What is the Next Big First Person Shooter ?

Operation Flashpoint 2 and Armed Assault 2 are two (is that too many two to list?) that I am very eager to see in addition to the standard ones listed.
No Brothers in Arms fans? Those are my favorite of the WW2 games, I think Stalker Clear Sky and Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway come out on the same day. I will be buying a new video card around that same time (hoping the R700 will be the beast we all expect it to be).
Left 4 Dead
HL2 Ep3
Portal 2
Duke Nukem Forever
Crysis Warhead (plus the 3rd one after that)
FEAR 2 (or whatever its called)

They looks quite good.

I honestly dont expect farcry to be much different from the early levels in crysis, and dont expect Crysis warhead to be a whole lot different from the original. FEAR will be more of the same with a few added things and no doubt be fun but ultimately nothing hugely new. HL2 Ep3 will probably be just a quickly built and shalow as Ep2 and leave us with even more questions so they can milk the franchise later. Portal 2 will probably be extremely fun for the whole hour it will take to complete it and then never play again.

I have high hopes for STALKER clear sky doing away with the majorety of problems the original had, if they manage that it ought to be fantastic.

Doom4 will more or less be more of the same but will probably be a technological marval and be worth getting for that alone.

Left 4 dead is really the only thing I really have high hopes for right now, coop is not done nearly enough on the PC, its such a massive gap in the market and L4D looks like it will fill that nicely, as with most coops Im worried the campaigns will get boring fast. But it deffo looks cool.

Duke nukem forever, will never be released, we all know this, move along please.

Too many sequels, we need some original content here.
I think left 4 dead has great potential since co-op is such a huge thing now and the game is designed around it
Left 4 Dead looks interesting. With Valve behind it should be good
I saw the add last night for the new BF game. Corny clowns with guns or something like that.
must not be for PC.
Ground Branch FTW....
This game is not built around a best-selling author or a well establish game publisher but around a gaming community.

BFS's mantra goes:
"Do not build your community around a game.... Build your game around a community"
Read & join them, tell them Cpl_Led sent you :D
BF3 for me. I hope it gets announced relatively soon.
Dunno how much of a shooter it will be (or how RT for that matter) but Fallout 3 could be interesting. At the same time I'm somewhat apprehensive about it.

Stalker:CS will be my most anticipated.
i want far cry 2.the first one rocked it had a huge single player.i swear i played that single player for 2 weeks
For me hands down the biggest release coming is Left 4 Dead, that game will be as addictive as Team Fortress 2, but even cooler because my Brothers and I love a good CoOp single player style game to go through together, sad there is nothing like that anymore for PC Games just consoles.

But a new game just jumped even ahead of L4D on my list, the brand new Call of Duty5, due out this Fall I read, and the MAJOR news is it will be the first CoD with CoOp :eek: And set back in WWII Pacific :cool: I really really hope they don't diss the PC version with no CoOp, I am so sick of consoles getting CoOp but left off the PC version :rolleyes:
But isn't it a different company making the game? I know the ones on the Xbox all sucked, I never even knew there was a difference until recently. I played the first and second CoD games on the Xbox and just recently played Call of Duty, Call of Duty: United Offensive, and Call of Duty 2 on the PC...the difference was drastic. The console versions were NOTHING like the PC games. I guess Call of Duty 4 for the consoles and pc was made by the same company though.