Wait for Nvidia's Fergie or go with 5800 series?

What are you going to do?

  • I'm waiting for Fergie.

    Votes: 154 23.8%
  • I'm buying 5800 series card, or plan to.

    Votes: 247 38.2%
  • Waiting for prices to come down.

    Votes: 145 22.4%
  • Who Cares, pick your own.

    Votes: 100 15.5%

  • Total voters
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I'm guessing that A2 will have higher load power consumption numbers so pcb circuitry / heatsink will be bigger / more expensive to compensate for that in order to deliver full functioning products regardless of operating environment (low airflow cases, dell boxes etc).
Do you know what you are talking about or do you just try to make stuff up that sounds good? Just asking, well truth be told, I'm pretty sure I already know the answer.
Do you know what you are talking about or do you just try to make stuff up that sounds good? Just asking, well truth be told, I'm pretty sure I already know the answer.

Damn...whats with the hostility?

Are you just mad that I am right on all the key points about Fermi?

Anyways I like how you gradually shift from arguing about the topic at hand to personal attacks and insults.
Once it's released, all the banter will die down and fanbois can choose another Dragon to slay.
Damn...whats with the hostility?

Are you just mad that I am right on all the key points about Fermi?

Anyways I like how you gradually shift from arguing about the topic at hand to personal attacks and insults.

Look, you seem to think A2 to A3 is some kind of die shrink, or at least has similar effects. It's not. It's a respin. There will be no changes to the PCB or the heatsink because of it. There will be no difference in power draw or thermal load between the two.

I don't know if you are just a troll with fake ignorance or what, my bet at this point is on troll. I don't really care. I am happy to discuss rumors and tech, however that requires a prerequist amount of knowledge, and part of that knowledge includes knowing when you don't know and not trying to pretend you do.

In any case, have a nice day.
2010..and who knows when in 2010 for fermit. Long wait...but who knows, maybe worth it. Let's hope it's not just another 8800gtx refresh with lower frame buffer, lol.
I voted who cares and I don't really give a shit what any other person buys. When I'm ready to upgrade, I make my decision based upon solid reviews, price vs. performance, and quality. If I was ready to upgrade right now, I'd grab a 5870 if they were available. Since I'm not ready, I'll see what both companies have available around spring (tax return) time. Whether it's a refresh of the 5800 line from ATi or Nvidia's (hopefully cause they'll need it) new badass card, I'll make an informed decision. Not some fanatic fanboy choice because of blind loyalty.
Great post.
As to if there will be a refresh by the time nVidia finally shows up to the party...
Jen-Hsun Huang visits Dubai, says “I’m all Apple”
There will be a new chip in 2010. Has there been a year without a new chip from ATi? I can't think of one. You really think they are just going to sit back and do nothing for a year and 4 months?

Conjecture or inside info?

I don't know, I'm going from the various rumors I've seen that show no new product from AMD graphics in the high end until early 2011.

There have been longer periods of no AMD refresh/new part, look at R520 to R600; R300 to R400.

Anyway, should get some insight tomorrow with the AMD Financial Analysis Day
Careful, your red skirt is showing.

Whoops, sometimes I forget to wear panties :p

Fergie is a close second in the poll. I'm surprised that a lot of people are waiting. This Fermi card is going to cost $800 or some ridiculous number? Lol.
The recent Tiger Direct/Bing cash back offer + fresh stock of 5870s make the choice easy. First ATI card I bought since 2004.
Once again, PS3, you have irked me into posting. I'm gonna start calling you PS(-1). Your fanboi thread is running amok. No one knows when it will launch, everyone knows the window of time we're expecting it. Yes,they recently said they're cutting the SP numbers. Most of us know what you're saying... but I'm tired of seeing your repeat it every 10 seconds.

All anyone can really state is the obvious, and that's only needed once...so I'll do it for you. Nvidia better deliver in their desktop GPU sector, or they're in deep shit. They can't get an agreement with Intel on the chipset licensing issue, so that's out. Nvidia themselves have said that they don't want to do AMD chipsets anymore, since AMD not manufactures the CPU, the GPU, and the chipset (gee, go figure). Tesla, CUDA development, and Quadros don't move a lot of parts. Nvidia's current "eggs" are in a big basket called Fermi, and that' baby is going to 5-6 months late to the party. They have also stated in press conference and interview that they think DX11.0 is an insignificant revision to the current API portfolio.

