What Everyone Is Too Polite to Say About Steve Jobs

If you want to consider how "good" steve jobs was or wasn't, think about how many people are employed by the most valuable company in the world. Think about how many people he has empowered through their jobs that otherwise might not even HAVE a job.

The economic benefit from Apple touches hundreds of thousands of people, including the Chinese workers who are likely earning 5 times as much as most Chinese.

Google became the most valuable company in late august/september this year. By your argument every large company that outsources is a savior of the poor even though the profit margins of each apple product is so ridiculously high they could've easily doubled the few cents each child gets in China and still be fine. Sure, i agree people in other countries got jobs from outsourcing but please don't try to spin it like he's doing them a favor.

He represents the typical corporate magnate who has built a company from the ground up. There is little difference between Jobs and others like Gates, Rupert Murdoch, Michael Dell, etc. They all have their ideas and ways to implement them, are petty, have large egos and are prone to ranting and raving. Ideologically, I find them all pretty stereotypical. Jobs is no different. He could have redeemed himself with the public by being philanthropic along the lines of Bill Gates, but I suspect his childhood had a part to play in that decision.

I'd say there are some differences like how Jobs and his family only horded all that wealth whereas Bill Gates has contributed tens of billions and gotten many other wealthy people to donate to charities like Warren Buffet's $30+ billion as an example.
Great article...

wayy too much false praise after his death. Bunch of pretentious apple sheeple acting like he was god, and a "great genius" + "as good as edison or othes" -- what a crock of complete shit! haha! He was genius at marketing old stuff as new, I'll tell you that! (iphone 4s especially)
Besides sticking up for your precious apple what the fuck are you doing on the [H]?

Is there anyone left here that dont know you as the resident Apple super fanboy?

You're worse than Heatlessun and his fucking tablet FFS. God i cant stand fanboys...

What would you call me? I have an iPhone yet I'm not a fanboi. I also have the ep121 that heatless has too, but yet, I'm still not a fanboi. Fanboi's are irrational. I've been here quite a while and I haven't observed any irrationality from either of these guys. Azhar, I disagree with politically in general, but still.
Besides sticking up for your precious apple what the fuck are you doing on the [H]?

Is there anyone left here that dont know you as the resident Apple super fanboy?

You're worse than Heatlessun and his fucking tablet FFS. God i cant stand fanboys...
Anti-fanboys are often no better than fanboys. You seem to be working hard to prove that point.

It is possible to appreciate some things that have happened at Apple Computer, or owned one of their products, without being a fanboy.

P.S. Profanity is kinda helping, rather than hurting your case here. Just an FYI.
hurting, rather than helping., that is.

I'm sure if you need one, I can find a towel though so you can wipe that foam off.
I wonder if the people that are outright offended or angered by Apple or Apple users react the same way on the street in a daily basis, can't imagine that's pleasant.

I'm not a fan of Apple products by any means, even tho I own an iPod touch that I'm generally happy with (2nd gen bought near launch and battery's still decent, tho the glass is lifting a bit)... But I can see some merit to their products, they're not for me but iOS devices are a little easier to use and may be the better choice for others due to that or several other reasons.

I certainly don't flip out or act disgusted if a friend gets an iPhone, tho I did have to call one of them an idiot when he bought a 4 the week before the 4S came out. "But I needed a phone!" he says (just came back from Europe), god, at the very least I would've just returned it a week later and eaten the restocking fee; if for nothing else than the higher resale value of the new one.
I wonder if the people that are outright offended or angered by Apple or Apple users react the same way on the street in a daily basis, can't imagine that's pleasant.

I'm not a fan of Apple products by any means, even tho I own an iPod touch that I'm generally happy with (2nd gen bought near launch and battery's still decent, tho the glass is lifting a bit)... But I can see some merit to their products, they're not for me but iOS devices are a little easier to use and may be the better choice for others due to that or several other reasons.

I certainly don't flip out or act disgusted if a friend gets an iPhone, tho I did have to call one of them an idiot when he bought a 4 the week before the 4S came out. "But I needed a phone!" he says (just came back from Europe), god, at the very least I would've just returned it a week later and eaten the restocking fee; if for nothing else than the higher resale value of the new one.

Cant stand Apple, Jobs was a piece of shit and i will tell anyone that asks my opinion. Just the other day a friend came over talking about it and i said "Fuck Jobs" he was surprised up until i explained how jobs was filth as a person.

That said i have recommended the iphone to people plenty of times. Sometimes someone wants an easy phone with good battery life and VZW has a shit selection of WP7 phones so i recommend the iphone to those people tied to verizon.
basically what was said was that his refusal to have chemotherapy when he was first diagnosed contributed greatly to his death. The liver transplant was unadvisable, but done anyway. I guess if you can pay for it you get what you want, even if they know it's not really going to help. He should have gone in for immediate chemo. (I read that)
Cry more, He was 1 in a billion and no one is perfect..

He had enough power, influence, and wealth to NOT be a dick, though. Just saying.

Who cares if some random Joe is a dick, but when you're that famous and wealthy, being a dick can affect a lot of people.
Also, this might be an unpopular opinion, but in my mind professionally Steve Jobs was a lot like John Carmack is now. Both were innovators when they first started in their respective industries, but they both started chasing the profits over actual innovation and fell from grace.

Not to say that the iPod, etc. are bad products, they're just overpriced and they weren't really all that "revolutionary" (though that's what Apple would have you believe).
Who cares if some random Joe is a dick, but when you're that famous and wealthy, being a dick can affect a lot of people.

