Wired Gaming Router to Wireless DD-WRT - HELP


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 18, 2005
I can't take it anymore. My butt hurts from trying this for almost 3 hours and I think it's time to give up.

Here's what I have:
-D-Link Gaming Lounge Router, model DGL-4100
-Buffalo WHR-G125 Wireless Router with DD-WRT v24 firmware

Originally I used the DD-WRT as a stand-alone, but I recently got this D-Link router from the forums several weeks ago and want to take advantage of it since it might do better with hosting Xbox 360 games, and also has built-in gigabit (which I wanted anyway).

D-Link Router Setup:
WAN - Set to Autoconfiguration
  • IP:
  • Subnet Mask:
  • Local Domain Name: <blank> (optional)
  • DHCP enabled
*I didn't know they could have no gateway field, but for the LAN there seems to be none*

DD-WRT Router Setup:
WAN - Changed from autoconfiguration to disabled
  • IP:
  • Subnet Mask:
  • Gateway: <blank> (but also tried, which is primary router)
  • Local DNS: <blank> (but also tried, which is primary router)
  • DHCP Type: originally tried "disabled", but then tried DHCP Forwarder to, which is the primary router
  • Operating Mode: Originally "gateway", which didn't work, so I then set it to "router"

Physical Connection:
1. Modem ethernet > D-Link WAN port
2. D-Link LAN port > DD-WRT LAN port

  • I can connect to the internet without a problem when connected to the D-Link (primary) router
  • When connected through wire to the DD-WRT (secondary) router I can ping the entire LAN on 192.168.70.x, but I CANNOT get out to the internet. I can ping the primary router and connect to it.

Here's what's REALLY WEIRD!!!
-When connected to the DD-WRT (secondary) router and trying to ping random websites, I get the IP address to the website, but no ping response!! I've never seen this before. I've seen where there's no name resolution but you can get out to the internet, but never get name resolution and no internet. I even tried a website I've NEVER visited before to ensure it wasn't something cached (don't know too much, but remember the term ARP cache).

Additional Info:
The STUPID thing is this... when I connect my laptop to the DD-WRT (secondary) router via cable (I haven't touched wireless yet!!), and use the IPCONFIG command, the default gateway always shows up as, and then under it I see the correct default gateway. As such:
Subnet Mask:

Even when I set up my IP static, and set up the default gateway to it still shows up like that when I hit IPCONFIG in CMD.


P.S. I remember last year using the WAN port and keeping each router on a separate network without problems, but I don't want that. I want everything under one network so that wireless laptops can see my wired file-server.
ok I should have read the whole thread better.
lemme look through everything again.

with WAN port disabled, DHCP disabled, and going from LAN port to LAN port, you're basically bypassing the "router" portion of the DD-WRT router, and essentially just using it as an AP/switch.

The way you described of having it setup, is how I got mine to work; it was a Linksys running HyperWRT connecting to a DLink gaming router (can't remember the model). It worked fine for me... strange that you're having troubles.

In my case... DLink router: WAN to cable modem via DHCP. LAN1 to LAN1 on Linksys running HyperWRT. Made no changes to the DLink, and it had an IP of
Linksys with HyperWRT; disabled WAN port. Disabled DHCP. Enabled wireless and all that good junk. Kept it in "router" mode. I kept it's IP address of (I would have to manually change the IP on my computer so that I could access the config if I wanted to remotely reboot, change SSID, etc).
Took me a few tried to get it working correctly, but this is what worked for me.

As for why you're getting 2 different Gateway IPs, that is strange.
Okay... I don't know why this always happens to me, but always after I spent hrs on a problem, and then create a thread on it... a few min later I fix it.

Turn them back on one by one, from primary rtr, to secondary, then your laptop/machine.

I had rebooted everything prior, but perhaps I didn't reboot my laptop and that was the fix?

God knows.

Regardless, thanks for the post.
rebooting can definately help :)
for some reason, even for the best of us, sometimes it's the last thing we think of (even tho we know better) :D
rebooting can definately help :)
for some reason, even for the best of us, sometimes it's the last thing we think of (even tho we know better) :D

It's unbelievable. I even worked as an IT pro until just recently (though I'm thinking of going back), and I always just do ipconfig /release and then /renew and that usually does it. I guess rebooting the laptop was the trick since I had already rebooted the networking devices prior.


But my IT manager always had this saying and it goes, "When in doubt, reboot!" I love it... it has worked countless amounts of times.