Who wants some Wang!? Shadow Warrior Revival

OMG, i just tried to pick this one up for 9.99 today on Steam...it's not going on anymore? thought it was through today? or until! ARGH! i love the demo, but can't part with 39 bux!
OMG, i just tried to pick this one up for 9.99 today on Steam...it's not going on anymore? thought it was through today? or until! ARGH! i love the demo, but can't part with 39 bux!

Looks like the sale is over, but it goes on sale often so keep a lookout!

Well, that sux. I didn't even know about this game until yesterday. And it's a great game (demo).

Loved Hard Reset, and this one is on the same list!

Patience is a virtue.

Well, that sux. I didn't even know about this game until yesterday. And it's a great game (demo).

You should've jumped on it the moment you liked the demo. :) Time limited sale is time limited

Steam page for a game will also have a countdown clock during a sale, so I tend to keep an eye on that if its a title I'm not sure about.
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I just finished the demo and I find AWESOME. Why, why didn't I look at the fucking date, now I will have to wait for the next sale.

Runs like shit but I loved every piece of it. That was the best prologue I've ever seen.

edit: Does it get harder, though? I picked the last difficulty but didn't die once. Damn, I need buy a new vga card and that game next week!
on the hardest difficulty you have to restart the level if you die, so yeah, it can be brutal if you can't heal. overall I enjoyed the game a lot, thought it was well crafted. the sword was awesome.
Yeah, these time sensitive deals:mad:

This is on a very high priority list, so yeah, will be checking Steam daily. And correct, I shoulda gotten the deal when it was there. Crud
Game is great fun! Good compromise on classic playstyle fused with modern game elements like upgrades and regen health. All works very well so far. And the dialogue of Lo Wang is awesomely hilarious!
I had zero interest in playing first person shooter games after Doom 2. The market was saturated with them.
Shadow Warrior and Duke Nukem 3D came out at the perfect time for me. I was 13, so all that dirty humor really appealed to me. The Doom series satisfied my need for straight up violence.
I had zero interest in playing first person shooter games after Doom 2. The market was saturated with them.

You missed out on a lot of great games,then. Just because there were a lot of them doesn't mean there weren't many very good games in the bunch.
Day 9 of searching far and wide for a deal on SW. It's been tough I'm not going to lie, any deals anyone sees, please respond on this forum.

This was such a great game. I've played through twice already.
Game is great fun! Good compromise on classic playstyle fused with modern game elements like upgrades and regen health. All works very well so far. And the dialogue of Lo Wang is awesomely hilarious!

Well the health was a great balance I thought. It can regen if you want to use the power but you must find health packs otherwise.
Good grief. This game was completely off of my radar. I enjoyed the original back in the 90s but I didn't give this one much thought because so many of these remakes/reboots end up sucking or are way overhyped (DNF and Shadowrun didn't help with that reputation, and the ROTT remake hype was very short-lived).

It's now going to the top of my Steam wishlist.

They need to revamp and bring back Blood and mother freaking Soldier of Fortune. And I'd suck a man's penor for a true SS2 sequel or remake by someone who loved it and would treat it with the respect it deserves.
Good grief. This game was completely off of my radar. I enjoyed the original back in the 90s but I didn't give this one much thought because so many of these remakes/reboots end up sucking or are way overhyped (DNF and Shadowrun didn't help with that reputation, and the ROTT remake hype was very short-lived).

It's now going to the top of my Steam wishlist.

They need to revamp and bring back Blood and mother freaking Soldier of Fortune. And I'd suck a man's penor for a true SS2 sequel or remake by someone who loved it and would treat it with the respect it deserves.

The new survival horror game Caffeine has kind of s SS2 kind of vibe I've been told.
As somebody who never played the first one, I sorta wish I did, appears to be a lot of references to the first one. Either way, I'm about mid way through and this game is very good. Lot of old school secrets makes me take my time. Graphics might not be Crysis level, but design and mood is just awesome.

