WoW 3.0, thoughts/comments?

Even with the changes, I won't go back to tanking. Way too much of a bore for me despite the slightly higher (but not great) damage output & higher max HP/DEF/Armor. I love being a fury warrior & tearing through mobs, which the new patch greatly decreases the amount of time to do.

Look up my warrior if you'd like on
Shadowfyre - Glory of War - Lightning's Blade

Right before the patch I was going to respec back into fury/arms because you're right, tanking (prot) was so boring! But no, I love it now.

I haven't tried fury/arms since the patch so I can't comment on the differences in damage in relation to prot but "slightly higher damage output" compared to how it used to be is a gross understatement.

I tried to solo a level 63 elite when I was level 64 before the patch and used EVERY trick in the book. Stamina scroll, Mongoose pot, greater defense pot, the little yeti pet that fights for you. Shield Wall and Last Stand were up and ready to be used. I had major healing potions ready. I had a Lifestone equipped for the little bit of extra healing I could get.

Went to battle stance, charged, went to defensive stance and started brawling. I got it to half before all my tricks were used up and I entered the spirit world as a wisp.

Tried it again after the patch and I was level 65 and killed the same elite without the pots and the pet and the scroll. The elite lay dead at my feet and I never once used a healing pot.

So I immediately went and killed the Drillmaster in Hellfire and then killed 5 Colossus. The Colossus gave me some trouble but I still did it.

Their damage output is SO MUCH better than pre-patch it's not even a comparison.

I really want to try out dual wielding two handed swords at some point because thats how I began(DWing) and it sounds like hella fun.
yea my paly is 70. the only thing that caused any trouble was the last boss that kept teleporting me around. With holy wrath being instant cast now though the minor glyph of pwn undead the adds in the rooms teleported two where just gone.

I was soloing the trash mobs in sh to work on my lower city rep but I could not solo the first boss yet. The 3rd wave of elementals did me in.

Can't wait to try it out!
Right before the patch I was going to respec back into fury/arms because you're right, tanking (prot) was so boring! But no, I love it now.

I haven't tried fury/arms since the patch so I can't comment on the differences in damage in relation to prot but "slightly higher damage output" compared to how it used to be is a gross understatement.

I tried to solo a level 63 elite when I was level 64 before the patch and used EVERY trick in the book. Stamina scroll, Mongoose pot, greater defense pot, the little yeti pet that fights for you. Shield Wall and Last Stand were up and ready to be used. I had major healing potions ready. I had a Lifestone equipped for the little bit of extra healing I could get.

Went to battle stance, charged, went to defensive stance and started brawling. I got it to half before all my tricks were used up and I entered the spirit world as a wisp.

Tried it again after the patch and I was level 65 and killed the same elite without the pots and the pet and the scroll. The elite lay dead at my feet and I never once used a healing pot.

So I immediately went and killed the Drillmaster in Hellfire and then killed 5 Colossus. The Colossus gave me some trouble but I still did it.

Their damage output is SO MUCH better than pre-patch it's not even a comparison.

I really want to try out dual wielding two handed swords at some point because thats how I began(DWing) and it sounds like hella fun.


Even outside of instances, prot wars are now insane for leveling. Even greater ability to withstand damage, and a ton more ability to dish it out.

I've been leveling as prot in def stance only since L10. I'm now 42. There's a world of difference pre and post patch. I used to get nervous when fighting a same level mob and having an add, and with two adds I would have to heal pot or run away. Last night I was running around the Badlands taking on groups of 3 or 4 39-41s with no problem, and with never the remotest threat to my life.

To compare actual damage numbers, pre-patch I was lucky to get a 300 crit with Revenge or HS, with non-crits being about half that. Now, Revenge, SS, and C Blow have been buffed to the point that I am seeing 700 (!) point crits. With the glyph, HS is free after a Revenge hit, so it si easy to deliver a powerful Revenge-HS-SS combo, Follow up with a CB, and the opponent is either dead, or stunned and waiting for you to deliver the coup de grace.

As the U-boat sailors said, this is the "Happy Time" for prot wars. I'm enjoying it while it lasts, as I expect a nerf to be forthcoming.

Even outside of instances, prot wars are now insane for leveling. Even greater ability to withstand damage, and a ton more ability to dish it out.

I've been leveling as prot in def stance only since L10. I'm now 42. There's a world of difference pre and post patch. I used to get nervous when fighting a same level mob and having an add, and with two adds I would have to heal pot or run away. Last night I was running around the Badlands taking on groups of 3 or 4 39-41s with no problem, and with never the remotest threat to my life.

To compare actual damage numbers, pre-patch I was lucky to get a 300 crit with Revenge or HS, with non-crits being about half that. Now, Revenge, SS, and C Blow have been buffed to the point that I am seeing 700 (!) point crits. With the glyph, HS is free after a Revenge hit, so it si easy to deliver a powerful Revenge-HS-SS combo, Follow up with a CB, and the opponent is either dead, or stunned and waiting for you to deliver the coup de grace.

