X360 Elite owners already screwed?

This is old news, and has been discussed in a couple other Elite threads. Unfortunately Microsoft said long ago that the 65nm chips wouldn't hit the 360 until the fall. I can't remember when, but I think it was said sometime late last year, because originally it was expected to happen this Spring.
Nothing but the color black, HDMI v1.2, bigger HD and the loud disc drive :D Elite owners will be upset when the new chip and quiet drive models come out, lol.
It's just aggrivating that MS just released a brand new version of the 360, and they're already planning on re-releasing it. I guess they just don't give a damn about their existing customer base.

*edit* and no, I didn't just buy a 360 elite. :)
Microsoft is taking the ipod/gameboy approach.
change a product by 5% and release it again every year.
smart move.
Lets see......people are beginning to buy the PS3.......its black,has HDMI as an option,and a 60GB hard drive.......and costs 600 dollars,IIRC.

Elite......its black,HDMI included,and a 120GB hard drive, plus the standard bundled stuff, all for 479 dollars........

pretty solid approach. I just hope these new units will last longer than my first release premium did. It gave up after 15 months. Hello brown box return.:(
It's just aggrivating that MS just released a brand new version of the 360, and they're already planning on re-releasing it. I guess they just don't give a damn about their existing customer base.

*edit* and no, I didn't just buy a 360 elite. :)

Moving to the 65nm chip isn't a re-release. Nobody is getting shafted for already owning a white box. Not worth the wait, that's for sure.
People who don't know any better are screwed by this.

how are people who don't know getting screwed?! if they don't know, then they're getting exactly what they want...HDMI, bigger hard drive & a black console.

put away the haterade people!
I just hope these new units will last longer than my first release premium did. It gave up after 15 months. Hello brown box return.:(

That's exactly how. :) Anybody with half a brain knows that there are a ton of 360's out there that are unstable ... the change to 65nm is MS's way of admiting there is a problem. You could say they're doing it from a price vs. manufacturing standpoint ... isn't it ironic that they're changing out a part that has directly contributed to the failure of so many units?
It's not ironic at all. They've been planning this for a long time, and it's an obvious way to cut manufacturing costs. MS has been constantly looking to cut costs on the 360 since it was released. The added stability that will hopefully come from this is an added bonus to us.
It's not a "bonus for us" unless you fork over your wallet for a brand new system once the 65nm change rolls out.
What a silly thread. 65nm GPU only means slightly less heat and lower costs for Microsoft - the benefits for the consumer are marginal at best. When Sony released the slimline PS2, did they shaft the millions of existing PS2 owners out there? Of course not, and it's no different here.

There are always risks with being an early adopter. Nintendo has gone on record that they plan on releasing an updated version of the Wii that will support DVD playback. I wouldn't be surprised if the PS3 sees some changes over it's lifetime, too.

Logic isn't welcome here! You'll find that door that way -->

These forums get worse every day. [H] used to be the place to avoid the *!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!s that frequent gaming sites the world over.

For shame.
what would you like them to do? give you a free effin system? get over it man. early adopters always pay the price. it's a well known fact. the longer you wait for ANYTHING the better it's going to get. it's called EVOLUTION. you want a car manufacturer to drop off a new car when you realize your old one is...OLD? or how about a new pizza when your current pizza gets cold? oh. but it's a new process...so....

i buy a car. lets say its a ford mustang. 2004. oh, but the new ones look like the old fastbacks...get better mileage and the ladies <3 them. ford sure as shit isn't giving me a new one. nor am i complaining that ford screwed me over. i bought one when i wanted one, or when i needed one. sure, it would be nice to have the newer one, but i'm going to have to decide how much that newer one is worth to me. and if the old one is broken down on the side of the road, that's what my warranty is for.

and JUST LIKE A CAR...something that costs nearly 100x a console...the warranty RUNS OUT TOO. and you have to take it in to get serviced...and it costs you to get that work done.

so stop bitching about how MS is screwing you. how they're bending you over and all you can do is take it. you have options. the new process is coming out? cool. the elite is out and has new HDMI and bigger HD? sweet...but i have a first gen 360...one that came out at launch. it's worked fine for me. if it breaks down, i'll be bummed but i'll buy a new one because it's served me well and it's effing fun to play.
what would you like them to do? give you a free effin system? get over it man. early adopters always pay the price. it's a well known fact. the longer you wait for ANYTHING the better it's going to get. it's called EVOLUTION. you want a car manufacturer to drop off a new car when you realize your old one is...OLD? or how about a new pizza when your current pizza gets cold? oh. but it's a new process...so....