Gore is relentless and it appears to be somewhat lengthy. Just a nice surprise for something I didn't even see coming. I would have never known if Steam did not put out a demo for this game. MORE DEMOS for PC's!
Finished this tonight, all up it took me 16 hours and it was fucking Wang-tastic from start to finish!! Seriously one of the most memorable FPS games I have played in a loooooooooong time.
Finished this tonight, all up it took me 16 hours and it was fucking Wang-tastic from start to finish!! Seriously one of the most memorable FPS games I have played in a loooooooooong time.

definitely! My only gripe with it is the story and witty banter kinda tapered out 1/2-2-3's of the way through.
I actually thought the story was refreshingly original, if not at least better than 95% of the drivel shat out in AAA games.
I actually thought the story was refreshingly original, if not at least better than 95% of the drivel shat out in AAA games.

i don't disagree, it just seemed like they started running out of ideas toward the end. but it was definitely my favorite game of 2013.
I still have yet to finish this game. I think i'm on the last chapter..Definitely longer than I expected. Some where saying 8 hours...they must have rushed through this, because I'm over that number. Steam says 24 hours? Am I just slow at this one?
Took me 16 hours on the second hardest difficulty, and I didn't think I rushed through. So yeah, maybe you are a bit slow :p
Took me 16 hours on the second hardest difficulty, and I didn't think I rushed through. So yeah, maybe you are a bit slow :p

This game was frustratingly difficult for me. Good reminder of the crushing challenges that old school FPS's threw at us. I played on the second hardest difficulty as well.
So yes finally finished SW!! Wow, this game was so surprisingly great that I'm about to start again. Not so crazy about the Visceral Clean up though, it's kinda funny, but not going to finish.

Ending of SW was terrific and glad it didn't end with yet another lame ending to a FPS.

I will highly recommend this one!
If you like old school FPS then I would highly recommend this game. Grab it when its on sale and enjoy!
Guys, I am having a blast with this game, and somehow it gets better and better.

This is my 5th play through as I am never completely satisfied with my performance. Never finished the game so far. Currently I am at level 11 (again), trying to extract maximum karma points in each fight. It's extremely time-consuming and sometimes frustrating.

I just don't get the system. Sometimes I take down even the largest demons and their hordes without taking a single hit, and yet the game only gives me star and a half. Other times I do really, really poorly (imo) but I receive 4 stars. What is this shit.

Has anyone managed to get five full stars at least once? Why do you do? I am playing at Hard. Honestly even Heroic isn't that hard. According to Steam, I have wasted 44 of my life on this game. Honestly, I am planning to sink even more :)

I should also mention that I don't upgrade my skills and weapons. Well, sometimes I do just for testing, then load my save before doing so.
Sorry for reviving this thread, but I was looking at reinstalling SW on steam, and came across an rather unexpected 1.5 patch in late March for SW!??

Shadow Warrior Patch Notes:

Shadow Warrior 1.5.0
- Available for Windows Vista/7/8 and above.
- Added Mac OS X and Linux support.
- Added additional bossfights with Zilla in chapters 13 and 16.
- Added ingame artbook.
- Added DirectX 11 based graphics.
- Added optimization for 32 & 64-bit build.
- Added optimization for SSAO.
- Added optimization for Mirror Effects.
- Fixed many gameplay bugs and minor level bugs.
- Fixed minor bugs for pad controls.
- Fixed minor localization bugs.
- Fixed rare crash when using alt-tab.
- Fixed rare Gozu crash.
- Fixed saving weapon fx's when using non standard katana.

Please note that version 1.5 is not available for Windows XP.

If you have already completed the game - In Shadow Warrior 1.5.0 only the initial save for each level will be available.
All your stats and upgrades will remain the same in the saves, but all your quicksaves and checkpoint saves will become unavailable.

Well, haven't reinstalled so not sure if the additional graphics make this worth it, but how awesome is that??! Here I come Wang....er...that didn't come out right.....
Maybe it's an "Enhanced" version like many other games are doing. They still price it at $40 after 2.5 years on the market. Has it always been at $40 or just recently hiked?
I think I paid 15 bux for this title. It goes on sale once in a while. 40 bones is a lot for a title this old though.

I downloaded again with the DX11 graphics. It does look different, not sure it's better, but the performance certainly is. Thing runs on my ol rig like butter.
I downloaded again with the DX11 graphics. It does look different, not sure it's better

As someone who bought this a while back and still hasn't played it, can you elaborate on this? I just want to know what I'm missing in terms of graphics on the new version, if anything.

Good to hear about the performance, though.