x1950 Pro AGP: ATi throws AGP a bone

Tzzird said:
you could've "run" it with the 9800 PRO... the x1950pro will will definitely do it fine at the resolution with HDR on. I'm not sure about turning on AA but ATI is known for having "free"er AA than nvidia.

Tzzird!!! Any info on core clocks, mem clocks, and pipes? Did they cut the balls off this card like they did the 7800GS? I know they supposedly were not supposed to!


7800GS Super OC
16 Shaders

1950 Pro - Stock
36 Shaders

Estimated performance increase without OC'n the 1950 Pro = 25%
With a mild 20% OC = 35% performance increase.

Oblivion AVG FPS w/ 7800GS SOC = 15
Expected new AVG FPS w/1950 Pro = 22-25

Actual results to come shortly

I'll run 05 / 06 benches prior to removing the 7800GS and with the 1950 for comparison as well.
I'm still in class right now Sunin, but I will check the pipes when I get home. I've checked it once for another card before but I've forgotten how... what do I use?

In terms of core and memory, it's just the same as the pci-ex version. 575core/1580memory. When I try to change memory speeds with ATI-Tool, both my monitors fuzz out and basically the system freezes. The core I've taken up to like 675mhz before the crash.

The 3dmark values I gave earlier were based off the default clocks.

I will test more when I get home tonight.
Ok all i have to say is wow, if I can figure out why 1080p isn't display full panel, everything would be wonderful.

Here are 05 benchmarks

7800 GS SOC 460/1350 6300 Proof
7800 GS SOC 490/1500 6622 Proof

1950 Pro 574/1378 7372 Proof This was on drivers that came with it
1950 Pro 574/1378 7339 Proof 6.11 Catalyst driver

Overclocking attempts!
1950 Pro 650.7/1525.5 7537 Proof
1950 Pro 652.5/1552.5 7872 Proof

Ok so max is 7872, I think I have an 8k run in the system. I'll need ot OC the CPU a bit more and tweak the vid card a hair more too, but it definitely has an 8k run in it!
What benches do you guys want to see/do you use when you bench?

I have 3dmark 03/06 installed on my system, but no 05...

any other programs?

Sunin said:
Ok all i have to say is wow, if I can figure out why 1080p isn't display full panel, everything would be wonderful.

Here are 05 benchmarks

7800 GS SOC 460/1350 6300 Proof
7800 GS SOC 490/1500 6622 Proof

1950 Pro 574/1378 7372 Proof This was on drivers that came with it
1950 Pro 574/1378 7339 Proof 6.11 Catalyst driver

Overclocking attempts!
1950 Pro 650.7/1525.5 7537 Proof
1950 Pro 652.5/1552.5 7872 Proof

Ok so max is 7872, I think I have an 8k run in the system. I'll need ot OC the CPU a bit more and tweak the vid card a hair more too, but it definitely has an 8k run in it!

Can you run 06 as well? What are you using to overclock? I can't do it without a lockup in ati tool
Sunin, can you put in on your P4C setup and try.

I am sure there is lots of people with P4 would love to know how runs please. :eek:


Oh, can can you take a picture of the actual card. Love to see that too.

Thank you, tytytytytytyty

btw, nice benchmark result! Give us hope for AGP user!! :eek: :) :eek:
Yea I think I'm going to have to pick this card up tomorrow. I have a P4 @ 3.2 and will let yall know what I get for benches and various games...

Right now I have a 6800GS and do 4800 on 3DMark 05 and 1400 on 3DMark 06
First all scores were with my Pentium 4 3.2EE

The last overclock run on 05 and the following 06 run were done with a 10% overclock on the CPU with turbo activated, which tightens the mem timings. CPU at 3.52ghz.

1950 Pro @ 652.5/1552.5 scored a 4079 in 06 Proof

Now what I am curious about is what do the PCIE versions score. I still think I can grab an 8k score in 05 and probably add another 50-100 in 06. I will try such after I install my 150Gb raptor this weekend.

Real world gaming:
NWN - 30-40fps, previous max was 19.99
Oblivion no mods, 4AA, Everything else set at HQ, 30-40fps previous I was runing 15-20.

So overall this card is delivering the added 15fps that we all had hoped it would. I'm very happy with the purchase. Now if Diamond or Powercolor would just release the 512mb version I'd be :D :D :D :D

I found 1 06 score that is somewhat comparable. It has a C2D, and a single 1950, with a score of 4488, so 10% difference, and I have to almost think that is the difference in the processor and thus we are achieving full performance from this card.

And people say AGP is dead? I think the above are some solid arguements against that!
ATI 1950 Pro 001a.jpg

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ATI 1950 Pro 008a.jpg

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All resized, more fun to come this weekend. I will break the 8k 05 barrier with AGP on AIR! plus hopefully get a 4,200 score in 06...
I have been following this thread since it started and the benchmarks have really impressed me.

