X800XT/PE vmods..so far

2Fresh said:
I think I will be getting it tomorrow! Woooooooo!

2Fresh said:
Card should be here today, and my mobo is in for rma..that it he shitty part. I do hahve my VNF2-350, but I dont want to install it, intall the h2o for the card...then ripit all aoart next week when I gt my new mobo. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!

We may never see the benches.

How about a pic of the card to satisfy our curiosity? I wouldn't want to put it together just to take it apart either...
2Fresh, I wanted to just stop in and give you a pat on the back for sitting through a lot of this BS that has been thrown at you. I KNOW that you're telling the truth and I KNOW what these cards (when they're fully voltmodded and Pelt cooled) are capable of.....unlike a lot of people that are bashing you and accusing you of lying, I actually understand water and peltier cooling and what it's capable of.....some of the guys around here throwing $hit at you really need to either grow up, or start reading up on something before they start bashing you without any ability to back up their ignorant "claims".

I'm actually gonna have my Sapphire X800XT-PE on thursday (traded off my 6800GT) and I'm voltmodding the card myself to bump it from 1.4v up to 1.55v, and modding an ATI Silencer for it. A couple guys over at XtremeSystems (where they actually KNOW what they're talking about when it comes to this stuff) have been telling me that they got relatively "bad" cards in terms of their stock cooling/votlage overclocks, and they still have their XT-PE's at or just over 600MHz on the core at 1.55v with average air cooling. I expect to be above 600MHz with my XT-PE, but by how much is not yet known.

I guess I'll just have to give some people around here another thing to "call" because I've already purchased a 110W Pelt for my XT-PE, and I'm picking up the Maze4 hopefully in the next couple months. At first I'll just have it on the water cooling, but I WILL be sending the card to ViperJohn for the "full house" of mods on my card, because there are some like the vdimm and OVP mods that I dont wanna do myself.

Maybe when there's two of us at 700MHz they'll believe ya hey bud? :p
Just curious cornelious how much did it cost ya to trade for an x800xtpe?
btf said:
Just curious cornelious how much did it cost ya to trade for an x800xtpe?

My 6800GT + about a hundred bux CDN to get me the Sapphire XT-PE.....and it's blue too, so I'm pumped. :D

Gonna be water cooling it asap and bumping the voltage a good bit, because 600Mhz is not going to be enough until I get the Pelt installed. We'll see, if I can hit 650MHz on plain water (which is VERY feasable) I might not bother.....cus even though i already paid for the Pelt, it only cost me $20, whihc i can resell.....but the 5.25" dedicated PSU I'd need for the Pelt is gonna be like $160 CDN + taxes....and I was gonna need one of those for each pelt.....so I'd rather keep the card on plain water at 650MHz if i can, and just have the 226W Pelt on the 3.2E and only have to buy one of those "cdrom PSU's" to get it up and running.
James Earl Ray said:
I am still waiting to see anything from 2fresh. I would really like to see 700 core.

Maybe I'll be able to fluke out with my XT-PE and pull a monster overclock at something like 1.8v with the 110W Pelt....never know.

But yeah, I can't wait to see it, even if I was at 695, theres something about that "7" that just makes it SO much better. ;)
hey cornelious, I hit 655 on my core...but then again, it's just a 9600xt :p Even at 655 it still doesn't have the bawlz of a 9800np :p

I'd love to see ANY (nvidia or ati) 16pipe card at 650-700mhz...that would just be astounding
nst6563 said:
hey cornelious, I hit 655 on my core...but then again, it's just a 9600xt :p Even at 655 it still doesn't have the bawlz of a 9800np :p

I'd love to see ANY (nvidia or ati) 16pipe card at 650-700mhz...that would just be astounding

Well Jame's card can push to almost 700Mhz, but his card is one of those overclocking beasts that we all strive to get our hands on. Consider my cooling I'm going to have on the card is matching up part for part with what he's got on his XT-PE, as long as I get a half decent card, 650MHz should happen.
centvalny said:
It is necessary if you plan to use TEC on your GPU b/c sometimes the temp.of water will be below ambient temp.and condensation will follow. For regular water cooling it is not necessary. Check this:......http://wwww.vr-zone.com/?i=230&s=4.... A lot of work to protect your expensive video card.....

:confused: Maybe a mixup of words?

The water is not cold.... unless you use the pelt to cool the water instead of the GPU. The water cools the hot side of the TEC... through plain thermal dynamics we know it is not just the heat the TEC generates but also the watts generated by the GPU. In normal water cooling you never realize the potential (in capacity!) of the system to cool, as it is harder to move watts of heat from luke warm water. A TEC's main purpose in this kind of setup is to create a temperature differential to further utilize the cooling capacity of a water cooling setup. The water is hot.