i buy a car. lets say its a ford mustang. 2004. oh, but the new ones look like the old fastbacks...get better mileage and the ladies <3 them. ford sure as shit isn't giving me a new one. nor am i complaining that ford screwed me over. i bought one when i wanted one, or when i needed one. sure, it would be nice to have the newer one, but i'm going to have to decide how much that newer one is worth to me. and if the old one is broken down on the side of the road, that's what my warranty is for.

and JUST LIKE A CAR...something that costs nearly 100x a console...the warranty RUNS OUT TOO. and you have to take it in to get serviced...and it costs you to get that work done.

so stop bitching about how MS is screwing you. how they're bending you over and all you can do is take it. you have options. the new process is coming out? cool. the elite is out and has new HDMI and bigger HD? sweet...but i have a first gen 360...one that came out at launch. it's worked fine for me. if it breaks down, i'll be bummed but i'll buy a new one because it's served me well and it's effing fun to play.

Way to get your panties in a wad jester. First of all, your comparisons are all completely off-base. Let's use your examples to relate to the 360 situation. Ford recalled all vehicles that had a certain type of Firestone tire, remember? Because those tires were causing accidents with their SUV lines. They gave everyone a new set of tires on their existing vehicle. Game consoles aren't supposed to be re-released every year to fix problems related to hardware failures, but I guess that's what the industry is coming to these days.

Second, I don't even own a god damn 360 elite. MS screwed me by sending me an already-broken console when I RMA'd my first one. It was not a launch unit, and I only had it for 3 months before it would randomly freeze. The refurb they sent me had a bad disc drive. I see countless threads in this forum and many others about situations just like mine. Obviously there are some serious quality control issues at MS, but instead of them owning up to it, they just patch a leaky tire with the joke of a charade they call fixing your broken unit.

When a stable 360 finally comes out, what happens to the MILLIONS of people who have existing consoles? They are screwed, they're stuck with their current unit that may or may not fail at some point, and when it does, they'll have to fork over cash for a new one. MS doesn't care, it's more money for them.

Just grow up and quit being a Microsoft fanb0i.


I COMPLETELY rest my case. :)


(taken from)
umm they do have stable 360's...you will never get 100% rate on electronics...its only the people with broken ones who you hear complain...do people with properly working ones come on to message boards and complain?
Logic isn't welcome here! You'll find that door that way -->

These forums get worse every day. [H] used to be the place to avoid the *!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!s that frequent gaming sites the world over.

For shame.
but now we get to cry about everything! :rolleyes:
umm they do have stable 360's...you will never get 100% rate on electronics...its only the people with broken ones who you hear complain...do people with properly working ones come on to message boards and complain?

Sure they do! They're the ones that fight to the death for their 360's and shamelessly flame PS3 owners ;)
Way to get your panties in a wad jester. First of all, your comparisons are all completely off-base. Let's use your examples to relate to the 360 situation. Ford recalled all vehicles that had a certain type of Firestone tire, remember? Because those tires were causing accidents with their SUV lines. They gave everyone a new set of tires on their existing vehicle. Game consoles aren't supposed to be re-released every year to fix problems related to hardware failures, but I guess that's what the industry is coming to these days.

Second, I don't even own a god damn 360 elite. MS screwed me by sending me an already-broken console when I RMA'd my first one. It was not a launch unit, and I only had it for 3 months before it would randomly freeze. The refurb they sent me had a bad disc drive. I see countless threads in this forum and many others about situations just like mine. Obviously there are some serious quality control issues at MS, but instead of them owning up to it, they just patch a leaky tire with the joke of a charade they call fixing your broken unit.

When a stable 360 finally comes out, what happens to the MILLIONS of people who have existing consoles? They are screwed, they're stuck with their current unit that may or may not fail at some point, and when it does, they'll have to fork over cash for a new one. MS doesn't care, it's more money for them.

Just grow up and quit being a Microsoft fanb0i.

Actually his comparison is pretty spot on and you're supporting his argument. Ford recalled the tires and that was it. If the controller on a 360 was bad they would swap that. If your 360 is bad, they give you another one.And yes you said you got a bad one but that's bad customer service. They'll get it right eventually for ya ;) (hate to say it like that but it's true) Just because the 360 gpu is goign to 65nm doesn't mean all the problems are going to go away either. There is no proof of saying this is goign to stop all freezes on the 360.

Most 360s are fine. There is enough noise to say 360s freeze more than it should, but not enough to worry about a purchase either.
Way to get your panties in a wad jester. First of all, your comparisons are all completely off-base. Let's use your examples to relate to the 360 situation. Ford recalled all vehicles that had a certain type of Firestone tire, remember? Because those tires were causing accidents with their SUV lines. They gave everyone a new set of tires on their existing vehicle. Game consoles aren't supposed to be re-released every year to fix problems related to hardware failures, but I guess that's what the industry is coming to these days.

