x2 3800 + Oc Results =D

burningrave101 said:
There are a few games like EQ2 and GTA:SA that have issues with dual core CPU's. I think installing the AMD driver helps most of those issues though because there is a string that needs to be added to the boot.ini file and you can ither do it manually or install the AMD X2 driver.
I just setup my new x2 3800+ system and I am getting crashes in EQ2 also (some sort of frames error). I haven't ruled out other possibilites for the error yet, but this might be my problem too.

Can you direct me to any more information regarding EQ2 and Dual Core AMD chips?

Edit: Dumb question, but what AMD driver?
travbrad said:
The Retail version of the X2 comes with a stock HSF right? I've never bought a retail processor before (only OEM), but i'm under the impression they all (retail) come with a HSF

Yes all retail versions ship with a stock heatsink/fan.
travbrad said:
The Retail version of the X2 comes with a stock HSF right? I've never bought a retail processor before (only OEM), but i'm under the impression they all (retail) come with a HSF
yup. they also come with a 3 year warrenty from AMD :)

thats more than enough to warrent the extra few bucks IMO
UnrealCpu said:
its funny all these AMD users coming out and saying how great the dual core is for multitasking . I guess you were a bunch of hipocrets

Amd still is faster though for gamming which is true but before the X2 , AMD plain downright SUCKED for multitasking and thats the truth. Yeah you can look at my SIG all you want but i still remember the day when i was running a p4 3.2 at 4.4 gighertz and just raving about multitasking to AMD users , it was an all out war.
Still Intel will always be the king for multitasking and i gurantee AMD will soon have a wake up call in 2006 when intel unleashes something no one thought of.
Just my prediction
hypocrites? If it's great for multitasking that's all there is to it. Nothing two-faced about that.

I don't see why Intel is king now. Their dual core solution is inferior to AMD's, so I would think that puts AMD on top. ;) And you keep on wishing....

DocFaustus said:
Hello Troll, thanks for introducing a post that has nothing to do with the thread. Only one person before you even mentioned Intel in this thread, and it was stated as factual and positive about AMD and Intel. Now go suck balls


I still think the 3800+ is a little expensive. Maybe when it drops below MSRP it'll be ok, but until then, yuck! I'll be fine with my $119 3000+.
I still think the 3800+ is a little expensive. Maybe when it drops below MSRP it'll be ok, but until then, yuck! I'll be fine with my $119 3000+.
as discussed in another thread, 354 is NOT msrp. in fact, AMD never published or gave out an MSRP. 354 is what newegg and mwave and all the other etailers are BUYING the chip for in quantities of 1000 (more if buying less than 1000, less if buying more). the etailers still have to make money off it.

unless you are buying direct from AMD in quantities of 1000, you wont get that chip for 354.
Russ said:
hypocrites? If it's great for multitasking that's all there is to it. Nothing two-faced about that.

Well i guess you dont know your history to well with AMD and INTEL
Go read some more :)

I don't see why Intel is king now. Their dual core solution is inferior to AMD's, so I would think that puts AMD on top. ;) And you keep on wishing....


Intel owns 80 percent of the CPU market go do some resarch :)

Intel will have its time soon
Intel owns 80 percent of the CPU market go do some resarch :)
Intel will have its time soon
Silly me. I thought we were judging performance here, not market share. I foolishly thought performance was more imortant to endusers than the happiness of Intel's shareholders. The next time I'm choosing a processor, I'll make sure I make the decision based solely on market share and how Intel's management and shareholders will feel about my decision.

Russ said:
I still think the 3800+ is a little expensive. Maybe when it drops below MSRP it'll be ok, but until then, yuck! I'll be fine with my $119 3000+.

For what you get it's not a bad price, but if you're not a heavy user of multi threaded applications and don't multi task a lot it's not worth it.

My $118 3000+ can hold it's own at 2.5-2.6 ghz (still testing), but if an X2 drops into the $250 range it would be very hard for me not to pick one up.
Hurin said:
Silly me. I thought we were judging performance here, not market share. I foolishly thought performance was more imortant to endusers than the happiness of Intel's shareholders. The next time I'm choosing a processor, I'll make sure I make the decision based solely on market share and how Intel's management and shareholders will feel about my decision.


