems the kid got caught cheating and the mom saw a good way to get 15 minutes of fame.
Actually, yeah. But not in this case.

I didn't mean he shouldn't get special treatment in the same way a handicapped individual gets front row parking, but the article made it seem like the mom expects her son to be treated differently from other cheaters due to his autism. It's not a free pass to violate rules that are put in place for good reason.

When you're in game and you get mowed down by some cheating idiot, don't worry about it, it probably helps him a ton with some mental disability he has so it's okay :rolleyes:

Sounds like your jealous of his skills and your small epeen. Go crawl back under your bridge troll.

I'm jealous that he cheated? Because players that don't suck need to cheat right?
Turns out the kid was cheating.

It was cleared up on Twitter. It was, and I quote, "this wasn't a he "played too good" situation at all". here

The mom pretty much backhandedly admits that Microsoft was in the right because she is coming up with another excuse about how her account has been hacked/accessed out of state or something. This is also on twitter. [too lazy to go look for it].

Seems the kid got caught cheating and the mom saw a good way to get 15 minutes of fame.

Stephen Toulouse, AKA Stepto, Director of Policy and Enforcement for Xbox Live, also checked himself, from what I can understand from what he tweeted.
I was just adding on to what you said. I would have edited my post to show that, but apparently an edit function.

I feel everyone is blowing this out of the water. You don't see news reports like these every day about someone being labeled a cheater on XBL.
I have taught a few autistic kids, and in many cases they do have savant syndrome. One student had memorized an entire sports almanac and could answer any question you asked, regarding stats.

Another student have apparently memorized a good portion of the IMDB database, as he knew every actor and director of any film he was asked about.

I have a soft spot for these kids as they can have very serious social problems and trouble identifying and showing emotions. If you actually sit down and talk with them they are just like any other student. I am always amazed by their achievement despite the huge hurdles they face. In many cases they work much harder, resulting in better outcomes, than many of the "normal" students.

With all this being said, in my experience many autistic kids have trouble with their fine motor skills ... however I am not sure how this would translate to using a controller to play games.
How could an autistic 11 year old play, or acquire games like that? The mother does not seem to be a person that would buy her kids games such as the mature ones listed there. Fishy.
Also, who really cares? XBOX can do what they want anyway, it's their network and its in the fine print somewhere that everyone agrees that XBOX can close any account, at any time, for any reason I would say.
You guys weren't playing Doom or Wolfenstein at 11? Duke? Half-life before 15?

It might be too soon, it's not necessary, but it's not that unusual. My high school teacher showed us Gladiator and I was 16 or 17.

But you know when not to let the thoughts in your head spill out like my autistic son, crap he heard 3 years ago on TV shows and games I played he can repeat near verbatim. Which is why I no longer am allowed to play nor is he M games. Because I dont really like getting notes home that his para heard my 12 year old repeating scenes from Left for Dead or some of the other M games around and trying to explain to the school why he was talking about how Big Daddy kept throwing him across the room (that was a fun one thought for sure I was going to be talking to the police on that one) Big BUTT here, I'm not saying everone needs to keep there kid from playing M games thats a parents choice just like taking them to an R movie you need to know what the kids can handle and what they cant. I could handle killing Zombies in Wolfenstien, Demons in Doom, Killing thousands of baddies in Secret of the Silver Blades and not having what I was saying to someone be taken the wrong way.
Maybe it is obvious but many of these posts make me suspect allot of you do not realize that Autism and Mental Retardation are two separate things. Many people with autism have some degree of MR, many do not.

That being said, there certainly can be profound differences in how the world is perceived and interacted with. I give huge credit to the folks who posted that have personal, family, and professional experience with autism. Thank you.

So, of course people with disabilities have special consideration under the law...but does or should that extend to cheating? Could a paraplegic strap on a mechwarrior robot and play soccer with unenhanced humans? Perhaps a retarded person could use chesmaster x000 to decide his chess moves? Maybe someone who stutters could use a knife to rob a store because his disability makes it hard to get a job?

