What's in your Doom III box?

A friend of mine really wanted to finish Far Cry, and then be able to play Doom 3 and HL2, so he just bought this on the Egg.

Black Steel case - he actually skimped on it, and lavished elsewhere
Asus A8V
2 gigs of Corsair 3200 (2-2-2-5) (2 gigs why? why not...)
1 Raptor 74gb
1 SATA 80gb WD for storage
NEC Dual Layer 8x +/- DVDRW
SB Audigy 2
BFG GeFoce 6800GT (only cause the Ultras or the x800XT's weren;t out)
Enermax 470 watt Noisetaker PSU
Zalaman fan controller and 4 blue LED fans.

He was gonna buy a Dell with a P4 3.4EE, but I talked him out of it. The one he wanted was priced at $3600, so I got him to spend $2700 total on that. The only ting he's keeping is his 19" Sony monitor. He'll finally be able to play everything at 1600 x 1200 instead of 1024 x 768 and 800 x 600. Since he upgrades every 2 years or so, waiting for PCI-X and all that wasn't important. Man, I wish I had money.
No money or impetus to upgrade right now.

Mobile @ 2.4Ghz with 240FSB and slighly oc'd 9800 non-Pro flashed to Pro should be okay for now. I can play Far Cry at max settings at 1280x1024 smoothly. If need be, I'll flip my 120mm panaflo over and rebuild my shroud to cover my northbridge so I can do 2.5Ghz and 250FSB (which I was only able to run in the winter with a custom dryer hose ducted out the window)

Raptor's nice to have but it won't do anything for me except decreasing load times.

Or maybe...I'll run it @ 640x480 dx8 on my laptop haha :) :rolleyes:
Just got mine together last Thursday

Athlon 64 3000+
Epox 8kda3j
Thermalright slk948u
Panaflo 92mm H1B
eVGA 6800 GT
Forton 530w

Also I got the Samsung 710t and I'm VERY impressed with the gaming on it. My first LCD at home and I love it.

The hitch is that I'm using my old 1GB of Kingston HyperX PC2700. Fortunately it's BH 5 and I got it running at 200mhz, but I need some good quality PC3500+ in order to really start overclocking this rig like I want to.
in the middle of overhauling my system... indeed for doom3

DFI Lanparty nf2 ultra 400 mobo
[email protected] (hopefully replaced with a mobile barton by then :D)
HIS Excalibur x800 pro (still waiting on this to arrive...hopefully modded to xt)
2x 256mb Samsung pc3200 (hoping to replace this REAL soon)
Achieve 500w psu (this thing's a champ for bein so damn cheap)

other than that i think i'll end up just using the onboard soundstorm and my 5.1 headphones. will also be replacing my crappy kds 17" flat crt... hopefully with a samsung 1100df. 21" high res doom3 will be VERY nice :)
AMD 64 3200+ Clawhammer
MSI K8N Neo Platinum 250GB
Danger Den TDX water block with Lucite top
Swiftech MCP600 water pump
Black Ice Micro 2 twin 80mm radiator (with two tornados and two Vantec UV LED fans)
Vantec 5.25 Nexus
Vantec PCI fan card
BFG 6800 Ultra OC
Antec True Power 550W
Lian-Li PC-65
Coolermaster Cool Drive 4
Western Digital 74GB Raptor SATA HDD
1.5GB Kingston Hyper X PC-3500
Hauppauge WinTV GO PCI
Creative Audigy 2 ZS
NEC DVD RW Drive (double sided)
Spire acoustic mat
Two (blow hole and exhaust) Vantec UV LED fans
P4 3.2
BFG 6800GT OC @ Ultra
2 x 512 Corsair XMS 2-2-2-5
Doom3 Pre-ordered @ Buy.com
Time off from work scheduled Version 3.0
Pooky said:
A friend of mine really wanted to finish Far Cry, and then be able to play Doom 3 and HL2, so he just bought this on the Egg.

Black Steel case - he actually skimped on it, and lavished elsewhere
Asus A8V
2 gigs of Corsair 3200 (2-2-2-5) (2 gigs why? why not...)
1 Raptor 74gb
1 SATA 80gb WD for storage
NEC Dual Layer 8x +/- DVDRW
SB Audigy 2
BFG GeFoce 6800GT (only cause the Ultras or the x800XT's weren;t out)
Enermax 470 watt Noisetaker PSU
Zalaman fan controller and 4 blue LED fans.

