What do you mostly play? Single or Multiplayer games?

Do you mostly play single or multi-player games?

  • All Single Player / No Multiplayer

  • Mostly Single / Some multi

  • About Half and Half

  • Mostly Multiplayer / Some Single Player

  • All Multiplayer / No Single Player

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Fully [H]
Apr 8, 2009
Just curious what the demographic is here at least.

Personally I almost exclusively play single player games. The last multiplayer game I played was Fall Guys when it launched because it was free on PSN and although fun for a bit, didn't hook me really. Before that I would occassionally play Warzone with a few friends locally. But generally I'm voting all single player games.
I play multiplayer as I can stop at any time. With singleplayer it is always hard to stop as you want to know what happens next.
Mostly single player these days. The only multiplayer game I play is Battlefield 1 and Battlefield 4 and that's been going down for me lately.
When you've gone through all the multiplayer stuff the past 20 years, it's hard to get interested anymore.
Battle Royale seems to be everyone's favorite these days, but it's just not my cup of tea.

The one game that I really enjoyed was R6 Raven Shield multiplayer (2003).
I played that game for almost 3 years straight until CS:S came out. Team gameplay based and when you we're shot, you would limp for the rest of the round.
Now it's just refill energy after 5 seconds or so for the games these days.
I mostly play single player. I honestly can't remember the last multiplayer game I played. I played Outsiders, but never did any coop in that game. I mostly gave up on multiplayer when everything moved to peer-to-peer and later developer-exclusive dedicated servers. Also, when the ridiculous accessibility laws came in and essentially killed any kind of in-game chat, and I refuse to use some dumbass third-party program like Discord. Both moves killed any kind of ability to naturally grow communities and gain new friends.
These days, I mostly play single player games. I do a lot of co-op with friends as well. The only multiplayer I play these days is Destiny 2's various Crucible / Iron Banner etc. modes. That being said, I don't do that very often anymore. On the PC, cheating is rampant in multiplayer games and I don't like getting called <Insert racial slur here> every single time I kill some 13 year old CoD kiddie. I also don't really enjoy multiplayer games anymore. I fired up Unreal Tournament's beta a couple years back and realized that it's primarily the design of newer multiplayer games I don't like. I don't like unlock systems in multiplayer games. They favor people with nearly unlimited time to a point where in some games, you can't compete unless you either spend a bunch of real cash on items or unless you can sink 30 hours into the game every week. That BS just isn't for me anymore.

I do not care for battle royal games either. I'm old fashioned when it comes to my multiplayer games I guess. I like the old arena shooters where we are all equal and reflexes + skill dominate.
I answered half and half but multiplayer in my case is mostly world of warcraft, but not PVP, only play some apex legends in PVP.
98% Singleplayer, 2% multiplayer.

I play games to escape from other people, not play with other people. The last multiplayer game I played was Dead by Daylight, which is great, because there's very little human interaction outside of the game.
Other games, there's chats going on, constant chatter on mics, and, cheating.
I've always been a single player kinda gamer but the last year or so I have been playing COD a lot. However now that the Mass Effect Legendary Edition is out I'll be back on the single player bandwagon a while.
TLDR: we're a pretty anti-social community.

Oh how I miss the days of (good) MMO's.
When I had friends it was Multiplayer. When I became an old fart then it became more singleplayerish.
The last I really played any multiplayer stuff was back in the dial up days with quake and UT. After that I got too busy with school for a couple of years to keep up with new games and stay good, once I had more time again MP games had changed in ways I didn't like(especially moving to match making systems instead of dedicated private servers).

I remember playing DOOR games back in the BBS days and thinking that MP games were the future and would take over gaming once things improved enough to have multiple people playing at the same time. What I didn't predict is how much online communities would change once they expanded or that my preference would shift to games with some sort of story to pull everything together, I started to see the shift in demographics in the quake/ut days but at that point it wasn't an issue once you found a server that didn't put up with asshats.
Single player titles form the bulk of my gaming diet - however, if a multiplayer game comes along where I enjoy its community that will become my obsession for as long as the community holds up. Multiplayer titles that have held my attention are few and far between: Starsiege: Tribes, Phantasy Star Online, Tribes 2, Fallen Empire Legions are my most notable multiplayer games.
I havent played much mp since the mohaa days. There used to be a group of players that still ran a server for it called area51 but i havent checked it out in years. Other than a couple short stints playing cod and bf4 thats about it for mp. I liked bf4 but hated having to shoot people 50 times to kill them so that got old quick. If i had any time to actually play a game right now it would be sp, something easy on my old brain and reflexes like total war lol.
Almost entirely single-player here...although I play a lot of Street Fighter online. That's my one multiplayer vice, I guess. Otherwise, I barely touch MP in any of my games.
Back when I was in college I played a boatload of Quake and CS online and I just got burned out with online shooters. So much so that I don't even want to bother. I'm all for shared online experiences like in Destiny, Fallout 76, Need for Speed, etc. though.
Mostly singleplayer, some multi-player.

