Wal-Mart Scammed Into Selling PS4s For $90

Walmart - Record profits year after year, most things made in China, avoid employing people full time to not pay benefits but aid them on seeking public services (tax dollars), destroy small town economies, etc.

Couldn't have happend to a more deserving company... I hope their employees got in on it.
Scam a mega-corp, that's a good one.
Really, that's funny.

Their accounting forms round to higher digits than they would have lost here, literally.
Give me a break.

Pathetic, I love how you're always going on about Linux saving people from evil yet you're trying to openly commit fraud. The law doesn't apply only when you feel like it.
While, I don't have a problem taking advantage of a price mistake (the apology coupon they send is worth it), but forcing another retailer to take advantage of what you clearly know is not valid, is fraud.

This. People are self entitled conceited pricks who think the law doesn't apply to them. It is fraud to present a price to be matched as legitimate when you know damn well it isn't and that you are deceiving the other party in a transaction. I hope some arrests happen to the scammers, not only for their crime but to help deter future criminals.
Pathetic, I love how you're always going on about Linux saving people from evil yet you're trying to openly commit fraud. The law doesn't apply only when you feel like it.

If only you knew how many times these mega-corps have fucked you over in your lifetime...
Just keep going along with the heard.

Pathetic, I love how you're always going on about Linux saving people from evil yet you're trying to openly commit fraud. The law doesn't apply only when you feel like it.

Also, Linux is an operating system, a tool.
I've never said it saves anyone from anything, let alone evil.

Don't be stupid.
Inside job...

I had one hell of a time price matching a drill attachment to their site. It was $10 cheaper. They told me to order for store pick up if I wanted the savings. Manager had to come over and give the go ahead.:mad:
never trust minimum wage workers with your money or financial decisions.

Every time I go to Walmart, I see workers who are lazy, dumb, or just don't give a shit.
Damn, I'd love me a PS4, but you know, I'm not about to go scamming a business to get one. I'm happy with my PS3 until I can justify the cost with *maybe* whatever rebates or coupons I can get that are legit. But yeah, this is ridiculous.
Thanks, put him on my ignore list so I don't accidentally trade or sell to him. Scamming piece of.....

I do this when I read through the pirate, bittorrent, etc threads as well.

Works great but my ignore list is quite large...
While I don't know Wal-Mart's policies, having to work retail, keeping tabs on the prices of everything in your department on a weekly basis, let alone the entire store is damn near impossible. Not everyone is a nerd and keeps up on the prices of a game console on a regular basis. Grandma Betty may not check it out unless she decides to buy little Timmy one, while 19-year old Jimmy has it down pat. Some of you people probably go to the Ford dealership and berate them because they're not master techs on Maserati's.

How is it that it's theft if a rich person/corp (perceived) screws over the little guy, it's wrong, but if the little guy does a similar action, it's okay. It can't be justice, it can't be right.
Posting the receipt is moronic. I guarantee you some of these people get a knock on their door from the sheriff and get charged with fraud and/or shoplifting.
This is why we cannot have nice things.

I've heard my sister scream this at her son. But SHE was the problem. She raised him on the liberal ticket; no discipline, never spanking him, never saying no. The kid is an adult now and we can't even invite him to family events because he cannot be trusted.
Eh, this is strictly an issue of Walmart hiring the bottom of the barrel and then implementing a price matching policy without bothering to train their bottom of the barrel employees on how to execute it. No sympathy for one of the cheapest, morally bankrupt corporations out there.

I once "scammed" Advance Auto on a carb if this is how you want to frame it.

They had a price matching guarantee but they didn't stipulate only for local retail vendors.
So I carry a Summit Racing catalog and point out they sell the same carb for $100 less.
To my surprise the guy behind the counter did a price adjustment and matched the price!
I walked out new carb in hand.
I found out later they fired the guy over that. :rolleyes:
Posting the receipt is moronic. I guarantee you some of these people get a knock on their door from the sheriff and get charged with fraud and/or shoplifting.

Lol, I guarantee you they don't. Though immoral, it's not that serious.
I've heard my sister scream this at her son. But SHE was the problem. She raised him on the liberal ticket; no discipline, never spanking him, never saying no. The kid is an adult now and we can't even invite him to family events because he cannot be trusted.

Yep. The whole "everyone's a winner and special snowflake" thing, eh? :(
How do you know when someones joking or not about "linux ISO's"?