He was gonna buy a Dell with a P4 3.4EE, but I talked him out of it. The one he wanted was priced at $3600, so I got him to spend $2700 total on that. The only ting he's keeping is his 19" Sony monitor. He'll finally be able to play everything at 1600 x 1200 instead of 1024 x 768 and 800 x 600. Since he upgrades every 2 years or so, waiting for PCI-X and all that wasn't important. Man, I wish I had money.

no raid? aww. bad choice!
Soyo SY-KT880 Dragon 2
2x256 mushkin 3500 L2, 2x256 buffalo 3700 (bh5) cl2,2,2.2
2x36 WD raptor raid 0
Leadtek 5900 ultra
Klipsch pro media 5.1
Antec 550 true
oozish said:
no raid? aww. bad choice!

Read anandtechs stuff on RAID-0/1....it helps u win hard drive benches but offers little to no increase real world and can actually increase access time sometimes. (at least when it comes to desktop usage- ie loading games and apps and files)
Duron 1.2
ECS K7S5A v3.1
256MB of PC133
40GB Seagate HD
64MB GeForce3 Ti200


My nice gaming system is on the other side of the globe... nooooo....
MSI K8t800
Powercolor X800PRO
1gb CorsairXMS LL
Lite-on 16x DVD ROM
Enermax 600 watt PS
2x western digital 120 gig SE HD with 8mb
Sony DRU510a DVD +/- R/RW Drive
soundblaster live audigy 2 ZS
LIAN LI pc-82 with window
XP Pro

up from a compaq p3 500 with 16mb diamond vid card and 128mb RAM
1024mb PC2700

that should be able to run HL2 right ?
blakangus said:
MSI K8t800
Powercolor X800PRO
1gb CorsairXMS LL
Lite-on 16x DVD ROM
Enermax 600 watt PS
2x western digital 120 gig SE HD with 8mb
Sony DRU510a DVD +/- R/RW Drive
soundblaster live audigy 2 ZS
LIAN LI pc-82 with window
XP Pro

up from a compaq p3 500 with 16mb diamond vid card and 128mb RAM

thats a very nice system you got there...
blakangus seems to have to baddest system here for doom 3
I will be upgrading to the same machine or even a 3800+ i have yet to decide
Windows XP Professional SP1a / Nf 4.24 / Omega
Turbolink 420Watt PSU
Athlon XP Mobile Barton 2500+ IQYHA 0407VPMW @ 2700 Mhz (13.5x200)
512MBx2 DDR RAM (Corsair Platinum Series *XMS*) CMX512-PC3200C2PT
ATI 9500 Pro 128 Mb @ 365 core / 305 mem
Watercooled CPU / GPU via Coolance
1 IBM Deskstar 120Gb 7200RPM
2 x 80Gb Western Digital 8Mb / SATA Raid 0 via ABIT Serillel IDE to SATA Adapter
NEC 2500A 8X DVD±RW / Flashed to DVD+DL
Onboard Soundstorm Nvidia APU w/ Klipsch THX 4.1
Onboard 10/100 Nic
IBM P260 21" CRT @ 1600x1200 85Hz
Current Specs:

2.2Ghz AMD Mobile Barton
1 Gig Mushkin Black PC3500 Level 2 2-2-2
One WD 250Gb Zilla Drive (7200RPM 8Mb cache)
One Maxtor 80 Gb 7200RPM 8mb cache
Lian Li PC-65 with 6 80mm fans + 4 PS fans
450Watt Kingwin Quad fan PS (not too great I might add)
9800SE -> 9800Pro with Arctic Cooler at 440/380 right now
TDK 8X DVD Burner

Here is my December-ish computer:

AMD64 90nm 2.5Ghz (?)
Dual Nvidia SLI NV45/NV48s
NF4 mobo
2 Gigs of memory
650Watt Enermax PS
Dual WD Raptors
V2100 Lian Li Case (I am an addict now)
Considering water cooling to OC both video boards and the proc

Cost: $3500 ish dollars (nothing compared to my $5400 P2 266 Dell [still running too])
Asus A7N8X Deluxe
Athlon XP 3000+ @ 2.4
1 gig Kingston PC3200 Dual Channel
Radeon 9600Pro @ 500/700 ->soon to be BFG 6800GT
Maxtor 200GB SATA HDD
Tt 480watt Pure Power
nVidia Soundstorm 5.1

