X800XT/PE vmods..so far


Aug 10, 2003
Seems I will be around 710 on the core! wOOt! Cant wait to get this baby on Wednesday. I think the mem was around 660. This sucker is gonna fly!
what was that?? it's gonna fry?? sorry I'm a bit hard of hearing :cool:

(being facetious, no flame plz)
congrats on the forthcoming overclock! 710 would kick ass on on any card.

Chickenmon : Don't ruin this thread like you and another who will rename nameless did last time. Whatever your problem is, just don't post here unless you have usefull input. It's simple.
nst6563 said:
Chickenmon : Don't ruin this thread like you and another who will rename nameless did last time. Whatever your problem is, just don't post here unless you have usefull input. It's simple.

exactly my words .. i already sent you warning a few days ago
2Fresh said:
Seems I will be around 710 on the core! wOOt! Cant wait to get this baby on Wednesday. I think the mem was around 660. This sucker is gonna fly!

Wow...what cooling are you using?

I should be recieving my XT pretty soon (not PE, none to be found so I settled :( ) I'm thinking a Zalman 2 pipe with blow hole cooling right on it and a little vmod (which I will do myself of course).j
Core will be colled with a maze4-1 (TEC) The mem will be colled how every viper john cooles it. I guess he is doing like 5 diff vmods to it. SWEEET!!
Excuse the ignorance here...

do the X800's use different clocks for 2d and 3d like the NV5900's? If not, I would be a bit ummm... hesitant to keep the clocks that high for doing simple things like browsing. In fact, I would prolly only do it for benchmarking-- even intense gaming for hours and hours would scare me a bit when it is THAT high!

It is VERY cool to have a screamer, but you are going to shorten the life of the thing-- so make sure "flex the muscles" only when you need to!

Good luck, and look forward to hearing what happens!!!

Skystalker said:
Excuse the ignorance here...

It is VERY cool to have a screamer, but you are going to shorten the life of the thing-- so make sure "flex the muscles" only when you need to!


Every one says that...I have even said that, but you know, I have overclocked everything from my dog to my car with the PC in between...the only thing that died was my dog, and that was from old age.
I have never had anything die from oc'ing it. He is not jsut oc'ing the card...he is volt modding it. 2 different things. Volt modding allows for higher oc;s becaue of the mods. He doe not just cool it and crank the speeds way up.
BBA said:
Every one says that...I have even said that, but you know, I have overclocked everything from my dog to my car with the PC in between...the only thing that died was my dog, and that was from old age.

Oh, I overclock everything... but that is a hell of an overclock with a hell of a voltage bump... would make me nervous.


you can set 2d and 3d overclocking profiles in ATi Tool so that it overclocks during 3d and reverts back to stock in 2d. keeps temps down too.
Skystalker said:
Oh, I overclock everything... but that is a hell of an overclock with a hell of a voltage bump... would make me nervous.



That is why you is a TEC and some kickass chip coolers ;)
why would people oc when they already can run games at highest settings? i don't think bragging rights is worth the risk and money.
well, theres always more performance to be had at 1600x1200 full AF and AA.
2Fresh said:
That is why you is a TEC and some kickass chip coolers ;)

Hey, man...

I really hope it works great for ya... for me, I cannot afford to replace it if it packed it in a month from now. I am a "cautious overclocker". Maybe not as [H]ard as some of ya, but I do alright.

Look forward to seeing what you can do with that card!

Good luck!

I OCed my x-gf too much and she kicked me in the nuts before she left me, that's about it for me :D.

~Adam (Being [H]ard isn't an experience, it's a way of [L]ife!)
thenerd said:
why would people oc when they already can run games at highest settings? i don't think bragging rights is worth the risk and money.

It is a hobby bro. Some of us have enough $ where it does not matter. I will be into this card around $750...but who cares! It is fun as hell. :) Also, yeah gotta think about it...I also run Mach II...$ does not mean much to me when it comes to oc'ing. ;)
Wish DD wasnt trying to corner me into buying a rediculous wb for my GT, at least it seems that way. I'd like to use a TEC on my Maze4. What TEC you going with?

The popular ~172watter has a vmax of 24v :eek: Hard to find powerful 40mm TECs not like this and the vmax is pretty high for 12v supplies. I'm taking a look at one of the many 110w'ers avaliable on ebay as I have the standard 12v meanwell often used on cpu TEC's which will fit right into a 15v TEC's sweet spot, especially cranked to 13 volts! If money is no object you have to go with a 24v supply, I suggest the meanwell again. You can turn it down a bit into the more efficient level. 80 watters@12v on the latest gen may find you a bit wanting IMHO. 110 watters were best I could find where 12v wouldnt be underpowering it by a shit load. Anyone let me know if you've seen something better please.

