WoW 3.0, thoughts/comments?


For Whom The Bell Trolls
Dec 29, 2005
My disc priest is... even more suck. Perhaps things will even out at 80, I know this. But a lot of beta testers say it doesnt.

Trying shadow in a few days, it seems like it will be pretty damn mean, but quite a few reports are coming back that it still needs work... but then again people will bitch and complain no matter what.
I'd just like to point out that I noticed CRLane making no sense in this thread at first. Then I saw him in another thread with a "me too" post. So I looked at his post history and you'll see about 15 "nice" posts in various threads, and half a dozen "im stumped" posts...lots of other ones. 45 posts in one day all across the threads and one where he's trying to sell something. Since I've received less than stellar success in reporting problematic user names before I'll just leave it that he's probably some sort of bot program building up it's post count to look more legit for future scams and if someone else comes to the same conclusion they can report him. Sorry for derailing, but I think the OP may have noticed the post from CRLane doesn't add to the subject at all as well.
haha, no im not. I am new here and i wanted to sell something in the forsale post and i need to have 50 posts to do that. I used to come on the site all the time, and i still come here for all my computer questions
Back to WoW ...., .3.0 has been very good to me thus far, over 2k in herbs sold at retarded prices (i.e. Khadgar's Whisker for 80g a stack, Earthroot for 25g a stack, etc.) I had a bunch of mules filled up with herbs, and it just keeps rolling in. I didn't even gather them, I bought them cheaply over the last few weeks and raking in profit now.

I can't wait for the WotLK release where I am set to earn 10k+ on ores.

Other than that, I expect more patches in the near future that will even things out better than the beta testers could.
Yeah man. I recently quit and gave most of my gold away, but I have epic flyer and herb/mining so I expect to get a good 10k or so atleast before the expansion comes out. That should cover me for awhile, lol.
3.0 is fun. The graphics engine is slightly improved. There's finally some refreshing changes to the classes. I'm enjoying toying with new skills and builds and seeing how the status quo turns out.

There's 2 kinds of whiners out there: those that are bored of the game and thought the 3.0 patch was suddenly going to make the game "fun" for them, and then there are those that don't like the fact that their comfort zone is gone and they have to relearn their class skills, or respec and try something else.

The rest of us are having a good time. I've already found working versions of all my add-ons and am playing error free. The achievements are there if you're bored and want to knock out some accomplishments. The new hunter pets and pet talent trees are interesting. The new inscriptions give you a little customization ability for your class. Enchanters can now sell their enchants on the AH with the help of Inscribers. Tell me that's not a welcome addition. You can go get yourself a mohawk now if you wanna be like Mr. T.

Lots of lag last night in the battlegrounds. It's basically the same problem that cropped up during the BC pre-patch. I'm sure it'll get resolved soon.

That's my thoughts.
3.0 Works great. I love it except for the hunter pet's earthquake that happens when they walk by. The only thing "broken" are addons.. and thats not blizzards fault.
i played as an arc mage and spent hours trying to figure the rythym to my new spells but just couldnt get the hang of it playing as fire now and am loving every minute of it.
haha, no im not. I am new here and i wanted to sell something in the forsale post and i need to have 50 posts to do that. I used to come on the site all the time, and i still come here for all my computer questions

Thats what a bot would say.
/shifty eyes
Its sad how much things they gave classes, I love playing my hunter and having all these new unneeded abilites. o well, ill have breaking 2500 in lich.

but enough epeen stretching, i like it so far, my ret pally finally got some love, im a play my old mage and see how they are
Back to WoW ...., .3.0 has been very good to me thus far, over 2k in herbs sold at retarded prices (i.e. Khadgar's Whisker for 80g a stack, Earthroot for 25g a stack, etc.) I had a bunch of mules filled up with herbs, and it just keeps rolling in. I didn't even gather them, I bought them cheaply over the last few weeks and raking in profit now.

I can't wait for the WotLK release where I am set to earn 10k+ on ores.

Other than that, I expect more patches in the near future that will even things out better than the beta testers could.

This man is a thinker.
I was in beta, they ruined alot about wow, with no potions in raids, alot of classes do the same things now as far as raiding goes. Maybe I'll play in wotlk it depends on if any of my friends still are.
I'd like to see someone run through the big changes. I don't play anymore but I might pick it up again after lich king. i don't wanna go through the whole change log.
How can there not be potions in raids?