I think I'll be fine
Abit NF7-S
AMD 2500+ AQXEA @ 2.2GHz
1GB Kingston Hyper X BH 5 RAM
Radeon 9600 Pro
Thermaltake 420watt w/PFC
Onboard SoundStorm Audio
Sony V6 Headphones

I ordered a BFG 6800 U from chumbo.com. Hopefully it'll arrive before I beat the game.
I'm planning on getting a Mobile 2600+ and getting 2.5 or 2.6GHz.
I also want to get a meatier PSU with better rails. My current one can't hold all my fans together.
2.6C (will OC for Doom 3 and HL2)
512mb Corsair XMS PC3500 @2-2-2-6 1T
Sapphire 9700 Pro (probably upgrade to 6800GT or X800)
Turtle Beach Santa Cruz w/5.1
20GB Seagate Windows drive (soon to be 60 GB Western Digital)
80GB Western Digital Special ed. for games
Rig one:
3.6ghz P4
2gig's of DDR2
x800 PCI Express vid card (if it comes in)
Maxtor 2x250gig 16mb cache drives
On board HD sound from intel (on demo board)

Rig two:
3.2ghz P4
gig pc3200
2x Raptors
Some Envy chipset sound card

whichever I decide to use will be displayed on my new 30inch LCD (might take it into the theater and put it up on the 60inch)

Should make for some fun gaming, HTPC style.
beyond said:
Rig one:
3.6ghz P4
2gig's of DDR2
x800 PCI Express vid card (if it comes in)
Maxtor 2x250gig 16mb cache drives
On board HD sound from intel (on demo board)

Rig two:
3.2ghz P4
gig pc3200
2x Raptors
Some Envy chipset sound card

whichever I decide to use will be displayed on my new 30inch LCD (might take it into the theater and put it up on the 60inch)

Should make for some fun gaming, HTPC style.

I'm guessing you are rich. :p :confused:

Rig in sig. Whoa, I'm a poet and I didn't even know it! I amaze myself.
I had to preorder it. The MSI is the only 6800 Ultra that advertises PCI-e compatibility through HSI bridge chip. At $600 though, I hope it's not something I'll regret. Top end vid cards are frickin insanely priced right now due to demand and availability. :eek:
XP3000+ 333mhz FSB, Barton Core
512mb Corsiar XMS PC3200 (love the LEDs)
BFG 6800GT
SB Audigy 2 ZS
andocser...dont take this the wrong way, but i reckon your system would benefit hugely from another stick of that 512 corsair taking u to a round gig....

Just a suggestion...
P4 [email protected] / Zalman 7000alcu / Swiftech MCX159P
1gb PC4000 (running at 460mhz @ cl2.5)
Highly overclocked 9800pro
Audigy2 ZS (not that it will matter any with Doom3)
2xWD360G 36gb Raptors
I should be able to play at 640x480 :rolleyes:
if it will let you play at 640x480!!

Far Cry is limited to 800x600 at the lowest :rolleyes:

I think I am going to try n pick up a 6800 GT or Ultra soon.
cornelious0_0 said:
Wow, you must have fairly low standards dude.....cus i know how it runs at 1280 res with everythign maxed out.....and I cant imagine getting the same frame rates out of your rig at 1600x1200. Not to burst your bubble, but you'll most likely be stuck at 1024x768 res with medium detail levels if you want it running nice. Of course, if you are able to stand playing Far Cry at 1600x1200 with that setup, then you might be able to chug through Doom III at 1280x1024.....cept it'll be even slower. ;) I'm not trying to be a meany here, I'm just trying to make sure you're not riding on any false hope. Check that first PCGamer review, they needed a 3GHz P4 and a 6800 to get it PERFECTLY smooth at 1024x768 with everything in game cranked....without any AA or AF. I know a LOT of people that play FPS games at 24fps.....but to me that just doesn't make sense, so choppy. It's all personal preference dude, you very well might be able to run it at 1280x1024 res, but just be aware the Carmach purposefully futureproofed this game so that we COULDN'T crank everything up and get it running perfectly on the 5th.....he was thinking ahead. Another thing to consider that I've heard on more then one occasion is that Doom III's visuals on medium detail are still said to be stunning to the point where they rival the quality of Far Cry on High.....which will put some people at ease.....as you wont HAVE to max everything out to get it to look nice, that can be accomplished at medium detail. Carmack basically HAD to do that, because even though there are those of us with 9800XT's, X800's, and 6800's.....we make up an EXTREMELY small percentage of the gaming population out there, and he had to find a way to make sure that the ppl still running the likes of a Ti4200 could still be pleased with the performance and IQ.