I care.

Most of the world is made of random Joes, not Steve Jobses. Several million random Joes being dicks can have exactly the same effect.

Truth is, we all have the chance to make things better around us, or worse --and we should all keep that in mind. You don't know what impact one act of kindness, or one of being a jerk can have.
I don't think that was his point, obviously being a jerk in general will have an impact regardless. Being a jerk while wielding a lot of clout over several I dustries, that will surely have a bigger impact.

I think he may not have struck some of the deals that he did if he didn't have that personality, whether he needed to act the same internally at Apple or whether a more tactful approach behind the same ideas and determination would've yielded even better results, well, that's another story...

They say you lure more flies with honey, Apple has spent the last 6 months fighting Samsung in court over patents and design claims while Microsoft has been collecting licensing fees from five major Android manufacturers for every device they sell (lone holdout is Moto, which Google is in the process of buying)...

What approach do you think will help either company more in the long run. :p
I looks like more of the mainstream media has picked on the story going around that Jobs waited 9 months after his initial diagnosis for conventional treatment and opted for his holistic approach, this was ET tonight.

I have to say, if this was the case and he STILL got a liver transplant, hmmm.....

Ballmer may be a dumbfuck but I bet is bald ass would be in surgery the next day after a diagnosis like that, as well as me.

I'm not an Apple fan but I do give their work credit but if this is true I've lost any respect I had for Jobs. Not that he waited, but that he waited and STILL got a transplant. That's utter fucking bullshit.
I've also heard that he didn't give to charities at all, which is pretty unheard of when you have as much money as he did.
Why does that matter? That is merely a politically correct thing to do. Political correctness ftl.
I wouldn't blame him for waiting or even for not treating it with chemo at all, ever; if the chance of survival for that type of cancer is pretty much nil then why even bother putting yourself thru that? The same reasoning makes the transplant even more sketchy though.

Do they usually give end stage pancreatic cancer patients any hope of a liver transplant? Any MDs in the house? The whole way that went down was sketchy to begin with, he took a leave of absence for a hormonal imbalance (as far as stock holders were concerned) and all of a sudden after he's back it's "oh hey btw, I got a liver transplant".
There is a difference between being a "Great Man" and being a "Good Person".

Jobs was not a good person (particularly to his employees), but he was a great man because of his achievements, his vision and the ambition he had to reach those goals.

There are a lot of shitty, overbearing bosses out there.. but most of them don't hold a candle to him.

Of course Gawker would run a story like that.. the parent company of gizmodo.. after the whole stolen iphone 4 prototype debacle. As if another company wouldn't have gone to similar lengths to recover their as-yet-unannounced intellectual property..
Nothing you can't easily Google, but here's a couple articles on the transplant, in fact I think I remember reading some of them when he last came back during similar discussions on [H]|F... Some of the articles have a more cynical pov but the gist of it is that you can game the system if you're wealthy (or determined to live in debt forever) and that type of transplant scenario, while not common, is not unheard of either. The rest is just a grey area, whether morally or even logistically.

Of course Gawker would run a story like that.. the parent company of gizmodo.. after the whole stolen iphone 4 prototype debacle. As if another company wouldn't have gone to similar lengths to recover their as-yet-unannounced intellectual property..

Giz trying to get Apple to officially claim the device after they had already run countless stories on the prototype was pretty inane, Jobs himself called the blogger (don't call them journalists, please!) and asked nicely before sic'ing the legal dogs on Gizmodo. Frankly that was one of the few instances where Jobs approach couldn't really be questioned IMO. The similar controversy with the 4S prototype was handled far more poorly by Apple yet it slipped from the news cycle much quicker... Gizmo do was just prolonging the agony for the free publicity.
I wouldn't blame him for waiting or even for not treating it with chemo at all, ever; if the chance of survival for that type of cancer is pretty much nil .

But this type of cancer in particular is much more survivable in general when treated earlier because of how quickly it metastasizes. With cancer there are never any guarantees but if the story is true that this cancer was detected early and he WAITED nine months after probably getting considerably sicker to opt for conventional treatment and then get a liver transplant on top of it, yeah, that's utter BS.

Again, waiting was his option, but getting a liver that could have gone to someone else who wasn't letting his own arrogance get in the way of trying to stay alive...
Hey now, don't quote me and then put a period at the end of that sentence when i followed it with a pretty big qualifier (where I basically agree with you). :p Technically speaking tho, I wonder if that factors into the transplant comitee's decision at all, do they even investigate that kinda thing? His case was already borderline as far as transplant hopes go...
Hey now, don't quote me and then put a period at the end of that sentence when i followed it with a pretty big qualifier (where I basically agree with you). :p Technically speaking tho, I wonder if that factors into the transplant comitee's decision at all, do they even investigate that kinda thing? His case was already borderline as far as transplant hopes go...

Sorry, didn't mean to misquote you. Again, who people decide to live their own lives and decide to die is their choice. It's only when others are effected, in the case where a rare and valuable resource like organs or other factors come into play where I would even comment on something like this. MY father died of cancer, and it's horrible, horrible disease and I hate that Steve Jobs or ANYONE has to suffer from suck a horrible illness.

But for such a supposed genius to go around playing his on doctor with something like pancreatic cancer? When facing the mysteries of life and death it just demonstrates how even the greatest people are just like least of us.