Windows 7 Home Premium $29.99 for students

Ordered, $31.xx for Windows 7 Professional is on its way.

Free shipping and I didnt have to pay the $13 for the discs.

Fantastic deal
Ordered, $31.xx for Windows 7 Professional is on its way.

Free shipping and I didnt have to pay the $13 for the discs.

Fantastic deal
there is no charge for the discs on this deal anyway. the $29.99 deal is for the the full retail version of Windows 7 Pro and its your choice to have the discs or download it.
I ordered mine about a week ago and thought I would share my story so here it is. I call up and I was surprised at how quick my call was taken. It took maybe 10 minutes tops from when I dialed the number before I spoke with someone. So 10 minutes into the call, someone with a middle eastern accent picked up the phone. That's fine that is exactly what I expected, a call center in India or somewhere. I tried going through the website to order it but the school was not allowing outside emails to get through so I was forced to call. I told him this before we even started talking and I asked if there was anyway to just send the email to a different email address but use my .edu one to verify. He said no there is no way to do this but there are DVD discs available for an extra $13. I said okay that's still a deal so I have no problem with that so I gave him the .edu email addy and my address and name. Now he tells me they are out of stock for sending out the DVD's. So he says we will have more in stock in a week or so. I call a week later and someone who speaks english answered the phone to my amazement. I asked her if they had any of the Win7 Pro DVD's in stock and she says no but you can also download it from the link we send you in email. I said I tried that but my school address doesn't allow outside emails to come through so that isn't going to work. Then she says, that's okay we can send it to any email address we just need a .edu address to verify you're a student....

I thought it was funny because I didn't see how this was not possible from my first call but didn't want to argue with the guy since I spoke to fast for him.I said oh good I didn't see how that could be a problem but I tried last week and they said I couldn't do that.

Sure enough I got the download sent to a different email address and now I have my Win7 Pro for $29.99. What a steal. Luckily it wasn't a long call so it didn't bother me too much but still a pretty funny story.
Apparently this offer expired on January 3rd and I just ordered it for my sister a few minutes ago. Get it while you still can...
Yup, supposed to have ended yesterday.....

Promotion Duration: This offer commences at 12:00AM Central Daylight Savings Time on September 15th, 2009 and all purchases must be made via the Promotion web site by 11:59AM Central Standard Time on January 3rd, 2010 at which time the offer ends.
Hmm, if it's still good, then a procrastinator like me should get on it. I already bought Win 7 (Home Premium) for 1 of my 2 computers. But since it doesn't matter upgrade vs. full, I should probably order another disc (Pro, if still available) for my next computer (I'll keep my other current one at XP).
woot had a machine i never upgraded from the rc. really neat trick. so you dont have to format

you cant upgrade ultimate to home premium but now you can!

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

find dword: EditionID
may need to change (i didn't): ProductNameto

EditionID: HomePremium
ProductName: Windows 7 HomePremium

in your student download extracted files. find the cversion file... open it. change the version to 7000 and 7000

then install home premium on ultimate... basically force a downgrade!
Damnit! I got the wrong version in the mail! I got the damn upgrade version! :( :( :( Do you think they'll exchange it? Why in the hell is the upgrade version the same cost as the full version?
You can still perform a clean install w/an upgrade disc, just takes a couple extra steps (initial install w/o activation followed by an 'upgrade' install where you actually use your key).
You can still perform a clean install w/an upgrade disc, just takes a couple extra steps (initial install w/o activation followed by an 'upgrade' install where you actually use your key).

Do i need to tell it the vista key or just the windows & key?

Yeah theres no way i want to install the Vista 64 Ultimate again as i got the earlier release where i have to remove 2 gig of memory just to install it without the error screen. Then install it and do the memory patch fix and then install the memory cards back in. I hated that! hehe. Should of got Microsoft to send me a new install disk.
Well, i've been informed by my niece that called and ordered it that all was available at the time was the upgrade version of Win 7 pro in DVD form and i could of downloaded the FULL version only.

Had no idea of that till just now heh.

So what the hell do i do now?? On my main computer that i wanted to install this i have a dual boot of Windows XP PRO OEM and Vista Ultimate that i pad $450 for.

If i upgade either of them according to there new policy i void the old license.. I do not wish to void either of them as i still want to dual boot the computer using atleast one of them to which i dont know at the moment.

Can i just install it on a freshly formated hard drive??

Sucks, as i paid for the full version Vista last time so i could reinstall it as many times as i wanted (on the same computer) without problems.. and now have the problem when i upgraded or moved to a new motherboard.

Now i read that the license is tied to a single partiton..


EDIT: After re reading the how to install Win7 upgrad fresh.. i guess option 3 is the one i want.. the double install. :) Though i'm sure when i go to upgrade the computer sometime this year i'll have a problem activating?? If i have to call on the phone and tell them i have not originally used any older software when i upgraded.. would be an issue correct?
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Yes, you can definitely install Win7 to a freshly formatted drive using Upgrade media, using one of the three methods outlined in the article within the link... Or by simply acquiring the full version media thru other means (a friend, or a download) and using that disc with your key, the keys aren't tied to anything other than whether you get Home/Pro/Ultimate out of the installer... They're agnostic as far as language, x86/x64, or upgrade/full media.

If you ever have to re-install due to major upgrades (mobo etc.) it still shouldn't be a big deal to get the key re-activated. Generally speaking when you call in (to India) they basically just ask that you're only using it on one system at a time, as long as you're very clear on that (they ask like, twice, and that's it) then they don't really care how the original install was performed, what the re-install process has been, or any of that.

MS basically gives you a lot of leeway in this regard... As evidenced by the fact that they don't tie the keys to anything but the specific flavor of Windows that you've purchased (not the disc themselves, etc).