There are significant issues with this child being autistic...but these issues have to do with the family and the child...NOT with his cheating at a video game. Any child would and do get a sense of satisfaction from "gaming" the system. Autistic or not. As parents we need to help instill a sense of right and wrong based on our own moral compass.

I find the mother at fault here...just a gut feeling.
The kid's gamertag "ZOMBIE KILL67" could very well be being used by someone else, of the 16 games on the console, almost every single one is a M rated shooter that an 11 year old autistic kid wouldn't be playing.

Yeah I didn't read the article and I'm not going to but I thought I still had not woken up when I read the list of games and remembered that the user in question was 11 years old. Autistic or not, those games aren't for him.
If the kid cheated or not, I don't know or really care. To all those of you who are complaining that the kid was allowed to play M games...lighten the hell up. Most of us were playing games that would be considered M rated at his age or younger. Add to the fact that as an autistic kid, if the parents found something the boy could get into and do well at they should encourage it. Not to the point of cheating though. These games do not hurt anybody (ignore the media when they trumpet otherwise).

I knew more than several autistic kids at one time and my half sister was autistic - for many of them that I knew, if something could have been found that could hold their attention and give them satisfaction AND not hurt or disrupt anyone else it would have been like striking gold in your backyard for many of the parents. M rated games? Who gives a rat's ass?
You guys weren't playing Doom or Wolfenstein at 11? Duke? Half-life before 15?

It might be too soon, it's not necessary, but it's not that unusual. My high school teacher showed us Gladiator and I was 16 or 17.

i think there is quite a bit of a difference in quality here. the scripted meelee knife takedowns in COD BO are the most realistic (i.e. gory) i have seen to this day. some of them made me say "holy s*it!" out loud. and i have seen some scary stuff in my time with the armed forces...
Did you see the list of games this woman lets her 11yo play? COD, GTA... I think the larger issue is that this autistic kid has an unfit mother.
The kid's gamertag "ZOMBIE KILL67" could very well be being used by someone else, of the 16 games on the console, almost every single one is a M rated shooter that an 11 year old autistic kid wouldn't be playing.
Well from the looks of it he has started playing Halo and only Halo again so it has to be an 11 year old playing :p.
Autisic or not, the kid shouldn't be playing those M rated games anyways.
Isn't that up to the parents? My mom let me and brother watch freddy fruger when we were like 6 and 8... she explained it wasn't real and it was just for fun, like halooween... made sense to me at the time and neither of us grew up mentally disturbed or violent.

point is, it's different for every kid and every family and they should be able to make that choice themselves
Having an unwise mother does not mean you have an unfit mother.
Nope. Not in the slightest.
[I can't believe I'm defending Glenn Beck] It was the autism to MMR vaccine link that was fraudulent.

Hell yeah that link was fraud.
The doc who wrote that article compared like 11 kids at his son's bday party, one had autism, had the vaccine, so he applied a sample size of basically nil compared to millions upon millions of kids over the span on decades.
And what did he get for some of the worst "medical" research ever produced in Britain? He lost the right to practice medicine in that country for being a moron.

And the USA's NIH has spent countless millions attempting to disprove that link with quality research, something they have done time and time again but somehow up until recently lawyers actually did win some cases regarding that "link", no more.

Slightly off topic, but interesting tidbit since we're discussing autism.
Damn "no edit" for front page articles.

Oh btw, here's the link to the Xbox "Ban" Forum. Makes for some entertaining reading when "innocents" or their parents demand their or their kid's accounts be reactivated. ;-)

It's not unheard of for false positives to be detected and users to be banned for no reason.

Modern Warfare 2 was notorious for this.

Valve had to acknowledge the mistakes and offered people who had been banned a free copy of Left for Dead...

So I don't have the details why this kid was banned, and I don't play consoles at all and have never even seen an Xbox, so I can't speak to the details here. All I know is that anti-cheat software is not perfect, and because of this, I never dismiss these people's claims of being innocent completely.
His k/d in Halo is below 1.00 (0.84 ranked, and 0.97 unranked) I really doubt this was because he was "too good". Most likely he moved his profile to his computer, and edited the profile to show that he had unlocked all the achievements, including the online-one ones. It's really easy for MS to see when people unlock online-only achievements while off-line.