Does that mean they aren't going to support it, and only go DX10.1, since no one fully utilize that revision, either (please do not start a thread on that, too)? We don't know. I don't...you don't. Is it going to cost $200 or $1000? We don't know that either. We do know TSMC has issues with 45nm (AMD HD5xxx + Fermi) yields, dipping as low as 30-40% / wafer. That cost gets passed on somehow. We can all speculate as to a launch price, but it doesn't do any good.

someone should either take away your fanboi-ism (I nominate myself, check the sig... it's been there a while), or someone should take away your ability to post. ssssshhhhuttttt tthhhhheeeee ffffff......ront door.

If you want to be Chicken Little, I hope you are found by a falling meteor.

I will buy you a GenMay subscription, how about that. However, you have to limit your posting on [H] to only posting in the SoapBox, where people like you belong. PM me if you're interested.
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Once again, PS3, you have irked me into posting. I'm gonna start calling you PS(-1). Your fanboi thread is running amok. No one knows when it will launch, everyone knows the window of time we're expecting it. Yes,they recently said they're cutting the SP numbers. Most of us know what you're saying... but I'm tired of seeing your repeat it every 10 seconds.

All anyone can really state is the obvious, and that's only needed once...so I'll do it for you. Nvidia better deliver in their desktop GPU sector, or they're in deep shit. They can't get an agreement with Intel on the chipset licensing issue, so that's out. Nvidia themselves have said that they don't want to do AMD chipsets anymore, since AMD not manufactures the CPU, the GPU, and the chipset (gee, go figure). Tesla, CUDA development, and Quadros don't move a lot of parts. Nvidia's current "eggs" are in a big basket called Fermi, and that' baby is going to 5-6 months late to the party. They have also stated in press conference and interview that they think DX11.0 is an insignificant revision to the current API portfolio.

Does that mean they aren't going to support it, and only go DX10.1, since no one fully utilize that revision, either (please do not start a thread on that, too)? We don't know. I don't...you don't. Is it going to cost $200 or $1000? We don't know that either. We do know TSMC has issues with 45nm (AMD HD5xxx + Fermi) yields, dipping as low as 30-40% / wafer. That cost gets passed on somehow. We can all speculate as to a launch price, but it doesn't do any good.

someone should either take away your fanboi-ism (I nominate myself, check the sig... it's been there a while), or someone should take away your ability to post. ssssshhhhuttttt tthhhhheeeee ffffff......ront door.

If you want to be Chicken Little, I hope you are found by a falling meteor.

I will buy you a GenMay subscription, how about that. However, you have to limit your posting on [H] to only posting in the SoapBox, where people like you belong. PM me if you're interested.

What does fanboi even mean. We all have our interests and brands that we favor in one thing or the other...I mean that would make us all fanbois of something. I'd love to put an elbow to the head of whoever coined the term "fanboi." Probably the same ass-hat that thought of the word "noob" and "<3."

As for GenMay...unless they have a fanboi section, count me out - :D

Thanks for the gesture on a serious note. I really am more of a performance for the buck kind of dude rather than a fanboi. You definitely have misunderstood me.
A fanboy is someone who takes their personal preferences to a level of "douchebaggery"

I put that in quotes because it was someone else on this forum who coined that during a little debate with you. I wish I remembered who it was so I can give proper credit. I must say, it is a very accurate description of your demeanor.

Apparently, a whole lot of people have you misunderstood because he isn't the only one that thinks your a fanboy... Lets not forget how suddenly the XBOX 360 has better graphics than any racer on the PC comment, which coincidently came after you no longer had a gaming PC and were limited to consoles... If you wanted an example of fanboism, there you go. Or when you were comparing a 5970 to a GTX285 running Dirt2 and calling the performance even when the 5970 was running at MUCH higher settings... Or the comment that people should not buy a video card based on folding performance (this was back when you were an ATI fanboy)... There's more where that came from.
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Well then keep it coming home slice, because a fan picks a team...and stays with that team, regardless - clearly, I do not. I have all three major consoles, and onboard graphics. I'm actually waiting to see how Fermi will perform first which is a smarter decision, rather than pay bloatware prices for what's new now with no competition.
I'm actually waiting to see how Fermi will perform first which is a smarter decision, rather than pay bloatware prices for what's new now with no competition.

As the rumors indicate, Fermi isn't going to be all that it's cracked up to be. As it stands I'm going to wait and see approach to see if a Fermi card is worth buying before I take another gamble on ATi's drivers. For now I'm content with my GTX 260 since it handles anything I throw at it with ease, save Crysis/Warhead on all Enthusaist settings.
Right. Problem with rumors is that they are just that...rumors, and they could be fabricated. I'll wait until these cards are in the hands of reviewers. That's when I'd make a decision.
Why wait for what you can have today?

I have enough biases as it is so I committed myself to stay neutral on the GPU front.

