Wireless Carriers Openly Considering Charging per Service

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Stop what you are doing right now and go read this article. If you think carriers aren't looking for ways to charge you different rates depending on what site you visit, you'd better think again.
This is bullshit. They already effectively limit what services you can use by limiting data volume. They should not be peeking at my traffic to charge me more for things that I like or are data intensive.

:mad:*A now very pissed off prospective Droid customer.*:mad:
I don't like the road we're beginning to go down. Things are looking pretty bleak for the consumer of Internet Services.
In the end they're honestly not getting any more money out of me than they do already. If the things I can do with the same amount of money end up being reduced too much then I'd no longer see a point to having a data connection at all.

If they do implement this hopefully they do it as an alternative to those that currently don't see the value in a $30 data add on for their phone. 'You don't want to pay $30 a month for data; what if we offered you just Youtube for 50 cents?"
Their ability to determine what encrypted data is underneath probably relies on things like 'Ok, this IP is Youtube's, so even if he's using SSL encryption we know it's Youtube'. I can't see any way they'd be able to determine what a person is doing over an encrypted VPN connection since all data would be going to the same destination VPN server before going out from the VPN server to the actual destinations.

If you didn't know Windows has a built in VPN server in everything from XP to Windows 7, so it isn't hard or costly to set one up. (Network and Sharing Center, change adapter settings, Alt-F, new incoming connection)
no one should be surprised by this. No one should be surprised either about the goverment not doing anything about it because they must protect their big corporate friends too.
Funny that I should read this.I was just at the Verizon store because my galaxy tab was not picking up wifi and ran through the 20 dollar free 3g service.to test my wifi connection he connected to the first Droid phone, using the Droid as a hot-spot.Come to find out it was 30 dollars cheaper and unlimited to use the Droid as a hot-spot.No one mention this when a I bought the galaxy pad. I say all that to say they will try to get us anyway they can
Ah the plans of the stupid.

See, this is what I foresee.

For people who actually use a those services a lot, there will be no comprehensible billing scheme. They will desperately want to use them, WILL use them, will get their first $3000 bill, and will terminate whatever service or options allows them to use them. They can't afford unrestricted use, and they can't keep track of how much they are spending, so they will go into debt for a bit, then shut it off.

For people like me, who uses data a lot but not in volumes to get anyone upset, will look at it and decide I don't want to keep paying more for things I occasionally use, and will just do without the data plan.

The reality is we pay for a service we want. You can argue over how much that costs. Once you stop selling the service people want, regardless of pricing, people stop buying it.
Having to pay for an internet connection + VPN service is getting ridiculous. Apparently home access to the internet is a privilege.
Wait until they start charging people to wack off by visiting the .xxx domains if that passes through too.
Blah blah end of the world blah blah.

If you don't like the service stop paying for it.
When enough people stop paying for it things will change.
If you keep paying then apparently you like it.
Yes you do have a choice.
The FCC today is considering the concept of allowing ISPs to charge for useage.

The ISP argument is cost of equipment due to demand.

This is the new-best-thing and we all use it in some form, so get ready to be keel-hauled.
Hopefully capitalism will come to the rescue.

Maybe google and others that do not like this will be "great" ISPs.

Hell, maybe some Korean company will set up shop in North America and provide great service.

/wakes up
They should do it. Seriously.

I would love to see how people retaliate, and how people figure out how to get around this.
Hopefully capitalism will come to the rescue.

Maybe google and others that do not like this will be "great" ISPs.

Hell, maybe some Korean company will set up shop in North America and provide great service.

/wakes up
That's what I was thinking that some guy could come in and go "You know what, fuck these companies. Here! Unlimited data including watching your porn site for $50 and I'll abuse the shit out of their lines." I hate hate hate Qwest and Comcast and they throttle data to 250GB for either company. What's the point of giving us those speed and not giving us the data capacity to max it out? Theoretically I should be able to download 6 terabytes at best on my connection but I can only consume 250GB of that. There's always some douchebag playing the company line going "BUT BUT THOSE ARE FOR THE HIGH CONGESTION AREAS." How the fuck are we supposed to know? ISP companies don't tell people shit and treats their customers like dirt anyways.

A simple law would be this "No internet service provider cannot provide a bandwidth limit and must give the advertised speed at all times." Yes, we would see our internet speed scaled back but we wouldn't be fed bullshit why they need to implement a cap. In fact it's very productive to promoting capitalism and encourages companies to say "Hey, I can give you better than what X dipshit company is doing".
1. Carriers 1,2 and 3 ask Google for money, Google say's no. Duh?

2. Carriers 1,2 and 3 agree to charge for premium services.
3. Carrier 1 implements the charges.
4. Carriers 2 and 3 change their mind and start an advertising campaign of "No blocked Websites on our Phones.
5. Carrier 1 gets known as "The Great Wall of China Phone Company" revenues drop 30% in the first year.
6. Carriers 2 and 3 gain 15% profits each, upgrade their networks and buy Larry Ellison's yacht.
7. Carrier 1's network suffers, churn continues.
8. Carrier 3 buys carrier 1's network at bargain price. Life goes on.
One can only hope this is their last grasp at having a future income. One of these days we'll get an internet connectivity infrastructure (power line, wimax, whatever) that effectively makes these greedy telco dinosaurs unnecessary, and they can all go and eat a shit pie as far as I'm concerned.
Stop what you are doing right now and go read this article. If you think carriers aren't looking for ways to charge you different rates depending on what site you visit, you'd better think again.

