World In Conflict Beta

I started downloading it and then I thought, "Who am I kidding, I have an X1800XT." :(

Looks like even a GTS will have problems. It's sad when even your pipe dream card is becoming obsolete.

I played it on a x800xl on the low setting, played just fine, ran the bench mark 24fps was the lowest, 54 highest (I think), all in windowed mode at 1440x900(I think thats it :confused: ) (ati cards don't use 3d clocks in windowed mode its lame, so I was using 2d clocks).
From a performance standpoint: I got a bit of a boost from going from the Catalyst 7.4 to 7.6 drivers (the benchmark went from an average 24 FPS to 27), but overall it's not bad. Not silky smooth, but reasonably so on my rig at 1680x1050 (at 2xFSAA, I think, and something like 2xAF--CCC's being a bitch post-install) and definitely not at slideshow levels. At least not until a nuke goes off...
Screenshots don't work under DX10 atm, that's why I haven't posted any.

It is incredibly pretty though, I personally feel the sound could do with a bit more umph to match the insane explosions but it'd probably get a bit excessive with the amount of firepower going off.

I can't express how much I am loving this, I was a huge fan of Ground Control (the original) and this seems like an incredibly refined, fast paced version of that. The 16 player multiplayer is just sooooo good.

I hardly ever gush over games but this one has got me big time.
I installed it and played a little of the tutorial and ran the benchmark last night. I wasn't that impressed with the graphics. IMO CoH looks better even without the graphics maxed but the graphics could be because of it being beta. Another thing is i hated the movement controls, using WASD to move the camera didnt work that well IMO. Seems clunky and not very intuitive. And from what i saw of the game it felt like a CoH clone. But again this is beta but i dont see the controls changing. And i guess that i need to experience the gameplay before i make any judgment. This is just my initial reaction.
I'm clearly going to have to reinstall CoH, the graphics were ok but I wasn't stunned, maybe I was drunk :)
The game's graphics were ok, it looked like Battlefield 2 graphics with much higher quality explosions. My machine choked on the benchmark.

And no i don' t think this game is better than CC3, and I think CC3 looks better. Just my Opionion. It was still a great game. I still will purchase it along with the many other games that are releasing this fall.
I installed it and played a little of the tutorial and ran the benchmark last night. I wasn't that impressed with the graphics. IMO CoH looks better even without the graphics maxed but the graphics could be because of it being beta. Another thing is i hated the movement controls, using WASD to move the camera didnt work that well IMO. Seems clunky and not very intuitive. And from what i saw of the game it felt like a CoH clone. But again this is beta but i dont see the controls changing. And i guess that i need to experience the gameplay before i make any judgment. This is just my initial reaction.

Phew, I was beginning to feel like an ogre. I did the same things as you and came up with the same conclusions.

I wasn't a big fan of Ground Control and this felt quite similar.
Enjoy the mix up of play style, C&C3 meets BF2. Keep on wanting to hit Q for select all, havent found that yet in WIC, instead of annoying clicking on the bottom.

Opteron 165 @2ghz, 8800GTS 640MB, 2GB RAM, latest beta vista drivers benchmark gave me 16 average at 1920x1080, DX10, everything max, no AA, 8XAF in nvidia panel noticed afterwards. Played for about 1.5hrs in 3v3 4v4 matches and performance was fine really game play wise.
Is it just a Vista / DX performance issue? My 7600 GS runs it fine at 1280x1024 on medium details. The benchmark hurts, but the only real in game slowdown I've noticed is when I zoomed in on a nuke.

For the actual gameplay, my thoughts are mixed.
The multi-player concept that you can join or leave a persistent (if only for a short time) battle is very nice and a lot more friendly than traditional RTS battles - I love Supreme Commander, but I can't always dedicate 2 hours to a game. More or less play as long as I like without leaving team mates in impossible situations is very nice.

Right now it seems that unless you're garrisoning in buildings, infantry is useless. They die horribly to everything and or only marginally effective against air and armor. I may have missed it, but is there no way to entrench or build defensive structures with infantry? A combat engineer squad that can build MG nests, AT and AA emplacements would seem to be a natural way to make infantry more consistently useful - or least give them better transport of their own and make better use of natural cover (trees for instance).

Armor and air feel pretty good, the air to air and air to ground specials on the medium and have helicopters work well, they allow each to be effective in their role without overpowering anything. Which is appropriate, they are mobile mean to strike and scout, not pound away at the front lines.

