Windows 8 Consumer Preview to be released 02/29/2012


Actually you don't. You can skip that part during setup and never use a windows login. Nor do you have to use marketplace.

In fact if developers don't want to use it, microsoft will, at their request, use the marketplace to link directly to the developers own site, bypassing it's own marketplace.

Now, my issue is that I have multiple email accounts setup but it won't let me switch between them. And the mail app stopped updating after the initial launch. And I don't really want a full screen app on anything other than a tablet.

I do feel that the metro interface should, by default, turn off on desktops/laptops but default to on with tablets. I'd also like to see the start menu come back. I'm sure as time goes on the metro style may become more useful as more apps become available. I have a windows phone and find metro on it to be great and superior to other platforms. But on the desktop, right now, not so much.
Clearly they are going after the tablet market by making changes in their core OS, same as what apple is doing with OSX, and I don't care for it on either platform. Great on tablets, not on the desktop.
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While I do understand the shift towards mobile devices (tablets, phones, etc) I still don't believe in eliminating the Start menu which has been a staple of Windows for nigh on 17 years starting with W95 in 8/1995. I find it hilariously ironic how MS first tried to get tablets to use a Windows lite (WCE ?) and now did a complete 180 and is trying to force desktop users to use a shitty phone interface.

Metro seems about as useful as the new BS Ribbon interface for Office... as in NOT
Actually you don't. You can skip that part during setup and never use a windows login. Nor do you have to use marketplace.
I don't know which version you have, but the public preview released by Microsoft, that I just loaded, forced me to enter a valid email address, and would not let me continue without it.
I don't know which version you have, but the public preview released by Microsoft, that I just loaded, forced me to enter a valid email address, and would not let me continue without it.

Entering an email and logging in with an ID are two different things. It does request an email. But so what?

On another page it asks for a microsoft login and you can login with a live ID or any other registered microsoft account. I have a gmail address i've used in the past for a microsoft account that works. However it also gives you the option to skip that.

Nice because it gives you access to all your contacts, skydrive and computer settings to be synced across computers. But you don't have to do it. In fact even if you create an online account you can go into your user account later and convert it back to a local account. You'll lose syncing but no longer after to use an email/password for the online account.

I just downloaded the consumer preview today and only moments ago installed it on a laptop.
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While I do understand the shift towards mobile devices (tablets, phones, etc) I still don't believe in eliminating the Start menu which has been a staple of Windows for nigh on 17 years starting with W95 in 8/1995. I find it hilariously ironic how MS first tried to get tablets to use a Windows lite (WCE ?) and now did a complete 180 and is trying to force desktop users to use a shitty phone interface.

Metro seems about as useful as the new BS Ribbon interface for Office... as in NOT

Cue countless quotes of myself and heatlesssun comparing Metro hate to the Ribbon hate.
Cue countless quotes of myself and heatlesssun comparing Metro hate to the Ribbon hate.

Exactly. When the ribbon first came out, everyone hated on it and ranted about how terrible it was going to be.

I don't know about the rest of you all, but I can't use any older Office products now because I've gotten so used to the ribbon and enjoy using it so much.

Windows 8 is really going to shine when developers start making metro versions of their programs, but in the meantime, it is still a great OS
Exactly. When the ribbon first came out, everyone hated on it and ranted about how terrible it was going to be.

I don't know about the rest of you all, but I can't use any older Office products now because I've gotten so used to the ribbon and enjoy using it so much.

Windows 8 is really going to shine when developers start making metro versions of their programs, but in the meantime, it is still a great OS

Please don't compare Metro UI with the Ribbon. Ribbon was the result of extensive usability tests, which revealed what people use most often and tried to make those commands more easily visible. Metro has undergone no such usability testing on a desktop OS. We have some studies that show e.g. 60% of people use only window at a time, this has been used to justify making Metro fullscreen only.

Ribbon had a ton of support too, esp from those that used it. I have yet to hear anyone who likes the disjointed experience of Metro+Desktop. At most they all say that its a new brave direction and things will improve before release. I don't think we are going to see any major changes moving forward. There was talk of a new UI theme for the CP and that's missing too.
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Please don't compare Metro UI with the Ribbon. Ribbon was the result of extensive usability tests, which revealed what people use most often and tried to make those commands more easily visible.

Metro has undergone no such usability testing on a desktop OS. We have some studies that show e.g. 60% of people use only window at a time, this has been used to justify making Metro fullscreen only.

Ribbon had a ton of support too, esp from those that used it. I have yet to hear anyone who likes the disjointed experience of Metro+Desktop. At most they all say that its a new brave direction and things will improve before release.

I like it, so there is one.
Metro hate sounds like it is just unfamiliar. It will take time to adjust. I don't really care for it, mainly because it's time consuming to find out where they put something or how something works. Once that's done, it is easier. I really like the UI, but getting used to the change is the hardest part. I can look over at my laptop with it installed and see what my email, stocks, weather, etc. is up to. Very convenient.