If you utilize means of making the water cold, well first off TEC not the best at this, but then you would have to insulate all of the lines. You have to do alot more if the water is cold. Typically more for an airconditioner turned watercooler or something like that.

Foam is for what may get cold and exposed to air. You want to insulate the sides of the block (around your TEC sandwich) and the back of the card in a standard TEC setup.
Elias said:
We may never see the benches.

How about a pic of the card to satisfy our curiosity? I wouldn't want to put it together just to take it apart either...

It is taken apart now. I will post pics of the card when I get home...I thought I already did, but I look back and see nothing. I was out of town so much last month I got nothing done. Left like right after I got my goods. Hope I can get it all up and going this evening. :)
You wont see benches for a while. I just broke my fucking Promie...the fucking tube deal cracked and leaked all the shit out...fuck me. Anyway, here is the card.





Oh, and here is a pic of the Mach II...incase this is going to be called bs, too...:rolleyes:
Man that suxs...well that's why I'll never go that route. At the rez/settings I play you'd notice a .5 FPS difference anyway.
2Fresh, nice to see you finally got the card back, but SUX to hear about your prommy....best of luck with that.

At the rez/settings I play you'd notice a .5 FPS difference anyway.

I think you're going a BIT overboard there bro, if you're talking about getting a prommy you'd most likely be able to push your OC a fair bit more....which WOULD result in a little more then a .5FPS gain. :p
cornelious0_0 said:
2Fresh, nice to see you finally got the card back, but SUX to hear about your prommy....best of luck with that.

I think you're going a BIT overboard there bro, if you're talking about getting a prommy you'd most likely be able to push your OC a fair bit more....which WOULD result in a little more then a .5FPS gain. :p

Check out the [H] D3 guide. A64 3400 was pulling in the same frames as the FX-53 at those settings. Caught me by surprise too.
batty said:
Check out the [H] D3 guide. A64 3400 was pulling in the same frames as the FX-53 at those settings. Caught me by surprise too.

What does that have to do with anything? I'm talking about having a powerfully overclocked system and the extra horsepower on the video card from the voltmods, in which you WOULD gain. I realise that Doom3 as shown us some interesting results in terms of CPU performance.....but my point still stands.
I was so excited to get all of this shit put together...ugh :( I hope I can getit fixt.
2Fresh said:
I was so excited to get all of this shit put together...ugh :( I hope I can getit fixt.

Sorry man, I was just talking to someone about a prommy setup tehy're looking at and I guess it just got stuck in my head while I was browsing through here again. :p
I am checking that site and I see nothing about Mach II or vapor...besides the few parts. Do you need to contact them for the regrassing? I have alreday sent an email about trying to get it fixt..
not sure, but you may want to check with a local A/C guy on it. It looks like you just need that flex tube and re-gassing. They may be able to do that for a comparable cost. They may think you're crazy for using vapor phase-change to cool your computer...but hey...whatever gets it done right? :D
Go to xtremesystems.org and PM Chilly1 or "PC Ice." They repair them all the time when not busy building the cascades atop the orb. Will replace the line too. PC_ice has repaired others already including more flexible lines and even a 90 degree bend so as to avoid twisting, of course you'll want to be regassed to something better while you are at it.... R404A or R507 for instance. Least you get something more than a repaired prommy for your troubles. I bought mine with this peace of my mind. If mine breaks, well it's regassing time.... and it will no doubt be done through XS.
nst6563 said:
not sure, but you may want to check with a local A/C guy on it. It looks like you just need that flex tube and re-gassing. They may be able to do that for a comparable cost. They may think you're crazy for using vapor phase-change to cool your computer...but hey...whatever gets it done right? :D

I cant seem to find the spot on the Mach II to refill it...I would try and do itmyself....If the connection is like a reg ac unit.

texuspete00..thanks for the info. I jsut registered there and will try and contact him. If you are amember maybe you could contact for me? Maybe havehim email me? [email protected]
If not, no biggie, I will beo n there in a day or so. =)
2Fresh said:
I am checking that site and I see nothing about Mach II or vapor...besides the few parts. Do you need to contact them for the regrassing? I have alreday sent an email about trying to get it fixt..
Try to email 'em
texuspete00 said:
Go to xtremesystems.org and PM Chilly1 or "PC Ice." They repair them all the time when not busy building the cascades atop the orb. Will replace the line too. PC_ice has repaired others already including more flexible lines and even a 90 degree bend so as to avoid twisting, of course you'll want to be regassed to something better while you are at it.... R404A or R507 for instance. Least you get something more than a repaired prommy for your troubles. I bought mine with this peace of my mind. If mine breaks, well it's regassing time.... and it will no doubt be done through XS.

