Windnoes Trix

I would.. but that would mean taking time away from the [H]orde...

gotta put at least 8 hours a day into the team... m-f.. err..
What's "init-3" in linux. I have two folding boxes that are going to be active here soon, and I'm going to run linux on them. Do all linux installs support this. Instead of me wasting time during my finals week for college maybe someone can post a short description of it and get me headed in the right direction. Thanks.

PS. I'm a linux noob...

MN Scout
init 3 is command line only, pretty much no-nonsense console linux.

It isn't necessarily 3, though... it's just the generic term for the init level where no graphical stuff gets started. If you're using Fedora Core (easy to get going!) it *is* 3, but for example on Debian it's 2 by default.

You could technically leave it in init 5 but just chkconfig off all the graphical services. Basically, to change it, edit /etc/inittab and change a line like this:
to have 3 in it.

HTH ;)
^^ needs to spend more time playing with girls and less time with computers
KodiakStar said:
^^ needs to spend more time playing with girls and less time with computers
As soon as they develop a command line interface for them. The GUI is just too confusing and distracting. And the quick-save function doesn't work.
Me: [F6] to quicksave, right?
Her: Fatal Error: File not found.
Me: WTF?

Me: query(day->how_was);
Her: if (you have to ask) { !going to tell you; }

Me: exit 1;
< needs to b0rg more too...
unhappy_mage said:
As soon as they develop a command line interface for them. The GUI is just too confusing and distracting. And the quick-save function doesn't work.
Me: [F6] to quicksave, right?
Her: Fatal Error: File not found.
Me: WTF?

Me: query(day->how_was);
Her: if (you have to ask) { !going to tell you; }

Me: exit 1;
< needs to b0rg more too...

rofl. my. phucking. waffle.

Man, I'm used to weirdness around here, but today takes the cake. You guys all must be either drunk or stoned, or both... :D

Schmave said:
Man, I'm used to weirdness around here, but today takes the cake. You guys all must be either drunk or stoned, or both... :D

Oh if that were only true... does a severe case of boredom count?

p[H]ant0m said:
Oh if that were only true... does a severe case of boredom count?

Well, I guess if you're at work it counts. Speaking of work...I gotta go give a presentation on how we can turn some motors with our board thing for that one project I'm working on...
Schmave said:
Well, I guess if you're at work it counts. Speaking of work...I gotta go give a presentation on how we can turn some motors with our board thing for that one project I'm working on...

At least it isn't a meeting about a meeting that's yet to take place, I had one of those... I hate those... :rolleyes:

AtomicMoose said:
I have one of them per week

You sir, have my sympathies. Normally I am free from the curse of those meetings as I am not that high on the food chain. For some unbeknownst reason my boss felt like mandating my prescense at this and all future pre-meetings.... ugh. :(

p[H]ant0m said:
You sir, have my sympathies. Normally I am free from the curse of those meetings as I am not that high on the food chain. For some unbeknownst reason my boss felt like mandating my prescense at this and all future pre-meetings.... ugh. :(

Then I too reciprocate the sympathy. :(

Meetings sux0r!
meetings bite and tps reports really suck......

and I agree, you all are acting abnormally weird today... I mean you guys are normally nutso, but today you all are acting like me :D :eek:

AtomicMoose said:
svchost.exe is a system process belonging to the OS which handles processes executed from DLLs.

That's not a very accurate description.
You can close most processes down... I'm running XP Home and have 16 processes (not including when i turn on task manager or EMIII). Haven't figured out how to turn off wscntfy.exe yet (that damn red shield that never shuts the hell up), but i'm looking around.

*fake edit*

That's odd. Usually i've been able to close down spoolsv.exe (the print spooler) to no effect, but for some reason it keeps opening itself back up... along with my printer's programs :mad: make that 17... stupid print spooler...
PPatBoyd said:
You can close most processes down... I'm running XP Home and have 16 processes (not including when i turn on task manager or EMIII). Haven't figured out how to turn off wscntfy.exe yet (that damn red shield that never shuts the hell up), but i'm looking around.

