Wireless mouse for gaming - yay or nay?


Mar 31, 2010
I'd like to upgrade my wired mouse to a wireless mouse but have read that wired mice is still best for gaming. Does that still hold true today? If wireless mice is good for gaming these days, can someone throw out some recommendations for wireless gaming mice? Thanks.
I had the same concern when I switched to a wireless G7 mouse quite a few years ago, but I haven't noticed any difference with response times when FPSO'ing. IMO, it's more a matter of do you want the benefit of getting rid of a wire versus the hassle of having to deal with recharging batteries. I do my best to minimize wires, so I'll be sticking with wireless.
Hmm, if there's no discernible difference when you're playing fps, then there's no reason not to go wireless for me, as I want to get rid of the wire. The less wires, the better is my motto.
The input lag issue is pretty much gone nowadays.

However, most wireless mice will turn off after a few seconds of inactivity and turn on again after a small amount of motion (to extend battery life). This effect became very noticeable for me during sniping in FPS games, where the slow motion of leading a shot would allow the mouse to turn off. I got used to it eventually but went back to a wired mouse nonetheless.
The input lag issue is pretty much gone nowadays.

However, most wireless mice will turn off after a few seconds of inactivity and turn on again after a small amount of motion (to extend battery life). This effect became very noticeable for me during sniping in FPS games, where the slow motion of leading a shot would allow the mouse to turn off. I got used to it eventually but went back to a wired mouse nonetheless.

The G700 doesn't have that problem thankfully and input lag is nonexistent. Battery life is meh (1 maybe 2 days tops) but I just plug it in at night and have spare batteries just in case. If it had used a proprietary battery instead of AA Eneloops I wouldn't have even considered buying it.
I've had some low quality wired keyboards that had input lag so I'd recommend against any wireless devices for FPS gaming. EVERY millisecond counts. For some wireless keyboards/mice I've used from logitech, I experienced 0.5-1 second delay. Wired is direct and prevents interference.
I've been using a wireless mouse (performance mx and g700) for the past year and a half. There is no noticeable lag at all. I highly recommend you try them out. If you don't like it, you can return it for full refund (depends on the store policy).
At 150g and over, wireless mice are too heavy imo. You'll not find anyone gaming at a competive level using a mouse over 130g. This is the reason 99% don't use wireless mice and has nothing to do with lag. Given the choice, everyone would like to do away with the annoying cable.
I prefer wire of wireless, but I've used wireless for gaming before and haven't noticed any remarkable difference.. They are much heavier than regular wired mouses though since they use batteries.
Hmm, very good points about the batteries and the weight they add. I never even considered that!

I had a pretty ghetto setup before I got my main table. Had my wireless keyboard/mouse combo on the edge of my bed. A number of times the mouse would be so heavy it would slide off the sit and smash onto my hardwoods. Still works great though :)
i quite like my sidewinder x8, to be fair i probably don't game enough for my opinion to be worthwhile here. i've never had any problems with input lag or auto-shutoff, though.
wired. g9x or one of the GXXX series. my ratz 9 serves me well i never have problems with it. works on any surface xcept clear glass DUH
Last time I tried a wireless mouse on my laptop it was a pain in the ass. Whenever the batteries would die it was always in the middle of doing something.

That was a few years ago, I would guess they've much improved, still I use a wired for that reason alone. I want my stuff to work always when I need it, no screwin around with dead battery nonsense. I just pull a little slack onto the desk and crimp the cord to the edge right where it rolls off the back that way there is no cord pull/weight.
I use a wireless MX Revolution for general stuff but I still use a wired mouse (Logitech G5) for gaming. Like others have said, you don't want to worry about stuff like batteries and response time when you're playing a game.
wireless mice are too heavy for my taste, it gets tiring. use a mouse bungee or just tape the cord to the desk, monitor or whatever and there's no hassle at all with the cord.
I have used the MX700, G7, Mamba, and G700 extensively over the last decade for gaming. IMHO the G700 is the only one that was really indistinguishable from a wired mouse.

The MX700 and G7 had some minor lag that was bearable for me. The G7 and Mamba however both fell victim to wireless interference and dropouts in my environment.
Wireless is a pointless technology for mice, unless you are 12m from your screen. All wireless mice, however expensive, have lag even if somehow people don't notice, and moments when something will cause the signal to drop out due to interference or just being shitty. Then come the stupid batteries and just no...awful awful things and a huge step backwards for no reason. Getting a wireless mouse will increase problems needlessly. You do not need to downgrade to wireless and add lag and interference to send a signal 1m across a desk, it's not like they are cheaper either. Route the wire from the mouse properly and it is no longer a problem.