Exactly what I was just thinking of suggesting....those guys are GODS over there when it comes to this stuff, a Mach II is childs play as far as some of them are concerned...so what better a place to go then XS? :D
2Fresh, your video card setup sounds sweet :D But reading your illegible internet writing took me forever :p lol, work on that typing bro, it'll make it easier on the rest of us to interpret what you are saying
IceWeasel said:
2Fresh, your video card setup sounds sweet :D But reading your illegible internet writing took me forever :p lol, work on that typing bro, it'll make it easier on the rest of us to interpret what you are saying

Now now, some of us put our time and emphasis on different things.....and apparently he just decided to use that typing practice time for something else. :p
cornelious0_0 said:
Now now, some of us put our time and emphasis on different things.....and apparently he just decided to use that typing practice time for something else. :p

heh, well considering how much money and time he spends on computers, he should look into a G.E.D. as well! :eek: just kidding 2Fresh <3!
IceWeasel said:
heh, well considering how much money and time he spends on computers, he should look into a G.E.D. as well! :eek: just kidding 2Fresh <3!

Haha, good stuff though, I needed a little chuckle. ;)
IceWeasel said:
2Fresh, your video card setup sounds sweet :D But reading your illegible internet writing took me forever :p lol, work on that typing bro, it'll make it easier on the rest of us to interpret what you are saying

I have a degree in Accounting...not typing. ;)
If you cant read it...well, I would not waste your time here. I type to fast and dont look at the keys, life. :D

Found the info I need to try and do it myself, it seems very easy.
Sorry to hear about your Vapochill. Did you seal the tube leading to the compressor? You cant allow any contaminants to enter the system ie: moisture, dust. Anything like that could lead to extreme failure once you crank it up again.
2Fresh said:
I have a degree in Accounting...not typing. ;)
If you cant read it...well, I would not waste your time here. I type to fast and dont look at the keys, life. :D

Found the info I need to try and do it myself, it seems very easy.

Well I did PM him your info like you asked. Now it looks like you are doing it yourself. Well... ok.... but it's hard to keep track of two threads and help someone. :|

Hope it works out for you. The trick is using the right amount and getting the "good stuff." R404A or R507. Of course that's only after patching up that broken line, of which I'm sure you've noted is not in that link. Guess you just have to braze it closed though... I think. Hope it's nice and clean in there. Best of Luck on this.

Guess I'm just confused because I leave refridgeration to the right people but vmod and cool my own cards. Didn't trust yourself with a soldering iron and a XT:pE but you do a MachII and a torch? To each there own I suppose. I guess if I could get the good refridgerants and wasnt worried about that, then the decision wouldnt already be made for me and I guess I would ponder it. DIY owns.
Well, I do not trust myself, but the skills of others here at our business. Welding and the such is nothing for them. I have already had them check it out and they said it would be nothing. Just get the one piece out of the copper tube and braze the other piece back in...then hook up the charging deal and off we go.

I can not seem to find the r507. I have called local places and most have not even heard of it. Is there some special place to find it?

I would like to contact Chilly, still. I am curious if he can do more for the temps then a simple refill.

Thanks for all the input on this guys. :)
Well, I'm no refridgeration tech so I dont know where to get it all. But I also don't know if thats a typo... R507 is used for good temps. Never heard of R504. R507 should be attainable for your friends in the biz at their usual places. People have used it with good results even though the compressor is not warranted for it. Both companies have done this as well. If it will be a quick fix up job... maybe just go with the regular stuff it comes with R134a. Tell your buddies they need to tune it for a typical OC'd cpu heat load and you might get a blank stare.

I was only suggesting going all out since these guys are familiar with prommies specifically. In some sick way I'd rather spend $400 to trick out my Prommie than $200 to get it fixed, for example. Sure you understand... I dont want to send my Prommie on multiple tours of the US during it's lifetime. All that shipping etc. Sounds like your buds will patch it with little hassle though. Chilly1 mods and such you could consider later. It's really up to you if you want your buds to try and "mod" the thing with a different gas as well. That is all.
I talked to XTW and they want $275.
This includeds:
Fix broken line, addition of low side port, capillary tube modification, addition of high side port filter and drier, triple vacuum, R404A recharge and load test is $275 including shipping back to you.

CHilly1 has only contacted me once, I told him what i needed and he has not replied.
the $275 doesn't sound like too bad a deal since it includes the return shipping. It may be worth it for you if you don't mind sending it out and paying him.
nst6563 said:
the $275 doesn't sound like too bad a deal since it includes the return shipping. It may be worth it for you if you don't mind sending it out and paying him.

I was just gonna say the same.....sounds nice enough to me anyways. :p