I've downloaded dozens of "Linux ISO's". Of course, they were REAL Linux ISO's. I haven't pirated stuff in a long time. But, I've been trying a lot of different Linux variations. So, here's at least one honest person that is not joking about the Linux ISO's. I use the torrent link as it's faster than the http/ftp site for Walla Walla University (closest, fastest mirror to me for most of them).

When you find out it's not legit and it's a scam that works - then you're the asshole. You know you're taking advantage of a scam.
Scam a mega-corp, that's a good one.
Really, that's funny.

Their accounting forms round to higher digits than they would have lost here, literally.
Give me a break.

Oh, so that makes it right. Time to fire up PirateBay and grab some cool shit. They already make enough money, they won't miss the profits.

Scam a mega-corp. Doesn't matter how much they lose. You're still scamming them out of money. Mega-corp or Mom & Pop or even Uncle Darren - you're still doing something wrong, regardless of who it is against.
When I heard from someone I know that did this, they were able to get a PS4 for $40 AND an XB1 at $120 in one transaction. I was told it was done with store manager approval, not by some lackey.
When I heard about it I was like...smh /facepalm.
Glad everyone one on [H] are honest ethical people.
He who is without sin cast the first stone.....

Give me a break, none of you guys (everyone one of us) are morally honest ethical people when you really get deep down to it. You have your sins, wrongs and whatnot. Quit raising yourself to a higher level by your "oh noes, its wrong" BS. Of course its wrong, but who are you to say other wise when you yourself have done wrong before.
What I find funny about this thread is how much of an asshole that person or persons must be to do that stuff. But your cable company or phone company charges you fees and surcharges without you knowing. Apple uses a loophole in the governments system to avoid paying taxes, as does other companies. Insurance companies avoid paying for homes when natural disasters occur.

When someone gets a PS4 for nearly 1/4 of the price, legitimately mind you, then we freak out? It's not like he went into the store with a gun. It's not like he didn't pay. He used a loophole. He didn't ruin it for the rest of us, cause the rest of us know how to shop around anyway. Was it underhanded to use a fake Ebay posting? Yes, but you can't blame him. Blame the idiot clerk who didn't think twice about discounting the price to that extent.

You can think of it like bartering. Are we so naive to see a price tag and think that price cannot change?
Glad everyone one on [H] are honest ethical people.
He who is without sin cast the first stone.....

Give me a break, none of you guys (everyone one of us) are morally honest ethical people when you really get deep down to it. You have your sins, wrongs and whatnot. Quit raising yourself to a higher level by your "oh noes, its wrong" BS. Of course its wrong, but who are you to say other wise when you yourself have done wrong before.

Haven't seen a single post here saying that they were perfect and have done nothing wrong. Of course we all have. No one doubts that. In this situation, most of us wouldn't have scammed Wal-mart.

Dammit, I can't believe ISIS is beheading people. Of course it's wrong, but who are we to say it is, when we've all done wrong stuff before. Just let it go... :rolleyes:

We're on the subject of this single issue, this article. Not going into details on what we've done wrong or right. Just because we won't scam Walmart doesn't mean we won't jaywalk or whatever. We can all be assholes, but we're not going to purposely go scam someone and be a dick about it.
I'd pay $150 for the PS4! Anyway, what's the difference between this and the people that use excessive coupons at the supermarket and end up getting everything for free or extremely low price?
Honestly every person who does this deserves to get arrested and charged with fraud or shoplifting at minimum. This is straight out theft and they know it.

What the fuck? Are you serious? They willingly sold the PS3 for that price and you call him a criminal? They were free to refuse.
What the fuck? Are you serious? They willingly sold the PS3 for that price and you call him a criminal? They were free to refuse.

You clearly don't understand how corporate policy works or what constitutes fraud.
What the fuck? Are you serious? They willingly sold the PS3 for that price and you call him a criminal? They were free to refuse.

Yes they were free to refuse, however the person who had the "ad" forged the ad, so there was a level of deception on his part. I would classify this the same as if you switching price tags that are on something, yes the store should know that a 55" tv doesn't cost $85 however it still does not excuse the willful swapping of prices.
I'd pay $150 for the PS4! Anyway, what's the difference between this and the people that use excessive coupons at the supermarket and end up getting everything for free or extremely low price?