There are some bugs, sure, but it's still a beta.
Who's upgrading their primary pc/laptop to use this? I want to do that but concerned about driver compatibility.
Who's upgrading their primary pc/laptop to use this? I want to do that but concerned about driver compatibility.

Installed it on a Lenovo T410. ALL the drivers were installed. Not manufacturers, but the Microsoft ones. Works great...
Who's upgrading their primary pc/laptop to use this? I want to do that but concerned about driver compatibility.

I am using it on my primary PC (installed on a 60gb Vertex2 ssd), but I have no plans to make it my primary simply because I have so many things, many development related setup on my Win7 HD
Still utter garbage (I'm angry, so exaggerating) for desktop users. Start menu will slide as mouse approached the edges, so it gave me hope that this behavior is standard. But in apps it doesn't work, and you have to hunt for the tiny horizontal scroll bar.

Once an app opens, you're locked in. No idea what else is running, or how you got there. At least on a phone you can hit back to preserve the context. In Win 8 its actually worse as back does nothing. You have to go back to Start and start all over again.
Still utter garbage (I'm angry, so exaggerating) for desktop users. Start menu will slide as mouse approached the edges, so it gave me hope that this behavior is standard. But in apps it doesn't work, and you have to hunt for the tiny horizontal scroll bar.

Once an app opens, you're locked in. No idea what else is running, or how you got there. At least on a phone you can hit back to preserve the context. In Win 8 its actually worse as back does nothing. You have to go back to Start and start all over again.

Only if you're using metro apps. On the regular desktop it behaves like any other version of windows.

And instead of hitting back, hit the windows key. Takes you to the metro desktop. And you should be able to see what other apps are running I believe by moving the mouse to upper left. Should show a list of apps then on the left side you can switch between.
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Please don't compare Metro UI with the Ribbon. Ribbon was the result of extensive usability tests, which revealed what people use most often and tried to make those commands more easily visible. Metro has undergone no such usability testing on a desktop OS. We have some studies that show e.g. 60% of people use only window at a time, this has been used to justify making Metro fullscreen only.

Ribbon had a ton of support too, esp from those that used it. I have yet to hear anyone who likes the disjointed experience of Metro+Desktop. At most they all say that its a new brave direction and things will improve before release. I don't think we are going to see any major changes moving forward. There was talk of a new UI theme for the CP and that's missing too.

Thank you, the ribbon was a great idea. The metro ui on desktops, not so much.
I got Visual Studio 11 (which is very Metro'ish) and made my 1st Metro app. Now comes the fun part. If you debug the app, then stop debugging, the app is still running in the suspended state, which is very weird.

Hotspots in the screen corners are really small. You literally have to position your mouse right in the end.

Anyone try the skydrive intergration yet? I linked to my Live Id, and it created a user called 'mrc.000'. Not what I was expecting.
No, I still say Ribbon SUCKS. You take a familiar interface of the File / Edit / View / Tools / Help which exists in EVERY program and then shake and bake to a bunch of renamed items and also take up like a hughe chunk of real estate. Ribbon does plain suck.

Am I too old school running DOS 5.0 and older ?? Maybe I need 15 gadgets and 30 social media accounts and then I will like Ribbon and Metro...
No, I still say Ribbon SUCKS. You take a familiar interface of the File / Edit / View / Tools / Help which exists in EVERY program and then shake and bake to a bunch of renamed items and also take up like a hughe chunk of real estate. Ribbon does plain suck.

Am I too old school running DOS 5.0 and older ?? Maybe I need 15 gadgets and 30 social media accounts and then I will like Ribbon and Metro...

This Ribbon takes up no more space than a conventional when it's set to collapse. And while File / Edit / View / Tools / Help might be familiar not to many people remember what's in them.
Looks like Microsoft spent more time working on fancy animations for the Visual Studio beta than they did ensuring the installer functions properly and doesn't get hung up at the last step.

It's shit like this...
My only grip thus far is searching in the Store should be easier. It should be like the start screen, search when I start typing.

Looks like Microsoft spent more time working on fancy animations for the Visual Studio beta than they did ensuring the installer functions properly and doesn't get hung up at the last step.

It's shit like this...

Well, it is a beta
They learnt nothing from WP7. When I open 'free apps' in the store, I do NOT want to see apps with a trial. Idiots.

Also sync doesn't work - I have 2 installs and none of the settings or apps sync.
The most irritating part is that advanced settings are buried. Even when I know where stuff is, it's annoying to go to it. This OS is not easier to use by any stretch of the imagination.

I just don't see myself ever upgrading to 8 unless I can use the standard desktop.
Every single blog post on the B8 blog is full of people crying out for MS to listen and respond, they just keep ignoring the feedback.