Second, I don't even own a god damn 360 elite. MS screwed me by sending me an already-broken console when I RMA'd my first one. It was not a launch unit, and I only had it for 3 months before it would randomly freeze. The refurb they sent me had a bad disc drive. I see countless threads in this forum and many others about situations just like mine. Obviously there are some serious quality control issues at MS, but instead of them owning up to it, they just patch a leaky tire with the joke of a charade they call fixing your broken unit.

When a stable 360 finally comes out, what happens to the MILLIONS of people who have existing consoles? They are screwed, they're stuck with their current unit that may or may not fail at some point, and when it does, they'll have to fork over cash for a new one. MS doesn't care, it's more money for them.

Just grow up and quit being a Microsoft fanb0i.


I COMPLETELY rest my case. :)


(taken from)

im no "fanb0i" of microsoft. dont assume you know anything about me. that'd be a mistake and an insult. in order, i've owned..

Nintendo Entertainment System
Sega Master System
Super Nintendo
Sega Genesis
Nintendo 64
Nintendo Gamecube
Xbox 360

I'll probably end up buying a PS3 a year down the road as well. I've found all the above systems to be well worth the money after owning them for a while. So to consider me a fanb0i would be absolutely false. All i'm trying to argue here is that MS doesn't have it out for their customers. They're not trying to screw anyone. The new process isn't admitting a problem. THIS is admitting a problem. they didn't hide their head in the sand. they came out and did something about it.

When a stable 360 finally comes out, what happens to the MILLIONS of people who have existing consoles? They are screwed, they're stuck with their current unit that may or may not fail at some point, and when it does, they'll have to fork over cash for a new one.

you send it back in to microsoft and fix it/send you another one. and if it's out of warranty, its just like its more money for a car manufacturer or a mechanic if your car breaks down out of warranty. you pay them and they do the same service, just for a price.

your argument is weak at best. if its in warranty, send it back. that's what the RMA process is for. if you dont feel like doing it, sell it. just please, stop coming here to bitch just to bitch.
Switching to 65nm means they can fit more of these on a single die and lower per-unit production costs. This is their largest incentive, since they've sold so many Xbox360s at a loss, this reduces that. I don't think they care about what it means to the consumer because it's not really a selling point for the vast majority. There won't even be marketing, how would it go? "NEW Xbox360s! Now they aren't as hot and prone to breaking! Buy now!"

The 65nm is only being done for internal reasons.
i'll take a pic of mine when i get home if you like. not EVERY launch system was sent back.
i'll take a pic of mine when i get home if you like. not EVERY launch system was sent back.

Good for you, I am unfortunately one of the few with a launch system ,along with many others

Thanks Jester, yes please take a pic of the manufacturing date and the inside of your DVD tray
Prior consoles, from the other console makers (yes, including Sony), make various hardware revisions. I guess they screwed everybody who bought one just prior as well. I'm not just talking about going from the original PS2 to the PS2 Slim either.
Nothing but the color black, HDMI v1.2, bigger HD and the loud disc drive :D Elite owners will be upset when the new chip and quiet drive models come out, lol.

I don't think as many people will be upset about it as you're making yourself believe. I for one, could really care less. As long as it works, it's fine by me.
Good for you, I am unfortunately one of the few with a launch system ,along with many others

Thanks Jester, yes please take a pic of the manufacturing date and the inside of your DVD tray

580 posts on a site that has 152,000 members is not really all that bad, imho.
Thanks Jester, yes please take a pic of the manufacturing date and the inside of your DVD tray

LOL, I'm surprised that guy is going through the trouble. There are plenty of launch day 360s that still work (mine included). It's not like saying you have a working launch day 360 is completely off-base.
LOL, I'm surprised that guy is going through the trouble. There are plenty of launch day 360s that still work (mine included). It's not like saying you have a working launch day 360 is completely off-base.

Seriously is it too much to ask?
Seriously is it too much to ask?

Hehe. It kind of is. What incentive does someone have to take a picture of their console just to pacify some random person on an internet forum?

I have a launch 360 that works perfectly fine and I have only ever had it freeze once (while playing oblivion). Admittedly, I don't use it nearly as much as most people (probably only play about 3-4 hours a week) since I am usually just too busy. But the fact remains that it is a launch unit and it works perfectly fine. I also have a launch PS3 that works perfectly fine and I have never had any problems with it at all. And no, I will not take a picture of either to prove it to you. ;)