I rarely join groups when I play the Division 1 or 2, and I usually always play solo. I don't have time to put up with bullshit and drama that goes on in those games. BS like kicking you because of what gear you're wearing or what gear score you are,etc. I can't stand most POG. Don't get me wrong, had some good games with randos from time to time.
Split down the middle. When a multiplayer game is new I'll spend a lot of time in it. When it gets old MP games tend to be my go to games when I want to play for 1-2 hours.

When I have more time, I have other go to single player games but those tend to be more sandbox style games. DCS World, ArmA 3 and similar with their mission editors. Otherwise, games that are gameplay first and scenario based I'll revisit occasionally. Examples would be SWAT 4 where you can load up a mission and jump into it.

Story based SP games I play through when I can. I can't often set aside time for a 12+ hour game so I play them infrequently. But when I do I play until completion. So my gaming sessions with these tend to be much longer, but much less frequent. Once done I won't touch them again until DLC comes. Maybe if they're the open world variety I'll finish up side stuff but that gets boring very quick and I go back to MP games.
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The normal problems of multiplayer include jerks, cheaters, or lack of story immersion that comes with humans (which even if there is story the inclination to just click through dialogues quickly is strong when other people run off quickly).

But probably the worst part of multiplayer is about how all the games feel like a treadmill. Just so much grinding away doing repetitive things. If it's RPG it's about mining gold, loot, or experience. Shooters you just repeatedly fight over the same areas again and again.

I still do occasional MP but it gets old quick
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I have played too much Rocket League in my life it's greatly tipped the scales to multiplayer by a long shot (send help please.) However I also try to play single player games as well.
I used to play lots and lots of multiplayer when I had a group of friends to play with consistently haha, but we all grew up and grew apart. Also I used to play WoW a lot but I think I've finally satisfied my need for an MMO anymore. It's mostly single player stuff now with the only multiplayer really being fighting games.
Almost entirely single player. Don't have time, desire, or inclination to keep my multiplayer skills sharp like 15-20 years ago.
I only play single player, the last multi player games I spent any significant amount of time on were ME3 multiplayer, which honestly doesn't even feel like multiplayer as its just freeforall pve with random matchmaking. And defiance when that first released. But played that lone wolf as well.

Why? Because I see no point in playing against or with random strangers. In single player the goal is to beat the game, it's clear and defined and a good story is it's own reward. Multiplayer games even if they have a story it's cringe worthy placeholder level stuff.
I play Cod MW with my friends regularly, but the majority of my time is spent grinding out single player games and getting platinum trophies.
Mostly single player. I have no interest in running around doing the same shit or something pointless grind hours on end. I resub to a couple MMORPG from time to time just to do the content and story is it when it comes to online. Also I can't stand the stupid kids screaming over voice chat.
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Both. Buds and I will grind Apex for hours in voicechat or like a couple weekends ago we all quietly played Subnautica Below Zero by ourselves.

If you're in a discord with gaming friends, you're just going to play some multiplayer games, that's why you're there in a lot of cases. Not to mention they're a blast when you can share your experience.

We're all in our mid-30's, if that matters.
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I generally play single-player, but will occasionally play Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, Elder Scrolls Online and the like.
Don't really play the Battle Arena stuff anymore since, as others said, it tends to be full of kids and cheating a lot nowadays.
I like to play them to have fun, and more often than not when i do try them i usually end up feeling depressed due to the toxic atmosphere that tends to pop up in a lot of those types of games.
But that's just me though... :coffee:
I see people posting, but not voting. :p

Armenius, Dan_D, Denpepe, Domingo, VF31Tomcatters, Westwood.

Vote or die!

Eh? I voted the same day I posted...

I play a lot of single player with some multi mixed in.

For single player,, lately it has been Far Cry: New Dawn, Mad Max, and a few others.

Haven't joined multi player games in a few months but that is due to long work hours and friends not being on at the same time I am.
For years I played virtually all MP games, mostly fighters and Quake/Unreal/BF/MW ect. But that's sort of changed. Between work and life it's hard to find the time and if I find a game I'll jump in for a bit and then the group of people jumps to another. Mostly SP these days unless there is a really good one out. Games that have coop and SP are where it's at.
Mostly singleplayer, but smaller co-op games are the exception. Stuff like 4 player co-op PVE is my jam.
I play single player % of the time.

I play single screen multiplayer games with my kids and friends around 20%.

The last 5% is occasional Quake or Q3A match or Borderlands runs with kids.
I play only single player games. The only exception is lots of Far Cry New Dawn played with a friend over Ubisoft Connect. We play the helicopter missions for fun and loot, and our weapons upgrade stats and ammo carrying capacity is borderline insane at this point! Interestingly the more badass we become, the more enemies and craziness the game throws at us to keep it interesting!
Single player 99.5% of the time. I'll join a BF4 match in a blue moon, but I quickly and invariably get frustrated by my own reaction time (admittedly not what it used to be) and/or the high AH-quotient that is endemic in multiplayer games. Also, I find most multiplayer game mechanics nowadays give an advantage for the amount of time you commit (or pay) which I categorically won't do.

I strongly lean away from MP-only/focused game for this reason.
95% single these days.

Multi just trigger my stress response most days... my multiplayer friends will attest to my rampant ragequitting over last two years 🙃