I was wondering though, if I should upgrade it over my current 9700pro that is being run overclocked. Here are my computer specs:

AMD Athlon 2500+ Barton @ 3200+
Abit NF7-S v2.0
1gb Samsung PC-3200 ram
ATI Radeon 9700pro @ 370/330

The idea of just upgrading my video card came about when I realized I don't want to spend money on something other than a new C2D setup, and that is fairly out of reach at the moment. Will I be able to fully utilize this card with my current setup? Thanks guys, keep up the great work.
Well I think for a 200-300 investment this video card will definitely put a smile on your face for another 6 mos or so. By then you should be able to hop to a 45nm Dual core system and get a helluva performance boost! The clocks on the 45nm chips are about equal to the high end of the P4's in the day. Except one tiny fact... performance is increased some 20 fold!

I really want to see what the "AGP is dead" crowd has to say now? I've read the specs on AGP and was fairly confident that I was not going to hit a bandwidth limit, and from the scores in this thread I think AGP has leg room left!

As far as your system a 3.2, should work well with this card and moving from a 9700 should be a huge increase in FPS. I'm guessing in the range of 20-30fps jump. I doubt you would regret it.

Tzzird, I'm using ATI Tool. I am not using the function where it finds max clocks by itself cuz it locked up several times. I just ran the 3d test bumping the clock ever 15 secs or so. I think my max clocks are within 5mhz on the gpu and probably 25mhz more left on my memory.
Sunin: I can overclock core to 652.5 like you no problem. But as soon as I try to move the slider up in ATI-Tool, it crashes. What version of the program are you using? Mine is 0.25 beta 10.

I ran 06 last night at 652.5 mhz core and stock memory and came out with a 3dmark of 3847, about 200 points less than you. I don't feel that bad anymore about my relatively low 3dmark05 score.

My breakdown was:

SM2: 1648
SM3: 1859
CPU: 889

Can you list your breakdown as well?
Decibel said:
So how loud is the fan on this sucker?

Silent, even with the case open I could not hear it over the other 4 fans in the case (CPU, 3 case fans)
Tzzird said:
Sunin: I can overclock core to 652.5 like you no problem. But as soon as I try to move the slider up in ATI-Tool, it crashes. What version of the program are you using? Mine is 0.25 beta 10.

I ran 06 last night at 652.5 mhz core and stock memory and came out with a 3dmark of 3847, about 200 points less than you. I don't feel that bad anymore about my relatively low 3dmark05 score.

My breakdown was:

SM2: 1648
SM3: 1859
CPU: 889

Can you list your breakdown as well?

SM 2.0 Score 1955 Marks
SM 3.0 Score 2112 Marks
CPU Score 770 Marks

Wow you got alot better score off the CPU, that is surprising! Hmm maybe I would get better results running it on the Mobile Pentium D, that thing can do sum 20 sec 1m pi, but then again doing that would be just to boast a score and that's not the purpose for me.

I'll check the version when I get home tonight.
How would this x1950 agp card compare to my current x800 xt pe? My card is several years old but seems to perform ok with my current fx-55 CPU and 2 gigs of memory. Is the newer x1950 a card that could keep me gaming for another couple of months, until I jump to core 2 and pci-e? If I get the x1950, it would not go to waste in the future because it can go in a backup/game server system.

Thanks for any advice or commentary! :cool:
I looked around and it seems like the version I am using is the most updated version. Is it possible that some cards just can't overclock AT ALL? I've never heard of a card that can't overclock even 3 mhz... almost seems like a driver / program issue.

As to your lower score in you EE... that shouldn't make any sense. Even with my 7600GT, I had high 800s on the CPU score.

pchs: if another couple months is all you're looking for before the jump to a full out pci-express, then you've found your video card. I'm guessing there won't be another dx9 card released that is faster than this one.
I'm hoping more of you p4 owners out there get this card so I can see if my 4x AGP is crippling my card's capabilities.
Tzzird said:
I'm hoping more of you p4 owners out there get this card so I can see if my 4x AGP is crippling my card's capabilities.

Holy crap its hard to find socket 478 boards anymore! Yikes! Newegg, Mwave, Clubit, Zipzoom, all have limited selections... eek! you real only choice now is the sis board which has so so OC results, but at least it does have 8x AGP.


53.99, might be worth it to prolong your system for another 8 mos...

I'm still pissed about the 3.2EE results.. I mean come on! That's a $1k processor back in the day... might warrant me to look at one of the highest end P4's for cheap. Grrr....
Sunin said:
Holy crap its hard to find socket 478 boards anymore! Yikes! Newegg, Mwave, Clubit, Zipzoom, all have limited selections... eek! you real only choice now is the sis board which has so so OC results, but at least it does have 8x AGP.


53.99, might be worth it to prolong your system for another 8 mos...

I'm still pissed about the 3.2EE results.. I mean come on! That's a $1k processor back in the day... might warrant me to look at one of the highest end P4's for cheap. Grrr....

Wow, did you really buy that EE chip new? You're rich! :p

I've been super stubborn with not going pci-express because when I do it, I want to do it on a separate system full out. That being said, I kinda defeat the purpose of holding out if I end up picking up another AGP board just for the 8x
Sunin said:
I'm still pissed about the 3.2EE results.. I mean come on! That's a $1k processor back in the day... might warrant me to look at one of the highest end P4's for cheap. Grrr....