apparently my rig is an anomaly of physics and insanity. :)
HRslammR said:
apparently my rig is an anomaly of physics and insanity. :)

Don't get ahead of yourself.....you very well may play FarCry at the settings you listed, I'm simply stating that you must have far different standards then most ppl i know. at 1280x1024 with everything maxed out in the game (with no AA/AF) it runs a fairly solid 40-50fps. I do know quite a few people who say that 24 fps in an FPS is enough for them, and all the power to them. All I'm saying is that you're going to have to settle for less then average FPS in Doom III with that rig if you plan on playing at those setting you listed.

I'd really rather not go any farther with this, as i dont see any sene in arguing facts. I'm not going to spend any more time trying to convince you of things that I know to be true.....you believe what you like. I'm done with this.....keep postin' up those rigs ppl.....its nice to see what kind of hardware is behind those posts of yours. ;)
andocser...dont take this the wrong way, but i reckon your system would benefit hugely from another stick of that 512 corsair taking u to a round gig....

Just a suggestion...

Syphon Filter, I'm sure you're right, just gotta wait for some more $$$ to come in...

EDIT - I just noticed on your profile that you've got a gig of fast corsair in your system, do you notice a big difference between 512mb and 1gb?
hey dude...

yeah having a gig of RAM made a noticable difference for me in games like Far Cry and UT....

My RAM usage while playing say Far Cry goes well into the 700MB region and higher...I at some points have seen it as high as 800MB..
Yeah man, I cant even think about trying to game with 512MB anymore.....not after being pampered by 1GB for so long now.....512MB just doesnt cut it for heavy gaming anymore.....and anyone who has tried both can attest to that. The need for 1GB is going to become more and more apparent as time goes on and we start to see more games the same quality of Doom3, HL2, and Battlefield2. The way things are now there are still quite a few people getting away wiht 512MB today because not ALL games we're playing today require or even make use of 1GB.....so of course there's going to be people saying that it isnt worth it. The extra ram is something that I'd jump on if I were you.....as soon as you've got the funds to do so, as there ARE some games out there even today that'll start to show early gains.....and moreso when Doom3 and HL2 are both finally released. At last, those naysayers will finally be silenced. ;) :p
Well, my next rig will be a reality soonert han i thought, get back t o you gusy on it later...
here's my bangin' rig:

Motorola MC68000 7.14Mhz CPU running @ 7.16 w/ voltage mod)
512K RAM base (expanded to 1MB)
3-1/2 inch floppy disk drive (handles double sided, double density disks)
Mouse (Two button)
Keyboard (with Function Keys)
Two audio outputs for stereo sound (running 3w passive speakers)
Memory cartridge interface - 512k memory expansion
Expansion interface
Analog RGB monitor
Running Workbench v1.2

My Amiga 500 is [H]ard-nuts

Doom III will be coming out on 3 1/2 inch floppy right?

I cant wait to sit down, turn off the lights, power on my 3w passive speakers, and get ready to be scared witless.
Keitaro said:
Doom III will be coming out on 3 1/2 inch floppy right?
Yep, there will be a special "Floppy Edition" It will online order only, and will be shipped via FedEx Freight. There will be 3500 floppies in all. They even include an extra drive in case yours breaks!
saturnine2 said:
Yep, there will be a special "Floppy Edition" It will online order only, and will be shipped via FedEx Freight. There will be 3500 floppies in all. They even include an extra drive in case yours breaks!

Damn it, get it right, its only 2000 floppies.

Only 3500 disks this time eh, thats not too bad.

What really annoys me is when you get through about 3000 or so disks, and then one of the disks comes up as corrupt... I wish they thought of a better medium to decrease disk corruption.

And a free drive, bonus!
My old drive was on deaths bed after I tried installing Photoshop 7.0 from diskette (I hear this 'Photoshop' is much better than Amiga Deluxe Paint)