Wal-Mart Scammed Into Selling PS4s For $90

Key word here is Loophole. Those legitimate tech giants do it all the time. Was it morally wrong? Yes. Does it suck to be Walmart? Yes

But I still applaud the people that did it cause it's legit. If I did it, I would sleep well knowing that I got a PS4 for $90. Meanwhile in Brazil...

Yes, it was a loophole, which I see no problem in utilizing. Except this was exploited using forged documentation. It's like Google using a loophole in the US tax system and using forged accounting records to pay even less in taxes. So hopefully you see the difference.

Companies aren't people. Helping them does nothing...

The way I see it, helping business succeed contributes to the overall wellbeing of our economy and our nation, thereby co-funding the success of every citizen. Helping them do it honestly and ethically is an even more important responsibility. This isn't about whether Walmart is good or bad... even if I believe they're a monstrously evil corporation, it doesn't mean that cheating them is any less wrong. If people cared so much about Walmart being evil, they wouldn't be selfishly tricking customer service reps into giving them cheap crap. They wouldn't be shopping there at all, they'd be protesting, spreading the word, voting, etc. etc.

...The worst thing that might have happened in this situation is the clerk or manager who approved this is probably fired. Hopefully not, because if you're dealing with huge lines like Walmart normally has, as a clerk you're too busy trying to move the line then to see if a Ebay listing is legit...

But that's the point. Going into it, you have essentially zero risk personally. There was a policy loophole. You can lie and say that you thought the Amazon listing was real. But what's the risk to everyone else? Walmart loses $310. Who cares? I don't, necessarily How about someone making $7.something an hour losing his job? It's a real possibility. But no big deal. You get to play Destiny or whatever the console kids are playing.
You don't understand. It doesn't matter if it is fake or not. It is easily possible for such a listing to be real. Even if that listing was made for the sole purpose of this deal. Walmart's policy was flawed.

Wouldn't it be nice if every business deal was 100% honest and no one tried to take advantage of anyone? But that that isn't anywhere close to reality.

So what you're saying is that if there exists a way to use a policy or law in your favor, then knowingly using false evidence to benefit from that law or policy is not wrong? Solely due to the fact that it is possible, however remotely, for the situation to exist in which that evidence could be real?
So what you're saying is that if there exists a way to use a policy or law in your favor, then knowingly using false evidence to benefit from that law or policy is not wrong? Solely due to the fact that it is possible, however remotely, for the situation to exist in which that evidence could be real?

I'm saying it doesn't matter because such a listing is easily created. Lets say bob makes the listing to sell to his friend tom just so everyone can take a screenshot of that listing. So if it exists or not is just a technicality from what I see. So it isn't a remote possibility. It is basically a 100% chance. So it isn't really false advertising. I don't really have a problem with taking advantage of whatever systems are in place. I have more of a problem with broken systems.
I'm saying it doesn't matter because such a listing is easily created. Lets say bob makes the listing to sell to his friend tom just so everyone can take a screenshot of that listing. So if it exists or not is just a technicality from what I see. So it isn't a remote possibility. It is basically a 100% chance. So it isn't really false advertising. I don't really have a problem with taking advantage of whatever systems are in place. I have more of a problem with broken systems.

Okay, well, enjoy your ridiculous world of contrived justifications. I'll just be over here, not desperately trying to convince myself that my wrongdoings are somehow totally ethical.
I'm honestly impressed the extent some folks have gone to rationalize the act in this thread.
So what you're saying is that if there exists a way to use a policy or law in your favor, then knowingly using false evidence to benefit from that law or policy is not wrong? Solely due to the fact that it is possible, however remotely, for the situation to exist in which that evidence could be real?

Ebay and Amazon are chaotic systems. The point is whoever thought of the idea of price matching against them is a moron. You could easily list the item and say something like, well it sold on craigslist. You wouldn't need to prove it. Cancel any orders placed and refund their money. It would be as bad as trying to price match against Craigslist.

BestBuy has been doing this for a while and they have policies to prevent this sorta thing. Only certified Amazon or Ebay sellers are price matched. Not a guy named ripoff69 off Ebay. But it goes to show just how many people this holiday season are probably ordering their stuff online. For all we know Walmart intended for this to happen to get the word out about price matching. Companies are smart like that.
Is this really any different then the rich using tax loopholes to pay next to nothing or Apple and other big companies doing their banking in foreign countries to avoid domestic taxes?
Point is, people with money lie, cheat and steal to make more and keep what they have, but when the middle class or poor do it we're thieves?
That's one hell of a double standard used to keep the rich rich and the poor poor.
Stuff like this is exactly what is wrong with people today. An increasing number of people no longer differ right from wrong as it is all about their entitled selves. People like this will use all sorts of excuses like the cliche anti corporation arguments, but at the end of the day it is all about committing fraud.

Is this really any different then the rich using tax loopholes to pay next to nothing or Apple and other big companies doing their banking in foreign countries to avoid domestic taxes?
Point is, people with money lie, cheat and steal to make more and keep what they have, but when the middle class or poor do it we're thieves?
That's one hell of a double standard used to keep the rich rich and the poor poor.

Let me just point out, I'm not justifying bad behavior, I'm just saying that there clearly is a double standard in the US and its unfair to expect only one side to play by "the rules."
Let me just point out, I'm not justifying bad behavior, I'm just saying that there clearly is a double standard in the US and its unfair to expect only one side to play by "the rules."

Just men demand that everyone to play by the rules. Those who do not should be cast out, rich or poor. You cannot argue that "rich douchebags break the rules and get away with it, so anything goes". Honestly, a revolution would be preferable to a society that accepts that proposition.
If it were possible to go to said listing and purchase the PS4 or XBox One for the list price and actually receive it then it would be legitimate and you might be right. However, these listings were fake, there was nothing to actually buy and thus it was fraudulent, making this fraud and you outright f'ing WRONG.

Unfortunately some people just won't get it. The amount of mental gymnastics I see in this thread is just amazing. It really is simple in that fraud is fraud. It doesn't matter whether some privileged classes get away with this or that is fraud is fraud. Some people are just so screwed up they will do anything possible to justify that this is somehow right, and that is what is screwing up the human race. Of course something like this will not hurt Walmart, and of course Walmart does not have the highest paid workers. That however does not change the fact that fraud is fraud.
No, the problem is that Walmart replaced most of the businesses you used to see on Main St. -- the hardware store, grocery store, clothing, decorating, and furniture stores, which all had dedicated knowledgeable proprietors earning a living wage and spending it in their communities -- with a warehouse staffed by minimum wage shelf-fillers.

I have a few issues with your statement there.

First off so what if Walmart offers the items of 10 stores in 1. Did somebody from Walmart personally come to your door, drag out of your house, put a gun to your head and force you to shop there only? Did they do this to anyone else? Nobody has ever been forced to shop at Walmart or any other big box store. YOU decide to do so as you like the cheaper prices and the fact that one store caries many items. If this is what people want and would rather have then that is just competition at work. People decided they didn't like the small town businesses and stop going there because they were over priced. So I see nothing wrong with Walmart or places like them existing. Funny how when it comes to one area people are anticompeition, but extremely for it in another.

Second being somebody that lives in small town USA where you still have these places on Main St. Places like a hardware store so behind in times that old wooden dressers are used to hold items with a hand wrote piece of paper taped to the front telling you what drawer has which items in it. And the register is the type that they have to hand type stuff into as it can't scan anything. You know what, these places don't give two shits about other community businesses. If they can get something cheaper from outside of the community they are going to do it. They aren't spending their money in the community, they are gong where ever they need to in order to get the best deal on everything.