Every single wireless mouse I have ever had the displeasure of owning/using has had these problems, from some of the earlier models to later "gaming" ones I got from people.
I have used the MX700, G7, Mamba, and G700 extensively over the last decade for gaming. IMHO the G700 is the only one that was really indistinguishable from a wired mouse.

The MX700 and G7 had some minor lag that was bearable for me. The G7 and Mamba however both fell victim to wireless interference and dropouts in my environment.

This. I call bullshit on anyone that can tell the difference between a G700 and a wired mouse. Really, the only negative thing I will say about the G700 is the lack of a charging cradle. I would love to just be able to set it down and have it charge. Otherwise whatever I just plug it in each night and I'm good to go everyday and if I forget I have spare Eneloops.
wireless for sure. ive been using one for years and i wouldnt go back to being corded unless i had no other choice. lag is no longer an issue, and most other "performance issues" i hear people moan about are just crap. just buy a decent mouse and do your homework.
How's the G700 for FPS gaming? I like my DPI around 1800 2800 3000. These are my preference settings when playing FPS games.
G700 is indistinguishable from wired. I don't like the ergonomics of the mouse or the feel of its buttons so I sold it off, but it is a fundamentally sound device.

I'm glad there was no charging cradle. Those things proved time and again to be a burden, as they stop working when the contacts wear out. Makes much more sense to have the mouse charge by USB, which is what the G700 does, since that way you can also also use the thing wired while it's charging. Perfect, really.
I'm gonna say a big nay. I would always prefer a wired over wireless. I have a Logitech G9 and love it. Hasn't given me any problems.
G700 is indistinguishable from wired. I don't like the ergonomics of the mouse or the feel of its buttons so I sold it off, but it is a fundamentally sound device.

I'm glad there was no charging cradle. Those things proved time and again to be a burden, as they stop working when the contacts wear out. Makes much more sense to have the mouse charge by USB, which is what the G700 does, since that way you can also also use the thing wired while it's charging. Perfect, really.

I'm saying it could have had both. :p
Every wireless mouse I have used I can tell there is lag, maybe its just because I hate wireless and my mind is tricking me. :p
I went from a Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 6000 to a Logitech G9 and it was a night and day difference. The precision wasnt even close between them. I had a Microsoft wireless 5000 hooked up that my dad gave me and I tried it a couple times but again, the G9 is just way way superior. So Im gonna stick with wired mice AND keyboards for that matter. Unless youre sitting 20 feet away from your monitor, I dont see the need in either and think youre better off keeping the reliability and precision of a wired mouse or keyboard. But my dad who does genealogy 12 hours a day (he's retired) and working on photos and such, just loves wireless mice and keyboards and refuses to buy anything with a cord these day. Different strokes I guess.
I am just using a cheap logitech wireless, and I have no issues gaming at all.
wireless mice are not usually just laggy, hell there are ppl who can't tell the diff between 125hz and 500hz polling rate, they are also quite heavy due to the battery which adds extra weight, personally i prefer my mouse to be 90g or lighter, they also use shitty unreliable sensors like philips twin eye and avago 9500 at best, so most serious gamers that play with a low sensitivity are screwed either by z-axis tracking or random hardware acceleration.

The only good thing about wiless mice is well ... the absence of wire, i hate the cord on my CM spawn so much, i had to fiddle with it for about 10 mins in order to make it not mess with my movements ingame. It's so stiff that I can easily feel it dragging my mouse to the opposing side while playing. I would just buy a mouse bungee and call it a day but I've read somewhere that its cord is too thick for the bungee :S
I started with an logitech mx1000 and that one was one of the better ones, then the logitech g7 was one of my favorites when it worked, worked great at first but then had signal interference problems that got progressively worse. I am currently using an razr microsoft mouse i got from work ages ago thays wired. I kike it but i hate the pull from the wire and when i boot up windows i notice an inconsistency in sensitivity and have to boost it manually from windows because maxed from the hardware mouse button and the razr software is not sensitive enough. I have an metal pad and i like my mouse to glide. Only thing i like theu done better in the ms razr habu is the scroll wheel, its not too stiff so it doesent hirt my fingers.
Love the people going from crappy/cheap wireless mice to high end wired mice calling wireless crappy.
I found the MX700 okay for Battlefield 1942 and BF:V

I eventually played Q3 1v1 really heavily and the lag killed me. I think I went back to a plain MS Intellimouse Optical.
If i can get a wireless mouse thats good with signal interference then id be all set. I think i can deal with wireless lag more than the pull from wired. I might have to tape the wire to the desk, wire sometime gets in way of leg room, pull annoys me too. Not sure sure if the ms sidewinder is any good, some of the new ones are wireless and can convert to wired to charge it.