was i fooled or what?


Limp Gawd
May 7, 2005
saw the review on the ASUS GTX 660 DirectCU II OC

i jes got out of a coma and was wondering did i jes get fooled on this card? i cant fond it anywhere?:eek:
Did KB slip one on me again?:rolleyes:
Nvm, the one I found was the TOP version but it's cheaper than what Kyle listed.
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yea i dont get it, why put a review on a card thats impossible to find?

yea i guess i do need a new pc rig and sig right? btw how is AMD, are they still the "top Dog"?
Careful people. No need to throw Intel cpus at his glass AMD house.
ASUS currently has 3 different GTX 660 cards out there at price points that don't make a ton of sense. The OC card sits between the "vanilla" flavor and the "top" flavor in ASUS's product line. If you look at Newegg, the OC version is priced LESS than the "vanilla" version, and the "top" is nowhere to be found....
It was reviewed because this is [H]. ;)
..nevermind the fact that it can't be found anywhere. Same thing happened with the 590, iirc. They'd come in stock at certain retailers, then be sold out in a manner of minutes and back-ordered for another week or three.

Pics of that rig or I call shens.

It's probably a twin to this one. :p
Pics of that rig or I call shens.

you want pics of my 939 rig that still gets daily use?

opteron 170
2x512 Corsair XMS
sweet black antec case
Pics of that rig or I call shens.

i really do have that rig, but im so poor right now, but im gunna save for a core 2 duo cpu or something like that?
i just instslled my Gainward fx5900xt that has been bios flashed to a fx5950 ultra woot woot now im really in the groove now Bros:D
i really do have that rig, but im so poor right now, but im gunna save for a core 2 duo cpu or something like that?
i just instslled my Gainward fx5900xt that has been bios flashed to a fx5950 ultra woot woot now im really in the groove now Bros:D
why save up for just a slightly less obsolete system though?