And to the weenies... no one is listening to you so go away :p Good hearted btw, only mr. blue smoke needs to chill because the subject clearly implies not being for sunday overclockers. I have a prometia(but M1) as well, my GT just seems all neglected. Fat chance he will heed your warnings either. It's just a different philosophy... I'm actually more scared of OC'ing my current stock GT as the temps go so high, even after I've been beating up my 9700 like a little bitch. Hey it was cold at least. :cool:
thenerd said:
why would people oc when they already can run games at highest settings? i don't think bragging rights is worth the risk and money.

This is [H]|Forum.

go to pcworld forums or something, if you want to speak such heresay
2Fresh said:
Seems I will be around 710 on the core! wOOt! Cant wait to get this baby on Wednesday.
Wow, sounds pretty frickkin' awesome!! Remember to post some benchies and turn us 6800x owners green with NV. :D
hehehe no worries there. He was running only running an xp 2500 and scored 7k on 3Dark05, and did not even have he settings up that high, wOOt!!! Me on an A64 @ atleast 2.8-2.9 should kicksome serious ass.

I am only going to be running an 80w tec, Viper said that would be plenty.

I guess there are a few mods I wont be able to take pics of...something about him working with ATi and I am not suppsed to show them. But I wil show what i can. =)

thenerd said:
why would people oc when they already can run games at highest settings? i don't think bragging rights is worth the risk and money.

not [H]ard
2Fresh said:
He was running an xp 2500 and scored 7k on 3Dark05, and did not even have he settiiiings up that high
3DMark05?? Wouldn't it be more fun to crank out some Doom3 numbers that no-one with a 6800x can match? That'd be pretty funny. :p
2Fresh said:
hehehe no worries there. He was running only running an xp 2500 and scored 7k on 3Dark05, and did not even have he settings up that high, wOOt!!! Me on an A64 @ atleast 2.8-2.9 should kicksome serious ass.

I am only going to be running an 80w tec, Viper said that would be plenty.

I guess there are a few mods I wont be able to take pics of...something about him working with ATi and I am not suppsed to show them. But I wil show what i can. =)

Basically, he's BS'ing you so the average part time modder doesnt know what he is doing. That way he can sell more mods because people will think he's got a secret scoop on things.
BBA said:
Basically, he's BS'ing you so the average part time modder doesnt know what he is doing. That way he can sell more mods because people will think he's got a secret scoop on things.

Obvious you have no clue who the guy is. he holds MANY records for his oc's on cards. And he did not mention this untill after he saw a psot with people asking for pics...long after he and I had our deal set up. Go talk aout your ass to some other nOOb.
2Fresh said:
Frying a $500 dollar card??? What are you on bro?

lol...quite possibly the blue smoke from one of his cards :p

sorry...couldn't resist...not jabbing anyone so don't take offense.
Different forums asshole. And people do care, as to why they ask questions.This is a very cool mod being done on a very sweet card. If you dont like it, get you sorry ass out off here. Oh, and the last one got locked because of little jealous bitches like you posting shit in the threds. You are so jealous you dont know what to do so you bitch to make your self feel better. Either stay out or I will have a mod remove you out.
2Fresh said:
hehehe no worries there. He was running only running an xp 2500 and scored 7k on 3Dark05, and did not even have he settings up that high, wOOt!!! Me on an A64 @ atleast 2.8-2.9 should kicksome serious ass.

I am only going to be running an 80w tec, Viper said that would be plenty.

I guess there are a few mods I wont be able to take pics of...something about him working with ATi and I am not suppsed to show them. But I wil show what i can. =)
I'm not so sure on that one. Maybe 3dm03 or 01SE, but 05 is heavily GPU dependent, don't expect too much on 05 on a different processor.
viccyran said:
I'm not so sure on that one. Maybe 3dm03 or 01SE, but 05 is heavily GPU dependent, don't expect too much on 05 on a different processor.

I would agree with you for the most part, but there is some truth in this. 3D mark may have a lot of faults, but they have done some good work for simply testing GPU vs System.

3DMark2k1 was basically a system test... heavily video card biased, but system would push the card faster, ie: faster system on same card almost always made a difference.

3DMark2k3 and 2k5, are very much a GPU benchmark... but system does have something to do with it (muuuch less than 2k1).

Case and point...(admittedly with 2k3)... go to page 5!

So-- might not see dramatic changes, but you will see some. :)

I just want over 7k and I will be happy. He was not even at 710 on the core when he ran it, I think like 648/600 and scored 6748. With the TEC he said 700 no prblem on the core and I can push the mem up to atleast 660. Those scores are just what he tests with on his final report. He does not max things out when he does your report for you. Tells you waht you are capable of and lets you get at it.
so .. is this viperjohn guy strictly an ATi guy? .. or does he mess with nVidia cards too? :confused:
710 is gonna be pretty fantastic. I cant wait to see a screen shot. Viperjohn is the guy. The highest I can get is 680. Oh, I got your 7K right here: 3DMark 05 - 7034
So how does he/you volt mod the card? Is it with just a simple pencil or what?