What motherboard are you getting for your PRECIOUS (Conroe of course)

What motherboard will you choose for your new Core 2 Duo chip?

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Good thread. I'm a lost AMD man. :(

What would guys say is THE corssfire board to have (P5B Deluxe?), and on the flipside a more reliable budget solution? I figure I'll either go all out or get a hold over, so I can go all out on a more mature board later.
My big issue is re: the PCI-e slots and the sound. The intel Bad Axe looks attractive, but I really want something more than the AC97 sound. And it has 3 PCIE slots, but will there be cards worthwhile for it or am I better off looking for a 3-PCI card board?
GoldenTiger said:
Wait a sec... non 701 BIOS P5W-DH Deluxe boards aren't Conroe-ready? :eek:

That is EXACTLY right. from my own frustrating and celeron buying to flash 502 to 701, excperience. but who is to blame? Intel or Asus?
grdh20 said:
That is EXACTLY right. from my own frustrating and celeron buying to flash 502 to 701, excperience. but who is to blame? Intel or Asus?

I just bought an Asus P5W-DH Deluxe 975X from Tankguys.com yesterday which says it is a stock 0701 BIOS on it, so I should be set :). I've decided to mod my mATX X-Qpack to accept ATX boards :D.

http://www.anandtech.com/mb/showdoc.aspx?i=2797 is an OUTSTANDING buyer's guide for all things Conroe, they liked the Asus P5W-DH Deluxe 975X the best out of the boards tested, too.
I got the Abit AB9 Pro And it works like a charm, and the fact that I have no more P-ATA drives in my system is a plus.
GoldenTiger said:
I just bought an Asus P5W-DH Deluxe 975X from Tankguys.com yesterday which says it is a stock 0701 BIOS on it, so I should be set :). I've decided to mod my mATX X-Qpack to accept ATX boards :D.

http://www.anandtech.com/mb/showdoc.aspx?i=2797 is an OUTSTANDING buyer's guide for all things Conroe, they liked the Asus P5W-DH Deluxe 975X the best out of the boards tested, too.

For now it does seem like a good item, but I guess it still doesn't support the Nvidia 7950 cards yet, though. Beyond that, it seems to be a winner.
Domingo said:
For now it does seem like a good item, but I guess it still doesn't support the Nvidia 7950 cards yet, though. Beyond that, it seems to be a winner.

I read on XS that it works fine with 7950's, maybe I'm wrong :(. I'm planning on using hacked SLI drivers to do 512MB 7900GT eVGA SLI anyway though :D!
Yuppers - the Gigabyte's atop my list for the moment with Intel in 2nd. I do like the Asus (and I'd be running it rightside-up in my case), but it would force me to get the x1900xt. I'm traditionally a fan of the Nvidia drivers, so I'm hesistant to do that.
Is there any more information on the date for the DFI SLI board? I'm quaking in my boots in anticipation. :D
marcusj3000 said:
I got the Abit AB9 Pro And it works like a charm, and the fact that I have no more P-ATA drives in my system is a plus.

How does it OC? I ordered one, but it's in the mail still.
Are there any conflicts when running an Nvidia card on a board that supports CF? I'm talking about just a single card.
Manchester said:
Are there any conflicts when running an Nvidia card on a board that supports CF? I'm talking about just a single card.

Shouldn't be any at all. In theory many of the the 975 boards *can* support SLI, too but are blocked out via software means. The only real conflict you might ever encounter is with the 7950 card which isn't supported for every mobo at the moment...regardless of the the chipset.
Im holding out for the nvidia Intel 590SLI chipset boards. Hopfully they start showing face soon.
If you really want crossfire and can wait, the RD600 boards look amazing. I used to be sold on Nvidia SLI, but the R600 from ATI looks to be a better implimentation of DX10 (based on using unified shader pipelines) so I'm waiting for the RD600 from DFI
According to many sources it is going to be able to support Conroe. Without a doubt according to Tom's-Hardware http://www.tomshardware.com/2006/05/22/six_975x_enthusiast_motherboards_for_today_and_tomorrow/ There is already a BIOS that leaked out F5A that is for Conroe. Then you have cross-fire and most importantly the 975X instead of the lower performing 965.Besides its been out for a while and gone through its infancy and proved it self to be a Top MB in all of the reviews and you can save aboout 50$ over the GA-965P-DQ6 .
Just my opinion. :D
is anyone here a 590 man? is anyone here, like me, waiting for ??? (possibly foxconn?) to release that mobo, shown at ComputeX (capitilized Xs own) 2006, with an Nforce 590 solution and running a conroe proc?

but i donno. K8L still waiting on some rumers. not to mention 4X4. which COULD gaurentee....

well wont go that off topic. but yea. imho: alt mainboard manufacturer (best would b DFI) + Nforce 590 + Core 2 Duo = ooooommmmgggg-that-comp-is-too-1337-4-u.

just outta curiosity (im an AMD dude, probibly about to jump ship, pending the situation posted above), why does everyone still call it Conroe? it has an official name, Core 2 Duo and Core 2 Extreme. was the Pentium 4 called Prescott for this long too?
As we still use Northwood for the P4s and Venice, Orleans, Windsor for some of the opterons. It's just a better way of identifying the processor
I'm thinkin Asus or DFI 590 myself. Why? Oh a bunch of reasons.