Other than the infantry, the pacing is good, the game is not an action RTS, but it's easy enough to keep occupied without being bored at any point, I almost always have have at least one group in combat or in danger. It did not degenerate to march -> die -> reinforce, wash rinse and repeat.
I think I could dig this game in single player but the multi-player is over my head. I think I just suck at MP RTS games. hehe

FYI - My little 3700+, 7800GT and 2gb RAM handle the game quite well at 1280x1024. I've got most things on high, some on medium and a couple of shadow things turned off. Me thinks I'll run the benchie to see the numbers.

EDIT: No AA and AF is at 4x.
does this game runs A LOT smoother then the last beta? Or is it because I tossed in vista + 4gb of memory instead of XP and 2gb of memory?

edit: saw the memory usage 2.4-2.5gigs used with everything maxed out @ 1280x1024.
Needs more screenshots :D

Right now I have no clue what I am doing, just watching other people kill me and such...
this is with DX9, everything on max.

The tutorial explains the game quite well. Basically, capture the points.

downloading now from fileplanet. also got a key there. :)

gotta love 1.16MBps :D
Ok these screenshots show that I'm not going crazy...everything looks fuzzy/blurry to me at 1920x1080 with max details...and I can kind of see it in your shots too. None of the models and textures looked sharp, I had to double check that my monitor wasn't at 720p instead of 1080p or something. It's a lot more noticeable when you zoom in.
The smoke looks amazing, its hard to do it justice without showing it animated, they really did a great job on it.

My FPS in XP is average of 25, and in vista it is an average of 12....this is at very high and 2560x1600 with a single 8800 GTX. Not very happy with that.
Few things about this game.

First, it has a "battlefield 2" style of graphics to it. The basis of the combat is capturing control points, which in turn swings a bar in your favor, once the bar is completely in your favor, or its over 50% in your favor when the round ends, you win. The game is team based, comprising of anywhere from 1-8 persons (possibly more) per team. The game doesn't have any "resource gathering", but you start with a set number of points and gain points as you capture, and kill units. Also, when some of your units are killed the points gain faster. You always gain points. There is also a meter which shows you how many units you have killed or damaged. This bar can be filled upto 100 (i think) and can be used for special attacks such as missille barrages, napalm, radar, etc. There is also the infamous nuke which will wipe out an entire 1/5 or so of the map and leave radiation which distorts your vision and possibly hurts your units. It is truely a site to behold. The game features ground deformation, volumetric clouds, AMAZING volumetric smoke, and great explosions.

The game uses around 150-200 mb of graphics memory at low/medium settings, 200-250 on higher, and on max it uses about 300-400 depending on the situation. My 7900gs overclocked handled the game fairly well, unless a nuke and missile barrage and a bunch of things were going on at once. It is hard on your system, but it is a smaller scale game, similar to company of heroes (a bit larger).

*My* recommended Requirements:
-Pentium 4 3.0ghz or Amd 64 3000+, Preferably dual core cpu.
-1.5 gb of ram, preferably 2.0gb
-Graphics card such as x800 series or 6800 series or above, preferably 7xxx series or x1xx series, even better would be hd 2900 series or 8800 series.
-4.0gb of hd space.
-A Broadband net connection, no 56k is even available to use.


The first thing that I found great was how easy it was to jump into the game. I just downloaded it off fileplanet, put in my CD-Key, created my account, and clicked find game button. It took me MAX of 3-4 minutes to do all this (after i downloaded it of course). Another thing that is nice is the load times are SHORT. Im talking 20 seconds or so, not those 2-3 or more minute battleffield 2 loads, so nice and snappy there. Overall the graphics are great, and the gameplay is fun and fast pased. The game is VERY easy to get into, and whats great is there isn't any resource gathering, so you aren't overwhelmed and can focus on the battles. ONe thing i noticed is team balance is extremely important. If you have an all tank army, you will get desimated by an air army, but same is said if you have an lot of anti aircraft weapons, you will DESIMATE the air vehicles. ON another note, there are no jets in the game, just choppers, but choppers are very speady and can get across the map fast. There is also my favorite support class which focuses on transport, demolition, and long range weapons such as artillary, which can be devistating, but easy to evoid. There are 4 "classes", infanty, support, air, and armor. Each class is weak against the other in some situations and great in others. This also makes you think much harder of your actions. No more build 1000000 units and send them in and you win.

There is also much less scale, less than command and conquer 3 or supreme commander, you generally control about anywhere from 3-20 units ata time.