My mistake, It's 1 potion per combat. So when your in combat you can only use one potion (Mana/Health). Making 1 pot per encounter. They also did something to flasks too.

I know I'm probably going to sound like a hater but they made alot of classes the same utility wise. So you won't need 2 shamans, 2 warriors, 3 paladins etc per encounter. I think it's a bad move and taking uniqueness out of the game's classes.

Nearly all classes are getting some form of mana return (making shadowpriests less special), rogue energy return is now 10/sec instead of 20/2sec. Resto druid rejuv now has a 2% chance per tick to restore mana, energy or rage.

They are just making everything so simplistic. There's a bunch more stuff that was going on at least when i played beta.
Well I just paid off my WOTLK CE at Gamestop and I was pleased at what I played for a little bit last night after the patch, my server was freaking insane, everyone was coming outa the woodwork. Can't wait to get my frosty mage to 70 before wotlk launch, only 2 levels left
Dammit I was going to try to get my pally to 70 for wotlk as well, but real life and stuff happened and he's only at 51 right now. Must... work... harder.
I'm honestly not interested in WoW anymore. The game feels played out to me. And sure, there's an expansion around the corner, but the thrill is gone. I'm sure WotLK would feel like the last seasons of The Simpsons (ie, more stuff, none of it new or as good as it used to be) which is why I'll be saving my $50 on the expansion.

Not hating, I played WoW forever, but I dunno. Either the game got stale, or I just got over it. *shrug*

Yeah. I understand blizz wanting to make it so you can "play with who you want to" rather than "this class/spec is essential to this encounter". But i also feel it takes a LOT away from each classes uniqueness.

For example, i believe that hybrid classes should NOT be as good under most circumstances as a single role class (excluding gear, of course). For example, a prot warrior should almost ALWAYS be a better tank. Sure a feral druid or a prot pally could do the job, but the warrior should be better.

Same with healers. A priest should be the best healer. Sure a resto druid or a resto shammy should be able to do the job, but not as good.

See, the hybrid classes bring other things to the table, not just one ability. Single ability classes should get the benefit of being "single ability", and not get neutered by some ogther class that can do the job just as well, but can do other stuff on top of it.

Why should i bring a priest when i can bring a shaman as main healer when the shamans totems buff the entire group (or raid)? Why should i bring a warrior as a tank when i can bring a pally, as the pally can heal himself and cast better buffs?

I personally believe they should make the classes MORE different from each other. Not less.

As to the patch, my verdict is still out. Haven't had enough play time to really make an impression one way or the other.
3.0 is great so far! I'm suprised not a lot of people are talking about the achievements (why does this word look misspelled to me this morning).

I think I messed up my install.

So, I installed wow into c:\program files(x86)\WorldofWarcraft\WorldofWarcraft.....

Wtf, why did I install my WoW folder into my... WoW folder. I can play the game just fine, it's just that I can't see my AddOns button. Do you think this could be the issue as to me not being able to see my AddOns button?
The only t hing I dislike about 3.0 is that I was foolish to sell my herbalism toon a few months ago... le sigh.
I'm honestly not interested in WoW anymore. The game feels played out to me. And sure, there's an expansion around the corner, but the thrill is gone. I'm sure WotLK would feel like the last seasons of The Simpsons (ie, more stuff, none of it new or as good as it used to be) which is why I'll be saving my $50 on the expansion.

Not hating, I played WoW forever, but I dunno. Either the game got stale, or I just got over it. *shrug*


You got over it :) I've been playing since it launched and I've quit for several months at a time and even avoided raiding in TBC to avoid a massive burnout like I had before TBC where I raided BWL, Naxx, and AQ40 non-stop.
The only t hing I dislike about 3.0 is that I was foolish to sell my herbalism toon a few months ago... le sigh.

Yeah, it is a good time in WOW to be an herbalist. I made 200G last night alone.

The patch seems great to me.
If you have the original game only, will buying the second expansion include the content from the first, or do you need to pay for both?
From what Ive seen so far I like it. then again I havent logged in since the 14th when it was released and spent most of that night trying to fix my UI. I gave up when most fo the addon sites where crashing and I couldnt DL the updates to my mods.

After just dealing with the few errors I was getting, I checked out a few things. my lvl 64 lock still needs to assign talent points and even without doing that I was doing pretty decent damage. my + damage went up slightly after they combined the +healing/+damage to +shadow damage on gear. Im still not sure what im going to focus on though. Ive been playing affliction since day one...and think its going to be even better now with a few of the new skills.