In fact, since the Celerons sell the most, I will be picking one up to build a gaming computer around it. Oh boy, it's gonna rock with BF2!!!11
^ Don't forget the Intel integrated graphics to go along with your celeron, they're the top market share too so they must be better than Nvidia/Ati ;)
Digital Viper-X- said:
I'm using Geil PC4000 2x512 , its rated for 2.5-4-4-8 @ 500 that's what I'm at, though im probably picking up a set of corsair pc4000 that runs 3-4-4-8 after this weekend
Why are you buying slower ram?
NewBlackDak said:
Why are you buying slower ram?

Going from 2.5 to 3 isnt a huge deal for me, + the corsair is at a great price and this Geil cant run the speeds it listed >_> its supposed to be 2.5-4-4-7 ><
Digital Viper-X- said:
Going from 2.5 to 3 isnt a huge deal for me, + the corsair is at a great price and this Geil cant run the speeds it listed >_> its supposed to be 2.5-4-4-7 ><

I still cant tell the difference between CAS2 and CAS3 LOL
Visable-assassin said:
I still cant tell the difference between CAS2 and CAS3 LOL

Noone can, its just a plecobo effect. The performance delta between 3-4-4-8 and 2-2-2-5 is usually only 2-3% in real world use outside of benchmarks so to think you can notice an actual difference is absurd.
Visable-assassin said:
Did it work for you?
Flashback: we were talking about the AMD driver and if it would fix EQ2 problems.

No, this driver didn't really work. It solved the frames error I was getting but made the game unplayable in the process. Basically the game speed now stutters ever second or so, and if you hit a keyboard key it could press it 8 times on you when you would normally only hit it 1 time.

I went to the DFI website, and they also have this driver on thier page. But they have a big red flashing warning next to it say "If you Overclock, please do not install this driver".

I tried to roll back the driver and the game is still acting the same way so I will re-install windowsXP today.
DocFaustus said:
Flashback: we were talking about the AMD driver and if it would fix EQ2 problems.

No, this driver didn't really work. It solved the frames error I was getting but made the game unplayable in the process. Basically the game speed now stutters ever second or so, and if you hit a keyboard key it could press it 8 times on you when you would normally only hit it 1 time.

I went to the DFI website, and they also have this driver on thier page. But they have a big red flashing warning next to it say "If you Overclock, please do not install this driver".

I tried to roll back the driver and the game is still acting the same way so I will re-install windowsXP today.

well shit, I just installed that driver >< I havn't noticed any problems yet, I'll fire up BF2 When I get home and give her a shot
burningrave101 said:
Noone can, its just a plecobo effect. The performance delta between 3-4-4-8 and 2-2-2-5 is usually only 2-3% in real world use outside of benchmarks so to think you can notice an actual difference is absurd.

Yeah the only thing Ive run so far that I notice a difference is Sandra..and well that doesnt do much for me ya know?
So once I go with either an x2 or a 4000+SD Ill probably change out to PC4000 Corsair and call it a day :)
Then again I still dont know how fast this PC3200 PRO XL will go.

DocFaustus said:
Flashback: we were talking about the AMD driver and if it would fix EQ2 problems.

No, this driver didn't really work. It solved the frames error I was getting but made the game unplayable in the process. Basically the game speed now stutters ever second or so, and if you hit a keyboard key it could press it 8 times on you when you would normally only hit it 1 time.

I went to the DFI website, and they also have this driver on thier page. But they have a big red flashing warning next to it say "If you Overclock, please do not install this driver".

I tried to roll back the driver and the game is still acting the same way so I will re-install windowsXP today.

Fix one problem break something else :(
I dont play EQ so it doesnt bother me much...but for htose that do that sucks.
So far I agree with DryFire, my $146 3000+ Venice is doing just fine. ;) Comparing my Super_Pi 32M time to Vipers seems to prove this as well. I get 27m 43s with my setup.

When X2 prices drop below $250 (or when multi threaded games come out since I don't multi-task too often), then I would make the switch but for now, I am fine with my OC setup.

Either way, nice OC Viper. =)
burningrave101 said:
Noone can, its just a plecobo effect. The performance delta between 3-4-4-8 and 2-2-2-5 is usually only 2-3% in real world use outside of benchmarks so to think you can notice an actual difference is absurd.

