Which PC games are you playing the most these days?


May 31, 2009
For me, COD5 World At War Multiplayer has me hooked. Great graphics, and multiplayer is outstanding IMO. I like the style of play better vs. that of COD4. Story mode was pretty good. Oh did I mention multiplayer has dedicated servers? ;).

Also been playing Batman Arkham Asylum. Extremely good game. Great graphics, great story.

FYI: PC Gaming Ain't Dead by a long shot. The dust on my ps3 slim proves this. :cool:
Just installed Win7 and only one game so far, Risen.
Thats keeping me occupied!
Mostly RPG's these days. I cant wait for dragon age. I know im going to spend way too many hours playing through it.
Fallout 3, just restarted because of save game losses. I dont care though, the game is amazing.
I'm playing too many right now.

As for single player, I'm currently playing Fallout 3 but it got kinda stale once I found out I had most of the best guns in the game and I'm not near the level cap. My overpoweredness makes it less fun.

I got Assassins Creed for $5 on a Steam deal and I've been tinkering with that instead of Fallout 3.

Just yesterday for Halloween I installed Dead Space. There are some consolitis based control issues especially navigating menus but it doesn't really hinder the actual gameplay enough to bother me. I'm having alot of fun with it at the moment.

When I want to change it up I go with either TF2, L4D or CoD4. Not over-doing it with any of these has helped them last without getting boring.
I'm starting to have a lot of games going on now.

Currently playing through Risen, Torchlight, Borderlands. Team Fortress 2 and Street Fighter IV also.
Borderlands looks interesting and seems popular. Going to have to see if they have some kind of demo.
Fo3, Forgotten Hope 2 and TF2.

BOORING. Want to try this Borderlands. If only I had a bit of disposable to spunk on games, YEAH?
After a billion fucking years, I just got back in WC3:TFT RT matches again.

And as some other players have mentioned, Borderlands is one of the very few games you want to get right back into and play all over again the very second you beat it. (Similarly to Diablo2 it features a "second playthrough" where you continue playing your same character throughout the game again but against now higher level mobs)
Right now, Risen is keeping me busy on PC. Also, Fallout 3 earlier in the year took up a ton of time. Next will be Dragon Age.
Just started Mass effect and thought i'd be bored with it but actually so far I'm really liking it (about 6 hours in)

I play some L4D vs occasionally, 8v8 makes for interesting games. Some TF2 from time to time.

Pre ordered dragon age and will be playing that like crazy on friday onwards. Oh yeah and completely the recently release Tales of Monkey Island chapter 4 which wasn't too bad.
I'm behind so I was playing Batman AA. I was going to play Risen next, but looks like that's going to take a back seat to Dragon Age.
stalker S.o.C. I bought it off steam for 5 bucks. This game is awesome. This is the kind of fps/rpg I think I have been looking for unlike Mass Effect or Fallout 3. :)
edit: Why is there a thumbs down? haha
stalker S.o.C. I bought it off steam for 5 bucks. This game is awesome. This is the kind of fps/rpg I think I have been looking for unlike Mass Effect or Fallout 3. :)
edit: Why is there a thumbs down? haha

I've been playing that too. I was surprised at how good the game was, I really didn't even pay attention to it when it was released.

Also playing Vampire: the Masquerade (great game) and EVE Online.
It really is a phenomenal game for 20 bucks. It's easily worth the console price tag.
Lets see, Doom 3, Fear, Fallout 3, Half-life 2, Stalker, Vampire the Mas.. , Unreal Tournament 3, Call of Duty 3 and Resurrection