Why All PC Enthusiasts Owe Thanks To ATi

Yes everyone owes AMD/Ati if it was just intel/nv we would still be paying 1000+ for a celeron
lol, they'll get my thanks when they actually make a better product than nvidia. I'm an enthusiast and care about who has the better product. IMO nvidia for the last few generations has the better product. The only reason ATI has Quote unquote "kicked nvidia in the nuts" is because in the end people are cheap. They'd rather buy a product that performs 15% less and save a little cash. Sure, ATI's new generation is good but it doesnt DOMINATE too much on any particular game while the 2xx series does quite a bit better on some titles over the 4xxx ati generation.

The guy who wrote that article can suck my left nut.


Are you gonna notice that 15% difference in real game play? Probably not. Unless you are one of those who always runs fraps and go ingto a server with a -5 and 56 scre but hey, YOU HAVE 5 MORE FPS THEN EVERYONE ELSE!!

Now lets see here, with in 15% or so of the fastest card out - NICE!
Costs about $200+ less - VERY NICE!
No more crappy unstable nVidia chipsets - I'M THERE!
...Are you gonna notice that 15% difference in real game play? Probably not...

Depends on the game. 15% in most games, no. But what about Crysis? I call shenanigans.

ATI came out with a solid card at a great price. Don't get me wrong, thats awesome, but I'm not going to praise them for finally doing what they should have been doing for a while (that is, staying competitive), because that would be dumb.

Also, this thread has turned into a fanboy shitstorm.
I got to thank them for the great price:performance ratio.. hopefully they will get nvidia to start work hard and lower down the prices!! I don't see that much of a price decrease on the nvidia cards though :/
The last graphics card I bought ended a long string of ATI cards for me and they were all nothing but nightmares. ATI's driver troubles were well documented back then....something the D.B. fanboys seem to have forgotten. I took my chances once more with a Theater 550 TV tuner and that was the straw that broke the camel's back. Drivers problems, hardware problems, outsourced software that didn't work....a horrific design all around. After that experience I bought my first Nvidia card......a 6800NU and never looked back. I haven't had a game crash or had a single problem since...even on the same games I ran on my ATI cards (F1 Challenge is still on my machine to this day). I'm actually using a leftover 8500DV in my carpc right now because it's the only card I have that will run the custom resolution properly and it's just as much of a nightmare as it was the first day I bought it. Does it sound like I'm serious? Do you have any more dumb comments to make?

Just one more dumb comment. I have a 550 in my media center PC that I haven't had to touch for literally years now, haven't even updated the driver, and its performed flawlessly. I've also owned and worked on several PC's with varius ATI card models over the years, all have been great. If you read the Internets you'll see that the majority of users don't have any issues, and also that Nvidia easily equals any issues ATI has ever had. That's not fanboi talk that's just common sense and objectivity. I also enjoyed this lovely Nvidia issue for far longer then necessary:


Now If I lived by your amazing thinking, I'd never touch another Nvidia product again. But I'm smarter then that, since I'd only be screwing myself.

And ATI has worked hard, they do deserve some gratitude or at least public acknowledgement for their hard work staying in the game. Yes it's a business, but they could easily be charging more for the 4000 series. They could have debuted them at right around the price of the cards they are competing against. But they didn't. Thanks.
Me thinks Blown 89 needs to try my old 7900gt out for a bit then get back to us on that whole it just works comment. LOL What a POS. I have an 8800gts so I won't need to upgrade anytime soon but when I do its nice to know ATI is back in the game. For now. I just wonder why they forgot that games need texture performance too, not just shader speed.
Just one more dumb comment. I have a 550 in my media center PC that I haven't had to touch for literally years now, haven't even updated the driver, and its performed flawlessly. I've also owned and worked on several PC's with varius ATI card models over the years, all have been great. If you read the Internets you'll see that the majority of users don't have any issues, and also that Nvidia easily equals any issues ATI has ever had. That's not fanboi talk that's just common sense and objectivity. I also enjoyed this lovely Nvidia issue for far longer then necessary:


Now If I lived by your amazing thinking, I'd never touch another Nvidia product again. But I'm smarter then that, since I'd only be screwing myself.

And ATI has worked hard, they do deserve some gratitude or at least public acknowledgement for their hard work staying in the game. Yes it's a business, but they could easily be charging more for the 4000 series. They could have debuted them at right around the price of the cards they are competing against. But they didn't. Thanks.
The Theater 550's software didn't even support their own breakout box when it was released and ATI's official solution was to buy third party software whose developers even stated that it wasn't fully compatible. Back then ATI was notorious for axing working tuner software for updates that didn't work yet without offering the old version for those who updated and ended up with paper weights. Rage3D was overwhelmed with threads full of people asking for the old media centers and even more discussions dedicated to buggy third party workarounds like Snapstream, GBPVR, Media Portal, etc to solve the multitude of "Powerless Cinema" issues that nearly every review on the net complained about. To this day you cannot get the original software for many of their early tuners...software that actually worked yet was replaced by new versions that axed features and more or less crashed every time you blinked.