You mean to imply that the cost of a processor should be some indication of its present performance?

ENIAC/UNIVAC each probably cost several hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of USD back in the day...But my watch has more computing power.
Holy crap its hard to find socket 478 boards anymore! Yikes! Newegg, Mwave, Clubit, Zipzoom, all have limited selections... eek! you real only choice now is the sis board which has so so OC results, but at least it does have 8x AGP.

EBAY my friend. I use ebay to grab all the stuff that used to be top of the line but now you can get cheap.

the buy sell trade forum here is good too... maybe in a couple years I will be able to play with an 8800GTX and a conroe system... hehe.
For me costs are prohibited on this old system (well besides the 512mb 1950) all my extra change goes toward a 45nm duo or quad setup in the future (6-9mos)

Yes I bought the 3.2EE when it first came out, yes it kicked ass for a while... no but when you compare it to a similar processor the performance should be higher... Obviously that processor is no longer squat.
Just got around to doing some benchmarking myself after troubleshooting 2 of my sons games which were crashing to the desktop. Not the X1950 Pros fault though. Just poorly coded games (Star Wars Lego I & II) that both do some kind of GPU detetction and write to a Binary File when installed and uses whatever card that was installed at the time for it's initial configuration settings. Found the fix at Eidos forum.

Here are a couple of benches I ran, numbers seem a little low to me but a definite improvement over my old X850XT. I have also noticed that the IQ in general is definitely better. My 8 year old kid could even see the difference. Game load times have also improved and so far it's run every game I've thrown at it except for the kids game mentioned above. Overall, more than satisfied with the purchase. And sold my old X850XT on EBay for $202.00 so it only costed me out of pocket $100.00 with coupon. Oh, and a word of advice, when you get to installing this baby, don't drop it on your foot because you'll probably break several toes. Sucker weighs a ton.

3DMark05: 8842 (defaults)
3DMark06: 4034 (defaults)
3700+ CPU with just a 10% overclock
honestjohn said:
3DMark05: 8842 (defaults)
3DMark06: 4034 (defaults)
3700+ CPU with just a 10% overclock

Why is everyone getting such high 05 scores and I'm not??!! You guys think it's my 4x agp, my northwood processor or something else?

my 05 score is 3000 less than yours and my 06 score is only 200 less than yours. what does this ,mean?
Sorry Tzzird. Wish I could help you out. Your benches for 06 are pretty much in line but I don't get your 05 score. There are a lot of variables and I can't comment on your CPU. The last Intel Chip I owned was a 66mhz.
Do you guys think its worth the upgrade going to a x1950pro from a 6800GT? If so by how much I only game at 1280x1024. I dont want to upgrade my whole system yet.
MastA said:
Do you guys think its worth the upgrade going to a x1950pro from a 6800GT? If so by how much I only game at 1280x1024. I dont want to upgrade my whole system yet.

a lot. read past posts by myself and a few of the others in this thread.
Tzzird said:
Why is everyone getting such high 05 scores and I'm not??!! You guys think it's my 4x agp, my northwood processor or something else?

my 05 score is 3000 less than yours and my 06 score is only 200 less than yours. what does this ,mean?

Well have you gone through your services running and disabled all non-critical services? I run my gaming rig on a 86mb commit charge which is pretty damned minimal. If you have 500mb of crap running you might be bog'n your sys down. Then again that does not explain your decen 06 scores. HRmph
Sunin said:
Well have you gone through your services running and disabled all non-critical services? I run my gaming rig on a 86mb commit charge which is pretty damned minimal. If you have 500mb of crap running you might be bog'n your sys down. Then again that does not explain your decen 06 scores. HRmph

ya :p
Tzzird said:

The moon was not aligned with Saturn and Venus was out of your rotational orbit, a f' it I got nothing! Just like why a 3.2EE is scoring lower then your cpu... I sum it up to F'n Magic!
Sunin said:
The moon was not aligned with Saturn and Venus was out of your rotational orbit, a f' it I got nothing! Just like why a 3.2EE is scoring lower then your cpu... I sum it up to F'n Magic!

Well, they're just 3dmark scores :) All that counts is performance in the newest games. I'm gonna fire up oblivion later tonight. Do you know if timed benchmarks are a possiblity for that game? Also, when you gave your fps averages earlier. Was this outdoors? city? indoors? fighting?
Tzzird said:
pchs: check out this link.


pci-express version of the card running with a fx-60 gets in the 4700s on 06. Closest comparison I could find for you. With your fx-55 you'll probably get a few hundred mhz lower, but it'll be twice the 3dmark 06 score of your x800 xt pe.

3Dmark 06 benefits from a dual core CPU a lot more than 05.

The difference between an FX-60 and an FX-55 is going to be more than that.
EQ2 runs better, its pretty noticeable.


05 - 8200ish
06 - 3800ish (is that low?)

CSS - 1680x1050, 16xaf, 6xaa all high, 105.10fps in stress test. 2xaa to 6xaa was same result, no AA was 113fps or so. Weird. Free aa means I'm cpu limited right?

FEAR - Crappy performance no matter the settings. Can't figure it out :(