Which PSU to get for running 20 hard drive raid?

Common PSUs used in those Norco 4020 builds:
$110 - PC Power & Cooling S75CF 750W PSU
$112 - Corsair 750TX 750W PSU
$145 - Corsair 850TX 850W PSU
$230 - Corsair 1000HX Modular PSU
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Depends on the CPU and GPU used. If you're not going with gaming machine parts, then you can get away with way less than 750W. 600W definitely fine. 550W fine. But if you're going for a really power intensive computer then stick to the 750.
Thanks for the quick replies guys!

This machine will solely be used as a file server. Will probably be using onboard video, quad cpu, 4g or 8g ram, quad port nic cards x 2...and that's about it.

I was looking at the Corsair 750TX so I guess I should be fine?

Thanks again!
Thanks for the quick replies guys!

This machine will solely be used as a file server. Will probably be using onboard video, quad cpu, 4g or 8g ram, quad port nic cards x 2...and that's about it.

I was looking at the Corsair 750TX so I guess I should be fine?

Thanks again!

Yup, just fine with the 750TX.
k...now I decided on the power supply, I'm wondering how to connect the 20 sata hd?

using splitters? is this safe?
Thanks for the quick replies guys!

This machine will solely be used as a file server. Will probably be using onboard video, quad cpu, 4g or 8g ram, quad port nic cards x 2...and that's about it.

I was looking at the Corsair 750TX so I guess I should be fine?

Thanks again!
You could even swing the TX650, you don't really need the TX750 unless the price difference is small. The TX750 would allow for more expansion in the future though.
You don't need anything spectacular when it comes to file servers. Just make sure that you get a single rail power supply (I ran a Q6600 at 3.6ghz, HD4850, 22 hard drives, and a water cooling setup off a 610w PC P&C). I personally made my own adapters for my file server. You also will not be using the SATA plugs at all. You need 10 molex plugs for the backplanes in the case.
another question, if the file server is only for storing and distributing files, will any onboard video work? or do i need a separate video card? what's the benefit?
another question, if the file server is only for storing and distributing files, will any onboard video work? or do i need a separate video card? what's the benefit?
Onboard will work fine. There is absolutely no benefit to having dedicated graphics in a file server.