Why the bloody f*ck do I need to drag my wallpaper to login to my pc? Is there any possible justification for this? How exactly is a new user supposed to discover this magical gesture, or any of the other complicated gestures you now need.
They learnt nothing from WP7. When I open 'free apps' in the store, I do NOT want to see apps with a trial. Idiots.

Also sync doesn't work - I have 2 installs and none of the settings or apps sync.

apps aren't supposed to sync. Just settings. Did you login, username and password, with your windows account on both machines?

As far as free apps go, sure, many are ones that have trials. However they aren't time trials and you can use them forever. I have a windows phone and haven't purchased a single app. It's loaded with free apps and trial apps that are still working.
Every single blog post on the B8 blog is full of people crying out for MS to listen and respond, they just keep ignoring the feedback.

Why the bloody f*ck do I need to drag my wallpaper to login to my pc? Is there any possible justification for this? How exactly is a new user supposed to discover this magical gesture, or any of the other complicated gestures you now need.

Don't drag. Use the arrow key. One tap and login.
Ironically, Win 8 is especially painful on a laptop. With only a tiny trackpad and no mouse, no touch, doing all those gestures is hard.
apps aren't supposed to sync. Just settings. Did you login, username and password, with your windows account on both machines?

As far as free apps go, sure, many are ones that have trials. However they aren't time trials and you can use them forever. I have a windows phone and haven't purchased a single app. It's loaded with free apps and trial apps that are still working.

Apps are supposed to sync.

Keyboard support is non-existent. I'm in the Store, and even when it shows the back button, backspace does nothing. In some places you can't move focus with arrow keys, only tab.
Apps are supposed to sync.

Keyboard support is non-existent. I'm in the Store, and even when it shows the back button, backspace does nothing. In some places you can't move focus with arrow keys, only tab.

No, their settings and states sync. The app won't just magically appear on the other machine. But since you are logged into the same account you can re-download apps you've purchased. This is what it states both inside of windows 8 and the blog post you linked.

And it's not a release copy. So expect there to be bugs. Yes, some back buttons don't exist in metro apps or do nothing. The windows button on your keyboard will take you make to the start page.
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Here is another quirk I have found:

When closing a Metro app I naturally expect to be brought back to where I was before I switched to that app, but instead it always brings you to the start menu.

Anyone know a website where we can provide feedback?
Here is another quirk I have found:

When closing a Metro app I naturally expect to be brought back to where I was before I switched to that app, but instead it always brings you to the start menu.

Anyone know a website where we can provide feedback?

That's what it's supposed to do. Back to the start menu. If you want to go to a different open app then move your mouse/point to the upper left corner and you'll get a list of previous apps.
The apps don't close. No apps do. It just closes the application window. Similar to OSX.
I cant get it to install in virtual box. Any suggestions?

When I try to start the VM it gives me an error "VT-x or yadda yadda is enabled but not enabled in the BIOS" I can then click Continue and the installer will green screen. Except the VT-x is not enabled in the VM settings.

I enabled vt-x in my bios then tried again, same message. When I enable vt-x in the VM settings with vt-x also in the bios the installer would proceed, but then wont work after it restarts.
Haven't tried it yet (will wait for trial of final version) but reading the reponses here I don't think I'll have much fun using this OS seeing as I only have a trackpoint :p
They learnt nothing from WP7. When I open 'free apps' in the store, I do NOT want to see apps with a trial. Idiots.

Also sync doesn't work - I have 2 installs and none of the settings or apps sync.

I'm pretty sure that just has to do with Microsoft's restriction that only free apps be available in the Store during the initial part of the beta period. Some devs may have already developed their store page to offer free trials, but at the moment it doesn't matter. All of the apps will show up as free. Clicking "Try" and "Buy" both do the same thing at the moment
-If you close the "Add Accounts" option in any of the apps that have it, you seem to be screwed. Doesn't look like there's a way to bring it back.

-You can't change the default weather location. So you better make sure you do it right the first time.

-Pinball deleted my insanely high score that I was going to brag about. I restarted, went back in and it's gone.
Very happy about the info in the task manager.

File copy information is nice also. Multiple Copy is like the video I had seen, allows you to "manage" multiple copy/move operations.

For the moment I like what I'm seeing.
I'm having issues with it recognizing the NIC through VMware Player 4.0.2 after the newest tools have been installed :(

Edit: Issued resolved by editing the vmx file & adding this line to it
ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000"
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This is bad. I ran it natively on an ssd no less, and the interface is horrifyingly bad. It just doesn't work. The two environments don't work well together switching apps is a mess, the gestures are dumb (how are non power users ever gonna figure these things out) I would have been happy with the new ribbon explorer, the start speed improvements and the resource optimization. Those are all good. Metro is great on the phones. It sucks for windows itself even on tablets its questionable. I think actual windows phone would be a much better fit for tablets.

A ribbon supporter, and vista supporter does not like this changes at all.