Besides I'm sure many have said it here over and over, competition is good for us the consumer.
I voted that I was going to wait but a thread came up on here for a xfx 5870 xxx in stock and I bit. The card works great. Playing Crysis for the first time with it.
Well then keep it coming home slice, because a fan picks a team...and stays with that team, regardless - clearly, I do not. I have all three major consoles, and onboard graphics. I'm actually waiting to see how Fermi will perform first which is a smarter decision, rather than pay bloatware prices for what's new now with no competition.

You have no clue what a fanboy is by your own admission, so you're in no position to give definations and dictate who is or is not a fanboy. An irrational fanboy is still a fanboy.
...Kyle loves fanboi's...so much that he bans them. How do you think Sonda5 got the whack? And now look... he's a respectable member of the forums. He's doing well to not start any trouble.

RamonGTP, I like your style.
RamonGTP, I like your style.

Hmm... Sabregen, I have alot of respect for you as I do everyone else here. But I just Lol'd at how "Ghey" that statement is. Sorry, but I had to mention it. It's funny how Fanboi bashing brings guys together. hahahaha.... :D
...rather than pay bloatware prices for what's new now with no competition.

I actually forgot to reply to this. You've complained about prices before and i've asked you a very simple question to which you have failed to come up with a reply. When was the last time a top of the line GPU was released for less? I gave you examples dating back to the 9800XT which cost a minimum of $400 and cards only got more expensive after that. So how are prices bloated today? In comparison to what exactly? How much did the 8800GTX/Ultra cards cost? What about the 7900GTX? What about the 6800 Ultra, or how about the x19xx XTX cards? x850xt?

Not to mention you had already purchased a 5850, or perhaps you didn't and it was all a figment of your imagination. I find it difficult to believe one person can go from buying a 5850 to a 295, to onboard graphics THEN saying prices are bloated, to claiming consoles have superior graphics, all within a 1 month time span. Are there multiple people posting under this PS3 user account are are you really that unstable?
Hmm... Sabregen, I have alot of respect for you as I do everyone else here. But I just Lol'd at how "Ghey" that statement is. Sorry, but I had to mention it. It's funny how Fanboi bashing brings guys together. hahahaha.... :D

Let's just hope they both use condoms.
buy now and use it now...


wait for fergie. but if you're gonna do that why not go ahead and wait for then next ATI card, after than why not wait for the next nVidia card... maybe in Q2 2015, the video card you've been waiting for will finally come to fruition...
buy now and use it now...


wait for fergie. but if you're gonna do that why not go ahead and wait for then next ATI card, after than why not wait for the next nVidia card... maybe in Q2 2015, the video card you've been waiting for will finally come to fruition...
DirectX 12 is only a few years away! :p
I want to get my hands on HD5850, however i find it pricy at the moment, the only reason I would ever wait for Fermi (Fergie / Ferguson :D), is it should result in significant declient in the price of HD5850-70. Who knows, if Fermi turms out to be a good Value added card, I might go for that.
I'm curious to see nvidia's new chip in action. That said I really really really hope Nvidia the company gets off its high horse and stops being douchebags.

same here. i'm waiting for Fermi, at least to see how its performance compares to ati's 5xxx.
it would be VERY refreshing thought if nvidia stopped being so arrogant, it would make me feel much better about buying from them, cos right now i just want to get an ati card cos they are nicer to their customers (although driver support kinda sucks...)
Fergi is a stupid bastardization of fermi, no one is impressed with your attempt to coin some kind of internet meme.
Interesting. They have cut down the SPs on Fergie according to a rumor. It'll still be faster than the 5970 perhaps.
I bit on a 5870 and I have to say... I am quite happy with it so far.. still putting it through the gaming paces but after almost 24 hours it's performed flawlessly. /me knocks on wood ;) feels about 20% faster than my sli'd 192 shader gtx260s (if I had to put a number on it) and over all, just "smoother". Feels a lot like the time I upgraded from two 1950's in cf to a solo 8800GTX. :)
I like the way you move.

Incorrect. Everything PS3 does is impressive. Everything.

You Sir, are a God amongst men. Merry Christmase eve and happy mandatory health insurance reform day. :p
I bit on a 5870 and I have to say... I am quite happy with it so far.. still putting it through the gaming paces but after almost 24 hours it's performed flawlessly. /me knocks on wood ;) feels about 20% faster than my sli'd 192 shader gtx260s (if I had to put a number on it) and over all, just "smoother". Feels a lot like the time I upgraded from two 1950's in cf to a solo 8800GTX. :)

5870 is impressive, when Fermit releases in the next 1-6 months it'll be interesting to see how much smoother and faster it is than the 5870.
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