Clearly SLI is right up there
But also since I'm going down the X6800 route I don't care AS much about pure memory overclocking.
I need more than 4 SATA ports, as I fill all 4 now and have eyes on WD's answer the the Seagate 750.

This isn't a done deal though as I do realize there are "ways" to enable SLI on the 975. And of course there are the extra Sil connectors on the Asus version. I do think, however that x16 x2 may be more useful than x8 x2 once we step up to G80's and future gpu's. I think we'd better support the few competitors to Intel once in a while, AMD and Nvidia included. If the 590 performs even roughly on even with the 975 and I don't need a hacked driver to do SLI, then that seems the reasonable course of action if I don't need the high FSB.

I am going for thew 590SLi chipset and the wifi thig with it, but i maybe waiting for a long time for it.

You never know i might just wake up tomorrow and it will be on the shelves.
Waiting is fine really. There are a lot of folks buying mobo's with no Conroe's to put in them. In a month to 6 weeks this will all clear up. There is also some question as to the clockability of the first generation of retail chips. This may not clear up in a month, but it would serve well to watch and see if the first round in actual retail are chips worth buying for those oc'ing.

So 590's timing is not ALL bad. If however it takes till late Sept, that will be worse.

yea well thats the big dif between E6700 and X6800. isnt it. E-series is locked at a max multiplier of 13... i think. feel free to correct me.

so the only way to OC processer is by raising the fsb.

and im betting Nvidia can find some sorta way to quad pump a 250Mhz fsb (that is what conroes using right?) for their intel 590 mcp.
MrWizard6600 said:
yea well thats the big dif between E6700 and X6800. isnt it. E-series is locked at a max multiplier of 13... i think. feel free to correct me.

so the only way to OC processer is by raising the fsb.

and im betting Nvidia can find some sorta way to quad pump a 250Mhz fsb (that is what conroes using right?) for their intel 590 mcp.

bus speed = 266mhz quad pumped to 1066 total
E6700 = 10x multiplier
E6600 = 9x multiplier
E6400 = 8x multiplier etc.
On the lower chips you just set the mem to 667 or 800 and clock from there. Good memory and it goes just fine.

Will the Asus P5N32-SLI Deluxe work with Conroe? I'm looking to get a Conroe-based system come the end of August. Should I wait for the new nForce chipset?
What are the best crossfire/sli boards for conroe? Just the best one for crossfire thats around 200 $, and the best one for sli around 200 $, thanks!
If you really want crossfire and can wait, the RD600 boards look amazing. I used to be sold on Nvidia SLI, but the R600 from ATI looks to be a better implimentation of DX10 (based on using unified shader pipelines) so I'm waiting for the RD600 from DFI
I second that one. Im going to pick up a cheapo Conroe board and a single GPU (havent decided what yet) until the RD600 and R600 stuff hits the shelves.
GIGAJunky said:
According to many sources it is going to be able to support Conroe. Without a doubt according to Tom's-Hardware http://www.tomshardware.com/2006/05/22/six_975x_enthusiast_motherboards_for_today_and_tomorrow/ There is already a BIOS that leaked out F5A that is for Conroe. Then you have cross-fire and most importantly the 975X instead of the lower performing 965.Besides its been out for a while and gone through its infancy and proved it self to be a Top MB in all of the reviews and you can save aboout 50$ over the GA-965P-DQ6 .
Just my opinion. :D

the added noise by those fans make it loose its apeal
RaphaelVinceti said:
I second that one. Im going to pick up a cheapo Conroe board and a single GPU (havent decided what yet) until the RD600 and R600 stuff hits the shelves.

Yup, i just grabbed an Abit AB9 Pro today and will use that till there is an RD600 board out that i like for a decent price.
But is there any performance hit using a single PCIe nVidia based card on the 975x "Crossfire Ready" Asus P5W?

I have the E6600, P5W and Ram just sitting here waiting because I'm contemplating returning the motherboard once the 590 chipset is finally released. I don't have two cards to SLI currently , and can't say I ever will, but I can say I will NEVER go to Crossfire unless there is somewhere in that roadmap that gets rid of the retarded ATI donlge cord. I have enough crap coming out of the back without a 1990's two headed cord monster.

I have a 7900GT right now, and I don't want to paint myself into a non-SLI corner. My big hope was the merger of AMD/ATI would push for the 975X chipset being able to support SLI, but I havn't seen any progress.

no there is no performance hit. it will run as good as on any other motherboard with a 16 lane pciex slot. also, the p5w does support sli, tho not officially yet. i am running sli as we type. no mods needed, just slightly hacked new drivers, or somewhat older drivers.