And Who Didn't See THIS Coming? Seriously, I'm going to go to a WiFi only Tablet and only have a prepaid cell for emergencies. Because I knew these companies would eventually start nickel and dimming everyone... They're going to "milk you dry" and they won't care "how much you MOOO!"
They should do it. Seriously.

I would love to see how people retaliate, and how people figure out how to get around this.

People will.

I wonder how this will come into play with all of these businesses offering free WiFi everywhere?
The FCC today is considering the concept of allowing ISPs to charge for useage.

The ISP argument is cost of equipment due to demand.

This is the new-best-thing and we all use it in some form, so get ready to be keel-hauled.

This move is a direct result of the expected green lighting of theses practices by the FCC.

It is a delicious irony that many posters here have been begging and whining for Government intervention, well they are going to get it and they deserve what they are going to get. Too bad everyone else has to suffer with them.
And Who Didn't See THIS Coming? Seriously, I'm going to go to a WiFi only Tablet and only have a prepaid cell for emergencies. Because I knew these companies would eventually start nickel and dimming everyone... They're going to "milk you dry" and they won't care "how much you MOOO!"

I foresee a semi-return to the "good ol days". Back when high-speed was relegated to ISDN and T1s, a lot of people would simply all chip in and one would buy the service and hub out to all of the neighbors.

With 802.11 so cheap now, i can see communities having their own service to a backbone provider and Wifi out as part of the HOA fee.
This is a very dark road for the internet to go down, looks like we need to start working on the next open information network for corporations to take over *sigh*
Well if they do decide to go with this insane bullshit, I guess I will be branching out to another carrier... unless they plan on dropping the cost of their basic services and add these (I have no social life so I don't really care for them) on to recoup the cost.

If they plan on just tacking these on to their already inflated bills... frack 'em.
They should do it. Seriously.

I would love to see how people retaliate, and how people figure out how to get around this.

Lots of ways around this.

#1 Proxy everything.
#2 Encrypt everything.
#3 Replace Facebook with forums.
#4 Switch service providers. Seriously

I'm sure in some way they'll implement this, but in the end they'll fail. Most popular choice will be to switch over to DSL like services. Only cable services will do this, because of the loss of TV service, and they hold the majority of high speed internet.
Hopefully capitalism will come to the rescue.

Maybe google and others that do not like this will be "great" ISPs.

Hell, maybe some Korean company will set up shop in North America and provide great service.

/wakes up

You've got that backwards. This is what happens when capitalism fails. You've got a bunch of corporations trying to fuck everyone they can in order to protect their bottom lines. They couldn't give a shit less about the healthiness of the marketplace or to how this will impact data consumers that depend on them not to do something so stupid.

Yet some people still can't understand the need to regulate net neutrality.
ISP hypocrisy knows no bounds.

As people here have stated "Go find another ISP" - at what point do the lines between the ISPs disappear and the options are "have internet and get to deal with the nickel and diming" or "don't have internet."

Once some of these companies get away with murder it then becomes open season for the rest to.

Bottom Line: Cell phones and internet have gone the way of the major oil companies - we NEED their products, we CANNOT live without them (we say we can, but really can we?), and they have their hands in the pockets of politicians everywhere. As long as the conditions of we NEED and CANNOT live without exist, we will continue to see this type of movement by these companies. People in the state capitals and in Washington have forgotten this is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
I hope that when public outcry gets large enough the governments will start discussions on regulating this practice forcing the ISP's to adjust their offerings in order to keep control.
ISP hypocrisy knows no bounds.

As people here have stated "Go find another ISP" - at what point do the lines between the ISPs disappear and the options are "have internet and get to deal with the nickel and diming" or "don't have internet."

Finding another ISP is already silly to say, since there's usually only one cable option and one DSL option in any given area... :(. DSL can't even offer the speeds I want.

I hope that when public outcry gets large enough the governments will start discussions on regulating this practice forcing the ISP's to adjust their offerings in order to keep control.

Yeah... and world peace will erupt suddenly, with cures for cancer raining from the sky... i.e. not happening.
ISP hypocrisy knows no bounds.

As people here have stated "Go find another ISP" - at what point do the lines between the ISPs disappear and the options are "have internet and get to deal with the nickel and diming" or "don't have internet."

Once some of these companies get away with murder it then becomes open season for the rest to.

Bottom Line: Cell phones and internet have gone the way of the major oil companies - we NEED their products, we CANNOT live without them (we say we can, but really can we?), and they have their hands in the pockets of politicians everywhere. As long as the conditions of we NEED and CANNOT live without exist, we will continue to see this type of movement by these companies. People in the state capitals and in Washington have forgotten this is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

I don't own a cell phone, much less one with internet access.
You'd think they'd learn their lesson on this type of crap when they instituted tiered bandwidth charges and people migrated in a big way away from the services did.
Next up... 10 cents per facebook posting.

Canada and USA already have the world's most expensive cell phone service.

I don't know exactly where we rate on internet costs, but this should help us reach that honor too.
I don't own a cell phone, much less one with internet access.

I wonder when they will start forcing a simple data plan even for phones that have even the most basic internet browsing capability.

Uh oh, I may have found another way to make them money.

I hope they don't read these forums. :(