Overall: The game is great, the action is fun and fast, but it can get slightly repetivtive, but the map design makes each battle new and different, and you will constantly be changing tactics and menuvering to outsmart your opponent. Easy to pickup and play for first timers (took me 30min to figure it out, didnt even do tutorial, but it will take a long long time to master), easy to find games. So fast great game, A-

The network server sometimes makes you get disconnected. (gonna get fixed in next patch, and it's beta afterall, only get disconnected about once every 3 games anyways.
The voice communication in game SUCKS.
The game is a system hog, on max settings it maxes out my dual core x2 4200+, uses around 1.5gb of system ram (windows xp), and uses around 400mb of texture memory.
Classes are kind of unbalanced, as you can be devistated by one class, but completely dominate another, but that's where team formation comes into play.
If you have a clan or premade, you will DOMINATE the other team, but quiting out of a game won matter much to your team, and games are generally 15-20min long. Fast and furious.
I was in the original beta an I am still trying to download this game but yeah I thought the game was fun even though my pc isn't that great. I will most likely be buying this game.
goddamn this game is fun to play. i just played 3 rounds...was usually air support to the rest of the guys. we just barely lost in the first round and completely dominated the 2nd round. game seems to be a little laggy but its REALLY fun in a full server. if you can still get in the beta you should. this is awesome...get to play new games and don't have to spend much at all, just the $6.95 for fileplanet that i used to get the ETQW beta. :D
After about 2hrs I am bored of it. There are tactics but I am not a big fan of how quick you can go through units. Call it fast paced if you will but I found it to be just the same thing over and over after a while. You call in reinforcements after a bit they blow up, you call in more. Graphics look amazing but I don't see this having a real strong following from hardcore gamers. Only my 2cents.
Well I ran the bench under Vista x64 in DX-10 @ 1680x Very high detail. Runs like arse.

Avg FPS = 29
Min FPS = 22
Max FPS = 57

Cap of the bench result:

It's great when it first loads and it's down hill from there :p

If I run the bench @ 1280x as above my Avg FPS rises to 34.

I am going to try the tutorial now.
Looks like it is CPU limited as I thought then as I only get 20fps average on the benchmark with a single GTX.

Back onto the graphics the impression of the graphics does tend to come from the effects as opposed to the textures so you do need to see it running really, will see if I can get fraps running later, the action when you have the two enemies going toe to toe and napalm, carpet bombs, artillery and tankbusters all chewing up the same area is just great. You just don't get the funky walls breaking down and stuff that you do in CoH.

Balance wise I think they need to improve the russian helicopters though, they're a bit poor.
so far has a real COH feel to it, even with this card it looks good, really looking forward to seeing it with the new card on the way. Post more cool pics!
Nevermind what I wrote time I went back in everything was sharp and beaaaaauuuutiful. I guess I changed an option that I had to restart the game to actually see but I didn't get a message to.
Here's some from the tutorial, 1680x Very high 4xAA|16xAF Vista x64:

The bench is meant to be a worst case scenario. At one point in addition to all the planes and explosions
I counted no less than 14 helicopters on my screen. It's got water reflections, shadows, and many trees
in the bench as well.

There are plenty of shots of the game @ nZone:
beautiful screen of a nuke going off :) the smoke and explosion effects in this game are amazing.

I like the way you get the geiger count clicks and get screen interference when you go near a newly exploded nuke too. Subtlety done but very cool.

Carpet bombing is the best thing ever too, I was playing with some clan mates last night and we were synchronizing our tactical aids, it was like a scene from "We were soldiers", the enemy was getting absolutely screwed with it.

I felt a bit sorry for the American Air guy though, every time his helicopters were coming in for reinforcements we dropped an air-air on him. He should have figured out we'd found his spawn but oh well :)
The tutorial reminds me of the old Ground Control game. I Then again both games were made by the same company.

Anyway game plays and looks great so far. Will ad more info when I get a bit more play time.
Ok these screenshots show that I'm not going crazy...everything looks fuzzy/blurry to me at 1920x1080 with max details...and I can kind of see it in your shots too. None of the models and textures looked sharp, I had to double check that my monitor wasn't at 720p instead of 1080p or something. It's a lot more noticeable when you zoom in.

Thank god I'm not the only one that sees this. The effects are amazing but the weird fuzziness to the visuals is really, really annoying.

*edit for note*

I'm running 1920x1080 too. Just for clarifications sake. It really does look like the game is ignoring the resolution setting in-engine and just running in something lower.

*and edited again*
Nevermind what I wrote time I went back in everything was sharp and beaaaaauuuutiful. I guess I changed an option that I had to restart the game to actually see but I didn't get a message to.

I missed this reading the thread the first time. I guess I'll have to see if it clears up when I get home from work this afternoon. :|
None of the screenshots really do the game justice. Playing at 1280x1024 max settings 4xaa 4xaf is really a site to behold. The explosions and smoke is simply amazing.