Woman Wants Law Stopping Mean Internet Posts

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
While all of us can sympathize with this woman's cause, the chances of her succeeding are slim to none. Now, had she proposed a law to find and eradicate forum trolls, she might have gotten more traction. :D Thanks to the almighty ElricXVII for the link!

O'Malley comforted 17-year-old Travis Storm McAfee of Fort Smith, Ark., after coming upon the accident that happened while he was visiting Overland Park. After he died, friends created a memorial page on Facebook. O'Malley said someone posted on the website that he or she had laughed and wished McAfee had suffered even more. Another person posted a photo of the accident scene with the comment, "Oops, I died."
I don't think such posts should be illegal. However I do think that it should display your address alongside such posts.

If that happened, I think I would start a charity. We would give round-trip plane tickets to those who had heartwarming memorial sites or other such things attacked by internet douchebags, and perhaps a volunteer escort. We'd happily accept newly released felons to do some of their community service hours with us. I'd call it "Caring by Kicking Ass."
Best thing to do is try and ignore these types of people. Karma eventually comes into play and deals with them.
Best thing to do is try and ignore these types of people. Karma eventually comes into play and deals with them.

Its easy enough to ignore "mean" posting, these people read everything and let it get to them.
That guy is clearly an ass, but the truth is, there are no laws against being mean or rude in real life, why should there be on the internet?
Zarathustra[H];1036748607 said:
That guy is clearly an ass, but the truth is, there are no laws against being mean or rude in real life, why should there be on the internet?

There shouldn't be, but I do think there needs to be some sort of check in place where ever you post so the forum doesn't turn into a cess pool ...

... like the [H] :D i keed i keed
Two hundred signatures!? On an internet petition? This will surely go straight to the highest level of government.

The only question is why this is being reported on. I'm sorry that people are allowed to do things that other people don't like... wait, no, I'm not.
I don't think such posts should be illegal. However I do think that it should display your address alongside such posts.

If that happened, I think I would start a charity. We would give round-trip plane tickets to those who had heartwarming memorial sites or other such things attacked by internet douchebags, and perhaps a volunteer escort. We'd happily accept newly released felons to do some of their community service hours with us. I'd call it "Caring by Kicking Ass."

Why would they have to give their real address?

If this is really an issue, just remove the capacity for comments on certain videos, tributes, etc.
a totally out of touch woman.... I am shocked!

Wasting your life woman... wasting your life.... damn near pointless.
How do you enforce it?

^^ That question can cut through a lot of BS real quick like.
Why the hell was the memorial page on facebook in the first place?
I might be conservatist but that sounds rediculus to me.
There shouldn't be, but I do think there needs to be some sort of check in place where ever you post so the forum doesn't turn into a cess pool

This is why there are moderator. We don't need some big brother, fascist law for it because once it becomes law, who decides what is appropriate or not, the SS. That is not a world I want to live in.
Oh, so your plan is to try and tell people they have to be nice. Gee, why didn't anyone think of that before? Thanks for alerting us to the latent brilliance hiding inside of your head, I surely couldn't have come up with that one myself.
I'm looking forward to my silly posts being the only response to everthing in Teh Internetz :)
I'm looking forward to my silly posts being the only response to everthing in Teh Internetz :)

You know, it did cross my mind. Then honestly I realized I really don't care because no one important is going to take this lady seriously anyhow.
An old fraternity brother of mine was a high school teacher, and he committed suicide during the school year. The shit that the kids put on facebook about him was ridiculous. The moral of the story is kids say retarded shit and later get wtfpwned when employers/colleges/others see this shit. Let nature take its course.
An old fraternity brother of mine was a high school teacher, and he committed suicide during the school year. The shit that the kids put on facebook about him was ridiculous. The moral of the story is kids say retarded shit and later get wtfpwned when employers/colleges/others see this shit. Let nature take its course.

I agree...

I'm guessing that this law won't get past the drafting stages. Hey, if we can't be mean on the internet, does that mean that the woman will draft up a law so that we can't be mean in real life?
As if law enforcement has the means to police everything on the internet anyways. Not to mention the fact they have real crime to worry about.
I fully support her efforts to limit the angry mean people on the Internet.

They all come from 4chan sweetheart, I suggest you start there, the rest of the
Internet is waiting for the damage report to surface.

You know the one where she's copy and pasted upon every picture of limonpartee and god knows what else. Where her entire surfing history is pasted for everyone to enjoy, wonderful things like that, her daughter's facebook is sodomized and then they throw some lolcats on top like a cherry tomato.

Me, I just goof for fun, cause people get too serious and having a laugh brings things back into perspective sometime.
All the people that kill themselves over facebook /sigh.

Is there someone forcing you to use that stupid ass shit in the first place?
It is impossible to legislate morality. Some people are a-holes. This law should go no where.

*Disclaimer* I don't use facebook but isn't there some way that you can require posts be approved before being posted on your page? That would be an easy way to avoid that in the future.
meh i usually all about free speech. I can kinda understand where she is comming from. I would be ok with the idea of per say like a .morn domain or something that is heavily policed or something. But if you wana setup a memorial on facebook, that is open terriotory, im sorry but you are gonna get whatever comes to you.
It is impossible to legislate morality. Some people are a-holes. This law should go no where.

*Disclaimer* I don't use facebook but isn't there some way that you can require posts be approved before being posted on your page? That would be an easy way to avoid that in the future.

You can set up your page so people can't leave comments. Unless of course FB has changed THAT, they're always mucking about to make things "better" which is almost never the case :/ But you can also set up your profile so no one who is not a "friend" can see anything except the fact that you have a profile and the bare minimum info.
This woman should be forced to read everything that has ever been posted on 4chan.
I don't think such posts should be illegal. However I do think that it should display your address alongside such posts.

If that happened, I think I would start a charity. We would give round-trip plane tickets to those who had heartwarming memorial sites or other such things attacked by internet douchebags, and perhaps a volunteer escort. We'd happily accept newly released felons to do some of their community service hours with us. I'd call it "Caring by Kicking Ass."

Sign me up! Though I am not a felon.:(
Ah, the beauty of the freedom on the internet. Thou canst take it away!
I don't think such posts should be illegal. However I do think that it should display your address alongside such posts.

If that happened, I think I would start a charity. We would give round-trip plane tickets to those who had heartwarming memorial sites or other such things attacked by internet douchebags, and perhaps a volunteer escort. We'd happily accept newly released felons to do some of their community service hours with us. I'd call it "Caring by Kicking Ass."

how do you know it wasnt a newly released felon who made the posts? Not everyone who says mean things on the internet is a scrawny weakling in real life unable to defend themselves.

lol best tip yet is to know there will always be people like this and to just move along and not give them any attention... hence the saying "dont feed the trolls" this woman getting so upset is exactly the reaction that trolls are trying to get form her or anybody else. So basicly what I am saying is that in this case its trolls 1 this lady 0.
I think being a teenager should be declared a crime. It would solve dickery like this as a side benefit. Main benefit would be that I could watch a movie without them talking and laughing through the whole thing.
Is this any different from protesting at people's funerals? Most of these losers wouldn't have the spine to say anything derogatory to people's faces so I say filth like this should have their IP addresses on display for the public.