Sucks that m gonna be busy the next few days and wont be able to get on...hopefully when I log next it wont be as chaotic as its been. And now reading some of the opther posts, I should of never gave up herbalism..makes me sad.
OP'd Night Elf Moonkin reporting in!

Stormwind harbor is awesome. I have not raided yet, but my Isle dailies show a nice bump in damage. mid 5K starfire crits and mid 3k wraths are nice, at first I was concerned because my spell power rating went down. I'm not concerned any more (Samanda on Azshara)

My 62 Tauran warrior is skilling up duel wielding two hand swords, fully in the Fury tree a 62 mage WTFpwned me repetitively last night though (Samandible on Azshara) They say the grind from 60-70 was decreased by 30%, I'm not seeing it. but so far it's fun, I would have liked to have this added newness a few months back rather than two major changes so close together. My WotLK CE will arrive day of release so I may take the next day off.
My mistake, It's 1 potion per combat. So when your in combat you can only use one potion (Mana/Health). Making 1 pot per encounter. They also did something to flasks too.

I know I'm probably going to sound like a hater but they made alot of classes the same utility wise. So you won't need 2 shamans, 2 warriors, 3 paladins etc per encounter. I think it's a bad move and taking uniqueness out of the game's classes.

Sorry, but this is an absolutely fantastic move. I'm sick having specific raid setups for each boss. Now, instead of class we can invite people to raids based on skill. I'm sick of having raids being called because we're missing 1 or 2 specific classes we need. It sucks and I'm glad it's being changed.

Plus, it's not like it's totally gone. All classes bring something. It's just they are rarely the only class that does. It is usually shared with 1-2 other classes.
Sweet, just gone done reading the patch info on mages, my frosty belf mage is gonna kick serious ass now! :D
new talents are always fun. also got some new animations, also fun, been seeing the same Stormstrike animation for 3 years now, getting old. umm. also, my fav new thing, achievements. Got people to do some old school runs of shit, kinda fun to dominate as a 70
Sorry, but this is an absolutely fantastic move. I'm sick having specific raid setups for each boss. Now, instead of class we can invite people to raids based on skill. I'm sick of having raids being called because we're missing 1 or 2 specific classes we need. It sucks and I'm glad it's being changed.

Plus, it's not like it's totally gone. All classes bring something. It's just they are rarely the only class that does. It is usually shared with 1-2 other classes.

I disgaree. We did nearly every encounter to 6/9 BT without a resto druid. Resto druids are amazing, but we never had one. We did nearly all of SSC/TK with one shaman. We did SSC with 3 to 5 shadowpriests.

There were night we didn't have enough CC or were short on healers, which required respecs. I played on a small server, but my guild called a raid due to lack of attendance maybe one time.

If your guild doesn't suck you won't have a problem getting through content. We did with some of the worst raid makeups ever. The problem is everyone thinks that their little pissant guild with baddies is somehow entitled to the same content that top tier guilds are.

My guild wasn't the greatest, but we finished all available content pre-sunwell. Recruiting was hard and I spent many a nights evaluating raids. In the end I wish they kept raiding so you didn't get entitlements from it. I would rather have grinded out a boss fight then win because of a nerf.
I disgaree. We did nearly every encounter to 6/9 BT without a resto druid. Resto druids are amazing, but we never had one. We did nearly all of SSC/TK with one shaman. We did SSC with 3 to 5 shadowpriests.

There were night we didn't have enough CC or were short on healers, which required respecs. I played on a small server, but my guild called a raid due to lack of attendance maybe one time.

If your guild doesn't suck you won't have a problem getting through content. We did with some of the worst raid makeups ever. The problem is everyone thinks that their little pissant guild with baddies is somehow entitled to the same content that top tier guilds are.

My guild wasn't the greatest, but we finished all available content pre-sunwell. Recruiting was hard and I spent many a nights evaluating raids. In the end I wish they kept raiding so you didn't get entitlements from it. I would rather have grinded out a boss fight then win because of a nerf.

That's only because those aren't tightly tuned encounters. Try doing Twins without 10 healers with at least 6 being shaman/coh priests, M'uru without 3 warlocks and 3 heroisms, felmyst without a pally tank, etc.