As the U-boat sailors said, this is the "Happy Time" for prot wars. I'm enjoying it while it lasts, as I expect a wad of well wishes to be forthcoming.

fixed that for you

no saying the N word that ends with F...

Even outside of instances, prot wars are now insane for leveling. Even greater ability to withstand damage, and a ton more ability to dish it out.

I've been leveling as prot in def stance only since L10. I'm now 42. There's a world of difference pre and post patch. I used to get nervous when fighting a same level mob and having an add, and with two adds I would have to heal pot or run away. Last night I was running around the Badlands taking on groups of 3 or 4 39-41s with no problem, and with never the remotest threat to my life.

To compare actual damage numbers, pre-patch I was lucky to get a 300 crit with Revenge or HS, with non-crits being about half that. Now, Revenge, SS, and C Blow have been buffed to the point that I am seeing 700 (!) point crits. With the glyph, HS is free after a Revenge hit, so it si easy to deliver a powerful Revenge-HS-SS combo, Follow up with a CB, and the opponent is either dead, or stunned and waiting for you to deliver the coup de grace.

As the U-boat sailors said, this is the "Happy Time" for prot wars. I'm enjoying it while it lasts, as I expect a nerf to be forthcoming.

As someone who leveled 60-70 prot with my TBC main, I gotta ask why in the world would you do the lowbie levels as prot? heh Nothing much to really help tanking in the lower parts of prot, particularly when you get all the goods that matter in a 5 man for free now.

And yes prots dmg did go up. When the stars align in my heroic/trash TPS gear I can land 6.5k shield slams, but that isn't common (requires executioner to be up, enrage, double poped blocker trinkets- brewfest and gnomer autoblocker, on a sundered target) and I doubt anyone is going to bother nurfing it. Seems like everyone thinks they are on that list anyway. You have to remember that no one is max level anymore, and the game is never balanced around max level. We are all basically lowbies again. I am in the beta and I haven't seen anything "OP" at 80 other than ret paladins and even they weren't that bad.

You also have to remember that we also lost a good bit in trade for that dmg. I lost a ton of avoidance and had to regem/enchant to get that back after the patch. I went from over 530 def to below 490. Was getting very close to 30% dodge too, took a hit there.
The main thing I noticed in WoW 3.0 (I just started playing again after 7 months off).... 70% of the population are prot pallys with the surname Jenkins.

I do like the achievements, though. It gives me something to do *instead* of killing (insert mob name here) 100s of times waiting for a drop. I get to run around and /love sheep (ahem) and kill 5 allies in every town (the most fun I've had, ever.)
I think you are right MattyC...or at least on the right track...that we're all lowbies again.
I hope you are right about the N bat not forthcoming. :D

Synapsis...kill 5 allies?
So has anyone else noticed that the new shader option really slows down fps?

Looks like its time to consider a 4850/4870. My 3850 goes below 30fps @ 16x10 with shaders maxed :(
So has anyone else noticed that the new shader option really slows down fps?

Looks like its time to consider a 4850/4870. My 3850 goes below 30fps @ 16x10 with shaders maxed :(

It takes a big hit. At 1920x1080 that I normally run at with everything maxed, and AA at 4x, my 8800gtx could run 60+ frames unless I was in a crowded spot like Shattrath. If I bump up the shaders to max and do some Sunwell dailies, I'm hovering around 40-45fps. Huge drop.

I think you have to also consider that it appears they are using higher res textures now, because the environment looks a lot clearer, especially character models. When you add the improved shaders into that, it can be a large hit, especially in crowded areas.
lol, same difference, right?

No not really :D. Shaders are effects that are applied to 3D objects to make them look nice, Without them, any game world will look pretty bland. Shadows are... well... shadows :p. There actually isn't a "shader" option in WoW, but one of the options probably adjusts shader effects, like "environment detail" or something.

Also, for those who really wanna add some visual niceness to the game, you can type "/console characterambient". Note that you DON'T place a value at the end of the line such as "/console character ambient 1" (default). By default, there's some fake lighting around units. I think this is done to keep a prominent silhouette of objects including your character. /console characterambient 0 reduces this artifical lighting, but there's still some. For example, you may notice that there's a green tint on your character when you stand outside in Shatt. Not specifying any value will turn if off altogether, so everything is lighted by the world, which looks much nicer.

The only bad thing about it is that it isn't permanent. I usualy have a macro to bump up the settings a notch.

EDIT: Actually, I think characterambient 0 is the default. Setting it to 1 will add a really strong ambient light to the characters, which kills the accuracy of the lighting.

Examples (these are months old, hence the crappy shadows):

/console characterambient 0 (default)

/console characterambient

I think you have to also consider that it appears they are using higher res textures now, because the environment looks a lot clearer, especially character models. When you add the improved shaders into that, it can be a large hit, especially in crowded areas.

I don't know if this is the case, but the texture filtering in the game pre-3.0 didn't seem to apply AF. Usually, I would always have to force AF through the NV CP, but I noticed (since beta) that this issue is gone. The draw distance was increased significantly though.