Is this a joke? You don't know what deception to commit fraud with a forgery is vs. Using legitimate advertised offers to buy something???
Yep. The whole "everyone's a winner and special snowflake" thing, eh? :(

Don't get me started. :(

When he was young I found out you could NOT let him out of your sight for a minute.
They came over to visit and we were all sitting in the living room talking. I start hearing all these banging noises.
"Someone is in the garage!" I said.
I ran down and found him with a broom handle BEATING on my '69 Dodge muscle car.
I freaked out and cussed the little bugger out. He ran upstairs to his mother.
I walk back up stairs and she says to me: "YOU KNOW that you hurt his feeling!" :rolleyes:
Glad everyone one on [H] are honest ethical people.
He who is without sin cast the first stone.....

Give me a break, none of you guys (everyone one of us) are morally honest ethical people when you really get deep down to it. You have your sins, wrongs and whatnot. Quit raising yourself to a higher level by your "oh noes, its wrong" BS. Of course its wrong, but who are you to say other wise when you yourself have done wrong before.

It's much easier to proclaim yourself as an ethical individual with morals, one who has never committed any kind of crime or any wrong doing, while you're on the internet. I see the same kind of people in real life, in church, preaching the word of GOD, yet they're alcoholics, liars, bad parents. Same shit, different day.
Best post ever! I'm going to have to absolutely agree.

It's much easier to proclaim yourself as an ethical individual with morals, one who has never committed any kind of crime or any wrong doing, while you're on the internet. I see the same kind of people in real life, in church, preaching the word of GOD, yet they're alcoholics, liars, bad parents. Same shit, different day.
It's much easier to proclaim yourself as an ethical individual with morals, one who has never committed any kind of crime or any wrong doing, while you're on the internet. I see the same kind of people in real life, in church, preaching the word of GOD, yet they're alcoholics, liars, bad parents. Same shit, different day.

I don't see anyone here doing that so I'm not sure what your point is. Just because no one is perfect doesn't mean we can't point out clear wrongdoing. If you are trying to make a strawman of "Anyone who isn't perfect can't point out wrong doing" then I have to point out the incredible logical fallacy of that argument. Otherwise, what would be the point of laws? Why bother, no one is perfect and everyone is a criminal already due to that logic. I'm certainly far from perfect, but I can see theft and fraud for exactly what it is and this is. Anyone defending this is either woefully ignorant of what theft/fraud is and or are Willfully choosing to ignore it.
Glad everyone one on [H] are honest ethical people.
He who is without sin cast the first stone.....

Give me a break, none of you guys (everyone one of us) are morally honest ethical people when you really get deep down to it. You have your sins, wrongs and whatnot. Quit raising yourself to a higher level by your "oh noes, its wrong" BS. Of course its wrong, but who are you to say other wise when you yourself have done wrong before.

F that. That's mentality is a cope out if I ever did see one.
Glad everyone one on [H] are honest ethical people.
He who is without sin cast the first stone.....

Give me a break, none of you guys (everyone one of us) are morally honest ethical people when you really get deep down to it. You have your sins, wrongs and whatnot. Quit raising yourself to a higher level by your "oh noes, its wrong" BS. Of course its wrong, but who are you to say other wise when you yourself have done wrong before.

The fact you are quoting Jesus to assert such twisted logic is interesting.

Anyone honest will agree they fall way short of being perfectly honest.
That being the case how does that disqualify anyone from making a moral judgement?
So if I'm a thief it is WRONG for me to say "Stealing is a bad thing" ?

I would be right and it would be GOOD for a thief to admit the truth even thought it condemns one's own actions.
You clearly don't understand how corporate policy works or what constitutes fraud.

Yes they were free to refuse, however the person who had the "ad" forged the ad, so there was a level of deception on his part. I would classify this the same as if you switching price tags that are on something, yes the store should know that a 55" tv doesn't cost $85 however it still does not excuse the willful swapping of prices.

You are free to list things for whatever price you want on Amazon. 1 person on the entire planet could list something for that price and everyone could screen shot that. Fraud my ass. Monster cables get sold to idiots for hundreds and that isn't stealing but when Walmart is too stupid to not sell something its fraud? Please, their corporate policy is their own problem.
You are free to list things for whatever price you want on Amazon. 1 person on the entire planet could list something for that price and everyone could screen shot that. Fraud my ass. Monster cables get sold to idiots for hundreds and that isn't stealing but when Walmart is too stupid to not sell something its fraud? Please, their corporate policy is their own problem.

Listing without the intent to sell and using that listing to abuse a policy is the definition of fraud.
I'll quote myself.
Anyone defending this is either woefully ignorant of what theft/fraud is and or are Willfully choosing to ignore it.
it doesn't matter how you try to twist this to justify it.