If you compile large projects, or run a large database it does make a difference. Some people do more with their computers than just play games.
NewBlackDak said:
If you compile large projects, or run a large database it does make a difference. Some people do more with their computers than just play games.

how many people use their main PC to run large databases =)
Digital Viper-X- said:
how many people use their main PC to run large databases =)

A lot of people (especailly those interested in tehX2) probably encode a lot of video and latency will make a difference. I'm sure it helps in compling code aswell.
Visable-assassin said:
Fix one problem break something else :(
I dont play EQ so it doesnt bother me much...but for htose that do that sucks.
Ok, here is the solution to EQ2:

Don't install the AMD driver. Instead all you have to do is force the progam to use 1 core or the other. to do this launch the program, hit CTRL+ALT+DEL and find the process for the game. right click and set affinity, choose either core.

http://www.activeplus.com/us/freeware/runfirst/ Here is a link to a program that automatically sets the affinity to core 0 Simply drop this executable into the directory of any game or program that you you have a hard time running on dual core. then rightclick the shortcut you normally use and change the target.

example change:
"C:\game\runfirst.exe" game.exe

Edit: Now if somone finds a similar program to the one above that automatically sets affinity to core 1 (or lets us select it), it would make short work of running two instances of the same program at the same time.
I've been thinking about getting one of these... just not sure I want to spend the money. I can get these brand new, sealed, retail for $310. Seems like a great deal, more than $100 off neweggs price... but I still dont know if I care to jump on it.
Viper87227 said:
I've been thinking about getting one of these... just not sure I want to spend the money. I can get these brand new, sealed, retail for $310. Seems like a great deal, more than $100 off neweggs price... but I still dont know if I care to jump on it.
i would jump on that in a second...
on page 1 I have a SS of the CPU-Z screen u can see there, cooling is Zalman CNPS?-7000-alcu

I went back to 2.5, at 2.6 I couldnt find a good divider to get me to 250 mhz on the Memory, 260 was viable but I had some errors with the ram at that speed =/ >< and also the corsair didnt work out for me with even 1 stick of geil / corsair mixxed system wont boot, but it would boot with just corsair or just geil, so im sellin the corsair >< if anyone wants it =p TwinX 1024 XMS 4000 pro, 500@3-4-4-8

I found a comfy number 8x313fsb, 3xHT, mem at 250 2.5-4-4-7 Voltage is at 1.375 from 1.35, Id say 500mhz X 2 o .025v, AMD has something right with these chips!
I just wanted to add I got my X2 3800+ setup today. On my very first boot I was able to get 2.4GHz on 1.39volts, at a comfy 47*C with my Zalman 7000B. When the AS5 settles a bit, and temps get a bit better, I'll bump the voltage/fsb. It's very possible I could get more from the fsb on this voltage, I just haven't tested it thoroughly yet.

Holy crap, do you really live in Martinez? Bay Area? Area code 925, right above Pleasant Hill?!
Digital Viper-X- said:
on page 1 I have a SS of the CPU-Z screen u can see there, cooling is Zalman CNPS?-7000-alcu

I went back to 2.5, at 2.6 I couldnt find a good divider to get me to 250 mhz on the Memory, 260 was viable but I had some errors with the ram at that speed =/ >< and also the corsair didnt work out for me with even 1 stick of geil / corsair mixxed system wont boot, but it would boot with just corsair or just geil, so im sellin the corsair >< if anyone wants it =p TwinX 1024 XMS 4000 pro, 500@3-4-4-8

I found a comfy number 8x313fsb, 3xHT, mem at 250 2.5-4-4-7 Voltage is at 1.375 from 1.35, Id say 500mhz X 2 o .025v, AMD has something right with these chips!
you might check out this site, it's great for finding the best settings once you have your max values for htt, cpu, and ram

I have been running mine at 2.4ghz (240x10) since I got it about a week ago and it runs great.

Memory is Patriot Low Latency 2x1gb 2,3,2,5. It's running 200 fsb @ 2,3,3,5

I haven't really played with it to try and get 1:1 with lower timings but for now, it's running nice and stable.

36c idle @ 1.4v, 46load on low setting on fan, 42c on high.

Exos watercooling

EQ2 has a problem but, I just used the Microsoft compatibility program to set everquest2.exe to run on one core. No stuttering, etc., like some have found setting some flag in the boot.ini or using the amd driver.