The simple fact is that ATI released the 550 before the breakout box included with the hardware was even compatible with it. A simple search of internet will reveal this. Tony at Sapphire even confirmed this and stated, at the time, that the only way to watch TV through the breakout box was in the capture screen of Powerless Cinema which rendered the card useless for everybody with digital cable because a) you couldn't maximize the screen and b) the capture screen's border took up the entire window with buttons, info, etc which meant that you couldn't watch TV and use your computer at the same time. I was also excited about receiving FM radio through the card but that failed worse than the drivers and software since it couldn't get even a hint of signal. My $5 clock radio however picked up everything loud and clear. Way to go ATI...they may have their shit together now but they certainly didn't back then. A simple search of the forums would fill you in on that. For years ATI has the reputation that Creative has now.

BallerX....I have a 7 series in my media center. It works fine.
Yes everyone owes AMD/Ati if it was just intel/nv we would still be paying 1000+ for a celeron

Same can be said for AMD and ATi. Without the competition from Intel and nVidia, we would be paying twice the price for a processor half of the top performance they have today

It requirese both side for competition to exist. We don't owe it to one side only...

Nobody owe anything to AMD or Intel
thanks amd for my cheap rig thanks nvidia for my cheap 8800gt
Same can be said for AMD and ATi. Without the competition from Intel and nVidia, we would be paying twice the price for a processor half of the top performance they have today

It requirese both side for competition to exist. We don't owe it to one side only...

Nobody owe anything to AMD or Intel

Not necessarily, AMD has always generally had a track record of affordable processors. Intel generally has had the opposite track record. Even when AMD was winning, I don't recall them being anywhere near the level Intel has been in the past when they were the only choice for performance. ATI also had to come up from behind as the underdog with their originally weak products. I'm not saying Intel and Nvidia are the bad boys, but I would say there is a definite difference in the way they have presented and conducted themselves in the market compared to AMD and ATI.
ATi had troubles when they got aquired by AMD. Now that the troubles are over with for the most part, Thanks to AMD, we get cheap affordable graphics performance.
and there was much rejoicing.

Although it's not a decimating 9700 sized kick in the nuts. They did bruise scrotum and force them drop their prices into the reasonable range.
I've read some good and some really bad points in this discussion, and while we all benefit from Competition, it places the Real Value in what we can expect from both these Companies in the Future. For Nvidia they will of course Die Shrink their Behemoth of a Processor, Rework It, Tweak it, call new and Exciting, and we'll all buy it.
AMD/ATI will of course respond with a 35 Nanometer Tweaked part, and also release it at a lower Price Point, etc, etc, etc.
We all gain something from the exchange, better quality Graphics, nearing PhotoRealistic Quality Production, at acceptable Speeds and also able to play Games, Develop new Cinematicly Realisticly Physics at much Greater Speeds, allowing us, , , I begin to digress. Someone slap me up beside the head.

Relax People its just Business as usual!
I've always been an Nvidia guy (owned ATi during the FX years haha), but I'm definitely glad to see ATi bounce back for the obvious reasons. It's said over and over on the forums, but highly competitive products display capitalism in it's finest.

Thanks for the price cuts ATi!
Wow the first couple of posts were from some seriously bitter nVidia fanboys who had their facts wrong... Actually they were probably nVidia stockholders! ;-)

When nVidia had such a good card for $179 then wanted to charge $500-$650 for their next generation, it was obvious they were drinking too much of their own Kool Aid and needed to get real. The 48X0 series provided a serious reality check the nVidia needed badly!
BallerX....I have a 7 series in my media center. It works fine.
Ah but I have had both the 550 theatrix and the 650pro and they both worked fine for me?
In fact out of all the rigs I have with TV tuners and friends with tuners I have not had one complaint from any of them.
Point is you gotta be messin sumthing up man...
If I could only handle ATI drivers again I'd go with them. Catalyst Control Panel = *puke*.
man all I have to say to the auther there is...

"well no shit."

I mean, to everything:

bootdaily said:
Because of ATI's efforts, you can now pay HUNDEREDS less for your next NVIDIA-based mainstream GPU

When Product A is as power ful as Product B at a MUCH lower price point Product B pricing drops? No shit!

bootdaily said:
There's another way consumers (gamers) win in this scenario and that will ultimately play out in the form of future games.

Powerful hardware at low prices: GOOD for consumers? No shit!

bootdaily said:
[Game Developers] tell me that they develop games with the bulk of consumers in mind and toss in a few "extras" for the elite few who can afford high-end graphics.

Game developers develop games for the majority of their audiance? Holy shit Batman!

Comon Steve, this is an article that the guys over at Gotfrag or gamespot might be intrested in, this is [H], we dont need generic articles without a single hard number (pun intended), we want more. You could write up something twice as intresting as that in half the time.