*fake edit*

That's odd. Usually i've been able to close down spoolsv.exe (the print spooler) to no effect, but for some reason it keeps opening itself back up... along with my printer's programs :mad: make that 17... stupid print spooler...

wscntfy is the Windows Security Center app/service... just disable it if you have no use for the pointless redundant warnings

you have to turn off the print spooler in the services control panel... don't know if home has that though. i try to avoid using it.
KodiakStar said:
512k memory is more then anyone will ever need... :rolleyes:

so lets make this thing called svhost.. and make sure thats all they have free... ever..

Bill actually said 640K is more than anyone will ever need....

I was around when he said it...
Still didn't believe it. I had the add on memory managers that let my DOS box see all of my 1280K.

Hmm. thats right. I had forgotten been a while since I had to think about it, but the thread brought it to mind ;)
Carnival Forces said:
i limited it down to 2% of my C:\ drive (i have other partitions that it's disabled on) that's 200MB (won't go any smaller)...

...should i really disable it all together?

I normally have it turned off on my personal boxen. I don't like the resources it wastes. It has saved me a reinstall a couple of times, though. What I do is leave it off until I install something I think may cause a problem like new vid card drivers, nForce2 drivers or some program I'm not sure about. Before I do the install, I turn on System Restore and make a save point. Then I do the installation and test the system. Sometimes I'll leave SR on a couple of days to make sure nothing screws up. After I'm satisfied, I turn it back off. Remember, when you turn SR off, it gets rid of all the restore points. It would be nice if there was an option to save the restore points or certain ones even if it was off but you can't, at least you can't to my knowledge.

rodsfree said:
Bill actually said 640K is more than anyone will ever need....

I was around when he said it.

Where were you exactly when he did say it? In his office? At a presentation during a conference?
mikeblas said:
Where were you exactly when he did say it? In his office? At a presentation during a conference?

I wish I'd have been part of his group.... fucking gazillionaires now.
I was just into computers back then. I can remember typing in basic game programs from Compute! magazine, and wondering if my cassette tape drive would hold it all.

Ah those were the days. {wipes tear from corner of eye, sniff, sniff}

:eek: :D
!!! I heart bees !!!

(systrm restore takes a few cycles, lethens startup and shutdown...AND backs up everything..good and bad. skip it, have an image file and backup your data.

rodsfree said:
I was just into computers back then. I can remember typing in basic game programs from Compute! magazine, and wondering if my cassette tape drive would hold it all.

I see. I was in computers back then; in fact, I had some of my software reviewed in Compute! back in 1989.

But I don't clearly remember Gates making this 640k memory claim. I've never found any hard reference to it, and I'm starting to think it's something of an urban legend.

Do you remember where you read the attribution?
aight, i think i'll follow Smokerngs' suggestion and turn it off except when i try something daring :p

thanks guys!
Carnival Forces said:
..... and turn it off except when i try something daring :p
Something daring huh? ............ like booting up .... or .... installing a program .... or .....?? ;)


GwilyaGwees said:
Something daring huh? ............ like booting up .... or .... installing a program .... or .....?? ;)


like...::shifty eyes::....playing an mp3!!!
mikeblas said:
I see. I was in computers back then; in fact, I had some of my software reviewed in Compute! back in 1989.

But I don't clearly remember Gates making this 640k memory claim. I've never found any hard reference to it, and I'm starting to think it's something of an urban legend.

Do you remember where you read the attribution?

According to BakedON's link above it's just a rumor...

But I seem to remember bumping into it just about everywhere, I can't give you a specific reference either. So if it's a rumor then it spread like wildfire.

Then again... Bill really PISSED off a bunch of folks in the Heathkit Communities and the BBSes when he started screaming about sharing his OS with people that hadn't paid for it.
I think that was around the DOS 2.0 days.
So him saying anything like this would have been picked up really fast and probably misquoted to hell and gone just to get even with him. USENET rules!! remember?

I need another beer....

I'm getting nostalgic for my old 9600baud modem... :eek:

OH, by the by... my handle comes from when you could only have 8 characters in your email or log-in...
It was the easiest truncation of my full name that would work - RODney Scott FREEman - rodsfree.... it's still pretty unique too. ;)
