Windows for Submarines

Ya windows jokes.

Well seriously we all know that the sub if they use window based system it would be a windows for embedded machines.

Windows really does not crash much at all. Faulty hardware is what causes windows problems the most.

Already there been tons of stuff that use windows inside, even some cars. They have a fail safe thing though so nothing serious happens if it crashes and reboots.
Ya windows jokes.

Well seriously we all know that the sub if they use window based system it would be a windows for embedded machines.

Windows really does not crash much at all. Faulty hardware is what causes windows problems the most.

Already there been tons of stuff that use windows inside, even some cars. They have a fail safe thing though so nothing serious happens if it crashes and reboots.

I know that, we use Windows (XP/XPe) for SCADA and telemetry in the water industry. I have machines with over 3 years uptime, no reboots.
As long as there aren't any Creative, ATI, or nVidia drivers involved everything should be just peachy.
Well at least it isn't powered by apple, otherwise the sub would turn into a brick and sink to the bottom of the ocean
lol..all joking aside windows embedded has most of the crashy crap out of it and can run really well and reliably
US Submarine Combat Systems and Sonar Systems use a combination of HP UX, RH Linux, Solaris and Windows.

The Unix, Linux and Solaris systems crash more often than the windows systems....It is more often the application software vs the operating system.

The HP UX systems are being phased out (thank god)....
Shipkiller said:
US Submarine Combat Systems and Sonar Systems use a combination of HP UX, RH Linux, Solaris and Windows. etc etc etc...

Like Picard in the Shuttle thread, this thread seems more complete now that Shipkiller has posted in it. ;)
i don't think the DOS BOOT joke got enough love... genius.

also... don't some airliners use Win3.1 for some shit? that's pretty rad
Since when did we sell the Brit's Trident Subs?

WTF has that bunch of aholes in the White House done NOW!? :eek::rolleyes::p

Meantime, hackers will be on the look out for that random lonely sailor browsing where he shouldn't.
Since when did we sell the Brit's Trident Subs?

WTF has that bunch of aholes in the White House done NOW!? :eek::rolleyes::p

Meantime, hackers will be on the look out for that random lonely sailor browsing where he shouldn't.

We've had them for ages since the Polaris was replaced. Big debate here in the UK about the cost of upgrading Trident a while ago.
Isn't this a bit akin to giving the enemy information away?

Russian Soldier 1: Ha, those crazy American's, going with Windows for controlling their Nuclear systems

Russian Soldier 2: Right Comrade, we are much smarter than those crazy Yankees. We rely on our trusted CP/M system which has never failed us before. Long live our Zilog 8088 Systems.
The US never sold the designs for the Trident Class boats to the UK.
The UK designers are perfectly capable of designing their own boats.
They just buy the missiles.

Since when did we sell the Brit's Trident Subs?

WTF has that bunch of aholes in the White House done NOW!? :eek::rolleyes::p

Meantime, hackers will be on the look out for that random lonely sailor browsing where he shouldn't.
Oh I'm sorry, I'm at work and just glanced at the article. I just assumed it was our own military since they seem to do jacked up things at times.

British Lord 1: I do say, our Windows system will give our Navy troops the advantage over those ruffian Russian's and their CP/M system

British Lord 2: Here here, that's not to say if we don't get a BSOD and then we'll be like Margret Thatcher on a cold day if you know what I mean

British Lord 1: Indeed.
they were gonna go with nUbuntu until they realized the command "sudo launch" allowed even the lowliest scrub to bypass permissions and shoot teh nukes as root.
>>You have indicated you would like prepare a nuclear launch.
>>Are you sure you would like to perform this action?
>>You have indicated you would like prepare a nuclear launch.
>>Are you sure you would like to perform this action?

To be honest, isn't this a GOOD thing? I'd rather not somebody fudge some key combination and get a launch underway.
Why stop at Windows, it can obviously run DX10 now, go all the way! ...

On the entry hatch as you come in, it should read "NVIDIA - The Way Its Meant to Be Played"

In a sub where you already go by nothing but digital map readouts, sonar, and the occasional periscope, isnt it already just a video game?

Why not make it an Asian MMORPG Grind-job with seriously awesome anti-aliasing? (aka: Real Life)
US Army has been using a combination of Unix, Linux and Windows for over a decade for its command and control systems. But fully reject anything Apples based and recently they have decided to disable USB ports for anything but keyboards and mice. No more external drives....thank god. And no more Itunes on the desktop, because some reject decided he/she wanted to use their IPod on a Command and Control system. Christ what is wrong with people.
It seems as though you wish to fire a torpedo, are you sure you'd like to fire a torpedo? *sudden power off*


*system shuts down and reboots*


*system back up* Your automatic updates have installed successfully
To everyone trying to spoil the jokes, please shut up. True or not, they're funny. Don't be such a stick in a mud, just relax and enjoy the jokes. There are plenty of other topics around for you people to debate the merits of each OS, leave this one to the jokes.
Pretty odd if you ask me. I really wonder why they decided to go with Windows over an in-house OS based on a minimal Unix or Linux package.
Yes that right the amercian Aegsis Missle crusiers use NT for there CCC systems. Why not-Tried and tested and it works. I think Ill give W7 a year or two before I put it on a machine I need to work with. How a operating system that 25% slower than Xp can be an improvement is beyond me !
US Submarines do not use Windows (any flavor) for any type of weapon functions.

The FCS (Fire Control Systems) on US Submarines, either the TACLAN and Weapons Control subnets use a combination of RH Linux and Solaris. The only Windows OS's are used for Documentation display and backup TLAM database's.
Ugh. I think I'd mutiny if I was boarding a submarine and at the hatch there was a 'Made for Microsoft Windows' sticker on the hull.

Crimson Tide 2:

"We were receiving an EAM when Windows crashed on us."

XO: "We're going to need to do a full re-format and re-install of Windows before we can re-establish contact and find out exactly what this EAM was."

Cap'n: "But the Russians are already running Linux. They're just waiting for stock on the 5970s to arrive before they can be completely operational. We don't have time to F*** around with Windows! "

Chief of the Boat: "Sir, he's right, we're going to have to be running a crap copy of Windows. By contract we have no support if we install another OS."

Windows (weapons) officer: "S***! Why don't Dells come with their own install discs!?"

Cap'n: "If we can't find an install disc in the next hour, God help you, XO"

XO: "If we can't find an install disc, and Linux and ATi take over, God help us all."