X-Com enemy unknown $19.99


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 9, 2003
Gamefly has x-com enemy unknown for sale for $24.99, and the 20% off PC games coupon code "1GFT1112" worked for me just now to bring it down to $19.99. I haven't seen it that cheap yet so figured I would share.

Code is apparently dead.
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Is this a steam works game? Ie no matter where you buy it, it activates on steam?

I would say yes. With that said @ that price I am definitely biting, as I can't see even the Steam winter sale selling it less than this. Thank you OP! :D
Got it for the $19.99 with code and activated on Steam. Steam is installing now. Thanks OP!
Darn it, bought it on Amazon for $25 like a week ago and haven't even played it... Oh well, I did get that $5 discount for one of their best of 2012 games in January, that offer worked out alright last year (think I bought Dragon's Age 1/2 for next to nothing).
This post is relevant to my interests. You are truly a friend to the common man.
If you hate this game, you're a gamer. If you love it, you are the mainstream public.
If you make sweeping generalizations, you're a dick. If you don't, you're rational.
Gamefly is kind of anal about this voice verification thing. Not sure if everyone was requested to voice validate.
Hopefully they fixed the bug where you are stuck in the final mission and can't complete.

Great game otherwise.
Yeah was about to bite, but code doesn't work anymore :(

Anyone know of any other codes?
Gamefly is kind of anal about this voice verification thing. Not sure if everyone was requested to voice validate.

I was, got kinda annoyed, traded a couple of emails to customer service where I asked a bunch of questions but the answers I got looked like they were cut and paste out of some instruction manual or something and was not responsive to my queries in any way so I basically said, I would like to speak to a supervisor, if you can't do that, please cancel my order and take my email off whatever mailing list I was added to when I signed up. Next thing I know my order was cancelled.

Not that I minded the voice verification, but the plain ineptitude of the customer service rep was appalling. I think I'll wait for Steam's Christmas sale and pick it up for $33 or whatever, costs a little bit more but dealing with Gamefly left a very bad taste in my mouth.
I'd hope Steam would have it for less than that on Christmas, Amazon's already had it for $25 and it's a Steamworks game so... No reason to pay more.